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1368 lines
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* Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/
* See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyrightD
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the
* names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using OpenSim.Framework;
using OpenSim.Region.Framework;
using OpenSim.Region.CoreModules;
using Logging = OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Framework.Statistics.Logging;
using OpenSim.Region.Physics.Manager;
using Nini.Config;
using log4net;
using OpenMetaverse;
// TODOs for BulletSim (for BSScene, BSPrim, BSCharacter and BulletSim)
// Adjust character capsule size when height is adjusted (ScenePresence.SetHeight)
// Test sculpties
// Compute physics FPS reasonably
// Based on material, set density and friction
// More efficient memory usage when passing hull information from BSPrim to BulletSim
// Move all logic out of the C++ code and into the C# code for easier future modifications.
// Four states of prim: Physical, regular, phantom and selected. Are we modeling these correctly?
// In SL one can set both physical and phantom (gravity, does not effect others, makes collisions with ground)
// At the moment, physical and phantom causes object to drop through the terrain
// Physical phantom objects and related typing (collision options )
// Use collision masks for collision with terrain and phantom objects
// Check out llVolumeDetect. Must do something for that.
// Should prim.link() and prim.delink() membership checking happen at taint time?
// Mesh sharing. Use meshHash to tell if we already have a hull of that shape and only create once
// Do attachments need to be handled separately? Need collision events. Do not collide with VolumeDetect
// Implement LockAngularMotion
// Decide if clearing forces is the right thing to do when setting position (BulletSim::SetObjectTranslation)
// Does NeedsMeshing() really need to exclude all the different shapes?
// Remove mesh and Hull stuff. Use mesh passed to bullet and use convexdecom from bullet.
// Add PID movement operations. What does ScenePresence.MoveToTarget do?
// Check terrain size. 128 or 127?
// Raycast
namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.BulletSPlugin
public class BSScene : PhysicsScene, IPhysicsParameters
private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
private static readonly string LogHeader = "[BULLETS SCENE]";
// The name of the region we're working for.
public string RegionName { get; private set; }
public string BulletSimVersion = "?";
public Dictionary<uint, BSPhysObject> PhysObjects = new Dictionary<uint, BSPhysObject>();
private HashSet<BSPhysObject> m_objectsWithCollisions = new HashSet<BSPhysObject>();
// Following is a kludge and can be removed when avatar animation updating is
// moved to a better place.
private HashSet<BSCharacter> m_avatarsWithCollisions = new HashSet<BSCharacter>();
// List of all the objects that have vehicle properties and should be called
// to update each physics step.
private List<BSPhysObject> m_vehicles = new List<BSPhysObject>();
// let my minuions use my logger
public ILog Logger { get { return m_log; } }
// If non-zero, the number of simulation steps between calls to the physics
// engine to output detailed physics stats. Debug logging level must be on also.
private int m_detailedStatsStep = 0;
public IMesher mesher;
// Level of Detail values kept as float because that's what the Meshmerizer wants
public float MeshLOD { get; private set; }
public float MeshMegaPrimLOD { get; private set; }
public float MeshMegaPrimThreshold { get; private set; }
public float SculptLOD { get; private set; }
public uint WorldID { get; private set; }
public BulletSim World { get; private set; }
// All the constraints that have been allocated in this instance.
public BSConstraintCollection Constraints { get; private set; }
// Simulation parameters
private int m_maxSubSteps;
private float m_fixedTimeStep;
private long m_simulationStep = 0;
public long SimulationStep { get { return m_simulationStep; } }
// The length of the last timestep we were asked to simulate.
// This is used by the vehicle code. Since the vehicle code is called
// once per simulation step, its constants need to be scaled by this.
public float LastSimulatedTimestep { get; private set; }
// A value of the time now so all the collision and update routines do not have to get their own
// Set to 'now' just before all the prims and actors are called for collisions and updates
public int SimulationNowTime { get; private set; }
// True if initialized and ready to do simulation steps
private bool m_initialized = false;
// Pinned memory used to pass step information between managed and unmanaged
private int m_maxCollisionsPerFrame;
private CollisionDesc[] m_collisionArray;
private GCHandle m_collisionArrayPinnedHandle;
private int m_maxUpdatesPerFrame;
private EntityProperties[] m_updateArray;
private GCHandle m_updateArrayPinnedHandle;
private bool _meshSculptedPrim = true; // cause scuplted prims to get meshed
private bool _forceSimplePrimMeshing = false; // if a cube or sphere, let Bullet do internal shapes
public float PID_D { get; private set; } // derivative
public float PID_P { get; private set; } // proportional
public const uint TERRAIN_ID = 0; // OpenSim senses terrain with a localID of zero
public const uint GROUNDPLANE_ID = 1;
public const uint CHILDTERRAIN_ID = 2; // Terrain allocated based on our mega-prim childre start here
private float m_waterLevel;
public BSTerrainManager TerrainManager { get; private set; }
public ConfigurationParameters Params
get { return m_params[0]; }
public Vector3 DefaultGravity
get { return new Vector3(0f, 0f, Params.gravity); }
public float MaximumObjectMass { get; private set; }
// When functions in the unmanaged code must be called, it is only
// done at a known time just before the simulation step. The taint
// system saves all these function calls and executes them in
// order before the simulation.
public delegate void TaintCallback();
private struct TaintCallbackEntry
public String ident;
public TaintCallback callback;
public TaintCallbackEntry(string i, TaintCallback c)
ident = i;
callback = c;
private List<TaintCallbackEntry> _taintedObjects;
private Object _taintLock = new Object();
// A pointer to an instance if this structure is passed to the C++ code
// Used to pass basic configuration values to the unmanaged code.
