/* Copyright (c) OpenGrid project, http://osgrid.org/ * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using libsecondlife; using OpenSim.Framework.Utilities; using OpenSim.Framework.Console; using OpenSim.Framework.Sims; using Db4objects.Db4o; using Nwc.XmlRpc; using System.Xml; namespace OpenGridServices.GridServer { /// /// public class SimProfileManager { public Dictionary SimProfiles = new Dictionary(); private OpenGrid_Main m_gridManager; public SimProfileManager(OpenGrid_Main gridManager) { m_gridManager = gridManager; } public void LoadProfiles() { // should abstract this out IObjectContainer db; db = Db4oFactory.OpenFile("simprofiles.yap"); IObjectSet result = db.Get(typeof(SimProfileBase)); foreach (SimProfileBase simprof in result) { SimProfiles.Add(simprof.UUID, simprof); } MainConsole.Instance.WriteLine("SimProfiles.Cs:LoadProfiles() - Successfully loaded " + result.Count.ToString() + " from database"); db.Close(); } public SimProfileBase GetProfileByHandle(ulong reqhandle) { foreach (libsecondlife.LLUUID UUID in SimProfiles.Keys) { if(SimProfiles[UUID].regionhandle==reqhandle) return SimProfiles[UUID]; } return null; } public SimProfileBase GetProfileByLLUUID(LLUUID ProfileLLUUID) { foreach (libsecondlife.LLUUID UUID in SimProfiles.Keys) { if(SimProfiles[UUID].UUID==ProfileLLUUID) return SimProfiles[UUID]; } return null; } public bool AuthenticateSim(LLUUID RegionUUID, uint regionhandle, string simrecvkey) { SimProfileBase TheSim=GetProfileByHandle(regionhandle); if(TheSim != null) if(TheSim.recvkey==simrecvkey) { return true; } else { return false; } else return false; } public string GetXMLNeighbours(ulong reqhandle) { string response=""; SimProfileBase central_region = GetProfileByHandle(reqhandle); SimProfileBase neighbour; for(int x=-1; x<2; x++) for(int y=-1; y<2; y++) { if(GetProfileByHandle(Util.UIntsToLong((uint)((central_region.RegionLocX+x)*256), (uint)(central_region.RegionLocY+y)*256))!=null) { neighbour=GetProfileByHandle(Util.UIntsToLong((uint)((central_region.RegionLocX+x)*256), (uint)(central_region.RegionLocY+y)*256)); response+=""; response+="" + neighbour.sim_ip + ""; response+="" + neighbour.sim_port.ToString() + ""; response+="" + neighbour.RegionLocX.ToString() + ""; response+="" + neighbour.RegionLocY.ToString() + ""; response+="" + neighbour.regionhandle.ToString() + ""; response+=""; } } return response; } public SimProfileBase CreateNewProfile(string regionname, string caps_url, string sim_ip, uint sim_port, uint RegionLocX, uint RegionLocY, string sendkey, string recvkey) { SimProfileBase newprofile = new SimProfileBase(); newprofile.regionname=regionname; newprofile.sim_ip=sim_ip; newprofile.sim_port=sim_port; newprofile.RegionLocX=RegionLocX; newprofile.RegionLocY=RegionLocY; newprofile.caps_url="http://" + sim_ip + ":9000/"; newprofile.sendkey=sendkey; newprofile.recvkey=recvkey; newprofile.regionhandle=Util.UIntsToLong((RegionLocX*256), (RegionLocY*256)); newprofile.UUID=LLUUID.Random(); this.SimProfiles.Add(newprofile.UUID,newprofile); return newprofile; } public XmlRpcResponse XmlRpcLoginToSimulatorMethod(XmlRpcRequest request) { XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse(); Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable(); response.Value = responseData; SimProfileBase TheSim = null; Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("UUID")) { TheSim = GetProfileByLLUUID(new LLUUID((string)requestData["UUID"])); } else if (requestData.ContainsKey("region_handle")) { TheSim = GetProfileByHandle((ulong)Convert.ToUInt64(requestData["region_handle"])); } if (TheSim == null) { responseData["error"] = "sim not found"; } else { ArrayList SimNeighboursData = new ArrayList(); SimProfileBase neighbour; Hashtable NeighbourBlock; for (int x = -1; x < 2; x++) for (int y = -1; y < 2; y++) { if (GetProfileByHandle(Helpers.UIntsToLong((uint)((TheSim.RegionLocX + x) * 256), (uint)(TheSim.RegionLocY + y) * 256)) != null) { neighbour = GetProfileByHandle(Helpers.UIntsToLong((uint)((TheSim.RegionLocX + x) * 256), (uint)(TheSim.RegionLocY + y) * 256)); NeighbourBlock = new Hashtable(); NeighbourBlock["sim_ip"] = neighbour.sim_ip; NeighbourBlock["sim_port"] = neighbour.sim_port.ToString(); NeighbourBlock["region_locx"] = neighbour.RegionLocX.ToString(); NeighbourBlock["region_locy"] = neighbour.RegionLocY.ToString(); NeighbourBlock["UUID"] = neighbour.UUID.ToString(); SimNeighboursData.Add(NeighbourBlock); } } responseData["UUID"] = TheSim.UUID; responseData["region_locx"] = TheSim.RegionLocX.ToString(); responseData["region_locy"] = TheSim.RegionLocY.ToString(); responseData["regionname"] = TheSim.regionname; responseData["estate_id"] = "1"; responseData["neighbours"] = SimNeighboursData; responseData["asset_url"] = m_gridManager.Cfg.DefaultAssetServer; responseData["asset_sendkey"] = m_gridManager.Cfg.AssetSendKey; responseData["asset_recvkey"] = m_gridManager.Cfg.AssetRecvKey; responseData["user_url"] = m_gridManager.Cfg.DefaultUserServer; responseData["user_sendkey"] = m_gridManager.Cfg.UserSendKey; responseData["user_recvkey"] = m_gridManager.Cfg.UserRecvKey; responseData["authkey"] = m_gridManager.Cfg.SimSendKey; } return response; } public string RestSetSimMethod(string request, string path, string param) { Console.WriteLine("SimProfiles.cs:RestSetSimMethod() - processing request......"); SimProfileBase TheSim; TheSim = GetProfileByLLUUID(new LLUUID(param)); if ((TheSim) == null) { TheSim = new SimProfileBase(); LLUUID UUID = new LLUUID(param); TheSim.UUID=UUID; } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(request); XmlNode rootnode=doc.FirstChild; XmlNode authkeynode = rootnode.ChildNodes[0]; if (authkeynode.Name != "authkey") { return "ERROR! bad XML - expected authkey tag"; } XmlNode simnode = rootnode.ChildNodes[1]; if (simnode.Name != "sim") { return "ERROR! bad XML - expected sim tag"; } if (authkeynode.InnerText != m_gridManager.Cfg.SimRecvKey) { return "ERROR! invalid key"; } for (int i = 0; i < simnode.ChildNodes.Count; i++) { switch (simnode.ChildNodes[i].Name) { case "regionname": TheSim.regionname = simnode.ChildNodes[i].InnerText; break; case "sim_ip": TheSim.sim_ip = simnode.ChildNodes[i].InnerText; break; case "sim_port": TheSim.sim_port = Convert.ToUInt32(simnode.ChildNodes[i].InnerText); break; case "region_locx": TheSim.RegionLocX = Convert.ToUInt32((string)simnode.ChildNodes[i].InnerText); TheSim.regionhandle = Helpers.UIntsToLong((TheSim.RegionLocX * 256), (TheSim.RegionLocY * 256)); break; case "region_locy": TheSim.RegionLocY = Convert.ToUInt32((string)simnode.ChildNodes[i].InnerText); TheSim.regionhandle = Helpers.UIntsToLong((TheSim.RegionLocX * 256), (TheSim.RegionLocY * 256)); break; } } try { SimProfiles.Add(TheSim.UUID, TheSim); IObjectContainer db; db = Db4oFactory.OpenFile("simprofiles.yap"); db.Set(TheSim); db.Close(); return "OK"; } catch(Exception e) { return "ERROR! could not save to database!"; } } public string RestGetRegionMethod(string request, string path, string param ) { SimProfileBase TheSim = GetProfileByHandle((ulong)Convert.ToUInt64(param)); return RestGetSimMethod("", "/sims/", param); } public string RestSetRegionMethod(string request, string path, string param ) { SimProfileBase TheSim = GetProfileByHandle((ulong)Convert.ToUInt64(param)); return RestSetSimMethod("", "/sims/", param); } public string RestGetSimMethod(string request, string path, string param ) { string respstring = String.Empty; SimProfileBase TheSim; LLUUID UUID = new LLUUID(param); TheSim = GetProfileByLLUUID(UUID); if (!(TheSim == null)) { respstring = ""; respstring += "" + m_gridManager.Cfg.SimSendKey + ""; respstring += ""; respstring += "" + TheSim.UUID.ToString() + ""; respstring += "" + TheSim.regionname + ""; respstring += "" + TheSim.sim_ip + ""; respstring += "" + TheSim.sim_port.ToString() + ""; respstring += "" + TheSim.RegionLocX.ToString() + ""; respstring += "" + TheSim.RegionLocY.ToString() + ""; respstring += "1"; respstring += ""; respstring += ""; } return respstring; } } }