
3736 lines
151 KiB

* Copyright (c) Contributors,
* See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyrightD
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the
* names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Timers;
using System.Xml;
using Nini.Config;
using OpenMetaverse;
using OpenMetaverse.Imaging;
using OpenSim.Framework;
using OpenSim.Services.Interfaces;
using OpenSim.Framework.Communications;
using OpenSim.Framework.Communications.Cache;
using OpenSim.Framework.Communications.Clients;
using OpenSim.Framework.Console;
using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Interfaces;
using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scripting;
using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Serialization;
using OpenSim.Region.Physics.Manager;
using Timer=System.Timers.Timer;
using TPFlags = OpenSim.Framework.Constants.TeleportFlags;
namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
public delegate bool FilterAvatarList(ScenePresence avatar);
public partial class Scene : SceneBase
public delegate void SynchronizeSceneHandler(Scene scene);
public SynchronizeSceneHandler SynchronizeScene = null;
/* Used by the loadbalancer plugin on GForge */
protected int m_splitRegionID = 0;
public int SplitRegionID
get { return m_splitRegionID; }
set { m_splitRegionID = value; }
private const long DEFAULT_MIN_TIME_FOR_PERSISTENCE = 60L;
private const long DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_FOR_PERSISTENCE = 600L;
#region Fields
protected Timer m_restartWaitTimer = new Timer();
protected Thread m_updateEntitiesThread;
public SimStatsReporter StatsReporter;
protected List<RegionInfo> m_regionRestartNotifyList = new List<RegionInfo>();
protected List<RegionInfo> m_neighbours = new List<RegionInfo>();
/// <value>
/// The scene graph for this scene
/// </value>
/// TODO: Possibly stop other classes being able to manipulate this directly.
private SceneGraph m_sceneGraph;
/// <summary>
/// Are we applying physics to any of the prims in this scene?
/// </summary>
public bool m_physicalPrim;
public float m_maxNonphys = 256;
public float m_maxPhys = 10;
public bool m_clampPrimSize = false;
public bool m_trustBinaries = false;
public bool m_allowScriptCrossings = false;
public bool m_useFlySlow = false;
public bool m_usePreJump = false;
public bool m_seeIntoRegionFromNeighbor;
// TODO: need to figure out how allow client agents but deny
// root agents when ACL denies access to root agent
public bool m_strictAccessControl = true;
public int MaxUndoCount = 5;
private int m_RestartTimerCounter;
private readonly Timer m_restartTimer = new Timer(15000); // Wait before firing
private int m_incrementsof15seconds = 0;
private volatile bool m_backingup = false;
private Dictionary<UUID, ReturnInfo> m_returns = new Dictionary<UUID, ReturnInfo>();
protected string m_simulatorVersion = "OpenSimulator Server";
protected ModuleLoader m_moduleLoader;
protected StorageManager m_storageManager;
protected AgentCircuitManager m_authenticateHandler;
public CommunicationsManager CommsManager;
protected SceneCommunicationService m_sceneGridService;
public SceneCommunicationService SceneGridService
get { return m_sceneGridService; }
public IXfer XferManager;
protected IAssetService m_AssetService = null;
public IAssetService AssetService
if (m_AssetService == null)
m_AssetService = RequestModuleInterface<IAssetService>();
return m_AssetService;
protected IXMLRPC m_xmlrpcModule;
protected IWorldComm m_worldCommModule;
protected IAvatarFactory m_AvatarFactory;
protected IConfigSource m_config;
protected IRegionSerialiserModule m_serialiser;
protected IInterregionCommsOut m_interregionCommsOut;
protected IInterregionCommsIn m_interregionCommsIn;
protected IDialogModule m_dialogModule;
protected ITeleportModule m_teleportModule;
protected ICapabilitiesModule m_capsModule;
public ICapabilitiesModule CapsModule
get { return m_capsModule; }
protected override IConfigSource GetConfig()
return m_config;
// Central Update Loop
protected int m_fps = 10;
protected int m_frame = 0;
protected float m_timespan = 0.089f;
protected DateTime m_lastupdate = DateTime.Now;
private int m_update_physics = 1;
private int m_update_entitymovement = 1;
private int m_update_entities = 1; // Run through all objects checking for updates
private int m_update_entitiesquick = 200; // Run through objects that have scheduled updates checking for updates
private int m_update_presences = 1; // Update scene presence movements
private int m_update_events = 1;
private int m_update_backup = 200;
private int m_update_terrain = 50;
private int m_update_land = 1;
private int frameMS = 0;
private int physicsMS2 = 0;
private int physicsMS = 0;
private int otherMS = 0;
private bool m_physics_enabled = true;
private bool m_scripts_enabled = true;
private string m_defaultScriptEngine;
private int m_LastLogin = 0;
private Thread HeartbeatThread;
private volatile bool shuttingdown = false;
private int m_lastUpdate = Environment.TickCount;
private int m_maxPrimsPerFrame = 200;
private object m_deleting_scene_object = new object();
// the minimum time that must elapse before a changed object will be considered for persisted
public long m_dontPersistBefore = DEFAULT_MIN_TIME_FOR_PERSISTENCE * 10000000L;
// the maximum time that must elapse before a changed object will be considered for persisted
public long m_persistAfter = DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_FOR_PERSISTENCE * 10000000L;
#region Properties
public AgentCircuitManager AuthenticateHandler
get { return m_authenticateHandler; }
public SceneGraph SceneContents
get { return m_sceneGraph; }
// an instance to the physics plugin's Scene object.
public PhysicsScene PhysicsScene
get { return m_sceneGraph.PhysicsScene; }
// If we're not doing the initial set
// Then we've got to remove the previous
// event handler
if (PhysicsScene != null && PhysicsScene.SupportsNINJAJoints)
PhysicsScene.OnJointMoved -= jointMoved;
PhysicsScene.OnJointDeactivated -= jointDeactivated;
PhysicsScene.OnJointErrorMessage -= jointErrorMessage;
m_sceneGraph.PhysicsScene = value;
if (PhysicsScene != null && m_sceneGraph.PhysicsScene.SupportsNINJAJoints)
// register event handlers to respond to joint movement/deactivation
PhysicsScene.OnJointMoved += jointMoved;
PhysicsScene.OnJointDeactivated += jointDeactivated;
PhysicsScene.OnJointErrorMessage += jointErrorMessage;
// This gets locked so things stay thread safe.
public object SyncRoot
get { return m_sceneGraph.m_syncRoot; }
public int MaxPrimsPerFrame
get { return m_maxPrimsPerFrame; }
set { m_maxPrimsPerFrame = value; }
/// <summary>
/// This is for llGetRegionFPS
/// </summary>
public float SimulatorFPS
get { return StatsReporter.getLastReportedSimFPS(); }
public string DefaultScriptEngine
get { return m_defaultScriptEngine; }
// Reference to all of the agents in the scene (root and child)
protected Dictionary<UUID, ScenePresence> m_scenePresences
get { return m_sceneGraph.ScenePresences; }
set { m_sceneGraph.ScenePresences = value; }
public EntityManager Entities
get { return m_sceneGraph.Entities; }
public Dictionary<UUID, ScenePresence> m_restorePresences
get { return m_sceneGraph.RestorePresences; }
set { m_sceneGraph.RestorePresences = value; }
public int objectCapacity = 45000;
#region Constructors
public Scene(RegionInfo regInfo, AgentCircuitManager authen,
CommunicationsManager commsMan, SceneCommunicationService sceneGridService,
StorageManager storeManager,
ModuleLoader moduleLoader, bool dumpAssetsToFile, bool physicalPrim,
bool SeeIntoRegionFromNeighbor, IConfigSource config, string simulatorVersion)
m_config = config;
Random random = new Random();
m_lastAllocatedLocalId = (uint)(random.NextDouble() * (double)(uint.MaxValue/2))+(uint)(uint.MaxValue/4);
m_moduleLoader = moduleLoader;
m_authenticateHandler = authen;
CommsManager = commsMan;
m_sceneGridService = sceneGridService;
m_storageManager = storeManager;
m_regInfo = regInfo;
m_regionHandle = m_regInfo.RegionHandle;
m_regionName = m_regInfo.RegionName;
m_datastore = m_regInfo.DataStore;
m_physicalPrim = physicalPrim;
m_seeIntoRegionFromNeighbor = SeeIntoRegionFromNeighbor;
m_eventManager = new EventManager();
m_permissions = new ScenePermissions(this);
m_asyncSceneObjectDeleter = new AsyncSceneObjectGroupDeleter(this);
m_asyncSceneObjectDeleter.Enabled = true;
// Load region settings
m_regInfo.RegionSettings = m_storageManager.DataStore.LoadRegionSettings(m_regInfo.RegionID);
if (m_storageManager.EstateDataStore != null)
m_regInfo.EstateSettings = m_storageManager.EstateDataStore.LoadEstateSettings(m_regInfo.RegionID);
//Bind Storage Manager functions to some land manager functions for this scene
EventManager.OnLandObjectAdded +=
new EventManager.LandObjectAdded(m_storageManager.DataStore.StoreLandObject);
EventManager.OnLandObjectRemoved +=
new EventManager.LandObjectRemoved(m_storageManager.DataStore.RemoveLandObject);
m_sceneGraph = new SceneGraph(this, m_regInfo);
// If the scene graph has an Unrecoverable error, restart this sim.
// Currently the only thing that causes it to happen is two kinds of specific
// Physics based crashes.
// Out of memory
// Operating system has killed the plugin
m_sceneGraph.UnRecoverableError += RestartNow;
DumpAssetsToFile = dumpAssetsToFile;
m_scripts_enabled = !RegionInfo.RegionSettings.DisableScripts;
m_physics_enabled = !RegionInfo.RegionSettings.DisablePhysics;
StatsReporter = new SimStatsReporter(this);
StatsReporter.OnSendStatsResult += SendSimStatsPackets;
StatsReporter.OnStatsIncorrect += m_sceneGraph.RecalculateStats;
m_simulatorVersion = simulatorVersion
+ " (OS " + Util.GetOperatingSystemInformation() + ")"
+ " ChilTasks:" + m_seeIntoRegionFromNeighbor.ToString()
+ " PhysPrim:" + m_physicalPrim.ToString();
// Region config overrides global config
IConfig startupConfig = m_config.Configs["Startup"];
//Animation states
m_useFlySlow = startupConfig.GetBoolean("enableflyslow", false);
// TODO: Change default to true once the feature is supported
m_usePreJump = startupConfig.GetBoolean("enableprejump", false);
m_maxNonphys = startupConfig.GetFloat("NonPhysicalPrimMax", m_maxNonphys);
if (RegionInfo.NonphysPrimMax > 0)
m_maxNonphys = RegionInfo.NonphysPrimMax;
m_maxPhys = startupConfig.GetFloat("PhysicalPrimMax", m_maxPhys);
if (RegionInfo.PhysPrimMax > 0)
m_maxPhys = RegionInfo.PhysPrimMax;
// Here, if clamping is requested in either global or
// local config, it will be used
m_clampPrimSize = startupConfig.GetBoolean("ClampPrimSize", m_clampPrimSize);
if (RegionInfo.ClampPrimSize)
m_clampPrimSize = true;
m_trustBinaries = startupConfig.GetBoolean("TrustBinaries", m_trustBinaries);
m_allowScriptCrossings = startupConfig.GetBoolean("AllowScriptCrossing", m_allowScriptCrossings);
m_dontPersistBefore =
startupConfig.GetLong("MinimumTimeBeforePersistenceConsidered", DEFAULT_MIN_TIME_FOR_PERSISTENCE);
m_dontPersistBefore *= 10000000;
m_persistAfter =
startupConfig.GetLong("MaximumTimeBeforePersistenceConsidered", DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_FOR_PERSISTENCE);
m_persistAfter *= 10000000;
m_defaultScriptEngine = startupConfig.GetString("DefaultScriptEngine", "DotNetEngine");
m_maxPrimsPerFrame = startupConfig.GetInt("MaxPrimsPerFrame", 200);
IConfig packetConfig = m_config.Configs["PacketPool"];
if (packetConfig != null)
PacketPool.Instance.RecyclePackets = packetConfig.GetBoolean("RecyclePackets", true);
PacketPool.Instance.RecycleDataBlocks = packetConfig.GetBoolean("RecycleDataBlocks", true);
m_strictAccessControl = startupConfig.GetBoolean("StrictAccessControl", m_strictAccessControl);
m_log.Warn("[SCENE]: Failed to load StartupConfig");
/// <summary>
/// Mock constructor for scene group persistency unit tests.