ConfigurationParameters[] m_params;
GCHandle m_paramsHandle;
// Handle to the callback used by the unmanaged code to call into the managed code.
// Used for debug logging.
// Need to store the handle in a persistant variable so it won't be freed.
private BulletSimAPI.DebugLogCallback m_DebugLogCallbackHandle;
// Sometimes you just have to log everything.
public Logging.LogWriter PhysicsLogging;
private bool m_physicsLoggingEnabled;
private string m_physicsLoggingDir;
private string m_physicsLoggingPrefix;
private int m_physicsLoggingFileMinutes;
// 'true' of the vehicle code is to log lots of details
public bool VehicleLoggingEnabled { get; private set; }
#region Construction and Initialization
public BSScene(string identifier)
m_initialized = false;
// we are passed the name of the region we're working for.
RegionName = identifier;
public override void Initialise(IMesher meshmerizer, IConfigSource config)
// Allocate pinned memory to pass parameters.
m_params = new ConfigurationParameters[1];
m_paramsHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(m_params, GCHandleType.Pinned);
// Set default values for physics parameters plus any overrides from the ini file
// allocate more pinned memory close to the above in an attempt to get the memory all together
m_collisionArray = new CollisionDesc[m_maxCollisionsPerFrame];
m_collisionArrayPinnedHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(m_collisionArray, GCHandleType.Pinned);
m_updateArray = new EntityProperties[m_maxUpdatesPerFrame];
m_updateArrayPinnedHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(m_updateArray, GCHandleType.Pinned);
mesher = meshmerizer;
_taintedObjects = new List<TaintCallbackEntry>();
// Enable very detailed logging.
// By creating an empty logger when not logging, the log message invocation code
// can be left in and every call doesn't have to check for null.
if (m_physicsLoggingEnabled)
PhysicsLogging = new Logging.LogWriter(m_physicsLoggingDir, m_physicsLoggingPrefix, m_physicsLoggingFileMinutes);
PhysicsLogging = new Logging.LogWriter();
// If Debug logging level, enable logging from the unmanaged code
m_DebugLogCallbackHandle = null;
if (m_log.IsDebugEnabled || PhysicsLogging.Enabled)
m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: Initialize: Setting debug callback for unmanaged code", LogHeader);
if (PhysicsLogging.Enabled)
// The handle is saved in a variable to make sure it doesn't get freed after this call
m_DebugLogCallbackHandle = new BulletSimAPI.DebugLogCallback(BulletLoggerPhysLog);
m_DebugLogCallbackHandle = new BulletSimAPI.DebugLogCallback(BulletLogger);
// Get the version of the DLL
// TODO: this doesn't work yet. Something wrong with marshaling the returned string.
// BulletSimVersion = BulletSimAPI.GetVersion();
// m_log.WarnFormat("{0}: BulletSim.dll version='{1}'", LogHeader, BulletSimVersion);
// The bounding box for the simulated world. The origin is 0,0,0 unless we're
// a child in a mega-region.
// Turns out that Bullet really doesn't care about the extents of the simulated
// area. It tracks active objects no matter where they are.
Vector3 worldExtent = new Vector3(Constants.RegionSize, Constants.RegionSize, 8192f);
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: Initialize: Calling BulletSimAPI.Initialize.", LogHeader);
WorldID = BulletSimAPI.Initialize(worldExtent, m_paramsHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(),
m_maxCollisionsPerFrame, m_collisionArrayPinnedHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(),
m_maxUpdatesPerFrame, m_updateArrayPinnedHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(),
// Initialization to support the transition to a new API which puts most of the logic
// into the C# code so it is easier to modify and add to.
World = new BulletSim(WorldID, this, BulletSimAPI.GetSimHandle2(WorldID));
Constraints = new BSConstraintCollection(World);
TerrainManager = new BSTerrainManager(this);
m_initialized = true;
// All default parameter values are set here. There should be no values set in the
// variable definitions.
private void GetInitialParameterValues(IConfigSource config)
ConfigurationParameters parms = new ConfigurationParameters();
m_params[0] = parms;
if (config != null)
// If there are specifications in the ini file, use those values
IConfig pConfig = config.Configs["BulletSim"];
if (pConfig != null)
// Very detailed logging for physics debugging
m_physicsLoggingEnabled = pConfig.GetBoolean("PhysicsLoggingEnabled", false);
m_physicsLoggingDir = pConfig.GetString("PhysicsLoggingDir", ".");
m_physicsLoggingPrefix = pConfig.GetString("PhysicsLoggingPrefix", "physics-%REGIONNAME%-");
m_physicsLoggingFileMinutes = pConfig.GetInt("PhysicsLoggingFileMinutes", 5);
// Very detailed logging for vehicle debugging
VehicleLoggingEnabled = pConfig.GetBoolean("VehicleLoggingEnabled", false);
// Do any replacements in the parameters
m_physicsLoggingPrefix = m_physicsLoggingPrefix.Replace("%REGIONNAME%", RegionName);
// A helper function that handles a true/false parameter and returns the proper float number encoding
float ParamBoolean(IConfig config, string parmName, float deflt)
float ret = deflt;
if (config.Contains(parmName))
ret = ConfigurationParameters.numericFalse;
if (config.GetBoolean(parmName, false))
ret = ConfigurationParameters.numericTrue;
return ret;
// Called directly from unmanaged code so don't do much
private void BulletLogger(string msg)
m_log.Debug("[BULLETS UNMANAGED]:" + msg);
// Called directly from unmanaged code so don't do much
private void BulletLoggerPhysLog(string msg)
PhysicsLogging.Write("[BULLETS UNMANAGED]:" + msg);
public override void Dispose()
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: Dispose()", LogHeader);
// make sure no stepping happens while we're deleting stuff
m_initialized = false;
foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, BSPhysObject> kvp in PhysObjects)
// Now that the prims are all cleaned up, there should be no constraints left
if (Constraints != null)
Constraints = null;
// Anything left in the unmanaged code should be cleaned out
// Not logging any more
#endregion // Construction and Initialization
#region Prim and Avatar addition and removal
public override PhysicsActor AddAvatar(string avName, Vector3 position, Vector3 size, bool isFlying)
m_log.ErrorFormat("{0}: CALL TO AddAvatar in BSScene. NOT IMPLEMENTED", LogHeader);
return null;
public override PhysicsActor AddAvatar(uint localID, string avName, Vector3 position, Vector3 size, bool isFlying)
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: AddAvatar: {1}", LogHeader, avName);
if (!m_initialized) return null;
BSCharacter actor = new BSCharacter(localID, avName, this, position, size, isFlying);
lock (PhysObjects) PhysObjects.Add(localID, actor);
// TODO: Remove kludge someday.
