
675 lines
23 KiB

// Proprietary code of Avination Virtual Limited
// (c) 2012 Melanie Thielker, Leal Duarte
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using OpenMetaverse;
using OpenMetaverse.StructuredData;
using OpenSim.Framework;
using OpenSim.Region.Framework;
using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes;
using OpenSim.Framework.Capabilities;
using ComponentAce.Compression.Libs.zlib;
using OSDArray = OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSDArray;
using OSDMap = OpenMetaverse.StructuredData.OSDMap;
namespace OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.Linden
public struct ModelPrimLimits
public class ModelCost
// upload fee defaults
// fees are normalized to 1.0
// this parameters scale them to basic cost ( so 1.0 translates to 10 )
public float ModelMeshCostFactor = 0f; //Free
public float ModelMinCostFactor = 0f; // Free
//public float ModelMeshCostFactor = 1.0f; // scale total cost relative to basic (excluding textures)
//public float ModelMinCostFactor = 0.5f; // minimum total model free excluding textures
public float ModelTextureCostFactor = 1.00f; // keep full price because texture price
// is based on it's storage needs not on usability
// itens costs in normalized values
// ie will be multiplied by basicCost and factors above
const float primCreationCost = 0.002f; // extra cost for each prim creation overhead
// weigthed size to normalized cost
const float bytecost = 1e-5f;
// mesh upload fees based on compressed data sizes
// several data sections are counted more that once
// to promote user optimization
// following parameters control how many extra times they are added
// to global size.
// LOD meshs
const float medSizeWth = 1f; // 2x
const float lowSizeWth = 1.5f; // 2.5x
const float lowestSizeWth = 2f; // 3x
// favor potencially physical optimized meshs versus automatic decomposition
const float physMeshSizeWth = 6f; // counts 7x
const float physHullSizeWth = 8f; // counts 9x
// stream cost area factors
// more or less like SL
const float highLodFactor = 17.36f;
const float midLodFactor = 277.78f;
const float lowLodFactor = 1111.11f;
// physics cost is below, identical to SL, assuming shape type convex
// server cost is below identical to SL assuming non scripted non physical object
// internal
const int bytesPerCoord = 6; // 3 coords, 2 bytes per each
// control prims dimensions
public float PrimScaleMin = 0.001f;
public float NonPhysicalPrimScaleMax = 256f;
public float PhysicalPrimScaleMax = 10f;
public int ObjectLinkedPartsMax = 512;
// storage for a single mesh asset cost parameters
private class ameshCostParam
// LOD sizes for size dependent streaming cost
public int highLODSize;
public int medLODSize;
public int lowLODSize;
public int lowestLODSize;
// normalized fee based on compressed data sizes
public float costFee;
// physics cost
public float physicsCost;
// calculates a mesh model costs
// returns false on error, with a reason on parameter error
// resources input LLSD request
// basicCost input region assets upload cost
// totalcost returns model total upload fee
// meshcostdata returns detailed costs for viewer
public bool MeshModelCost(LLSDAssetResource resources, int basicCost, out int totalcost,
LLSDAssetUploadResponseData meshcostdata, out string error, ref string warning)
totalcost = 0;
error = string.Empty;
if (resources == null ||
resources.instance_list == null ||
resources.instance_list.Array.Count == 0)
error = "missing model information.";
return false;
int numberInstances = resources.instance_list.Array.Count;
if( numberInstances > ObjectLinkedPartsMax )
error = "Model whould have more than " + ObjectLinkedPartsMax.ToString() + " linked prims";
return false;
meshcostdata.model_streaming_cost = 0.0;
meshcostdata.simulation_cost = 0.0;
meshcostdata.physics_cost = 0.0;
