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;### Choose the DB
;--- For SQLite
StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"
;--- For MySql
;StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
;ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=***;"
DefaultAssetLoader = "OpenSim.Framework.AssetLoader.Filesystem.dll"
AssetLoaderArgs = "assets/AssetSets.xml"
;; Choose 0 or 1 cache modules, and the corresponding config file, if it exists.
;; Copy the config .example file into your own .ini file and change configs there
;AssetCaching = "GlynnTuckerAssetCache"
;AssetCaching = "FlotsamAssetCache"
;Include-FlotsamCache = "config-include/FlotsamCache.ini"
AssetCaching = "CenomeMemoryAssetCache"
Include-CenomeCache = "config-include/CenomeCache.ini"
;; Enable this to use Freeswitch on a standalone
;FreeswitchServiceInConnector = True
;; Configuration for the freeswitch service goes here