/// SceneObjectGroup RegionId property is delegated to Scene.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="regInfo"></param>
public Scene(RegionInfo regInfo)
m_regInfo = regInfo;
m_eventManager = new EventManager();
#region Startup / Close Methods
public bool ShuttingDown
get { return shuttingdown; }
/// <value>
/// The scene graph for this scene
/// </value>
/// TODO: Possibly stop other classes being able to manipulate this directly.
public SceneGraph SceneGraph
get { return m_sceneGraph; }
protected virtual void RegisterDefaultSceneEvents()
IDialogModule dm = RequestModuleInterface<IDialogModule>();
if (dm != null)
m_eventManager.OnPermissionError += dm.SendAlertToUser;
public override string GetSimulatorVersion()
return m_simulatorVersion;
/// <summary>
/// Another region is up. Gets called from Grid Comms:
/// (OGS1 -> LocalBackEnd -> RegionListened -> SceneCommunicationService)
/// We have to tell all our ScenePresences about it, and add it to the
/// neighbor list.
/// We only add it to the neighbor list if it's within 1 region from here.
/// Agents may have draw distance values that cross two regions though, so
/// we add it to the notify list regardless of distance. We'll check
/// the agent's draw distance before notifying them though.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="otherRegion">RegionInfo handle for the new region.</param>
/// <returns>True after all operations complete, throws exceptions otherwise.</returns>
public override bool OtherRegionUp(RegionInfo otherRegion)
m_log.InfoFormat("[SCENE]: Region {0} up in coords {1}-{2}", otherRegion.RegionName, otherRegion.RegionLocX, otherRegion.RegionLocY);
if (RegionInfo.RegionHandle != otherRegion.RegionHandle)
for (int i = 0; i < m_neighbours.Count; i++)
// The purpose of this loop is to re-update the known neighbors
// when another region comes up on top of another one.
// The latest region in that location ends up in the
// 'known neighbors list'
// Additionally, the commFailTF property gets reset to false.
if (m_neighbours[i].RegionHandle == otherRegion.RegionHandle)
lock (m_neighbours)
m_neighbours[i] = otherRegion;
// If the value isn't in the neighbours, add it.
// If the RegionInfo isn't exact but is for the same XY World location,
// then the above loop will fix that.
if (!(CheckNeighborRegion(otherRegion)))
lock (m_neighbours)
//m_log.Info("[UP]: " + otherRegion.RegionHandle.ToString());
// If these are cast to INT because long + negative values + abs returns invalid data
int resultX = Math.Abs((int)otherRegion.RegionLocX - (int)RegionInfo.RegionLocX);
int resultY = Math.Abs((int)otherRegion.RegionLocY - (int)RegionInfo.RegionLocY);
if (resultX <= 1 && resultY <= 1)
ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence agent)
// If agent is a root agent.
if (!agent.IsChildAgent)
//this.CommsManager.InterRegion.InformRegionOfChildAgent(otherRegion.RegionHandle, agent.ControllingClient.RequestClientInfo());
List<ulong> old = new List<ulong>();
InformClientOfNeighbor(agent, otherRegion);
catch (NullReferenceException)
// This means that we're not booted up completely yet.
// This shouldn't happen too often anymore.
m_log.Error("[SCENE]: Couldn't inform client of regionup because we got a null reference exception");
m_log.Info("[INTERGRID]: Got notice about far away Region: " + otherRegion.RegionName.ToString() +
" at (" + otherRegion.RegionLocX.ToString() + ", " +
otherRegion.RegionLocY.ToString() + ")");
return true;
public void AddNeighborRegion(RegionInfo region)
lock (m_neighbours)
if (!CheckNeighborRegion(region))
public bool CheckNeighborRegion(RegionInfo region)
bool found = false;
lock (m_neighbours)
foreach (RegionInfo reg in m_neighbours)
if (reg.RegionHandle == region.RegionHandle)
found = true;
return found;
// Alias IncomingHelloNeighbour OtherRegionUp, for now
public bool IncomingHelloNeighbour(RegionInfo neighbour)
return OtherRegionUp(neighbour);
/// <summary>
/// Given float seconds, this will restart the region.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="seconds">float indicating duration before restart.</param>
public virtual void Restart(float seconds)
// notifications are done in 15 second increments
// so .. if the number of seconds is less then 15 seconds, it's not really a restart request
// It's a 'Cancel restart' request.
// RestartNow() does immediate restarting.
if (seconds < 15)
m_dialogModule.SendGeneralAlert("Restart Aborted");
// Now we figure out what to set the timer to that does the notifications and calls, RestartNow()
m_restartTimer.Interval = 15000;
m_incrementsof15seconds = (int)seconds / 15;
m_RestartTimerCounter = 0;
m_restartTimer.AutoReset = true;
m_restartTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(RestartTimer_Elapsed);
m_log.Info("[REGION]: Restarting Region in " + (seconds / 60) + " minutes");
UUID.Random(), String.Empty, RegionInfo.RegionName + ": Restarting in 2 Minutes");
// The Restart timer has occured.
// We have to figure out if this is a notification or if the number of seconds specified in Restart
// have elapsed.
// If they have elapsed, call RestartNow()
public void RestartTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
if (m_RestartTimerCounter <= m_incrementsof15seconds)
if (m_RestartTimerCounter == 4 || m_RestartTimerCounter == 6 || m_RestartTimerCounter == 7)
RegionInfo.RegionName + ": Restarting in " + ((8 - m_RestartTimerCounter) * 15) + " seconds");
m_restartTimer.AutoReset = false;
// This causes the region to restart immediatley.
public void RestartNow()
if (PhysicsScene != null)
m_log.Error("[REGION]: Closing");
m_log.Error("[REGION]: Firing Region Restart Message");
// This is a helper function that notifies root agents in this region that a new sim near them has come up
// This is in the form of a timer because when an instance of OpenSim.exe is started,
// Even though the sims initialize, they don't listen until 'all of the sims are initialized'
// If we tell an agent about a sim that's not listening yet, the agent will not be able to connect to it.
// subsequently the agent will never see the region come back online.
public void RestartNotifyWaitElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
lock (m_regionRestartNotifyList)
foreach (RegionInfo region in m_regionRestartNotifyList)
ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence agent)
// If agent is a root agent.
if (!agent.IsChildAgent)
//this.CommsManager.InterRegion.InformRegionOfChildAgent(otherRegion.RegionHandle, agent.ControllingClient.RequestClientInfo());
InformClientOfNeighbor(agent, region);
catch (NullReferenceException)
// This means that we're not booted up completely yet.
// This shouldn't happen too often anymore.
// Reset list to nothing.
public void SetSceneCoreDebug(bool ScriptEngine, bool CollisionEvents, bool PhysicsEngine)
if (m_scripts_enabled != !ScriptEngine)
// Tedd! Here's the method to disable the scripting engine!
if (ScriptEngine)
m_log.Info("Stopping all Scripts in Scene");
foreach (EntityBase ent in Entities)
if (ent is SceneObjectGroup)
((SceneObjectGroup) ent).RemoveScriptInstances();
m_log.Info("Starting all Scripts in Scene");
lock (Entities)
foreach (EntityBase ent in Entities)
if (ent is SceneObjectGroup)
((SceneObjectGroup)ent).CreateScriptInstances(0, false, DefaultScriptEngine, 0);
m_scripts_enabled = !ScriptEngine;
m_log.Info("[TOTEDD]: Here is the method to trigger disabling of the scripting engine");
if (m_physics_enabled != !PhysicsEngine)
m_physics_enabled = !PhysicsEngine;
public int GetInaccurateNeighborCount()
lock (m_neighbours)
return m_neighbours.Count;
// This is the method that shuts down the scene.
public override void Close()
m_log.InfoFormat("[SCENE]: Closing down the single simulator: {0}", RegionInfo.RegionName);
// Kick all ROOT agents with the message, 'The simulator is going down'
ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence avatar)
if (avatar.KnownChildRegionHandles.Contains(RegionInfo.RegionHandle))
if (!avatar.IsChildAgent)
avatar.ControllingClient.Kick("The simulator is going down.");
// Wait here, or the kick messages won't actually get to the agents before the scene terminates.
// Stop all client threads.
ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence avatar) { avatar.ControllingClient.Close(true); });
// Stop updating the scene objects and agents.
shuttingdown = true;
m_log.Debug("[SCENE]: Persisting changed objects");
List<EntityBase> entities = GetEntities();
foreach (EntityBase entity in entities)
if (!entity.IsDeleted && entity is SceneObjectGroup && ((SceneObjectGroup)entity).HasGroupChanged)
((SceneObjectGroup)entity).ProcessBackup(m_storageManager.DataStore, false);
// De-register with region communications (events cleanup)
// call the base class Close method.
/// <summary>
/// Start the timer which triggers regular scene updates
/// </summary>
public void StartTimer()
//m_log.Debug("[SCENE]: Starting timer");
//m_heartbeatTimer.Enabled = true;
//m_heartbeatTimer.Interval = (int)(m_timespan * 1000);
//m_heartbeatTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(Heartbeat);
HeartbeatThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Heartbeat));
HeartbeatThread.Name = string.Format("Heartbeat for region {0}", RegionInfo.RegionName);
HeartbeatThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;
/// <summary>
/// Sets up references to modules required by the scene
/// </summary>
public void SetModuleInterfaces()
m_xmlrpcModule = RequestModuleInterface<IXMLRPC>();
m_worldCommModule = RequestModuleInterface<IWorldComm>();
XferManager = RequestModuleInterface<IXfer>();
m_AvatarFactory = RequestModuleInterface<IAvatarFactory>();
m_serialiser = RequestModuleInterface<IRegionSerialiserModule>();
m_interregionCommsOut = RequestModuleInterface<IInterregionCommsOut>();
m_interregionCommsIn = RequestModuleInterface<IInterregionCommsIn>();
m_dialogModule = RequestModuleInterface<IDialogModule>();
m_capsModule = RequestModuleInterface<ICapabilitiesModule>();
m_teleportModule = RequestModuleInterface<ITeleportModule>();
#region Update Methods
/// <summary>
/// Performs per-frame updates regularly
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
private void Heartbeat(object sender)
m_lastUpdate = Environment.TickCount;
/// <summary>
/// Performs per-frame updates on the scene, this should be the central scene loop
/// </summary>
public override void Update()
int maintc = 0;
while (!shuttingdown)
maintc = Environment.TickCount;
TimeSpan SinceLastFrame = DateTime.Now - m_lastupdate;
// Aquire a lock so only one update call happens at once
float physicsFPS = 0;
//m_log.Info("sadfadf" + m_neighbours.Count.ToString());
int agentsInScene = m_sceneGraph.GetRootAgentCount() + m_sceneGraph.GetChildAgentCount();
if (agentsInScene > 21)
if (m_update_entities == 1)
m_update_entities = 5;
if (m_update_entities == 5)
m_update_entities = 1;
frameMS = Environment.TickCount;
// Increment the frame counter
// Loop it
if (m_frame == Int32.MaxValue)
m_frame = 0;
physicsMS2 = Environment.TickCount;
if ((m_frame % m_update_physics == 0) && m_physics_enabled)
physicsMS2 = Environment.TickCount - physicsMS2;
if (m_frame % m_update_entitymovement == 0)
physicsMS = Environment.TickCount;
if ((m_frame % m_update_physics == 0) && m_physics_enabled)
physicsFPS = m_sceneGraph.UpdatePhysics(
Math.Max(SinceLastFrame.TotalSeconds, m_timespan)
if (m_frame % m_update_physics == 0 && SynchronizeScene != null)
physicsMS = Environment.TickCount - physicsMS;
physicsMS += physicsMS2;
otherMS = Environment.TickCount;
// run through all entities looking for updates (slow)
if (m_frame % m_update_entities == 0)
/* // Adam Experimental
if (m_updateEntitiesThread == null)
m_updateEntitiesThread = new Thread(m_sceneGraph.UpdateEntities);
if (m_updateEntitiesThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped)
// run through entities that have scheduled themselves for
// updates looking for updates(faster)
if (m_frame % m_update_entitiesquick == 0)
// Run through scenepresences looking for updates
if (m_frame % m_update_presences == 0)
// Delete temp-on-rez stuff
if (m_frame % m_update_backup == 0)
if (RegionStatus != RegionStatus.SlaveScene)
if (m_frame % m_update_events == 0)
if (m_frame % m_update_backup == 0)
