561 lines
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561 lines
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using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using OpenSim.Framework.Types;
using OpenSim.Region.Physics.Manager;
namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
public class Mesh
public List<Vertex> vertices;
public List<Triangle> triangles;
public float[] normals;
public Mesh()
vertices = new List<Vertex>();
triangles = new List<Triangle>();
public void Add(Triangle triangle)
int i;
i = vertices.IndexOf(triangle.v1);
if (i < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Vertex v1 not known to mesh");
i = vertices.IndexOf(triangle.v2);
if (i < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Vertex v2 not known to mesh");
i = vertices.IndexOf(triangle.v3);
if (i < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Vertex v3 not known to mesh");
public void Add(Vertex v)
public float[] getVertexListAsFloat()
float[] result = new float[vertices.Count * 3];
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
Vertex v = vertices[i];
PhysicsVector point = v.point;
result[3 * i + 0] = point.X;
result[3 * i + 1] = point.Y;
result[3 * i + 2] = point.Z;
GCHandle.Alloc(result, GCHandleType.Pinned);
return result;
public int[] getIndexListAsInt()
int[] result = new int[triangles.Count * 3];
for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Count; i++)
Triangle t = triangles[i];
result[3 * i + 0] = vertices.IndexOf(t.v1);
result[3 * i + 1] = vertices.IndexOf(t.v2);
result[3 * i + 2] = vertices.IndexOf(t.v3);
GCHandle.Alloc(result, GCHandleType.Pinned);
return result;
public void Append(Mesh newMesh)
foreach (Vertex v in newMesh.vertices)
foreach (Triangle t in newMesh.triangles)
public class Meshmerizer
static List<Triangle> FindInfluencedTriangles(List<Triangle> triangles, Vertex v)
List<Triangle> influenced = new List<Triangle>();
foreach (Triangle t in triangles)
float dx, dy;
if (t.isInCircle(v.point.X, v.point.Y))
return influenced;
static void InsertVertices(List<Vertex> vertices, int usedForSeed, List<Triangle> triangles, List<int> innerBorders)
// This is a variant of the delaunay algorithm
// each time a new vertex is inserted, all triangles that are influenced by it are deleted
// and replaced by new ones including the new vertex
// It is not very time efficient but easy to implement.
int iCurrentVertex;
int iMaxVertex=vertices.Count;
for (iCurrentVertex = usedForSeed; iCurrentVertex < iMaxVertex; iCurrentVertex++)
// Background: A triangle mesh fulfills the delaunay condition if (iff!)
// each circumlocutory circle (i.e. the circle that touches all three corners)
// of each triangle is empty of other vertices.
// Obviously a single (seeding) triangle fulfills this condition.
// If we now add one vertex, we need to reconstruct all triangles, that
// do not fulfill this condition with respect to the new triangle
// Find the triangles that are influenced by the new vertex
Vertex v=vertices[iCurrentVertex];
List<Triangle> influencedTriangles=FindInfluencedTriangles(triangles, v);
List<Simplex> simplices = new List<Simplex>();
// Reconstruction phase. First step, dissolve each triangle into it's simplices,
// i.e. it's "border lines"
// Goal is to find "inner" borders and delete them, while the hull gets conserved.
// Inner borders are special in the way that they always come twice, which is how we detect them
foreach (Triangle t in influencedTriangles)
List<Simplex> newSimplices = t.GetSimplices();
// Now sort the simplices. That will make identical ones side by side in the list
// Look for duplicate simplices here.
// Remember, they are directly side by side in the list right now
int iSimplex;
List<Simplex> innerSimplices=new List<Simplex>();
for (iSimplex = 1; iSimplex < simplices.Count; iSimplex++) // Startindex=1, so we can refer backwards
if (simplices[iSimplex - 1].CompareTo(simplices[iSimplex])==0)
innerSimplices.Add(simplices[iSimplex - 1]);
foreach (Simplex s in innerSimplices)
// each simplex still in the list belongs to the hull of the region in question
// The new vertex (yes, we still deal with verices here :-) ) forms a triangle
// With each of these simplices. Build the new triangles and add them to the list
foreach (Simplex s in simplices)
Triangle t = new Triangle(s.v1, s.v2, vertices[iCurrentVertex]);
// At this point all vertices should be inserted into the mesh
// But the areas, that should be kept free still are filled with triangles
// We have to remove them. For this we have a list of indices to vertices.
