; Region settings [Chat] ; Controls whether the chat module is enabled. Default is true. enabled = true; ; Distance in meters that whispers should travel. Default is 10m whisper_distance = 10 ; Distance in meters that ordinary chat should travel. Default is 30m say_distance = 30 ; Distance in meters that shouts should travel. Default is 100m shout_distance = 100 [Economy] ; These economy values get used in the BetaGridLikeMoneyModule. - This module is for demonstration only - ; In grid mode, use this currency XMLRPC server. Leave blank for normal functionality CurrencyServer = "" ; "" ; In grid mode, this is the land XMLRPC server. Leave blank for normal functionality LandServer = "" ;"" ; 45000 is the highest value that the sim could possibly report because of protocol constraints ObjectCapacity = 45000 ; Money Unit fee to upload textures, animations etc PriceUpload = 0 ; Money Unit fee to create groups PriceGroupCreate = 0 ; This is the account Money goes to for fees. Remember, economy requires that money circulates somewhere... even if it's an upload fee EconomyBaseAccount = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ; This is the type of user that will pay fees. ; Set this to 2 for users, estate managers and Estate Owners ; Set this to 1 for Users and Estate Managers ; Set this to 0 for Users only. ; -1 disables UserLevelPaysFees = -1 ; Amount to give to user as a stipend UserStipend = 1000 ; When a user gets low on money units and logs off, then logs back on, issue a new stipend if they have less money units then this ; amount. Be aware that the account money isn't stored anywhere so users will get a stipend if you restart the simulator IssueStipendWhenClientIsBelowAmount = 10 ; If this is true, the simulator will remember account balances until the simulator is shutdown or restarted. KeepMoneyAcrossLogins = true ; We don't really know what the rest of these values do. These get sent to the client ; These taken from Agni at a Public Telehub. Change at your own risk. ObjectCount = 0 PriceEnergyUnit = 100 PriceObjectClaim = 10 PricePublicObjectDecay = 4 PricePublicObjectDelete = 4 PriceParcelClaim = 1 PriceParcelClaimFactor = 1 PriceRentLight = 5 TeleportMinPrice = 2 TeleportPriceExponent = 2 EnergyEfficiency = 1 PriceObjectRent = 1 PriceObjectScaleFactor = 10 PriceParcelRent = 1 [Messaging] ; Control which region module is used for instant messaging. ; Default is InstantMessageModule (this is the name of the core IM module as well as the setting) InstantMessageModule = InstantMessageModule ; Uncomment the following to control the progression of daytime ; in the Sim. The defaults are what is shown below ;[Sun] ; number of wall clock hours for an opensim day. 24.0 would mean realtime ;day_length = 4 ; Year length in days ;year_length = 60 ; Horizon shift, changes Day to Night Ratio, more shift, the time the sun spends above the horizon, ; .5 matches very closely with what LL based viewers display ;day_night_offset = 0.5 ; send a Sun update every update_interval # of frames. A lower number will ; make for smoother sun transition at the cost of network ;update_interval = 100 [Trees] ; Enable this to allow the tree module to manage your sim trees, including growing, reproducing and dying ; default is false active_trees = false ; Density of tree population tree_density = 1000.0 [Voice] ; PLEASE NOTE that we don't have voice support in OpenSim quite yet - these configuration options are stubs enabled = false ; This is not supported by the SLViewer right now and ; hardcoded within the SL Viewer. Maybe it will be ; changed in future. :-) account_management_server = https://www.bhr.vivox.com/api2 ; Global SIP Server for conference calls sip_domain = testserver.com [AsteriskVoice] ; PLEASE NOTE that we don't have voice support in OpenSim quite yet - these configuration options are stubs enabled = false ; SIP account server domain sip_domain = testserver.com ; SIP conf server domain conf_domain = testserver.com ; URL of the asterisk opensim frontend asterisk_frontend = http://testserver.com:49153/ ; password for the asterisk frontend XmlRpc calls asterisk_password = bah-humbug ; timeout for XmlRpc calls to asterisk front end (in ms) asterisk_timeout = 3000 ; salt for asterisk nonces asterisk_salt = paluempalum