// We must generate a collision for avatars whether they collide or not.
// This is required by OpenSim to update avatar animations, etc.
lock (m_avatarsWithCollisions) m_avatarsWithCollisions.Add(actor);
return actor;
public override void RemoveAvatar(PhysicsActor actor)
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: RemoveAvatar", LogHeader);
if (!m_initialized) return;
BSCharacter bsactor = actor as BSCharacter;
if (bsactor != null)
lock (PhysObjects) PhysObjects.Remove(actor.LocalID);
// Remove kludge someday
lock (m_avatarsWithCollisions) m_avatarsWithCollisions.Remove(bsactor);
catch (Exception e)
m_log.WarnFormat("{0}: Attempt to remove avatar that is not in physics scene: {1}", LogHeader, e);
// bsactor.dispose();
public override void RemovePrim(PhysicsActor prim)
if (!m_initialized) return;
BSPrim bsprim = prim as BSPrim;
if (bsprim != null)
DetailLog("{0},RemovePrim,call", bsprim.LocalID);
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: RemovePrim. id={1}/{2}", LogHeader, bsprim.Name, bsprim.LocalID);
lock (PhysObjects) PhysObjects.Remove(bsprim.LocalID);
catch (Exception e)
m_log.ErrorFormat("{0}: Attempt to remove prim that is not in physics scene: {1}", LogHeader, e);
// bsprim.dispose();
m_log.ErrorFormat("{0}: Attempt to remove prim that is not a BSPrim type.", LogHeader);
public override PhysicsActor AddPrimShape(string primName, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, Vector3 position,
Vector3 size, Quaternion rotation, bool isPhysical, uint localID)
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: AddPrimShape2: {1}", LogHeader, primName);
if (!m_initialized) return null;
DetailLog("{0},AddPrimShape,call", localID);
BSPrim prim = new BSPrim(localID, primName, this, position, size, rotation, pbs, isPhysical);
lock (PhysObjects) PhysObjects.Add(localID, prim);
return prim;
// This is a call from the simulator saying that some physical property has been updated.
// The BulletSim driver senses the changing of relevant properties so this taint
// information call is not needed.
public override void AddPhysicsActorTaint(PhysicsActor prim) { }
#endregion // Prim and Avatar addition and removal
#region Simulation
// Simulate one timestep
public override float Simulate(float timeStep)
int updatedEntityCount = 0;
IntPtr updatedEntitiesPtr;
int collidersCount = 0;
IntPtr collidersPtr;
LastSimulatedTimestep = timeStep;
// prevent simulation until we've been initialized
if (!m_initialized) return 10.0f;
int simulateStartTime = Util.EnvironmentTickCount();
// update the prim states while we know the physics engine is not busy
int numTaints = _taintedObjects.Count;
// Some of the prims operate with special vehicle properties
ProcessTaints(); // the vehicles might have added taints
// step the physical world one interval
int numSubSteps = 0;
numSubSteps = BulletSimAPI.PhysicsStep(WorldID, timeStep, m_maxSubSteps, m_fixedTimeStep,
out updatedEntityCount, out updatedEntitiesPtr, out collidersCount, out collidersPtr);
DetailLog("{0},Simulate,call, nTaints= {1}, substeps={2}, updates={3}, colliders={4}",
DetailLogZero, numTaints, numSubSteps, updatedEntityCount, collidersCount);
catch (Exception e)
m_log.WarnFormat("{0},PhysicsStep Exception: nTaints={1}, substeps={2}, updates={3}, colliders={4}, e={5}",
LogHeader, numTaints, numSubSteps, updatedEntityCount, collidersCount, e);
DetailLog("{0},PhysicsStepException,call, nTaints={1}, substeps={2}, updates={3}, colliders={4}",
DetailLogZero, numTaints, numSubSteps, updatedEntityCount, collidersCount);
updatedEntityCount = 0;
collidersCount = 0;
// Don't have to use the pointers passed back since we know it is the same pinned memory we passed in
// Get a value for 'now' so all the collision and update routines don't have to get their own
SimulationNowTime = Util.EnvironmentTickCount();
// If there were collisions, process them by sending the event to the prim.