// Each triangle that solemnly constists of vertices from the inner border
// are deleted
List<Triangle> innerTriangles = new List<Triangle>();
foreach (Triangle t in triangles)
if (
&& innerBorders.Contains(vertices.IndexOf(t.v2))
&& innerBorders.Contains(vertices.IndexOf(t.v3))
foreach (Triangle t in innerTriangles)
static Mesh CreateBoxMeshX(PrimitiveBaseShape primShape, PhysicsVector size)
// Builds the x (+ and -) surfaces of a box shaped prim
UInt16 hollowFactor = primShape.ProfileHollow;
Mesh meshMX = new Mesh();
// Surface 0, -X
meshMX.Add(new Vertex("-X-Y-Z", -size.X / 2.0f, -size.Y / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f));
meshMX.Add(new Vertex("-X+Y-Z", -size.X / 2.0f, +size.Y / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f));
meshMX.Add(new Vertex("-X-Y+Z", -size.X / 2.0f, -size.Y / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f));
meshMX.Add(new Vertex("-X+Y+Z", -size.X / 2.0f, +size.Y / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f));
meshMX.Add(new Triangle(meshMX.vertices[0], meshMX.vertices[2], meshMX.vertices[1]));
meshMX.Add(new Triangle(meshMX.vertices[1], meshMX.vertices[2], meshMX.vertices[3]));
Mesh meshPX = new Mesh();
// Surface 1, +X
meshPX.Add(new Vertex("+X-Y-Z", +size.X / 2.0f, -size.Y / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f));
meshPX.Add(new Vertex("+X+Y-Z", +size.X / 2.0f, +size.Y / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f));
meshPX.Add(new Vertex("+X-Y+Z", +size.X / 2.0f, -size.Y / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f));
meshPX.Add(new Vertex("+X+Y+Z", +size.X / 2.0f, +size.Y / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f));
meshPX.Add(new Triangle(meshPX.vertices[0], meshPX.vertices[1], meshPX.vertices[2]));
meshPX.Add(new Triangle(meshPX.vertices[2], meshPX.vertices[1], meshPX.vertices[3]));
if (hollowFactor > 0)
float hollowFactorF = (float)hollowFactor / (float)50000;
Vertex IPP;
Vertex IPM;
Vertex IMP;
Vertex IMM;
IPP = new Vertex("Inner-X+Y+Z", -size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f);
IPM = new Vertex("Inner-X+Y-Z", -size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f);
IMP = new Vertex("Inner-X-Y+Z", -size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f);
IMM = new Vertex("Inner-X-Y-Z", -size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f);
meshMX.Add(new Triangle(IPP, IMP, IPM));
meshMX.Add(new Triangle(IPM, IMP, IMM));
foreach (Triangle t in meshMX.triangles)
PhysicsVector n = t.getNormal();
IPP = new Vertex("Inner+X+Y+Z", +size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f);
IPM = new Vertex("Inner+X+Y-Z", +size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f);
IMP = new Vertex("Inner+X-Y+Z", +size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f);
IMM = new Vertex("Inner+X-Y-Z", +size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f);
meshPX.Add(new Triangle(IPP, IPM, IMP));
meshPX.Add(new Triangle(IMP, IPM, IMM));
foreach (Triangle t in meshPX.triangles)
PhysicsVector n = t.getNormal();
Mesh result = new Mesh();
return result;
static Mesh CreateBoxMeshY(PrimitiveBaseShape primShape, PhysicsVector size)
// Builds the y (+ and -) surfaces of a box shaped prim
UInt16 hollowFactor = primShape.ProfileHollow;