if (m_frame % m_update_terrain == 0)
if (m_frame % m_update_land == 0)
otherMS = Environment.TickCount - otherMS;
// if (m_frame%m_update_avatars == 0)
// UpdateInWorldTime();
frameMS = Environment.TickCount - frameMS;
catch (NotImplementedException)
catch (AccessViolationException e)
m_log.Error("[Scene]: Failed with exception " + e.ToString() + " On Region: " + RegionInfo.RegionName);
//catch (NullReferenceException e)
// m_log.Error("[Scene]: Failed with exception " + e.ToString() + " On Region: " + RegionInfo.RegionName);
catch (InvalidOperationException e)
m_log.Error("[Scene]: Failed with exception " + e.ToString() + " On Region: " + RegionInfo.RegionName);
catch (Exception e)
m_log.Error("[Scene]: Failed with exception " + e.ToString() + " On Region: " + RegionInfo.RegionName);
// Get actual time dilation
float tmpval = (m_timespan / (float)SinceLastFrame.TotalSeconds);
// If actual time dilation is greater then one, we're catching up, so subtract
// the amount that's greater then 1 from the time dilation
if (tmpval > 1.0)
tmpval = tmpval - (tmpval - 1.0f);
m_timedilation = tmpval;
m_lastupdate = DateTime.Now;
maintc = Environment.TickCount - maintc;
maintc = (int)(m_timespan * 1000) - maintc;
if ((maintc < (m_timespan * 1000)) && maintc > 0)
private void SendSimStatsPackets(SimStats stats)
List<ScenePresence> StatSendAgents = GetScenePresences();
foreach (ScenePresence agent in StatSendAgents)
if (!agent.IsChildAgent)
private void UpdateLand()
if (LandChannel != null)
if (LandChannel.IsLandPrimCountTainted())
private void UpdateTerrain()
private void UpdateStorageBackup()
if (!m_backingup)
m_backingup = true;
Thread backupthread = new Thread(Backup);
backupthread.Name = "BackupWriter";
backupthread.IsBackground = true;
private void UpdateEvents()
/// <summary>
/// Perform delegate action on all clients subscribing to updates from this region.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public void Broadcast(Action<IClientAPI> whatToDo)
ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence presence) { whatToDo(presence.ControllingClient); });
/// <summary>
/// Backup the scene. This acts as the main method of the backup thread.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public void Backup()
lock (m_returns)
m_backingup = false;
foreach (KeyValuePair<UUID, ReturnInfo> ret in m_returns)
UUID transaction = UUID.Random();
GridInstantMessage msg = new GridInstantMessage();
msg.fromAgentID = new Guid(UUID.Zero.ToString()); // From server
msg.toAgentID = new Guid(ret.Key.ToString());
msg.imSessionID = new Guid(transaction.ToString());
msg.timestamp = (uint)Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();
msg.fromAgentName = "Server";
msg.dialog = (byte)19; // Object msg
msg.fromGroup = false;
msg.offline = (byte)1;
msg.ParentEstateID = RegionInfo.EstateSettings.ParentEstateID;
msg.Position = Vector3.Zero;
msg.RegionID = RegionInfo.RegionID.Guid;
msg.binaryBucket = new byte[0];
if (ret.Value.count > 1)
msg.message = string.Format("Your {0} objects were returned from {1} in region {2} due to {3}", ret.Value.count, ret.Value.location.ToString(), RegionInfo.RegionName, ret.Value.reason);
msg.message = string.Format("Your object {0} was returned from {1} in region {2} due to {3}", ret.Value.objectName, ret.Value.location.ToString(), RegionInfo.RegionName, ret.Value.reason);
IMessageTransferModule tr = RequestModuleInterface<IMessageTransferModule>();
if (tr != null)
tr.SendInstantMessage(msg, delegate(bool success) {} );
public void ForceSceneObjectBackup(SceneObjectGroup group)
if (group != null)
group.ProcessBackup(m_storageManager.DataStore, true);
public void AddReturn(UUID agentID, string objectName, Vector3 location, string reason)
lock (m_returns)
if (m_returns.ContainsKey(agentID))
ReturnInfo info = m_returns[agentID];
m_returns[agentID] = info;
ReturnInfo info = new ReturnInfo();
info.count = 1;
info.objectName = objectName;
info.location = location;
info.reason = reason;
m_returns[agentID] = info;
#region Load Terrain
public void SaveTerrain()
m_storageManager.DataStore.StoreTerrain(Heightmap.GetDoubles(), RegionInfo.RegionID);
/// <summary>
/// Loads the World heightmap
/// </summary>
public override void LoadWorldMap()
double[,] map = m_storageManager.DataStore.LoadTerrain(RegionInfo.RegionID);
if (map == null)
m_log.Info("[TERRAIN]: No default terrain. Generating a new terrain.");
Heightmap = new TerrainChannel();
m_storageManager.DataStore.StoreTerrain(Heightmap.GetDoubles(), RegionInfo.RegionID);
Heightmap = new TerrainChannel(map);
catch (Exception e)
m_log.Warn("[TERRAIN]: Scene.cs: LoadWorldMap() - Failed with exception " + e.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Register this region with a grid service
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="System.Exception">Thrown if registration of the region itself fails.</exception>
public void RegisterRegionWithGrid()
// These two 'commands' *must be* next to each other or sim rebooting fails.
m_sceneGridService.RegisterRegion(m_interregionCommsOut, RegionInfo);
Dictionary<string, string> dGridSettings = m_sceneGridService.GetGridSettings();
if (dGridSettings.ContainsKey("allow_forceful_banlines"))
if (dGridSettings["allow_forceful_banlines"] != "TRUE")
m_log.Info("[GRID]: Grid is disabling forceful parcel banlists");
m_log.Info("[GRID]: Grid is allowing forceful parcel banlists");
/// <summary>
/// Create a terrain texture for this scene
/// </summary>
public void CreateTerrainTexture(bool temporary)
//create a texture asset of the terrain
IMapImageGenerator terrain = RequestModuleInterface<IMapImageGenerator>();
// Cannot create a map for a nonexistant heightmap yet.
if (Heightmap == null)
if (terrain == null)
byte[] data = terrain.WriteJpeg2000Image("defaultstripe.png");
if (data != null)
IWorldMapModule mapModule = RequestModuleInterface<IWorldMapModule>();
if (mapModule != null)
mapModule.LazySaveGeneratedMaptile(data, temporary);
#region Load Land
public void loadAllLandObjectsFromStorage(UUID regionID)
m_log.Info("[SCENE]: Loading land objects from storage");
List<LandData> landData = m_storageManager.DataStore.LoadLandObjects(regionID);
if (LandChannel != null)
if (landData.Count == 0)
m_log.Error("[SCENE]: Land Channel is not defined. Cannot load from storage!");
#region Primitives Methods
/// <summary>
/// Loads the World's objects
/// </summary>
public virtual void LoadPrimsFromStorage(UUID regionID)
m_log.Info("[SCENE]: Loading objects from datastore");
List<SceneObjectGroup> PrimsFromDB = m_storageManager.DataStore.LoadObjects(regionID);
foreach (SceneObjectGroup group in PrimsFromDB)
if (group.RootPart == null)
m_log.ErrorFormat("[SCENE] Found a SceneObjectGroup with m_rootPart == null and {0} children",
group.Children == null ? 0 : group.Children.Count);
AddRestoredSceneObject(group, true, true);
SceneObjectPart rootPart = group.GetChildPart(group.UUID);
rootPart.ObjectFlags &= ~(uint)PrimFlags.Scripted;
//rootPart.DoPhysicsPropertyUpdate(UsePhysics, true);
m_log.Info("[SCENE]: Loaded " + PrimsFromDB.Count.ToString() + " SceneObject(s)");
public Vector3 GetNewRezLocation(Vector3 RayStart, Vector3 RayEnd, UUID RayTargetID, Quaternion rot, byte bypassRayCast, byte RayEndIsIntersection, bool frontFacesOnly, Vector3 scale, bool FaceCenter)
Vector3 pos = Vector3.Zero;
if (RayEndIsIntersection == (byte)1)
pos = RayEnd;
return pos;
if (RayTargetID != UUID.Zero)
SceneObjectPart target = GetSceneObjectPart(RayTargetID);
Vector3 direction = Vector3.Normalize(RayEnd - RayStart);
Vector3 AXOrigin = new Vector3(RayStart.X, RayStart.Y, RayStart.Z);
Vector3 AXdirection = new Vector3(direction.X, direction.Y, direction.Z);
if (target != null)
pos = target.AbsolutePosition;
//m_log.Info("[OBJECT_REZ]: TargetPos: " + pos.ToString() + ", RayStart: " + RayStart.ToString() + ", RayEnd: " + RayEnd.ToString() + ", Volume: " + Util.GetDistanceTo(RayStart,RayEnd).ToString() + ", mag1: " + Util.GetMagnitude(RayStart).ToString() + ", mag2: " + Util.GetMagnitude(RayEnd).ToString());
// TODO: Raytrace better here
//EntityIntersection ei = m_sceneGraph.GetClosestIntersectingPrim(new Ray(AXOrigin, AXdirection));
Ray NewRay = new Ray(AXOrigin, AXdirection);
// Ray Trace against target here
EntityIntersection ei = target.TestIntersectionOBB(NewRay, Quaternion.Identity, frontFacesOnly, FaceCenter);
// Un-comment out the following line to Get Raytrace results printed to the console.
// m_log.Info("[RAYTRACERESULTS]: Hit:" + ei.HitTF.ToString() + " Point: " + ei.ipoint.ToString() + " Normal: " + ei.normal.ToString());
float ScaleOffset = 0.5f;
// If we hit something
if (ei.HitTF)
Vector3 scaleComponent = new Vector3(ei.AAfaceNormal.X, ei.AAfaceNormal.Y, ei.AAfaceNormal.Z);
if (scaleComponent.X != 0) ScaleOffset = scale.X;
if (scaleComponent.Y != 0) ScaleOffset = scale.Y;
if (scaleComponent.Z != 0) ScaleOffset = scale.Z;
ScaleOffset = Math.Abs(ScaleOffset);
Vector3 intersectionpoint = new Vector3(ei.ipoint.X, ei.ipoint.Y, ei.ipoint.Z);
Vector3 normal = new Vector3(ei.normal.X, ei.normal.Y, ei.normal.Z);
// Set the position to the intersection point
Vector3 offset = (normal * (ScaleOffset / 2f));
pos = (intersectionpoint + offset);
// Un-offset the prim (it gets offset later by the consumer method)
pos.Z -= 0.25F;
return pos;
// We don't have a target here, so we're going to raytrace all the objects in the scene.
EntityIntersection ei = m_sceneGraph.GetClosestIntersectingPrim(new Ray(AXOrigin, AXdirection), true, false);
// Un-comment the following line to print the raytrace results to the console.
//m_log.Info("[RAYTRACERESULTS]: Hit:" + ei.HitTF.ToString() + " Point: " + ei.ipoint.ToString() + " Normal: " + ei.normal.ToString());
if (ei.HitTF)
pos = new Vector3(ei.ipoint.X, ei.ipoint.Y, ei.ipoint.Z);
} else
// fall back to our stupid functionality
pos = RayEnd;
return pos;
// fall back to our stupid functionality
pos = RayEnd;
return pos;
public virtual void AddNewPrim(UUID ownerID, UUID groupID, Vector3 RayEnd, Quaternion rot, PrimitiveBaseShape shape,
byte bypassRaycast, Vector3 RayStart, UUID RayTargetID,
byte RayEndIsIntersection)
Vector3 pos = GetNewRezLocation(RayStart, RayEnd, RayTargetID, rot, bypassRaycast, RayEndIsIntersection, true, new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f), false);
if (Permissions.CanRezObject(1, ownerID, pos))
// rez ON the ground, not IN the ground
pos.Z += 0.25F;
AddNewPrim(ownerID, groupID, pos, rot, shape);
public virtual SceneObjectGroup AddNewPrim(
UUID ownerID, UUID groupID, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, PrimitiveBaseShape shape)
// "[SCENE]: Scene.AddNewPrim() pcode {0} called for {1} in {2}", shape.PCode, ownerID, RegionInfo.RegionName);
// If an entity creator has been registered for this prim type then use that
if (m_entityCreators.ContainsKey((PCode)shape.PCode))
return m_entityCreators[(PCode)shape.PCode].CreateEntity(ownerID, groupID, pos, rot, shape);
// Otherwise, use this default creation code;
SceneObjectGroup sceneObject = new SceneObjectGroup(ownerID, pos, rot, shape);
AddNewSceneObject(sceneObject, true);
sceneObject.SetGroup(groupID, null);
return sceneObject;
/// <summary>
/// Add an object into the scene that has come from storage
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sceneObject"></param>
/// <param name="attachToBackup">
/// If true, changes to the object will be reflected in its persisted data
/// If false, the persisted data will not be changed even if the object in the scene is changed
/// </param>
/// <param name="alreadyPersisted">
/// If true, we won't persist this object until it changes
/// If false, we'll persist this object immediately
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// true if the object was added, false if an object with the same uuid was already in the scene
/// </returns>
public bool AddRestoredSceneObject(
SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool alreadyPersisted)
return m_sceneGraph.AddRestoredSceneObject(sceneObject, attachToBackup, alreadyPersisted);
/// <summary>
/// Add a newly created object to the scene
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sceneObject"></param>
/// <param name="attachToBackup">
/// If true, the object is made persistent into the scene.