// Collisions must be processed before updates.
if (collidersCount > 0)
for (int ii = 0; ii < collidersCount; ii++)
uint cA = m_collisionArray[ii].aID;
uint cB = m_collisionArray[ii].bID;
Vector3 point = m_collisionArray[ii].point;
Vector3 normal = m_collisionArray[ii].normal;
SendCollision(cA, cB, point, normal, 0.01f);
SendCollision(cB, cA, point, -normal, 0.01f);
// The above SendCollision's batch up the collisions on the objects.
// Now push the collisions into the simulator.
foreach (BSPhysObject bsp in m_objectsWithCollisions)
// This is a kludge to get avatar movement updated.
// ODE sends collisions even if there are none and this is used to update
// avatar animations and stuff.
foreach (BSPhysObject bpo in m_avatarsWithCollisions)
// m_avatarsWithCollisions.Clear();
// If any of the objects had updated properties, tell the object it has been changed by the physics engine
if (updatedEntityCount > 0)
for (int ii = 0; ii < updatedEntityCount; ii++)
EntityProperties entprop = m_updateArray[ii];
BSPhysObject pobj;
if (PhysObjects.TryGetValue(entprop.ID, out pobj))
// If enabled, call into the physics engine to dump statistics
if (m_detailedStatsStep > 0)
if ((m_simulationStep % m_detailedStatsStep) == 0)
// this is a waste since the outside routine also calcuates the physics simulation
// period. TODO: There should be a way of computing physics frames from simulator computation.
// long simulateTotalTime = Util.EnvironmentTickCountSubtract(simulateStartTime);
// return (timeStep * (float)simulateTotalTime);
// TODO: FIX THIS: fps calculation possibly wrong.
// This calculation says 1/timeStep is the ideal frame rate. Any time added to
// that by the physics simulation gives a slower frame rate.
long totalSimulationTime = Util.EnvironmentTickCountSubtract(simulateStartTime);
if (totalSimulationTime >= timeStep)
return 0;
return 1f / (timeStep + totalSimulationTime);
// Something has collided
private void SendCollision(uint localID, uint collidingWith, Vector3 collidePoint, Vector3 collideNormal, float penetration)
if (localID <= TerrainManager.HighestTerrainID)
return; // don't send collisions to the terrain
BSPhysObject collider = PhysObjects[localID];
// TODO: as of this code, terrain was not in the physical object list.
// When BSTerrain is created and it will be in the list, we can remove
// the possibility that it's not there and just fetch the collidee.
BSPhysObject collidee = null;
ActorTypes type = ActorTypes.Prim;
if (collidingWith <= TerrainManager.HighestTerrainID)
type = ActorTypes.Ground;
collidee = PhysObjects[collidingWith];
if (collidee is BSCharacter)
type = ActorTypes.Agent;
// DetailLog("{0},BSScene.SendCollision,collide,id={1},with={2}", DetailLogZero, localID, collidingWith);
collider.Collide(collidingWith, collidee, type, collidePoint, collideNormal, penetration);
#endregion // Simulation
public override void GetResults() { }
#region Terrain
public override void SetTerrain(float[] heightMap) {
public override void SetWaterLevel(float baseheight)
m_waterLevel = baseheight;
// TODO: pass to physics engine so things will float?
public float GetWaterLevel()
return m_waterLevel;
public override void DeleteTerrain()
// m_log.DebugFormat("{0}: DeleteTerrain()", LogHeader);
// Although no one seems to check this, I do support combining.
public override bool SupportsCombining()
return TerrainManager.SupportsCombining();
// This call says I am a child to region zero in a mega-region. 'pScene' is that
// of region zero, 'offset' is my offset from regions zero's origin, and
// 'extents' is the largest XY that is handled in my region.
public override void Combine(PhysicsScene pScene, Vector3 offset, Vector3 extents)
TerrainManager.Combine(pScene, offset, extents);
// Unhook all the combining that I know about.
public override void UnCombine(PhysicsScene pScene)
#endregion // Terrain
public override Dictionary<uint, float> GetTopColliders()
return new Dictionary<uint, float>();
public override bool IsThreaded { get { return false; } }
/// <summary>
/// Routine to figure out if we need to mesh this prim with our mesher
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pbs"></param>
/// <returns>true if the prim needs meshing</returns>
public bool NeedsMeshing(PrimitiveBaseShape pbs)
// most of this is redundant now as the mesher will return null if it cant mesh a prim
// but we still need to check for sculptie meshing being enabled so this is the most
// convenient place to do it for now...