// (M)inus Y
Mesh MeshMY = new Mesh();
MeshMY.Add(new Vertex("-X-Y-Z", -size.X / 2.0f, -size.Y / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f));
MeshMY.Add(new Vertex("+X-Y-Z", +size.X / 2.0f, -size.Y / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f));
MeshMY.Add(new Vertex("-X-Y+Z", -size.X / 2.0f, -size.Y / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f));
MeshMY.Add(new Vertex("+X-Y+Z", +size.X / 2.0f, -size.Y / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f));
MeshMY.Add(new Triangle(MeshMY.vertices[0], MeshMY.vertices[1], MeshMY.vertices[2]));
MeshMY.Add(new Triangle(MeshMY.vertices[2], MeshMY.vertices[1], MeshMY.vertices[3]));
// (P)lus Y
Mesh MeshPY = new Mesh();
MeshPY.Add(new Vertex("-X+Y-Z", -size.X / 2.0f, +size.Y / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f));
MeshPY.Add(new Vertex("+X+Y-Z", +size.X / 2.0f, +size.Y / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f));
MeshPY.Add(new Vertex("-X+Y+Z", -size.X / 2.0f, +size.Y / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f));
MeshPY.Add(new Vertex("+X+Y+Z", +size.X / 2.0f, +size.Y / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f));
MeshPY.Add(new Triangle(MeshPY.vertices[1], MeshPY.vertices[0], MeshPY.vertices[2]));
MeshPY.Add(new Triangle(MeshPY.vertices[1], MeshPY.vertices[2], MeshPY.vertices[3]));
if (hollowFactor > 0)
float hollowFactorF = (float)hollowFactor / (float)50000;
Vertex IPP;
Vertex IPM;
Vertex IMP;
Vertex IMM;
IPP = new Vertex("Inner+X-Y+Z", +size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f);
IPM = new Vertex("Inner+X-Y-Z", +size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f);
IMP = new Vertex("Inner-X-Y+Z", -size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f);
IMM = new Vertex("Inner-X-Y-Z", -size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f);
MeshMY.Add(new Triangle(IPP, IPM, IMP));
MeshMY.Add(new Triangle(IMP, IPM, IMM));
foreach (Triangle t in MeshMY.triangles)
PhysicsVector n = t.getNormal();
IPP = new Vertex("Inner+X+Y+Z", +size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f);
IPM=new Vertex("Inner+X+Y-Z", +size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f);
IMP=new Vertex("Inner-X+Y+Z", -size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Z / 2.0f);
IMM=new Vertex("Inner-X+Y-Z", -size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f);
MeshPY.Add(new Triangle(IPM, IPP, IMP));
MeshPY.Add(new Triangle(IMP, IMM, IPM));
foreach (Triangle t in MeshPY.triangles)
PhysicsVector n = t.getNormal();
Mesh result = new Mesh();
return result;
static Mesh CreateBoxMeshZ(PrimitiveBaseShape primShape, PhysicsVector size)
// Builds the z (+ and -) surfaces of a box shaped prim
UInt16 hollowFactor = primShape.ProfileHollow;
// Base, i.e. outer shape
// (M)inus Z
Mesh MZ = new Mesh();
MZ.Add(new Vertex("-X-Y-Z", -size.X / 2.0f, -size.Y / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f));
MZ.Add(new Vertex("+X-Y-Z", +size.X / 2.0f, -size.Y / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f));
MZ.Add(new Vertex("-X+Y-Z", -size.X / 2.0f, +size.Y / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f));
MZ.Add(new Vertex("+X+Y-Z", +size.X / 2.0f, +size.Y / 2.0f, -size.Z / 2.0f));