/// If false, the object will not persist over server restarts
/// </param>
public bool AddNewSceneObject(SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup)
return m_sceneGraph.AddNewSceneObject(sceneObject, attachToBackup);
/// <summary>
/// Delete every object from the scene
/// </summary>
public void DeleteAllSceneObjects()
lock (Entities)
ICollection<EntityBase> entities = new List<EntityBase>(Entities);
foreach (EntityBase e in entities)
if (e is SceneObjectGroup)
DeleteSceneObject((SceneObjectGroup)e, false);
/// <summary>
/// Synchronously delete the given object from the scene.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="group">Object Id</param>
/// <param name="silent">Suppress broadcasting changes to other clients.</param>
public void DeleteSceneObject(SceneObjectGroup group, bool silent)
//SceneObjectPart rootPart = group.GetChildPart(group.UUID);
// Serialise calls to RemoveScriptInstances to avoid
// deadlocking on m_parts inside SceneObjectGroup
lock (m_deleting_scene_object)
foreach (SceneObjectPart part in group.Children.Values)
if (part.IsJoint() && ((part.ObjectFlags&(uint)PrimFlags.Physics) != 0) )
PhysicsScene.RequestJointDeletion(part.Name); // FIXME: what if the name changed?
else if (part.PhysActor != null)
part.PhysActor = null;
// if (rootPart.PhysActor != null)
// {
// PhysicsScene.RemovePrim(rootPart.PhysActor);
// rootPart.PhysActor = null;
// }
if (UnlinkSceneObject(group.UUID, false))
/// <summary>
/// Unlink the given object from the scene. Unlike delete, this just removes the record of the object - the
/// object itself is not destroyed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uuid">Id of object.</param>
/// <returns>true if the object was in the scene, false if it was not</returns>
/// <param name="softDelete">If true, only deletes from scene, but keeps object in database.</param>
public bool UnlinkSceneObject(UUID uuid, bool softDelete)
if (m_sceneGraph.DeleteSceneObject(uuid, softDelete))
if (!softDelete)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Move the given scene object into a new region depending on which region its absolute position has moved
/// into.
/// This method locates the new region handle and offsets the prim position for the new region
/// </summary>
/// <param name="attemptedPosition">the attempted out of region position of the scene object</param>
/// <param name="grp">the scene object that we're crossing</param>
public void CrossPrimGroupIntoNewRegion(Vector3 attemptedPosition, SceneObjectGroup grp, bool silent)
if (grp == null)
if (grp.IsDeleted)
if (grp.RootPart.DIE_AT_EDGE)
// We remove the object here
DeleteSceneObject(grp, false);
catch (Exception)
m_log.Warn("[DATABASE]: exception when trying to remove the prim that crossed the border.");
int thisx = (int)RegionInfo.RegionLocX;
int thisy = (int)RegionInfo.RegionLocY;
ulong newRegionHandle = 0;
Vector3 pos = attemptedPosition;
if (attemptedPosition.X > Constants.RegionSize + 0.1f)
pos.X = ((pos.X - Constants.RegionSize));
= Util.UIntsToLong((uint)((thisx + 1) * Constants.RegionSize), (uint)(thisy * Constants.RegionSize));
// x + 1
else if (attemptedPosition.X < -0.1f)
pos.X = ((pos.X + Constants.RegionSize));
= Util.UIntsToLong((uint)((thisx - 1) * Constants.RegionSize), (uint)(thisy * Constants.RegionSize));
// x - 1
if (attemptedPosition.Y > Constants.RegionSize + 0.1f)
pos.Y = ((pos.Y - Constants.RegionSize));
= Util.UIntsToLong((uint)(thisx * Constants.RegionSize), (uint)((thisy + 1) * Constants.RegionSize));
// y + 1
else if (attemptedPosition.Y < -0.1f)
pos.Y = ((pos.Y + Constants.RegionSize));
= Util.UIntsToLong((uint)(thisx * Constants.RegionSize), (uint)((thisy - 1) * Constants.RegionSize));
// y - 1
// Offset the positions for the new region across the border
Vector3 oldGroupPosition = grp.RootPart.GroupPosition;
// If we fail to cross the border, then reset the position of the scene object on that border.
if (!CrossPrimGroupIntoNewRegion(newRegionHandle, grp, silent))
/// <summary>
/// Move the given scene object into a new region
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newRegionHandle"></param>
/// <param name="grp">Scene Object Group that we're crossing</param>
/// <returns>
/// true if the crossing itself was successful, false on failure
/// FIMXE: we still return true if the crossing object was not successfully deleted from the originating region
/// </returns>
public bool CrossPrimGroupIntoNewRegion(ulong newRegionHandle, SceneObjectGroup grp, bool silent)
//m_log.Debug(" >>> CrossPrimGroupIntoNewRegion <<<");
bool successYN = false;
grp.RootPart.UpdateFlag = 0;
//int primcrossingXMLmethod = 0;
if (newRegionHandle != 0)
//string objectState = grp.GetStateSnapshot();
// = m_sceneGridService.PrimCrossToNeighboringRegion(
// newRegionHandle, grp.UUID, m_serialiser.SaveGroupToXml2(grp), primcrossingXMLmethod);
//if (successYN && (objectState != "") && m_allowScriptCrossings)
// successYN = m_sceneGridService.PrimCrossToNeighboringRegion(
// newRegionHandle, grp.UUID, objectState, 100);
// And the new channel...
if (m_interregionCommsOut != null)
successYN = m_interregionCommsOut.SendCreateObject(newRegionHandle, grp, true);
if (successYN)
// We remove the object here
DeleteSceneObject(grp, silent);
catch (Exception e)
"[INTERREGION]: Exception deleting the old object left behind on a border crossing for {0}, {1}",
grp, e);
if (!grp.IsDeleted)
if (grp.RootPart.PhysActor != null)
m_log.ErrorFormat("[INTERREGION]: Prim crossing failed for {0}", grp);
m_log.Error("[INTERREGION]: region handle was unexpectedly 0 in Scene.CrossPrimGroupIntoNewRegion()");
return successYN;
/// <summary>
/// Handle a scene object that is crossing into this region from another.
/// NOTE: Unused as of 2009-02-09. Soon to be deleted.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="regionHandle"></param>
/// <param name="primID"></param>
/// <param name="objXMLData"></param>
/// <param name="XMLMethod"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IncomingInterRegionPrimGroup(UUID primID, string objXMLData, int XMLMethod)
if (XMLMethod == 0)
m_log.DebugFormat("[INTERREGION]: A new prim {0} arrived from a neighbor", primID);
SceneObjectGroup sceneObject = m_serialiser.DeserializeGroupFromXml2(objXMLData);
return AddSceneObject(sceneObject);
else if ((XMLMethod == 100) && m_allowScriptCrossings)
m_log.Warn("[INTERREGION]: Prim state data arrived from a neighbor");
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList rootL = doc.GetElementsByTagName("ScriptData");
if (rootL.Count == 1)
XmlNode rootNode = rootL[0];
if (rootNode != null)
XmlNodeList partL = rootNode.ChildNodes;
foreach (XmlNode part in partL)
XmlNodeList nodeL = part.ChildNodes;
switch (part.Name)
case "Assemblies":
foreach (XmlNode asm in nodeL)
string fn = asm.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Filename").Value;
Byte[] filedata = Convert.FromBase64String(asm.InnerText);
string path = Path.Combine("ScriptEngines", RegionInfo.RegionID.ToString());
path = Path.Combine(path, fn);
if (!File.Exists(path))
FileStream fs = File.Create(path);
fs.Write(filedata, 0, filedata.Length);
case "ScriptStates":
foreach (XmlNode st in nodeL)
string id = st.Attributes.GetNamedItem("UUID").Value;
UUID uuid = new UUID(id);
XmlNode state = st.ChildNodes[0];
XmlDocument sdoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode sxmlnode = sdoc.CreateNode(
"", "");
XmlNode newnode = sdoc.ImportNode(state, true);
string spath = Path.Combine("ScriptEngines", RegionInfo.RegionID.ToString());
spath = Path.Combine(spath, uuid.ToString());
FileStream sfs = File.Create(spath + ".state");
ASCIIEncoding enc = new ASCIIEncoding();
Byte[] buf = enc.GetBytes(sdoc.InnerXml);
sfs.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);
SceneObjectPart RootPrim = GetSceneObjectPart(primID);
RootPrim.ParentGroup.CreateScriptInstances(0, false, DefaultScriptEngine, 1);
return true;
return true;
public bool IncomingCreateObject(ISceneObject sog)
//m_log.Debug(" >>> IncomingCreateObject <<< " + ((SceneObjectGroup)sog).AbsolutePosition + " deleted? " + ((SceneObjectGroup)sog).IsDeleted);
SceneObjectGroup newObject;
newObject = (SceneObjectGroup)sog;
catch (Exception e)
m_log.WarnFormat("[SCENE]: Problem casting object: {0}", e.Message);
return false;
if (!AddSceneObject(newObject))
m_log.DebugFormat("[SCENE]: Problem adding scene object {0} in {1} ", sog.UUID, RegionInfo.RegionName);
return false;
newObject.RootPart.ParentGroup.CreateScriptInstances(0, false, DefaultScriptEngine, 1);
return true;
public virtual bool IncomingCreateObject(UUID userID, UUID itemID)
ScenePresence sp = GetScenePresence(userID);
if (sp != null)
uint attPt = (uint)sp.Appearance.GetAttachpoint(itemID);
m_sceneGraph.RezSingleAttachment(sp.ControllingClient, itemID, attPt);
return false;
public bool AddSceneObject(SceneObjectGroup sceneObject)
// If the user is banned, we won't let any of their objects
// enter. Period.
if (m_regInfo.EstateSettings.IsBanned(sceneObject.OwnerID))
m_log.Info("[INTERREGION]: Denied prim crossing for " +
"banned avatar");
return false;
// Force allocation of new LocalId
foreach (SceneObjectPart p in sceneObject.Children.Values)
p.LocalId = 0;
if (sceneObject.RootPart.Shape.PCode == (byte)PCode.Prim)
if (sceneObject.RootPart.Shape.State != 0) // Attachment
AddRestoredSceneObject(sceneObject, false, false);
// Handle attachment special case
SceneObjectPart RootPrim = sceneObject.RootPart;
// Fix up attachment Parent Local ID
ScenePresence sp = GetScenePresence(sceneObject.OwnerID);
//uint parentLocalID = 0;
if (sp != null)
//parentLocalID = sp.LocalId;
//sceneObject.RootPart.IsAttachment = true;
SceneObjectGroup grp = sceneObject;
m_log.DebugFormat("[ATTACHMENT]: Received " +
"attachment {0}, inworld asset id {1}",
m_log.DebugFormat("[ATTACHMENT]: Attach " +
"to avatar {0} at position {1}",
sp.UUID.ToString(), grp.AbsolutePosition);
grp.LocalId, (uint)0,
grp.AbsolutePosition, false);
AddRestoredSceneObject(sceneObject, true, false);
if (!Permissions.CanObjectEntry(sceneObject.UUID,
true, sceneObject.AbsolutePosition))
// Deny non attachments based on parcel settings
m_log.Info("[INTERREGION]: Denied prim crossing " +
"because of parcel settings");
DeleteSceneObject(sceneObject, false);
return false;
return true;
#region Add/Remove Avatar Methods
public override void AddNewClient(IClientAPI client)
ScenePresence presence;
if (m_restorePresences.ContainsKey(client.AgentId))
m_log.DebugFormat("[SCENE]: Restoring agent {0} {1} in {2}", client.Name, client.AgentId, RegionInfo.RegionName);
presence = m_restorePresences[client.AgentId];
// This is one of two paths to create avatars that are
// used. This tends to get called more in standalone
// than grid, not really sure why, but as such needs
// an explicity appearance lookup here.