// int iPropertiesNotSupportedDefault = 0;
if (pbs.SculptEntry && !_meshSculptedPrim)
// Render sculpties as boxes
return false;
// if it's a standard box or sphere with no cuts, hollows, twist or top shear, return false since Bullet
// can use an internal representation for the prim
if (!_forceSimplePrimMeshing)
if ((pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.Square && pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight)
|| (pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.HalfCircle && pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1
&& pbs.Scale.X == pbs.Scale.Y && pbs.Scale.Y == pbs.Scale.Z))
if (pbs.ProfileBegin == 0 && pbs.ProfileEnd == 0
&& pbs.ProfileHollow == 0
&& pbs.PathTwist == 0 && pbs.PathTwistBegin == 0
&& pbs.PathBegin == 0 && pbs.PathEnd == 0
&& pbs.PathTaperX == 0 && pbs.PathTaperY == 0
&& pbs.PathScaleX == 100 && pbs.PathScaleY == 100
&& pbs.PathShearX == 0 && pbs.PathShearY == 0)
return false;
/* TODO: verify that the mesher will now do all these shapes
if (pbs.ProfileHollow != 0)
if ((pbs.PathBegin != 0) || pbs.PathEnd != 0)
if ((pbs.PathTwistBegin != 0) || (pbs.PathTwist != 0))
if ((pbs.ProfileBegin != 0) || pbs.ProfileEnd != 0)
if ((pbs.PathScaleX != 100) || (pbs.PathScaleY != 100))
if ((pbs.PathShearX != 0) || (pbs.PathShearY != 0))
if (pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.Circle && pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight)
if (pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.HalfCircle && pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1 && (pbs.Scale.X != pbs.Scale.Y || pbs.Scale.Y != pbs.Scale.Z || pbs.Scale.Z != pbs.Scale.X))
if (pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.HalfCircle && pbs.PathCurve == (byte) Extrusion.Curve1)
// test for torus
if ((pbs.ProfileCurve & 0x07) == (byte)ProfileShape.Square)
if (pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1)
else if ((pbs.ProfileCurve & 0x07) == (byte)ProfileShape.Circle)
if (pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight)
// ProfileCurve seems to combine hole shape and profile curve so we need to only compare against the lower 3 bits
else if (pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1)
else if ((pbs.ProfileCurve & 0x07) == (byte)ProfileShape.HalfCircle)
if (pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1 || pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve2)
else if ((pbs.ProfileCurve & 0x07) == (byte)ProfileShape.EquilateralTriangle)
if (pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight)
else if (pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1)
if (iPropertiesNotSupportedDefault == 0)
return false;
return true;
// Calls to the PhysicsActors can't directly call into the physics engine
// because it might be busy. We delay changes to a known time.
// We rely on C#'s closure to save and restore the context for the delegate.
public void TaintedObject(String ident, TaintCallback callback)
if (!m_initialized) return;
lock (_taintLock)
_taintedObjects.Add(new TaintCallbackEntry(ident, callback));
// When someone tries to change a property on a BSPrim or BSCharacter, the object queues
// a callback into itself to do the actual property change. That callback is called
// here just before the physics engine is called to step the simulation.
public void ProcessTaints()
if (_taintedObjects.Count > 0) // save allocating new list if there is nothing to process
// swizzle a new list into the list location so we can process what's there
List<TaintCallbackEntry> oldList;
lock (_taintLock)
oldList = _taintedObjects;
_taintedObjects = new List<TaintCallbackEntry>();
foreach (TaintCallbackEntry tcbe in oldList)
catch (Exception e)
m_log.ErrorFormat("{0}: ProcessTaints: {1}: Exception: {2}", LogHeader, tcbe.ident, e);
#region Vehicles
public void VehicleInSceneTypeChanged(BSPrim vehic, Vehicle newType)
if (newType == Vehicle.TYPE_NONE)
// make it so the scene will call us each tick to do vehicle things
// Make so the scene will call this prim for vehicle actions each tick.
// Safe to call if prim is already in the vehicle list.
public void AddVehiclePrim(BSPrim vehicle)
lock (m_vehicles)
if (!m_vehicles.Contains(vehicle))
// Remove a prim from our list of vehicles.
// Safe to call if the prim is not in the vehicle list.
public void RemoveVehiclePrim(BSPrim vehicle)
lock (m_vehicles)
if (m_vehicles.Contains(vehicle))
// Some prims have extra vehicle actions
// no locking because only called when physics engine is not busy
private void ProcessVehicles(float timeStep)
foreach (BSPhysObject pobj in m_vehicles)
#endregion Vehicles
#region INI and command line parameter processing
delegate void ParamUser(BSScene scene, IConfig conf, string paramName, float val);
delegate float ParamGet(BSScene scene);
delegate void ParamSet(BSScene scene, string paramName, uint localID, float val);
private struct ParameterDefn
public string name; // string name of the parameter
public string desc; // a short description of what the parameter means
public float defaultValue; // default value if not specified anywhere else
public ParamUser userParam; // get the value from the configuration file
public ParamGet getter; // return the current value stored for this parameter
public ParamSet setter; // set the current value for this parameter
public ParameterDefn(string n, string d, float v, ParamUser u, ParamGet g, ParamSet s)
name = n;
desc = d;
defaultValue = v;
userParam = u;
getter = g;
setter = s;
// List of all of the externally visible parameters.
// For each parameter, this table maps a text name to getter and setters.
// To add a new externally referencable/settable parameter, add the paramter storage
// location somewhere in the program and make an entry in this table with the
// getters and setters.
// It is easiest to find an existing definition and copy it.
// Parameter values are floats. Booleans are converted to a floating value.
// A ParameterDefn() takes the following parameters:
// -- the text name of the parameter. This is used for console input and ini file.
// -- a short text description of the parameter. This shows up in the console listing.
// -- a delegate for fetching the parameter from the ini file.
// Should handle fetching the right type from the ini file and converting it.