meshcostdata.resource_cost = 0.0;
meshcostdata.upload_price_breakdown.mesh_instance = 0;
meshcostdata.upload_price_breakdown.mesh_physics = 0;
meshcostdata.upload_price_breakdown.mesh_streaming = 0;
meshcostdata.upload_price_breakdown.model = 0;
int itmp;
// textures cost
if (resources.texture_list != null && resources.texture_list.Array.Count > 0)
float textures_cost = (float)(resources.texture_list.Array.Count * basicCost);
textures_cost *= ModelTextureCostFactor;
itmp = (int)(textures_cost + 0.5f); // round
meshcostdata.upload_price_breakdown.texture = itmp;
totalcost += itmp;
// meshs assets cost
float meshsfee = 0;
int numberMeshs = 0;
bool haveMeshs = false;
List<ameshCostParam> meshsCosts = new List<ameshCostParam>();
if (resources.mesh_list != null && resources.mesh_list.Array.Count > 0)
numberMeshs = resources.mesh_list.Array.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < numberMeshs; i++)
ameshCostParam curCost = new ameshCostParam();
byte[] data = (byte[])resources.mesh_list.Array[i];
if (!MeshCost(data, curCost, out error))
return false;
meshsfee += curCost.costFee;
haveMeshs = true;
// instances (prims) cost
int mesh;
int skipedSmall = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numberInstances; i++)
Hashtable inst = (Hashtable)resources.instance_list.Array[i];
ArrayList ascale = (ArrayList)inst["scale"];
Vector3 scale;
double tmp;
tmp = (double)ascale[0];
scale.X = (float)tmp;
tmp = (double)ascale[1];
scale.Y = (float)tmp;
tmp = (double)ascale[2];
scale.Z = (float)tmp;
if (scale.X < PrimScaleMin || scale.Y < PrimScaleMin || scale.Z < PrimScaleMin)
if (scale.X > NonPhysicalPrimScaleMax || scale.Y > NonPhysicalPrimScaleMax || scale.Z > NonPhysicalPrimScaleMax)
error = "Model contains parts with sides larger than " + NonPhysicalPrimScaleMax.ToString() + "m. Please ajust scale";
return false;
if (haveMeshs && inst.ContainsKey("mesh"))
mesh = (int)inst["mesh"];
if (mesh >= numberMeshs)
error = "Incoerent model information.";
return false;
// streamming cost
float sqdiam = scale.LengthSquared();
ameshCostParam curCost = meshsCosts[mesh];
float mesh_streaming = streamingCost(curCost, sqdiam);
meshcostdata.model_streaming_cost += mesh_streaming;
meshcostdata.physics_cost += curCost.physicsCost;
else // instance as no mesh ??
// to do later if needed
meshcostdata.model_streaming_cost += 0.5f;
meshcostdata.physics_cost += 1.0f;
// assume unscripted and static prim server cost
meshcostdata.simulation_cost += 0.5f;
// charge for prims creation
meshsfee += primCreationCost;
if (skipedSmall > 0)
if (skipedSmall > numberInstances / 2)
error = "Model contains too many prims smaller than " + PrimScaleMin.ToString() +
"m minimum allowed size. Please check scalling";
return false;
warning += skipedSmall.ToString() + " of the requested " +numberInstances.ToString() +
" model prims will not upload because they are smaller than " + PrimScaleMin.ToString() +
"m minimum allowed size. Please check scalling ";
if (meshcostdata.physics_cost <= meshcostdata.model_streaming_cost)
meshcostdata.resource_cost = meshcostdata.model_streaming_cost;
meshcostdata.resource_cost = meshcostdata.physics_cost;
if (meshcostdata.resource_cost < meshcostdata.simulation_cost)
meshcostdata.resource_cost = meshcostdata.simulation_cost;
// scale cost
// at this point a cost of 1.0 whould mean basic cost
meshsfee *= ModelMeshCostFactor;
if (meshsfee < ModelMinCostFactor)
meshsfee = ModelMinCostFactor;
// actually scale it to basic cost
meshsfee *= (float)basicCost;
meshsfee += 0.5f; // rounding
totalcost += (int)meshsfee;
// breakdown prices
// don't seem to be in use so removed code for now
return true;
// single mesh asset cost
private bool MeshCost(byte[] data, ameshCostParam cost, out string error)
cost.highLODSize = 0;
cost.medLODSize = 0;
cost.lowLODSize = 0;
cost.lowestLODSize = 0;