AvatarAppearance appearance = null;
GetAvatarAppearance(client, out appearance);
presence.Appearance = appearance;
presence.initializeScenePresence(client, RegionInfo, this);
lock (m_restorePresences)
"[SCENE]: Adding new child agent for {0} in {1}",
client.Name, RegionInfo.RegionName);
m_LastLogin = Environment.TickCount;
protected virtual void SubscribeToClientEvents(IClientAPI client)
client.OnRegionHandShakeReply += SendLayerData;
client.OnAddPrim += AddNewPrim;
client.OnUpdatePrimGroupPosition += m_sceneGraph.UpdatePrimPosition;
client.OnUpdatePrimSinglePosition += m_sceneGraph.UpdatePrimSinglePosition;
client.OnUpdatePrimGroupRotation += m_sceneGraph.UpdatePrimRotation;
client.OnUpdatePrimGroupMouseRotation += m_sceneGraph.UpdatePrimRotation;
client.OnUpdatePrimSingleRotation += m_sceneGraph.UpdatePrimSingleRotation;
client.OnUpdatePrimScale += m_sceneGraph.UpdatePrimScale;
client.OnUpdatePrimGroupScale += m_sceneGraph.UpdatePrimGroupScale;
client.OnUpdateExtraParams += m_sceneGraph.UpdateExtraParam;
client.OnUpdatePrimShape += m_sceneGraph.UpdatePrimShape;
client.OnUpdatePrimTexture += m_sceneGraph.UpdatePrimTexture;
client.OnTeleportLocationRequest += RequestTeleportLocation;
client.OnTeleportLandmarkRequest += RequestTeleportLandmark;
client.OnObjectSelect += SelectPrim;
client.OnObjectDeselect += DeselectPrim;
client.OnGrabUpdate += m_sceneGraph.MoveObject;
client.OnSpinStart += m_sceneGraph.SpinStart;
client.OnSpinUpdate += m_sceneGraph.SpinObject;
client.OnDeRezObject += DeRezObject;
client.OnRezObject += RezObject;
client.OnRezSingleAttachmentFromInv += RezSingleAttachment;
client.OnRezMultipleAttachmentsFromInv += RezMultipleAttachments;
client.OnDetachAttachmentIntoInv += DetachSingleAttachmentToInv;
client.OnObjectAttach += m_sceneGraph.AttachObject;
client.OnObjectDetach += m_sceneGraph.DetachObject;
client.OnObjectDrop += m_sceneGraph.DropObject;
client.OnNameFromUUIDRequest += CommsManager.HandleUUIDNameRequest;
client.OnObjectDescription += m_sceneGraph.PrimDescription;
client.OnObjectName += m_sceneGraph.PrimName;
client.OnObjectClickAction += m_sceneGraph.PrimClickAction;
client.OnObjectMaterial += m_sceneGraph.PrimMaterial;
client.OnLinkObjects += m_sceneGraph.LinkObjects;
client.OnDelinkObjects += m_sceneGraph.DelinkObjects;
client.OnObjectDuplicate += m_sceneGraph.DuplicateObject;
client.OnObjectDuplicateOnRay += doObjectDuplicateOnRay;
client.OnUpdatePrimFlags += m_sceneGraph.UpdatePrimFlags;
client.OnRequestObjectPropertiesFamily += m_sceneGraph.RequestObjectPropertiesFamily;
client.OnObjectPermissions += HandleObjectPermissionsUpdate;
client.OnCreateNewInventoryItem += CreateNewInventoryItem;
client.OnCreateNewInventoryFolder += HandleCreateInventoryFolder;
client.OnUpdateInventoryFolder += HandleUpdateInventoryFolder;
client.OnMoveInventoryFolder += HandleMoveInventoryFolder;
client.OnFetchInventoryDescendents += HandleFetchInventoryDescendents;
client.OnPurgeInventoryDescendents += HandlePurgeInventoryDescendents;
client.OnFetchInventory += HandleFetchInventory;
client.OnUpdateInventoryItem += UpdateInventoryItemAsset;
client.OnCopyInventoryItem += CopyInventoryItem;
client.OnMoveInventoryItem += MoveInventoryItem;
client.OnRemoveInventoryItem += RemoveInventoryItem;
client.OnRemoveInventoryFolder += RemoveInventoryFolder;
client.OnRezScript += RezScript;
client.OnRequestTaskInventory += RequestTaskInventory;
client.OnRemoveTaskItem += RemoveTaskInventory;
client.OnUpdateTaskInventory += UpdateTaskInventory;
client.OnMoveTaskItem += ClientMoveTaskInventoryItem;
client.OnGrabObject += ProcessObjectGrab;
client.OnDeGrabObject += ProcessObjectDeGrab;
client.OnMoneyTransferRequest += ProcessMoneyTransferRequest;
client.OnParcelBuy += ProcessParcelBuy;
client.OnAvatarPickerRequest += ProcessAvatarPickerRequest;
client.OnObjectIncludeInSearch += m_sceneGraph.MakeObjectSearchable;
client.OnTeleportHomeRequest += TeleportClientHome;
client.OnSetStartLocationRequest += SetHomeRezPoint;
client.OnUndo += m_sceneGraph.HandleUndo;
client.OnObjectGroupRequest += m_sceneGraph.HandleObjectGroupUpdate;
client.OnParcelReturnObjectsRequest += LandChannel.ReturnObjectsInParcel;
client.OnParcelSetOtherCleanTime += LandChannel.SetParcelOtherCleanTime;
client.OnObjectSaleInfo += ObjectSaleInfo;
client.OnScriptReset += ProcessScriptReset;
client.OnGetScriptRunning += GetScriptRunning;
client.OnSetScriptRunning += SetScriptRunning;
client.OnRegionHandleRequest += RegionHandleRequest;
client.OnUnackedTerrain += TerrainUnAcked;
client.OnObjectOwner += ObjectOwner;
IGodsModule godsModule = RequestModuleInterface<IGodsModule>();
client.OnGodKickUser += godsModule.KickUser;
client.OnRequestGodlikePowers += godsModule.RequestGodlikePowers;
client.OnNetworkStatsUpdate += StatsReporter.AddPacketsStats;
// EventManager.TriggerOnNewClient(client);
/// <summary>
/// Teleport an avatar to their home region
/// </summary>
/// <param name="agentId"></param>
/// <param name="client"></param>
public virtual void TeleportClientHome(UUID agentId, IClientAPI client)
UserProfileData UserProfile = CommsManager.UserService.GetUserProfile(agentId);
if (UserProfile != null)
RegionInfo regionInfo = CommsManager.GridService.RequestNeighbourInfo(UserProfile.HomeRegionID);
if (regionInfo == null)
regionInfo = CommsManager.GridService.RequestNeighbourInfo(UserProfile.HomeRegion);
if (regionInfo != null) // home region can be away temporarily, too
UserProfile.HomeRegionID = regionInfo.RegionID;
if (regionInfo == null)
// can't find the Home region: Tell viewer and abort
client.SendTeleportFailed("Your home-region could not be found.");
client, regionInfo.RegionHandle, UserProfile.HomeLocation, UserProfile.HomeLookAt,
(uint)(TPFlags.SetLastToTarget | TPFlags.ViaHome));
public void doObjectDuplicateOnRay(uint localID, uint dupeFlags, UUID AgentID, UUID GroupID,
UUID RayTargetObj, Vector3 RayEnd, Vector3 RayStart,
bool BypassRaycast, bool RayEndIsIntersection, bool CopyCenters, bool CopyRotates)
Vector3 pos;
const bool frontFacesOnly = true;
//m_log.Info("HITTARGET: " + RayTargetObj.ToString() + ", COPYTARGET: " + localID.ToString());
SceneObjectPart target = GetSceneObjectPart(localID);
SceneObjectPart target2 = GetSceneObjectPart(RayTargetObj);
if (target != null && target2 != null)
Vector3 direction = Vector3.Normalize(RayEnd - RayStart);
Vector3 AXOrigin = new Vector3(RayStart.X, RayStart.Y, RayStart.Z);
Vector3 AXdirection = new Vector3(direction.X, direction.Y, direction.Z);
if (target2.ParentGroup != null)
pos = target2.AbsolutePosition;
//m_log.Info("[OBJECT_REZ]: TargetPos: " + pos.ToString() + ", RayStart: " + RayStart.ToString() + ", RayEnd: " + RayEnd.ToString() + ", Volume: " + Util.GetDistanceTo(RayStart,RayEnd).ToString() + ", mag1: " + Util.GetMagnitude(RayStart).ToString() + ", mag2: " + Util.GetMagnitude(RayEnd).ToString());
// TODO: Raytrace better here
//EntityIntersection ei = m_sceneGraph.GetClosestIntersectingPrim(new Ray(AXOrigin, AXdirection));
Ray NewRay = new Ray(AXOrigin, AXdirection);
// Ray Trace against target here
EntityIntersection ei = target2.TestIntersectionOBB(NewRay, Quaternion.Identity, frontFacesOnly, CopyCenters);
// Un-comment out the following line to Get Raytrace results printed to the console.
//m_log.Info("[RAYTRACERESULTS]: Hit:" + ei.HitTF.ToString() + " Point: " + ei.ipoint.ToString() + " Normal: " + ei.normal.ToString());
float ScaleOffset = 0.5f;
// If we hit something
if (ei.HitTF)
Vector3 scale = target.Scale;
Vector3 scaleComponent = new Vector3(ei.AAfaceNormal.X, ei.AAfaceNormal.Y, ei.AAfaceNormal.Z);
if (scaleComponent.X != 0) ScaleOffset = scale.X;
if (scaleComponent.Y != 0) ScaleOffset = scale.Y;
if (scaleComponent.Z != 0) ScaleOffset = scale.Z;
ScaleOffset = Math.Abs(ScaleOffset);
Vector3 intersectionpoint = new Vector3(ei.ipoint.X, ei.ipoint.Y, ei.ipoint.Z);
Vector3 normal = new Vector3(ei.normal.X, ei.normal.Y, ei.normal.Z);
Vector3 offset = normal * (ScaleOffset / 2f);
pos = intersectionpoint + offset;
// stick in offset format from the original prim
pos = pos - target.ParentGroup.AbsolutePosition;
if (CopyRotates)
Quaternion worldRot = target2.GetWorldRotation();
// SceneObjectGroup obj = m_sceneGraph.DuplicateObject(localID, pos, target.GetEffectiveObjectFlags(), AgentID, GroupID, worldRot);
m_sceneGraph.DuplicateObject(localID, pos, target.GetEffectiveObjectFlags(), AgentID, GroupID, worldRot);
//obj.Rotation = worldRot;
m_sceneGraph.DuplicateObject(localID, pos, target.GetEffectiveObjectFlags(), AgentID, GroupID);
public virtual void SetHomeRezPoint(IClientAPI remoteClient, ulong regionHandle, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, uint flags)
UserProfileData UserProfile = CommsManager.UserService.GetUserProfile(remoteClient.AgentId);
if (UserProfile != null)
// I know I'm ignoring the regionHandle provided by the teleport location request.
// reusing the TeleportLocationRequest delegate, so regionHandle isn't valid
UserProfile.HomeRegionID = RegionInfo.RegionID;
// TODO: The next line can be removed, as soon as only homeRegionID based UserServers are around.
// TODO: The HomeRegion property can be removed then, too
UserProfile.HomeRegion = RegionInfo.RegionHandle;
UserProfile.HomeLocation = position;
UserProfile.HomeLookAt = lookAt;
// FUBAR ALERT: this needs to be "Home position set." so the viewer saves a home-screenshot.
m_dialogModule.SendAlertToUser(remoteClient, "Home position set.");
m_dialogModule.SendAlertToUser(remoteClient, "Set Home request Failed.");
/// <summary>
/// Create a child agent scene presence and add it to this scene.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected virtual ScenePresence CreateAndAddScenePresence(IClientAPI client)
AvatarAppearance appearance = null;
GetAvatarAppearance(client, out appearance);
ScenePresence avatar = m_sceneGraph.CreateAndAddChildScenePresence(client, appearance);
//avatar.KnownRegions = GetChildrenSeeds(avatar.UUID);
return avatar;
/// <summary>
/// Get the avatar apperance for the given client.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client"></param>
/// <param name="appearance"></param>
public void GetAvatarAppearance(IClientAPI client, out AvatarAppearance appearance)
AgentCircuitData aCircuit = m_authenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuitData(client.CircuitCode);
if (aCircuit == null)
m_log.DebugFormat("[APPEARANCE] Client did not supply a circuit. Non-Linden? Creating default appearance.");
appearance = new AvatarAppearance(client.AgentId);
appearance = aCircuit.Appearance;
if (appearance == null)
m_log.DebugFormat("[APPEARANCE]: Appearance not found in {0}, returning default", RegionInfo.RegionName);
appearance = new AvatarAppearance(client.AgentId);
/// <summary>
/// Remove the given client from the scene.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="agentID"></param>
public override void RemoveClient(UUID agentID)
bool childagentYN = false;
ScenePresence avatar = GetScenePresence(agentID);
if (avatar != null)
childagentYN = avatar.IsChildAgent;
if (avatar.ParentID != 0)
"[SCENE]: Removing {0} agent {1} from region {2}",
(childagentYN ? "child" : "root"), agentID, RegionInfo.RegionName);
if (avatar.Scene.NeedSceneCacheClear(avatar.UUID))
if (!avatar.IsChildAgent)
m_sceneGridService.LogOffUser(agentID, RegionInfo.RegionID, RegionInfo.RegionHandle, avatar.AbsolutePosition, avatar.Lookat);
//List<ulong> childknownRegions = new List<ulong>();
//List<ulong> ckn = avatar.KnownChildRegionHandles;
//for (int i = 0; i < ckn.Count; i++)
// childknownRegions.Add(ckn[i]);
List<ulong> regions = new List<ulong>(avatar.KnownChildRegionHandles);
m_sceneGridService.SendCloseChildAgentConnections(agentID, regions);
catch (NullReferenceException)
// We don't know which count to remove it from
// Avatar is already disposed :/
Broadcast(delegate(IClientAPI client)
client.SendKillObject(avatar.RegionHandle, avatar.LocalId);
catch (NullReferenceException)
//We can safely ignore null reference exceptions. It means the avatar are dead and cleaned up anyway.