// -- a delegate for getting the value as a float
// -- a delegate for setting the value from a float
// The single letter parameters for the delegates are:
// s = BSScene
// p = string parameter name
// l = localID of referenced object
// v = float value
// cf = parameter configuration class (for fetching values from ini file)
private ParameterDefn[] ParameterDefinitions =
new ParameterDefn("MeshSculptedPrim", "Whether to create meshes for sculpties",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s._meshSculptedPrim = cf.GetBoolean(p, s.BoolNumeric(v)); },
(s) => { return s.NumericBool(s._meshSculptedPrim); },
(s,p,l,v) => { s._meshSculptedPrim = s.BoolNumeric(v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("ForceSimplePrimMeshing", "If true, only use primitive meshes for objects",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s._forceSimplePrimMeshing = cf.GetBoolean(p, s.BoolNumeric(v)); },
(s) => { return s.NumericBool(s._forceSimplePrimMeshing); },
(s,p,l,v) => { s._forceSimplePrimMeshing = s.BoolNumeric(v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("MeshLevelOfDetail", "Level of detail to render meshes (32, 16, 8 or 4. 32=most detailed)",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.MeshLOD = (float)cf.GetInt(p, (int)v); },
(s) => { return s.MeshLOD; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.MeshLOD = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("MeshLevelOfDetailMegaPrim", "Level of detail to render meshes larger than threshold meters",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.MeshMegaPrimLOD = (float)cf.GetInt(p, (int)v); },
(s) => { return s.MeshMegaPrimLOD; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.MeshMegaPrimLOD = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("MeshLevelOfDetailMegaPrimThreshold", "Size (in meters) of a mesh before using MeshMegaPrimLOD",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.MeshMegaPrimThreshold = (float)cf.GetInt(p, (int)v); },
(s) => { return s.MeshMegaPrimThreshold; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.MeshMegaPrimThreshold = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("SculptLevelOfDetail", "Level of detail to render sculpties (32, 16, 8 or 4. 32=most detailed)",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.SculptLOD = (float)cf.GetInt(p, (int)v); },
(s) => { return s.SculptLOD; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.SculptLOD = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("MaxSubStep", "In simulation step, maximum number of substeps",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_maxSubSteps = cf.GetInt(p, (int)v); },
(s) => { return (float)s.m_maxSubSteps; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_maxSubSteps = (int)v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("FixedTimeStep", "In simulation step, seconds of one substep (1/60)",
1f / 60f,
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_fixedTimeStep = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return (float)s.m_fixedTimeStep; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_fixedTimeStep = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("MaxCollisionsPerFrame", "Max collisions returned at end of each frame",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_maxCollisionsPerFrame = cf.GetInt(p, (int)v); },
(s) => { return (float)s.m_maxCollisionsPerFrame; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_maxCollisionsPerFrame = (int)v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("MaxUpdatesPerFrame", "Max updates returned at end of each frame",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_maxUpdatesPerFrame = cf.GetInt(p, (int)v); },
(s) => { return (float)s.m_maxUpdatesPerFrame; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_maxUpdatesPerFrame = (int)v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("MaxObjectMass", "Maximum object mass (10000.01)",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.MaximumObjectMass = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return (float)s.MaximumObjectMass; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.MaximumObjectMass = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("PID_D", "Derivitive factor for motion smoothing",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.PID_D = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return (float)s.PID_D; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.PID_D = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("PID_P", "Parameteric factor for motion smoothing",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.PID_P = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return (float)s.PID_P; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.PID_P = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("DefaultFriction", "Friction factor used on new objects",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].defaultFriction = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].defaultFriction; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].defaultFriction = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("DefaultDensity", "Density for new objects" ,
10.000006836f, // Aluminum g/cm3
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].defaultDensity = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].defaultDensity; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].defaultDensity = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("DefaultRestitution", "Bouncyness of an object" ,
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].defaultRestitution = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].defaultRestitution; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].defaultRestitution = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("CollisionMargin", "Margin around objects before collisions are calculated (must be zero!)",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].collisionMargin = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].collisionMargin; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].collisionMargin = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("Gravity", "Vertical force of gravity (negative means down)",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].gravity = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].gravity; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].gravity = v; s.TaintedUpdateParameter(p,l,v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("LinearDamping", "Factor to damp linear movement per second (0.0 - 1.0)",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].linearDamping = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].linearDamping; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.UpdateParameterObject(ref s.m_params[0].linearDamping, p, l, v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("AngularDamping", "Factor to damp angular movement per second (0.0 - 1.0)",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].angularDamping = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].angularDamping; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.UpdateParameterObject(ref s.m_params[0].angularDamping, p, l, v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("DeactivationTime", "Seconds before considering an object potentially static",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].deactivationTime = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].deactivationTime; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.UpdateParameterObject(ref s.m_params[0].deactivationTime, p, l, v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("LinearSleepingThreshold", "Seconds to measure linear movement before considering static",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].linearSleepingThreshold = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].linearSleepingThreshold; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.UpdateParameterObject(ref s.m_params[0].linearSleepingThreshold, p, l, v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("AngularSleepingThreshold", "Seconds to measure angular movement before considering static",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].angularSleepingThreshold = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].angularSleepingThreshold; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.UpdateParameterObject(ref s.m_params[0].angularSleepingThreshold, p, l, v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("CcdMotionThreshold", "Continuious collision detection threshold (0 means no CCD)" ,
0f, // set to zero to disable
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].ccdMotionThreshold = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].ccdMotionThreshold; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.UpdateParameterObject(ref s.m_params[0].ccdMotionThreshold, p, l, v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("CcdSweptSphereRadius", "Continuious collision detection test radius" ,
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].ccdSweptSphereRadius = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].ccdSweptSphereRadius; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.UpdateParameterObject(ref s.m_params[0].ccdSweptSphereRadius, p, l, v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("ContactProcessingThreshold", "Distance between contacts before doing collision check" ,
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].contactProcessingThreshold = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].contactProcessingThreshold; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.UpdateParameterObject(ref s.m_params[0].contactProcessingThreshold, p, l, v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("TerrainFriction", "Factor to reduce movement against terrain surface" ,