cost.physicsCost = 0.0f;
cost.costFee = 0.0f;
error = string.Empty;
if (data == null || data.Length == 0)
error = "Missing model information.";
return false;
OSD meshOsd = null;
int start = 0;
error = "Invalid model data";
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data))
OSD osd = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDBinary(ms);
if (osd is OSDMap)
meshOsd = (OSDMap)osd;
return false;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
start = (int)ms.Position;
OSDMap map = (OSDMap)meshOsd;
OSDMap tmpmap;
int highlod_size = 0;
int medlod_size = 0;
int lowlod_size = 0;
int lowestlod_size = 0;
int skin_size = 0;
int hulls_size = 0;
int phys_nhulls;
int phys_hullsvertices = 0;
int physmesh_size = 0;
int phys_ntriangles = 0;
int submesh_offset = -1;
if (map.ContainsKey("physics_convex"))
tmpmap = (OSDMap)map["physics_convex"];
if (tmpmap.ContainsKey("offset"))
submesh_offset = tmpmap["offset"].AsInteger() + start;
if (tmpmap.ContainsKey("size"))
hulls_size = tmpmap["size"].AsInteger();
if (submesh_offset < 0 || hulls_size == 0)
error = "Missing physics_convex block";
return false;
if (!hulls(data, submesh_offset, hulls_size, out phys_hullsvertices, out phys_nhulls))
error = "Bad physics_convex block";
return false;
submesh_offset = -1;
// only look for LOD meshs sizes
if (map.ContainsKey("high_lod"))
tmpmap = (OSDMap)map["high_lod"];
// see at least if there is a offset for this one
if (tmpmap.ContainsKey("offset"))
submesh_offset = tmpmap["offset"].AsInteger() + start;
if (tmpmap.ContainsKey("size"))
highlod_size = tmpmap["size"].AsInteger();
if (submesh_offset < 0 || highlod_size <= 0)
error = "Missing high_lod block";
return false;
bool haveprev = true;
if (map.ContainsKey("medium_lod"))
tmpmap = (OSDMap)map["medium_lod"];
if (tmpmap.ContainsKey("size"))
medlod_size = tmpmap["size"].AsInteger();
haveprev = false;
if (haveprev && map.ContainsKey("low_lod"))
tmpmap = (OSDMap)map["low_lod"];
if (tmpmap.ContainsKey("size"))
lowlod_size = tmpmap["size"].AsInteger();
haveprev = false;
if (haveprev && map.ContainsKey("lowest_lod"))
tmpmap = (OSDMap)map["lowest_lod"];
if (tmpmap.ContainsKey("size"))
lowestlod_size = tmpmap["size"].AsInteger();
if (map.ContainsKey("skin"))
tmpmap = (OSDMap)map["skin"];
if (tmpmap.ContainsKey("size"))
skin_size = tmpmap["size"].AsInteger();
cost.highLODSize = highlod_size;
cost.medLODSize = medlod_size;
cost.lowLODSize = lowlod_size;
cost.lowestLODSize = lowestlod_size;
submesh_offset = -1;
tmpmap = null;
tmpmap = (OSDMap)map["physics_mesh"];
else if (map.ContainsKey("physics_shape")) // old naming
tmpmap = (OSDMap)map["physics_shape"];
if(tmpmap != null)
if (tmpmap.ContainsKey("offset"))
submesh_offset = tmpmap["offset"].AsInteger() + start;
if (tmpmap.ContainsKey("size"))
physmesh_size = tmpmap["size"].AsInteger();
if (submesh_offset >= 0 || physmesh_size > 0)
if (!submesh(data, submesh_offset, physmesh_size, out phys_ntriangles))
error = "Model data parsing error";
return false;
// upload is done in convex shape type so only one hull
cost.physicsCost = 0.04f * phys_hullsvertices;
float sfee;
sfee = data.Length; // start with total compressed data size
// penalize lod meshs that should be more builder optimized
sfee += medSizeWth * medlod_size;
sfee += lowSizeWth * lowlod_size;
sfee += lowestSizeWth * lowlod_size;
// physics
// favor potencial optimized meshs versus automatic decomposition
if (physmesh_size != 0)
sfee += physMeshSizeWth * (physmesh_size + hulls_size / 4); // reduce cost of mandatory convex hull
sfee += physHullSizeWth * hulls_size;
// bytes to money
sfee *= bytecost;
cost.costFee = sfee;
return true;
// parses a LOD or physics mesh component
private bool submesh(byte[] data, int offset, int size, out int ntriangles)
ntriangles = 0;
OSD decodedMeshOsd = new OSD();
byte[] meshBytes = new byte[size];
