using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using CommandLine.Utility; namespace libsecondlife.TestClient { public class CommandLineArgumentsException : Exception { } public class Program { private static void Usage() { Console.WriteLine("Usage: " + Environment.NewLine + "MassTestClient.exe --first \"firstname\" --last \"lastname\" --pass \"password\" --contact \"youremail\" [--startpos \"sim/x/y/z\"] [--master \"master name\"] [--masterkey \"master uuid\"] [--loginuri \"loginuri\"] [--masscommandfile \"filename\"]" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "MassTestClient.exe --loginfile \"filename\" --contact \"youremail\" [--master \"master name\"] [--masterkey \"master uuid\"] [--loginuri \"loginuri\"] [--masscommandfile \"filename\"]"); Console.ReadLine(); } private static List getMassTestCommands() { List givenCommands = new List(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter mass test commands to run in an infinite loop. Press enter to end the current command. Entering a blank command represents that you are done."); Console.WriteLine(""); int curCommand = 0; string lastCommand = "NULL"; while (lastCommand.Length > 0) { Console.Write("Command #" + curCommand + ">"); lastCommand = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (lastCommand.Length > 0) { givenCommands.Add(lastCommand); curCommand++; } } return givenCommands; } static void Main(string[] args) { Arguments arguments = new Arguments(args); ClientManager manager; List accounts = new List(); LoginDetails account; string masterName = String.Empty; LLUUID masterKey = LLUUID.Zero; string file = String.Empty; string contact = String.Empty; string loginURI = ""; try { if (arguments["masterkey"] != null) { masterKey = LLUUID.Parse(arguments["masterkey"]); } if (arguments["master"] != null) { masterName = arguments["master"]; } if (arguments["contact"] == null) throw new CommandLineArgumentsException(); contact = arguments["contact"]; if (arguments["file"] != null) { file = arguments["file"]; // Loading names from a file try { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file)) { string line; int lineNumber = 0; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { lineNumber++; string[] tokens = line.Trim().Split(new char[] { ' ', ',' }); if (tokens.Length >= 3) { account = new LoginDetails(); account.FirstName = tokens[0]; account.LastName = tokens[1]; account.Password = tokens[2]; accounts.Add(account); // Leaving this out until we have per-account masters (if that // is desirable). For now the command-line option can // specify the single master that TestClient supports //if (tokens.Length == 5) //{ // master = tokens[3] + " " + tokens[4]; //} } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid data on line " + lineNumber + ", must be in the format of: FirstName LastName Password"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error reading from " + args[1]); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); return; } } else if (arguments["first"] != null && arguments["last"] != null && arguments["pass"] != null) { // Taking a single login off the command-line account = new LoginDetails(); account.FirstName = arguments["first"]; account.LastName = arguments["last"]; account.Password = arguments["pass"]; accounts.Add(account); } else { throw new CommandLineArgumentsException(); } } catch (CommandLineArgumentsException) { Usage(); return; } if(arguments["loginuri"] != null) { loginURI = arguments["loginuri"]; } List massTestCommands = new List(); if(arguments["masscommandfile"] != null) { string massCommandFile = arguments["masscommandfile"]; try { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(massCommandFile)) { string line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { line = line.Trim(); if(line.Length > 0) { massTestCommands.Add(line); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error reading from " + args[1]); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); return; } } else { Console.Clear(); massTestCommands = getMassTestCommands(); } Console.Clear(); if (massTestCommands.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No mass commands entered; Normal 'TestClient' operation will be used"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Detected " + massTestCommands.Count + " mass commands; MassTestClient operation will be used"); } foreach (LoginDetails a in accounts) { a.MasterName = masterName; a.MasterKey = masterKey; a.LoginURI = loginURI; } // Login the accounts and run the input loop if (arguments["startpos"] != null) { manager = new ClientManager(accounts, contact, arguments["startpos"]); } else { manager = new ClientManager(accounts, contact); } manager.Run(massTestCommands); } } }