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].terrainFriction = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].terrainFriction; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].terrainFriction = v; s.TaintedUpdateParameter(p,l,v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("TerrainHitFraction", "Distance to measure hit collisions" ,
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].terrainHitFraction = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].terrainHitFraction; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].terrainHitFraction = v; s.TaintedUpdateParameter(p,l,v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("TerrainRestitution", "Bouncyness" ,
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].terrainRestitution = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].terrainRestitution; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].terrainRestitution = v; s.TaintedUpdateParameter(p,l,v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("AvatarFriction", "Factor to reduce movement against an avatar. Changed on avatar recreation.",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].avatarFriction = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].avatarFriction; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.UpdateParameterObject(ref s.m_params[0].avatarFriction, p, l, v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("AvatarDensity", "Density of an avatar. Changed on avatar recreation.",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].avatarDensity = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].avatarDensity; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.UpdateParameterObject(ref s.m_params[0].avatarDensity, p, l, v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("AvatarRestitution", "Bouncyness. Changed on avatar recreation.",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].avatarRestitution = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].avatarRestitution; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.UpdateParameterObject(ref s.m_params[0].avatarRestitution, p, l, v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("AvatarCapsuleRadius", "Radius of space around an avatar",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].avatarCapsuleRadius = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].avatarCapsuleRadius; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.UpdateParameterObject(ref s.m_params[0].avatarCapsuleRadius, p, l, v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("AvatarCapsuleHeight", "Default height of space around avatar",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].avatarCapsuleHeight = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].avatarCapsuleHeight; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.UpdateParameterObject(ref s.m_params[0].avatarCapsuleHeight, p, l, v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("AvatarContactProcessingThreshold", "Distance from capsule to check for collisions",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].avatarContactProcessingThreshold = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].avatarContactProcessingThreshold; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.UpdateParameterObject(ref s.m_params[0].avatarContactProcessingThreshold, p, l, v); } ),
new ParameterDefn("MaxPersistantManifoldPoolSize", "Number of manifolds pooled (0 means default of 4096)",
0f, // zero to disable
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].maxPersistantManifoldPoolSize = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].maxPersistantManifoldPoolSize; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].maxPersistantManifoldPoolSize = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("MaxCollisionAlgorithmPoolSize", "Number of collisions pooled (0 means default of 4096)",
0f, // zero to disable
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].maxCollisionAlgorithmPoolSize = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].maxCollisionAlgorithmPoolSize; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].maxCollisionAlgorithmPoolSize = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("ShouldDisableContactPoolDynamicAllocation", "Enable to allow large changes in object count",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].shouldDisableContactPoolDynamicAllocation = s.NumericBool(cf.GetBoolean(p, s.BoolNumeric(v))); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].shouldDisableContactPoolDynamicAllocation; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].shouldDisableContactPoolDynamicAllocation = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("ShouldForceUpdateAllAabbs", "Enable to recomputer AABBs every simulator step",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].shouldForceUpdateAllAabbs = s.NumericBool(cf.GetBoolean(p, s.BoolNumeric(v))); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].shouldForceUpdateAllAabbs; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].shouldForceUpdateAllAabbs = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("ShouldRandomizeSolverOrder", "Enable for slightly better stacking interaction",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].shouldRandomizeSolverOrder = s.NumericBool(cf.GetBoolean(p, s.BoolNumeric(v))); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].shouldRandomizeSolverOrder; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].shouldRandomizeSolverOrder = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("ShouldSplitSimulationIslands", "Enable splitting active object scanning islands",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].shouldSplitSimulationIslands = s.NumericBool(cf.GetBoolean(p, s.BoolNumeric(v))); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].shouldSplitSimulationIslands; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].shouldSplitSimulationIslands = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("ShouldEnableFrictionCaching", "Enable friction computation caching",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].shouldEnableFrictionCaching = s.NumericBool(cf.GetBoolean(p, s.BoolNumeric(v))); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].shouldEnableFrictionCaching; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].shouldEnableFrictionCaching = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("NumberOfSolverIterations", "Number of internal iterations (0 means default)",
0f, // zero says use Bullet default
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].numberOfSolverIterations = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].numberOfSolverIterations; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].numberOfSolverIterations = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("LinkConstraintUseFrameOffset", "For linksets built with constraints, enable frame offsetFor linksets built with constraints, enable frame offset.",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].linkConstraintUseFrameOffset = s.NumericBool(cf.GetBoolean(p, s.BoolNumeric(v))); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].linkConstraintUseFrameOffset; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].linkConstraintUseFrameOffset = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("LinkConstraintEnableTransMotor", "Whether to enable translational motor on linkset constraints",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].linkConstraintEnableTransMotor = s.NumericBool(cf.GetBoolean(p, s.BoolNumeric(v))); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].linkConstraintEnableTransMotor; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].linkConstraintEnableTransMotor = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("LinkConstraintTransMotorMaxVel", "Maximum velocity to be applied by translational motor in linkset constraints",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].linkConstraintTransMotorMaxVel = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].linkConstraintTransMotorMaxVel; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].linkConstraintTransMotorMaxVel = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("LinkConstraintTransMotorMaxForce", "Maximum force to be applied by translational motor in linkset constraints",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].linkConstraintTransMotorMaxForce = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].linkConstraintTransMotorMaxForce; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].linkConstraintTransMotorMaxForce = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("LinkConstraintCFM", "Amount constraint can be violated. 0=none, 1=all. Default=0",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].linkConstraintCFM = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].linkConstraintCFM; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].linkConstraintCFM = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("LinkConstraintERP", "Amount constraint is corrected each tick. 0=none, 1=all. Default = 0.2",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_params[0].linkConstraintERP = cf.GetFloat(p, v); },
(s) => { return s.m_params[0].linkConstraintERP; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_params[0].linkConstraintERP = v; } ),
new ParameterDefn("DetailedStats", "Frames between outputting detailed phys stats. (0 is off)",
(s,cf,p,v) => { s.m_detailedStatsStep = cf.GetInt(p, (int)v); },
(s) => { return (float)s.m_detailedStatsStep; },
(s,p,l,v) => { s.m_detailedStatsStep = (int)v; } ),
// Convert a boolean to our numeric true and false values
public float NumericBool(bool b)
return (b ? ConfigurationParameters.numericTrue : ConfigurationParameters.numericFalse);
// Convert numeric true and false values to a boolean
public bool BoolNumeric(float b)
return (b == ConfigurationParameters.numericTrue ? true : false);
// Search through the parameter definitions and return the matching
// ParameterDefn structure.