delegate(ScenePresence presence) { presence.CoarseLocationChange(); });
IAgentAssetTransactions agentTransactions = this.RequestModuleInterface<IAgentAssetTransactions>();
if (agentTransactions != null)
catch (NullReferenceException)
//We can safely ignore null reference exceptions. It means the avatar are dead and cleaned up anyway.
catch (Exception e)
m_log.Error("[SCENE] Scene.cs:RemoveClient exception: " + e.ToString());
// Remove client agent from profile, so new logins will work
if (!childagentYN)
//m_log.InfoFormat("[SCENE] Memory pre GC {0}", System.GC.GetTotalMemory(false));
//m_log.InfoFormat("[SCENE] Memory post GC {0}", System.GC.GetTotalMemory(true));
public void HandleRemoveKnownRegionsFromAvatar(UUID avatarID, List<ulong> regionslst)
ScenePresence av = GetScenePresence(avatarID);
if (av != null)
lock (av)
for (int i = 0; i < regionslst.Count; i++)
public override void CloseAllAgents(uint circuitcode)
// Called by ClientView to kill all circuit codes
public void NotifyMyCoarseLocationChange()
ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence presence) { presence.CoarseLocationChange(); });
#region Entities
public void SendKillObject(uint localID)
SceneObjectPart part = GetSceneObjectPart(localID);
if (part != null) // It is a prim
if (part.ParentGroup != null && !part.ParentGroup.IsDeleted) // Valid
if (part.ParentGroup.RootPart != part) // Child part
Broadcast(delegate(IClientAPI client) { client.SendKillObject(m_regionHandle, localID); });
#region RegionComms
/// <summary>
/// Register the methods that should be invoked when this scene receives various incoming events
/// </summary>
public void RegisterCommsEvents()
m_sceneGridService.OnExpectUser += HandleNewUserConnection;
m_sceneGridService.OnAvatarCrossingIntoRegion += AgentCrossing;
m_sceneGridService.OnCloseAgentConnection += IncomingCloseAgent;
m_sceneGridService.OnRegionUp += OtherRegionUp;
//m_sceneGridService.OnChildAgentUpdate += IncomingChildAgentDataUpdate;
m_sceneGridService.OnExpectPrim += IncomingInterRegionPrimGroup;
//m_sceneGridService.OnRemoveKnownRegionFromAvatar += HandleRemoveKnownRegionsFromAvatar;
m_sceneGridService.OnLogOffUser += HandleLogOffUserFromGrid;
m_sceneGridService.KiPrimitive += SendKillObject;
m_sceneGridService.OnGetLandData += GetLandData;
if (m_interregionCommsIn != null)
m_log.Debug("[SCENE]: Registering with InterregionCommsIn");
m_interregionCommsIn.OnChildAgentUpdate += IncomingChildAgentDataUpdate;
m_log.Debug("[SCENE]: Unable to register with InterregionCommsIn");
/// <summary>
/// Deregister this scene from receiving incoming region events
/// </summary>
public void UnRegisterRegionWithComms()
m_sceneGridService.KiPrimitive -= SendKillObject;
m_sceneGridService.OnLogOffUser -= HandleLogOffUserFromGrid;
//m_sceneGridService.OnRemoveKnownRegionFromAvatar -= HandleRemoveKnownRegionsFromAvatar;
m_sceneGridService.OnExpectPrim -= IncomingInterRegionPrimGroup;
//m_sceneGridService.OnChildAgentUpdate -= IncomingChildAgentDataUpdate;
m_sceneGridService.OnRegionUp -= OtherRegionUp;
m_sceneGridService.OnExpectUser -= HandleNewUserConnection;
m_sceneGridService.OnAvatarCrossingIntoRegion -= AgentCrossing;
m_sceneGridService.OnCloseAgentConnection -= IncomingCloseAgent;
m_sceneGridService.OnGetLandData -= GetLandData;
if (m_interregionCommsIn != null)
m_interregionCommsIn.OnChildAgentUpdate -= IncomingChildAgentDataUpdate;
/// <summary>
/// A handler for the SceneCommunicationService event, to match that events return type of void.
/// Use NewUserConnection() directly if possible so the return type can refuse connections.
/// At the moment nothing actually seems to use this event,
/// as everything is switching to calling the NewUserConnection method directly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="agent"></param>
public void HandleNewUserConnection(AgentCircuitData agent)
string reason;
NewUserConnection(agent, out reason);
/// <summary>
/// Do the work necessary to initiate a new user connection for a particular scene.
/// At the moment, this consists of setting up the caps infrastructure
/// The return bool should allow for connections to be refused, but as not all calling paths
/// take proper notice of it let, we allowed banned users in still.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="regionHandle"></param>
/// <param name="agent"></param>
/// <param name="reason"></param>
public bool NewUserConnection(AgentCircuitData agent, out string reason)
// Don't disable this log message - it's too helpful
"[CONNECTION BEGIN]: Region {0} told of incoming {1} agent {2} {3} {4} (circuit code {5})",
RegionInfo.RegionName, (agent.child ? "child" : "root"), agent.firstname, agent.lastname,
agent.AgentID, agent.circuitcode);
reason = String.Empty;
if (!AuthenticateUser(agent, out reason))
return false;
if (!AuthorizeUser(agent, out reason))
return false;
"[CONNECTION BEGIN]: Region {0} authenticated and authorized incoming {1} agent {2} {3} {4} (circuit code {5})",
RegionInfo.RegionName, (agent.child ? "child" : "root"), agent.firstname, agent.lastname,
agent.AgentID, agent.circuitcode);
ScenePresence sp = m_sceneGraph.GetScenePresence(agent.AgentID);
if (sp != null)
"[SCENE]: Adjusting known seeds for existing agent {0} in {1}",
agent.AgentID, RegionInfo.RegionName);
return true;
if (!agent.child)
// Honor parcel landing type and position.
ILandObject land = LandChannel.GetLandObject(agent.startpos.X, agent.startpos.Y);
if (land != null)
if (land.landData.LandingType == (byte)1 && land.landData.UserLocation != Vector3.Zero)
agent.startpos = land.landData.UserLocation;
m_authenticateHandler.AddNewCircuit(agent.circuitcode, agent);
// rewrite session_id
CachedUserInfo userinfo = CommsManager.UserProfileCacheService.GetUserDetails(agent.AgentID);
if (userinfo != null)
userinfo.SessionID = agent.SessionID;
"[CONNECTION BEGIN]: We couldn't find a User Info record for {0}. This is usually an indication that the UUID we're looking up is invalid", agent.AgentID);
return true;
public virtual bool AuthenticateUser(AgentCircuitData agent, out string reason)
reason = String.Empty;
bool result = CommsManager.UserService.VerifySession(agent.AgentID, agent.SessionID);
m_log.Debug("[CONNECTION BEGIN]: User authentication returned " + result);
if (!result)
reason = String.Format("Failed to authenticate user {0} {1}, access denied.", agent.firstname, agent.lastname);
return result;
protected virtual bool AuthorizeUser(AgentCircuitData agent, out string reason)
reason = String.Empty;
if (!m_strictAccessControl) return true;
if (Permissions.IsGod(agent.AgentID)) return true;
if (m_regInfo.EstateSettings.IsBanned(agent.AgentID))
m_log.WarnFormat("[CONNECTION BEGIN]: Denied access to: {0} ({1} {2}) at {3} because the user is on the banlist",
agent.AgentID, agent.firstname, agent.lastname, RegionInfo.RegionName);
reason = String.Format("Denied access to region {0}: You have been banned from that region.",
return false;
if (!m_regInfo.EstateSettings.PublicAccess &&
m_log.WarnFormat("[CONNECTION BEGIN]: Denied access to: {0} ({1} {2}) at {3} because the user does not have access to the estate",
agent.AgentID, agent.firstname, agent.lastname, RegionInfo.RegionName);
reason = String.Format("Denied access to private region {0}: You are not on the access list for that region.",
return false;
// TODO: estate/region settings are not properly hooked up
// to ILandObject.isRestrictedFromLand()
// if (null != LandChannel)
// {
// // region seems to have local Id of 1
// ILandObject land = LandChannel.GetLandObject(1);
// if (null != land)
// {
// if (land.isBannedFromLand(agent.AgentID))
// {
// m_log.WarnFormat("[CONNECTION BEGIN]: Denied access to: {0} ({1} {2}) at {3} because the user has been banned from land",
// agent.AgentID, agent.firstname, agent.lastname, RegionInfo.RegionName);
// reason = String.Format("Denied access to private region {0}: You are banned from that region.",
// RegionInfo.RegionName);
// return false;
// }
// if (land.isRestrictedFromLand(agent.AgentID))
// {
// m_log.WarnFormat("[CONNECTION BEGIN]: Denied access to: {0} ({1} {2}) at {3} because the user does not have access to the region",
// agent.AgentID, agent.firstname, agent.lastname, RegionInfo.RegionName);
// reason = String.Format("Denied access to private region {0}: You are not on the access list for that region.",
// RegionInfo.RegionName);
// return false;
// }
// }
// }
return true;
public void UpdateCircuitData(AgentCircuitData data)
public bool ChangeCircuitCode(uint oldcc, uint newcc)
return m_authenticateHandler.TryChangeCiruitCode(oldcc, newcc);
public void HandleLogOffUserFromGrid(UUID AvatarID, UUID RegionSecret, string message)
ScenePresence loggingOffUser = null;
loggingOffUser = GetScenePresence(AvatarID);
if (loggingOffUser != null)
UUID localRegionSecret = UUID.Zero;
bool parsedsecret = UUID.TryParse(m_regInfo.regionSecret, out localRegionSecret);
// Region Secret is used here in case a new sessionid overwrites an old one on the user server.
// Will update the user server in a few revisions to use it.
if (RegionSecret == loggingOffUser.ControllingClient.SecureSessionId || (parsedsecret && RegionSecret == localRegionSecret))
m_sceneGridService.SendCloseChildAgentConnections(loggingOffUser.UUID, new List<ulong>(loggingOffUser.KnownRegions.Keys));
// Give them a second to receive the message!
m_log.Info("[USERLOGOFF]: System sending the LogOff user message failed to sucessfully authenticate");
m_log.InfoFormat("[USERLOGOFF]: Got a logoff request for {0} but the user isn't here. The user might already have been logged out", AvatarID.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Triggered when an agent crosses into this sim. Also happens on initial login.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="agentID"></param>
/// <param name="position"></param>
/// <param name="isFlying"></param>
public virtual void AgentCrossing(UUID agentID, Vector3 position, bool isFlying)
ScenePresence presence;
lock (m_scenePresences)
m_scenePresences.TryGetValue(agentID, out presence);
if (presence != null)
presence.MakeRootAgent(position, isFlying);
catch (Exception e)
m_log.ErrorFormat("[SCENE]: Unable to do agent crossing, exception {0}", e);
"[SCENE]: Could not find presence for agent {0} crossing into scene {1}",
agentID, RegionInfo.RegionName);
public virtual bool IncomingChildAgentDataUpdate(AgentData cAgentData)
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE]: Incoming child agent update for {0} in {1}", cAgentData.AgentID, RegionInfo.RegionName);
// We have to wait until the viewer contacts this region after receiving EAC.
// That calls AddNewClient, which finally creates the ScenePresence
ScenePresence childAgentUpdate = WaitGetScenePresence(cAgentData.AgentID);
if (childAgentUpdate != null)
return true;
return false;
public virtual bool IncomingChildAgentDataUpdate(AgentPosition cAgentData)
//m_log.Debug(" XXX Scene IncomingChildAgentDataUpdate POSITION in " + RegionInfo.RegionName);
ScenePresence childAgentUpdate = GetScenePresence(cAgentData.AgentID);
if (childAgentUpdate != null)
// I can't imagine *yet* why we would get an update if the agent is a root agent..
// however to avoid a race condition crossing borders..
if (childAgentUpdate.IsChildAgent)
uint rRegionX = (uint)(cAgentData.RegionHandle >> 40);
uint rRegionY = (((uint)(cAgentData.RegionHandle)) >> 8);
uint tRegionX = RegionInfo.RegionLocX;
uint tRegionY = RegionInfo.RegionLocY;
//Send Data to ScenePresence
childAgentUpdate.ChildAgentDataUpdate(cAgentData, tRegionX, tRegionY, rRegionX, rRegionY);
// Not Implemented:
//TODO: Do we need to pass the message on to one of our neighbors?
return true;
return false;
protected virtual ScenePresence WaitGetScenePresence(UUID agentID)
int ntimes = 10;
ScenePresence childAgentUpdate = null;
while ((childAgentUpdate = GetScenePresence(agentID)) == null && (ntimes-- > 0))
return childAgentUpdate;
public virtual bool IncomingRetrieveRootAgent(UUID id, out IAgentData agent)
agent = null;
ScenePresence sp = GetScenePresence(id);
if ((sp != null) && (!sp.IsChildAgent))
sp.IsChildAgent = true;
return sp.CopyAgent(out agent);
return false;
public virtual bool IncomingReleaseAgent(UUID id)
return m_sceneGridService.ReleaseAgent(id);
public void SendReleaseAgent(ulong regionHandle, UUID id, string uri)
m_interregionCommsOut.SendReleaseAgent(regionHandle, id, uri);
/// <summary>
/// Tell a single agent to disconnect from the region.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="regionHandle"></param>
/// <param name="agentID"></param>
public bool IncomingCloseAgent(UUID agentID)
//m_log.DebugFormat("[SCENE]: Processing incoming close agent for {0}", agentID);
ScenePresence presence = m_sceneGraph.GetScenePresence(agentID);
if (presence != null)
// Nothing is removed here, so down count it as such
if (presence.IsChildAgent)
// Don't do this to root agents on logout, it's not nice for the viewer
if (presence.IsChildAgent)
// Tell a single agent to disconnect from the region.