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(data, offset, meshBytes, 0, size);
using (MemoryStream inMs = new MemoryStream(meshBytes))
using (MemoryStream outMs = new MemoryStream())
using (ZOutputStream zOut = new ZOutputStream(outMs))
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[4096];
int readLen = 0;
while ((readLen = inMs.Read(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length)) > 0)
zOut.Write(readBuffer, 0, readLen);
outMs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] decompressedBuf = outMs.GetBuffer();
decodedMeshOsd = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDBinary(decompressedBuf);
catch (Exception e)
return false;
OSDArray decodedMeshOsdArray = null;
if ((!decodedMeshOsd is OSDArray))
return false;
byte[] dummy;
decodedMeshOsdArray = (OSDArray)decodedMeshOsd;
foreach (OSD subMeshOsd in decodedMeshOsdArray)
if (subMeshOsd is OSDMap)
OSDMap subtmpmap = (OSDMap)subMeshOsd;
if (subtmpmap.ContainsKey("NoGeometry") && ((OSDBoolean)subtmpmap["NoGeometry"]))
if (!subtmpmap.ContainsKey("Position"))
return false;
if (subtmpmap.ContainsKey("TriangleList"))
dummy = subtmpmap["TriangleList"].AsBinary();
ntriangles += dummy.Length / bytesPerCoord;
return false;
return true;
// parses convex hulls component
private bool hulls(byte[] data, int offset, int size, out int nvertices, out int nhulls)
nvertices = 0;
nhulls = 1;
OSD decodedMeshOsd = new OSD();
byte[] meshBytes = new byte[size];
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(data, offset, meshBytes, 0, size);
using (MemoryStream inMs = new MemoryStream(meshBytes))
using (MemoryStream outMs = new MemoryStream())
using (ZOutputStream zOut = new ZOutputStream(outMs))
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[4096];
int readLen = 0;
while ((readLen = inMs.Read(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.Length)) > 0)
zOut.Write(readBuffer, 0, readLen);
outMs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] decompressedBuf = outMs.GetBuffer();
decodedMeshOsd = OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDBinary(decompressedBuf);
catch (Exception e)
return false;
OSDMap cmap = (OSDMap)decodedMeshOsd;
if (cmap == null)
return false;
byte[] dummy;
// must have one of this
if (cmap.ContainsKey("BoundingVerts"))
dummy = cmap["BoundingVerts"].AsBinary();
nvertices = dummy.Length / bytesPerCoord;
return false;
/* upload is done with convex shape type
if (cmap.ContainsKey("HullList"))
dummy = cmap["HullList"].AsBinary();
nhulls += dummy.Length;
if (cmap.ContainsKey("Positions"))
dummy = cmap["Positions"].AsBinary();
nvertices = dummy.Length / bytesPerCoord;
return true;
// returns streaming cost from on mesh LODs sizes in curCost and square of prim size length
private float streamingCost(ameshCostParam curCost, float sqdiam)
// compute efective areas
float ma = 262144f;
float mh = sqdiam * highLodFactor;
if (mh > ma)
mh = ma;
float mm = sqdiam * midLodFactor;
if (mm > ma)
mm = ma;
float ml = sqdiam * lowLodFactor;
if (ml > ma)
ml = ma;
float mlst = ma;
mlst -= ml;
ml -= mm;
mm -= mh;
if (mlst < 1.0f)
mlst = 1.0f;
if (ml < 1.0f)
ml = 1.0f;
if (mm < 1.0f)
mm = 1.0f;
if (mh < 1.0f)
mh = 1.0f;
ma = mlst + ml + mm + mh;
// get LODs compressed sizes
// giving 384 bytes bonus
int lst = curCost.lowestLODSize - 384;
int l = curCost.lowLODSize - 384;
int m = curCost.medLODSize - 384;
int h = curCost.highLODSize - 384;
// use previus higher LOD size on missing ones
if (m <= 0)
m = h;
if (l <= 0)
l = m;
if (lst <= 0)
lst = l;
// force minumum sizes
if (lst < 16)
lst = 16;
if (l < 16)
l = 16;
if (m < 16)
m = 16;
if (h < 16)
h = 16;
// compute cost weighted by relative effective areas
float cost = (float)lst * mlst + (float)l * ml + (float)m * mm + (float)h * mh;
cost /= ma;
cost *= 0.004f; // overall tunning parameter
return cost;