// Case does not matter as names are compared after converting to lower case.
// Returns 'false' if the parameter is not found.
private bool TryGetParameter(string paramName, out ParameterDefn defn)
bool ret = false;
ParameterDefn foundDefn = new ParameterDefn();
string pName = paramName.ToLower();
foreach (ParameterDefn parm in ParameterDefinitions)
if (pName == parm.name.ToLower())
foundDefn = parm;
ret = true;
defn = foundDefn;
return ret;
// Pass through the settable parameters and set the default values
private void SetParameterDefaultValues()
foreach (ParameterDefn parm in ParameterDefinitions)
parm.setter(this, parm.name, PhysParameterEntry.APPLY_TO_NONE, parm.defaultValue);
// Get user set values out of the ini file.
private void SetParameterConfigurationValues(IConfig cfg)
foreach (ParameterDefn parm in ParameterDefinitions)
parm.userParam(this, cfg, parm.name, parm.defaultValue);
private PhysParameterEntry[] SettableParameters = new PhysParameterEntry[1];
// This creates an array in the correct format for returning the list of
// parameters. This is used by the 'list' option of the 'physics' command.
private void BuildParameterTable()
if (SettableParameters.Length < ParameterDefinitions.Length)
List<PhysParameterEntry> entries = new List<PhysParameterEntry>();
for (int ii = 0; ii < ParameterDefinitions.Length; ii++)
ParameterDefn pd = ParameterDefinitions[ii];
entries.Add(new PhysParameterEntry(pd.name, pd.desc));
// make the list in alphabetical order for estetic reasons
entries.Sort(delegate(PhysParameterEntry ppe1, PhysParameterEntry ppe2)
return ppe1.name.CompareTo(ppe2.name);
SettableParameters = entries.ToArray();
#region IPhysicsParameters
// Get the list of parameters this physics engine supports
public PhysParameterEntry[] GetParameterList()
return SettableParameters;
// Set parameter on a specific or all instances.
// Return 'false' if not able to set the parameter.
// Setting the value in the m_params block will change the value the physics engine
// will use the next time since it's pinned and shared memory.
// Some of the values require calling into the physics engine to get the new
// value activated ('terrainFriction' for instance).
public bool SetPhysicsParameter(string parm, float val, uint localID)
bool ret = false;
ParameterDefn theParam;
if (TryGetParameter(parm, out theParam))
theParam.setter(this, parm, localID, val);
ret = true;
return ret;
// check to see if we are updating a parameter for a particular or all of the prims
protected void UpdateParameterObject(ref float loc, string parm, uint localID, float val)
List<uint> operateOn;
lock (PhysObjects) operateOn = new List<uint>(PhysObjects.Keys);
UpdateParameterSet(operateOn, ref loc, parm, localID, val);
// update all the localIDs specified
// If the local ID is APPLY_TO_NONE, just change the default value
// If the localID is APPLY_TO_ALL change the default value and apply the new value to all the lIDs
// If the localID is a specific object, apply the parameter change to only that object
protected void UpdateParameterSet(List<uint> lIDs, ref float defaultLoc, string parm, uint localID, float val)
switch (localID)
case PhysParameterEntry.APPLY_TO_NONE:
defaultLoc = val; // setting only the default value
case PhysParameterEntry.APPLY_TO_ALL:
defaultLoc = val; // setting ALL also sets the default value
List<uint> objectIDs = lIDs;
string xparm = parm.ToLower();
float xval = val;
TaintedObject("BSScene.UpdateParameterSet", delegate() {
foreach (uint lID in objectIDs)
BulletSimAPI.UpdateParameter(WorldID, lID, xparm, xval);
// setting only one localID
TaintedUpdateParameter(parm, localID, val);
// schedule the actual updating of the paramter to when the phys engine is not busy
protected void TaintedUpdateParameter(string parm, uint localID, float val)
uint xlocalID = localID;
string xparm = parm.ToLower();
float xval = val;
TaintedObject("BSScene.TaintedUpdateParameter", delegate() {
BulletSimAPI.UpdateParameter(WorldID, xlocalID, xparm, xval);
// Get parameter.
// Return 'false' if not able to get the parameter.
public bool GetPhysicsParameter(string parm, out float value)
float val = 0f;
bool ret = false;
ParameterDefn theParam;
if (TryGetParameter(parm, out theParam))
val = theParam.getter(this);
ret = true;
value = val;
return ret;
#endregion IPhysicsParameters
#endregion Runtime settable parameters
// Invoke the detailed logger and output something if it's enabled.
public void DetailLog(string msg, params Object[] args)
PhysicsLogging.Write(msg, args);
// used to fill in the LocalID when there isn't one
public const string DetailLogZero = "0000000000";