IEventQueue eq = RequestModuleInterface<IEventQueue>();
if (eq != null)
eq.DisableSimulator(RegionInfo.RegionHandle, agentID);
return true;
// Agent not here
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Tell neighboring regions about this agent
/// When the regions respond with a true value,
/// tell the agents about the region.
/// We have to tell the regions about the agents first otherwise it'll deny them access
/// </summary>
/// <param name="presence"></param>
public void InformClientOfNeighbours(ScenePresence presence)
m_sceneGridService.EnableNeighbourChildAgents(presence, m_neighbours);
/// <summary>
/// Tell a neighboring region about this agent
/// </summary>
/// <param name="presence"></param>
/// <param name="region"></param>
public void InformClientOfNeighbor(ScenePresence presence, RegionInfo region)
m_sceneGridService.EnableNeighbourChildAgents(presence, m_neighbours);
/// <summary>
/// Requests information about this region from gridcomms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="regionHandle"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public RegionInfo RequestNeighbouringRegionInfo(ulong regionHandle)
return m_sceneGridService.RequestNeighbouringRegionInfo(regionHandle);
/// <summary>
/// Requests textures for map from minimum region to maximum region in world cordinates
/// </summary>
/// <param name="remoteClient"></param>
/// <param name="minX"></param>
/// <param name="minY"></param>
/// <param name="maxX"></param>
/// <param name="maxY"></param>
public void RequestMapBlocks(IClientAPI remoteClient, int minX, int minY, int maxX, int maxY)
m_log.DebugFormat("[MAPBLOCK]: {0}-{1}, {2}-{3}", minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
m_sceneGridService.RequestMapBlocks(remoteClient, minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
/// <summary>
/// Tries to teleport agent to other region.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="remoteClient"></param>
/// <param name="regionName"></param>
/// <param name="position"></param>
/// <param name="lookAt"></param>
/// <param name="teleportFlags"></param>
public void RequestTeleportLocation(IClientAPI remoteClient, string regionName, Vector3 position,
Vector3 lookat, uint teleportFlags)
RegionInfo regionInfo = m_sceneGridService.RequestClosestRegion(regionName);
if (regionInfo == null)
// can't find the region: Tell viewer and abort
remoteClient.SendTeleportFailed("The region '" + regionName + "' could not be found.");
RequestTeleportLocation(remoteClient, regionInfo.RegionHandle, position, lookat, teleportFlags);
/// <summary>
/// Tries to teleport agent to other region.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="remoteClient"></param>
/// <param name="regionHandle"></param>
/// <param name="position"></param>
/// <param name="lookAt"></param>
/// <param name="teleportFlags"></param>
public void RequestTeleportLocation(IClientAPI remoteClient, ulong regionHandle, Vector3 position,
Vector3 lookAt, uint teleportFlags)
ScenePresence sp = null;
lock (m_scenePresences)
if (m_scenePresences.ContainsKey(remoteClient.AgentId))
sp = m_scenePresences[remoteClient.AgentId];
if (sp != null)
if (m_teleportModule != null)
m_teleportModule.RequestTeleportToLocation(sp, regionHandle,
position, lookAt, teleportFlags);
m_sceneGridService.RequestTeleportToLocation(sp, regionHandle,
position, lookAt, teleportFlags);
/// <summary>
/// Tries to teleport agent to landmark.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="remoteClient"></param>
/// <param name="regionHandle"></param>
/// <param name="position"></param>
public void RequestTeleportLandmark(IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID regionID, Vector3 position)
RegionInfo info = CommsManager.GridService.RequestNeighbourInfo(regionID);
if (info == null)
// can't find the region: Tell viewer and abort
remoteClient.SendTeleportFailed("The teleport destination could not be found.");
RequestTeleportLocation(remoteClient, info.RegionHandle, position, Vector3.Zero, (uint)(TPFlags.SetLastToTarget | TPFlags.ViaLandmark));
public void CrossAgentToNewRegion(ScenePresence agent, bool isFlying)
m_sceneGridService.CrossAgentToNewRegion(this, agent, isFlying);
public void SendOutChildAgentUpdates(AgentPosition cadu, ScenePresence presence)
m_sceneGridService.SendChildAgentDataUpdate(cadu, presence);
#region Other Methods
public void SetObjectCapacity(int objects)
// Region specific config overrides global
if (RegionInfo.ObjectCapacity != 0)
objects = RegionInfo.ObjectCapacity;
if (StatsReporter != null)
objectCapacity = objects;
public List<FriendListItem> GetFriendList(string id)
UUID avatarID;
if (!UUID.TryParse(id, out avatarID))
return new List<FriendListItem>();
return CommsManager.GetUserFriendList(avatarID);
public Dictionary<UUID, FriendRegionInfo> GetFriendRegionInfos(List<UUID> uuids)
return CommsManager.GetFriendRegionInfos(uuids);
public virtual void StoreAddFriendship(UUID ownerID, UUID friendID, uint perms)
m_sceneGridService.AddNewUserFriend(ownerID, friendID, perms);
public virtual void StoreUpdateFriendship(UUID ownerID, UUID friendID, uint perms)
m_sceneGridService.UpdateUserFriendPerms(ownerID, friendID, perms);
public virtual void StoreRemoveFriendship(UUID ownerID, UUID ExfriendID)
m_sceneGridService.RemoveUserFriend(ownerID, ExfriendID);
public void HandleObjectPermissionsUpdate(IClientAPI controller, UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, byte field, uint localId, uint mask, byte set)
// Check for spoofing.. since this is permissions we're talking about here!
if ((controller.SessionId == sessionID) && (controller.AgentId == agentID))
// Tell the object to do permission update
if (localId != 0)
SceneObjectGroup chObjectGroup = GetGroupByPrim(localId);
if (chObjectGroup != null)
chObjectGroup.UpdatePermissions(agentID, field, localId, mask, set);
/// <summary>
/// Causes all clients to get a full object update on all of the objects in the scene.
/// </summary>
public void ForceClientUpdate()
List<EntityBase> EntityList = GetEntities();
foreach (EntityBase ent in EntityList)
if (ent is SceneObjectGroup)
/// <summary>
/// This is currently only used for scale (to scale to MegaPrim size)
/// There is a console command that calls this in OpenSimMain
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmdparams"></param>
public void HandleEditCommand(string[] cmdparams)
m_log.Debug("Searching for Primitive: '" + cmdparams[2] + "'");
List<EntityBase> EntityList = GetEntities();
foreach (EntityBase ent in EntityList)
if (ent is SceneObjectGroup)
SceneObjectPart part = ((SceneObjectGroup)ent).GetChildPart(((SceneObjectGroup)ent).UUID);
if (part != null)
if (part.Name == cmdparams[2])
new Vector3(Convert.ToSingle(cmdparams[3]), Convert.ToSingle(cmdparams[4]),
m_log.Debug("Edited scale of Primitive: " + part.Name);
public override void Show(string[] showParams)
switch (showParams[0])
case "users":
m_log.Error("Current Region: " + RegionInfo.RegionName);
m_log.ErrorFormat("{0,-16}{1,-16}{2,-25}{3,-25}{4,-16}{5,-16}{6,-16}", "Firstname", "Lastname",
"Agent ID", "Session ID", "Circuit", "IP", "World");
foreach (ScenePresence scenePresence in GetAvatars())
#region Script Handling Methods
/// <summary>
/// Console command handler to send script command to script engine.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args"></param>
public void SendCommandToPlugins(string[] args)
public LandData GetLandData(float x, float y)
return LandChannel.GetLandObject(x, y).landData;
public LandData GetLandData(uint x, uint y)
m_log.DebugFormat("[SCENE]: returning land for {0},{1}", x, y);
return LandChannel.GetLandObject((int)x, (int)y).landData;
public RegionInfo RequestClosestRegion(string name)
return m_sceneGridService.RequestClosestRegion(name);
#region Script Engine
private List<ScriptEngineInterface> ScriptEngines = new List<ScriptEngineInterface>();
public bool DumpAssetsToFile;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="scriptEngine"></param>
public void AddScriptEngine(ScriptEngineInterface scriptEngine)
private bool ScriptDanger(SceneObjectPart part,Vector3 pos)
ILandObject parcel = LandChannel.GetLandObject(pos.X, pos.Y);
if (part != null)
if (parcel != null)
if ((parcel.landData.Flags & (uint)Parcel.ParcelFlags.AllowOtherScripts) != 0)
return true;
else if ((parcel.landData.Flags & (uint)Parcel.ParcelFlags.AllowGroupScripts) != 0)
if (part.OwnerID == parcel.landData.OwnerID
|| (parcel.landData.IsGroupOwned && part.GroupID == parcel.landData.GroupID)
|| Permissions.IsGod(part.OwnerID))
return true;
return false;
if (part.OwnerID == parcel.landData.OwnerID)
return true;
return false;
if (pos.X > 0f && pos.X < Constants.RegionSize && pos.Y > 0f && pos.Y < Constants.RegionSize)
// The only time parcel != null when an object is inside a region is when
// there is nothing behind the landchannel. IE, no land plugin loaded.
return true;
// The object is outside of this region. Stop piping events to it.
return false;
return false;
public bool ScriptDanger(uint localID, Vector3 pos)
SceneObjectPart part = GetSceneObjectPart(localID);
if (part != null)
return ScriptDanger(part, pos);
return false;
public bool PipeEventsForScript(uint localID)
SceneObjectPart part = GetSceneObjectPart(localID);
if (part != null)
// Changed so that child prims of attachments return ScriptDanger for their parent, so that
// their scripts will actually run.
// -- Leaf, Tue Aug 12 14:17:05 EDT 2008
SceneObjectPart parent = part.ParentGroup.RootPart;
if (parent != null && parent.IsAttachment)
return ScriptDanger(parent, parent.GetWorldPosition());
return ScriptDanger(part, part.GetWorldPosition());
return false;
#region SceneGraph wrapper methods
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="localID"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public UUID ConvertLocalIDToFullID(uint localID)
return m_sceneGraph.ConvertLocalIDToFullID(localID);
public void SwapRootAgentCount(bool rootChildChildRootTF)
public void AddPhysicalPrim(int num)
public void RemovePhysicalPrim(int num)
//The idea is to have a group of method that return a list of avatars meeting some requirement
// ie it could be all m_scenePresences within a certain range of the calling prim/avatar.
/// <summary>
/// Return a list of all avatars in this region.
/// This list is a new object, so it can be iterated over without locking.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<ScenePresence> GetAvatars()
return m_sceneGraph.GetAvatars();
/// <summary>
/// Return a list of all ScenePresences in this region. This returns child agents as well as root agents.
/// This list is a new object, so it can be iterated over without locking.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<ScenePresence> GetScenePresences()
return m_sceneGraph.GetScenePresences();
/// <summary>
/// Request a filtered list of ScenePresences in this region.
/// This list is a new object, so it can be iterated over without locking.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filter"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<ScenePresence> GetScenePresences(FilterAvatarList filter)
return m_sceneGraph.GetScenePresences(filter);
/// <summary>
/// Request a scene presence by UUID
/// </summary>
/// <param name="avatarID"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ScenePresence GetScenePresence(UUID avatarID)
return m_sceneGraph.GetScenePresence(avatarID);
public override bool PresenceChildStatus(UUID avatarID)
ScenePresence cp = GetScenePresence(avatarID);
// FIXME: This is really crap - some logout code is relying on a NullReferenceException to halt its processing
// This needs to be fixed properly by cleaning up the logout code.
//if (cp != null)
// return cp.IsChildAgent;
//return false;
return cp.IsChildAgent;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action"></param>
public void ForEachScenePresence(Action<ScenePresence> action)
// We don't want to try to send messages if there are no avatars.
if (m_scenePresences != null)
List<ScenePresence> presenceList = GetScenePresences();
foreach (ScenePresence presence in presenceList)
catch (Exception e)
m_log.Info("[BUG] in " + RegionInfo.RegionName + ": " + e.ToString());
m_log.Info("[BUG] Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="action"></param>
// public void ForEachObject(Action<SceneObjectGroup> action)
// {
// List<SceneObjectGroup> presenceList;
// lock (m_sceneObjects)
// {
// presenceList = new List<SceneObjectGroup>(m_sceneObjects.Values);
// }
// foreach (SceneObjectGroup presence in presenceList)
// {
// action(presence);
// }
// }
/// <summary>
/// Get a named prim contained in this scene (will return the first
/// found, if there are more than one prim with the same name)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public SceneObjectPart GetSceneObjectPart(string name)
return m_sceneGraph.GetSceneObjectPart(name);
/// <summary>
/// Get a prim via its local id
/// </summary>
/// <param name="localID"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public SceneObjectPart GetSceneObjectPart(uint localID)
return m_sceneGraph.GetSceneObjectPart(localID);
/// <summary>
/// Get a prim via its UUID
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fullID"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public SceneObjectPart GetSceneObjectPart(UUID fullID)
return m_sceneGraph.GetSceneObjectPart(fullID);
public bool TryGetAvatar(UUID avatarId, out ScenePresence avatar)
return m_sceneGraph.TryGetAvatar(avatarId, out avatar);
public bool TryGetAvatarByName(string avatarName, out ScenePresence avatar)
return m_sceneGraph.TryGetAvatarByName(avatarName, out avatar);
public void ForEachClient(Action<IClientAPI> action)
/// <summary>
/// Returns a list of the entities in the scene. This is a new list so operations perform on the list itself
/// will not affect the original list of objects in the scene.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<EntityBase> GetEntities()
return m_sceneGraph.GetEntities();
#region Avatar Appearance Default
public static void GetDefaultAvatarAppearance(out AvatarWearable[] wearables, out byte[] visualParams)
visualParams = AvatarAppearance.GetDefaultVisualParams();
wearables = AvatarWearable.DefaultWearables;
public void RegionHandleRequest(IClientAPI client, UUID regionID)
RegionInfo info;
if (regionID == RegionInfo.RegionID)
info = RegionInfo;
info = CommsManager.GridService.RequestNeighbourInfo(regionID);
if (info != null)
client.SendRegionHandle(regionID, info.RegionHandle);
public void TerrainUnAcked(IClientAPI client, int patchX, int patchY)
//m_log.Debug("Terrain packet unacked, resending patch: " + patchX + " , " + patchY);
client.SendLayerData(patchX, patchY, Heightmap.GetFloatsSerialised());
public void SetRootAgentScene(UUID agentID)
IInventoryTransferModule inv = RequestModuleInterface<IInventoryTransferModule>();
if (inv == null)
inv.SetRootAgentScene(agentID, this);
EventManager.TriggerSetRootAgentScene(agentID, this);
public bool NeedSceneCacheClear(UUID agentID)
IInventoryTransferModule inv = RequestModuleInterface<IInventoryTransferModule>();
if (inv == null)
return true;
return inv.NeedSceneCacheClear(agentID, this);
public void ObjectSaleInfo(IClientAPI client, UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, uint localID, byte saleType, int salePrice)
SceneObjectPart part = GetSceneObjectPart(localID);
if (part == null || part.ParentGroup == null)
if (part.ParentGroup.IsDeleted)
part = part.ParentGroup.RootPart;
part.ObjectSaleType = saleType;
part.SalePrice = salePrice;
part.ParentGroup.HasGroupChanged = true;
public bool PerformObjectBuy(IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID categoryID,
uint localID, byte saleType)
SceneObjectPart part = GetSceneObjectPart(localID);
if (part == null)
return false;
if (part.ParentGroup == null)
return false;
SceneObjectGroup group = part.ParentGroup;
switch (saleType)
case 1: // Sell as original (in-place sale)
uint effectivePerms=group.GetEffectivePermissions();
if ((effectivePerms & (uint)PermissionMask.Transfer) == 0)
m_dialogModule.SendAlertToUser(remoteClient, "This item doesn't appear to be for sale");
return false;
group.SetRootPartOwner(part, remoteClient.AgentId,
List<SceneObjectPart> partList =
new List<SceneObjectPart>(group.Children.Values);
if (Permissions.PropagatePermissions())
foreach (SceneObjectPart child in partList)
part.ObjectSaleType = 0;
part.SalePrice = 10;
group.HasGroupChanged = true;
case 2: // Sell a copy
string sceneObjectXml = SceneObjectSerializer.ToOriginalXmlFormat(group);
CachedUserInfo userInfo =
if (userInfo != null)
uint perms=group.GetEffectivePermissions();
if ((perms & (uint)PermissionMask.Transfer) == 0)
m_dialogModule.SendAlertToUser(remoteClient, "This item doesn't appear to be for sale");
return false;
AssetBase asset = CreateAsset(
InventoryItemBase item = new InventoryItemBase();
item.CreatorId = part.CreatorID.ToString();
item.ID = UUID.Random();
item.Owner = remoteClient.AgentId;
item.AssetID = asset.FullID;
item.Description = asset.Description;
item.Name = asset.Name;
item.AssetType = asset.Type;
item.InvType = (int)InventoryType.Object;
item.Folder = categoryID;
uint nextPerms=(perms & 7) << 13;
if ((nextPerms & (uint)PermissionMask.Copy) == 0)
perms &= ~(uint)PermissionMask.Copy;
if ((nextPerms & (uint)PermissionMask.Transfer) == 0)
perms &= ~(uint)PermissionMask.Transfer;
if ((nextPerms & (uint)PermissionMask.Modify) == 0)
perms &= ~(uint)PermissionMask.Modify;
item.BasePermissions = perms & part.NextOwnerMask;
item.CurrentPermissions = perms & part.NextOwnerMask;
item.NextPermissions = part.NextOwnerMask;
item.EveryOnePermissions = part.EveryoneMask &
item.GroupPermissions = part.GroupMask &
item.CurrentPermissions |= 8; // Slam!
item.CreationDate = Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();
remoteClient.SendInventoryItemCreateUpdate(item, 0);
m_dialogModule.SendAlertToUser(remoteClient, "Cannot buy now. Your inventory is unavailable");
return false;
case 3: // Sell contents
List<UUID> invList = part.Inventory.GetInventoryList();
bool okToSell = true;
foreach (UUID invID in invList)
TaskInventoryItem item = part.Inventory.GetInventoryItem(invID);
if ((item.CurrentPermissions &
(uint)PermissionMask.Transfer) == 0)
okToSell = false;
if (!okToSell)
remoteClient, "This item's inventory doesn't appear to be for sale");
return false;
if (invList.Count > 0)
MoveTaskInventoryItems(remoteClient.AgentId, part.Name,
part, invList);
return true;
public void CleanTempObjects()
List<EntityBase> objs = GetEntities();
foreach (EntityBase obj in objs)
if (obj is SceneObjectGroup)
SceneObjectGroup grp = (SceneObjectGroup)obj;
if (!grp.IsDeleted)
if ((grp.RootPart.Flags & PrimFlags.TemporaryOnRez) != 0)
if (grp.RootPart.Expires <= DateTime.Now)
DeleteSceneObject(grp, false);
public void DeleteFromStorage(UUID uuid)
m_storageManager.DataStore.RemoveObject(uuid, m_regInfo.RegionID);
public int GetHealth()
// Returns:
// 1 = sim is up and accepting http requests. The heartbeat has
// stopped and the sim is probably locked up, but a remote
// admin restart may succeed
// 2 = Sim is up and the heartbeat is running. The sim is likely
// usable for people within and logins _may_ work
// 3 = We have seen a new user enter within the past 4 minutes
// which can be seen as positive confirmation of sim health
int health=1; // Start at 1, means we're up
if ((Environment.TickCount - m_lastUpdate) < 1000)
return health;
// A login in the last 4 mins? We can't be doing too badly
if ((Environment.TickCount - m_LastLogin) < 240000)
return health;
return health;
// This callback allows the PhysicsScene to call back to its caller (the SceneGraph) and
// update non-physical objects like the joint proxy objects that represent the position
// of the joints in the scene.
// This routine is normally called from within a lock (OdeLock) from within the OdePhysicsScene
// WARNING: be careful of deadlocks here if you manipulate the scene. Remember you are being called
// from within the OdePhysicsScene.
protected internal void jointMoved(PhysicsJoint joint)
// m_parentScene.PhysicsScene.DumpJointInfo(); // non-thread-locked version; we should already be in a lock (OdeLock) when this callback is invoked
SceneObjectPart jointProxyObject = GetSceneObjectPart(joint.ObjectNameInScene);
if (jointProxyObject == null)
jointErrorMessage(joint, "WARNING, joint proxy not found, name " + joint.ObjectNameInScene);
// now update the joint proxy object in the scene to have the position of the joint as returned by the physics engine
SceneObjectPart trackedBody = GetSceneObjectPart(joint.TrackedBodyName); // FIXME: causes a sequential lookup
if (trackedBody == null) return; // the actor may have been deleted but the joint still lingers around a few frames waiting for deletion. during this time, trackedBody is NULL to prevent further motion of the joint proxy.
jointProxyObject.Velocity = trackedBody.Velocity;
jointProxyObject.RotationalVelocity = trackedBody.RotationalVelocity;
switch (joint.Type)
case PhysicsJointType.Ball:
PhysicsVector jointAnchor = PhysicsScene.GetJointAnchor(joint);
Vector3 proxyPos = new Vector3(jointAnchor.X, jointAnchor.Y, jointAnchor.Z);
jointProxyObject.ParentGroup.UpdateGroupPosition(proxyPos); // schedules the entire group for a terse update
case PhysicsJointType.Hinge:
PhysicsVector jointAnchor = PhysicsScene.GetJointAnchor(joint);
// Normally, we would just ask the physics scene to return the axis for the joint.
// Unfortunately, ODE sometimes returns <0,0,0> for the joint axis, which should
// never occur. Therefore we cannot rely on ODE to always return a correct joint axis.
// Therefore the following call does not always work:
//PhysicsVector phyJointAxis = _PhyScene.GetJointAxis(joint);
// instead we compute the joint orientation by saving the original joint orientation
// relative to one of the jointed bodies, and applying this transformation
// to the current position of the jointed bodies (the tracked body) to compute the
// current joint orientation.
if (joint.TrackedBodyName == null)
jointErrorMessage(joint, "joint.TrackedBodyName is null, joint " + joint.ObjectNameInScene);
Vector3 proxyPos = new Vector3(jointAnchor.X, jointAnchor.Y, jointAnchor.Z);
Quaternion q = trackedBody.RotationOffset * joint.LocalRotation;
jointProxyObject.ParentGroup.UpdateGroupPosition(proxyPos); // schedules the entire group for a terse update
jointProxyObject.ParentGroup.UpdateGroupRotation(q); // schedules the entire group for a terse update
// This callback allows the PhysicsScene to call back to its caller (the SceneGraph) and
// update non-physical objects like the joint proxy objects that represent the position
// of the joints in the scene.
// This routine is normally called from within a lock (OdeLock) from within the OdePhysicsScene
// WARNING: be careful of deadlocks here if you manipulate the scene. Remember you are being called
// from within the OdePhysicsScene.
protected internal void jointDeactivated(PhysicsJoint joint)
//m_log.Debug("[NINJA] SceneGraph.jointDeactivated, joint:" + joint.ObjectNameInScene);
SceneObjectPart jointProxyObject = GetSceneObjectPart(joint.ObjectNameInScene);
if (jointProxyObject == null)
jointErrorMessage(joint, "WARNING, trying to deactivate (stop interpolation of) joint proxy, but not found, name " + joint.ObjectNameInScene);
// turn the proxy non-physical, which also stops its client-side interpolation
bool wasUsingPhysics = ((jointProxyObject.ObjectFlags & (uint)PrimFlags.Physics) != 0);
if (wasUsingPhysics)
jointProxyObject.UpdatePrimFlags(false, false, true, false); // FIXME: possible deadlock here; check to make sure all the scene alterations set into motion here won't deadlock
// This callback allows the PhysicsScene to call back to its caller (the SceneGraph) and
// alert the user of errors by using the debug channel in the same way that scripts alert
// the user of compile errors.
// This routine is normally called from within a lock (OdeLock) from within the OdePhysicsScene
// WARNING: be careful of deadlocks here if you manipulate the scene. Remember you are being called
// from within the OdePhysicsScene.
public void jointErrorMessage(PhysicsJoint joint, string message)
if (joint != null)
if (joint.ErrorMessageCount > PhysicsJoint.maxErrorMessages)
SceneObjectPart jointProxyObject = GetSceneObjectPart(joint.ObjectNameInScene);
if (jointProxyObject != null)
SimChat(Utils.StringToBytes("[NINJA]: " + message),
if (joint.ErrorMessageCount > PhysicsJoint.maxErrorMessages)
SimChat(Utils.StringToBytes("[NINJA]: Too many messages for this joint, suppressing further messages."),
// couldn't find the joint proxy object; the error message is silently suppressed
public Scene ConsoleScene()
if (MainConsole.Instance == null)
return null;
if (MainConsole.Instance.ConsoleScene is Scene)
return (Scene)MainConsole.Instance.ConsoleScene;
return null;