MZ.Add(new Triangle(MZ.vertices[1], MZ.vertices[0], MZ.vertices[2]));
MZ.Add(new Triangle(MZ.vertices[1], MZ.vertices[2], MZ.vertices[3]));
// (P)lus Z
Mesh PZ = new Mesh();
PZ.Add(new Vertex("-X-Y+Z", -size.X / 2.0f, -size.Y / 2.0f, 0.0f));
PZ.Add(new Vertex("+X-Y+Z", +size.X / 2.0f, -size.Y / 2.0f, 0.0f));
PZ.Add(new Vertex("-X+Y+Z", -size.X / 2.0f, +size.Y / 2.0f, 0.0f));
PZ.Add(new Vertex("+X+Y+Z", +size.X / 2.0f, +size.Y / 2.0f, 0.0f));
// Surface 5, +Z
PZ.Add(new Triangle(PZ.vertices[0], PZ.vertices[1], PZ.vertices[2]));
PZ.Add(new Triangle(PZ.vertices[2], PZ.vertices[1], PZ.vertices[3]));
if (hollowFactor > 0)
float hollowFactorF = (float)hollowFactor / (float)50000;
MZ.Add(new Vertex("-X-Y-Z", -size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, 0.0f));
MZ.Add(new Vertex("-X+Y-Z", +size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, 0.0f));
MZ.Add(new Vertex("-X-Y+Z", -size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, 0.0f));
MZ.Add(new Vertex("-X+Y+Z", +size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, 0.0f));
List<int> innerBorders = new List<int>();
InsertVertices(MZ.vertices, 4, MZ.triangles, innerBorders);
PZ.Add(new Vertex("-X-Y-Z", -size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, 0.0f));
PZ.Add(new Vertex("-X+Y-Z", +size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, -size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, 0.0f));
PZ.Add(new Vertex("-X-Y+Z", -size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, 0.0f));
PZ.Add(new Vertex("-X+Y+Z", +size.X * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, +size.Y * hollowFactorF / 2.0f, 0.0f));
innerBorders = new List<int>();
InsertVertices(PZ.vertices, 4, PZ.triangles, innerBorders);
foreach (Vertex v in PZ.vertices)
v.point.Z = size.Z / 2.0f;
foreach (Vertex v in MZ.vertices)
v.point.Z = -size.Z / 2.0f;
foreach (Triangle t in MZ.triangles)
PhysicsVector n = t.getNormal();
if (n.Z > 0.0)
foreach (Triangle t in PZ.triangles)
PhysicsVector n = t.getNormal();
if (n.Z < 0.0)
Mesh result = new Mesh();
return result;
static Mesh CreateBoxMesh(PrimitiveBaseShape primShape, PhysicsVector size)
Mesh result = new Mesh();
Mesh MeshX = Meshmerizer.CreateBoxMeshX(primShape, size);
Mesh MeshY = Meshmerizer.CreateBoxMeshY(primShape, size);
Mesh MeshZ = Meshmerizer.CreateBoxMeshZ(primShape, size);
return result;
public static void CalcNormals(Mesh mesh)
int iTriangles = mesh.triangles.Count;
mesh.normals = new float[iTriangles*3];
int i=0;
foreach (Triangle t in mesh.triangles)
float ux, uy, uz;
float vx, vy, vz;
float wx, wy, wz;
ux = t.v1.point.X;
uy = t.v1.point.Y;
uz = t.v1.point.Z;
vx = t.v2.point.X;
vy = t.v2.point.Y;
vz = t.v2.point.Z;
wx = t.v3.point.X;
wy = t.v3.point.Y;
wz = t.v3.point.Z;
// Vectors for edges
float e1x, e1y, e1z;
float e2x, e2y, e2z;
e1x = ux - vx;
e1y = uy - vy;
e1z = uz - vz;
e2x = ux - wx;
e2y = uy - wy;
e2z = uz - wz;
// Cross product for normal
float nx, ny, nz;
nx = e1y * e2z - e1z * e2y;
ny = e1z * e2x - e1x * e2z;
nz = e1x * e2y - e1y * e2x;
// Length
float l = (float)Math.Sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz);
// Normalized "normal"
nx /= l;
ny /= l;
nz /= l;
mesh.normals[i] = nx;
mesh.normals[i + 1] = ny;
mesh.normals[i + 2] = nz;
public static Mesh CreateMesh(PrimitiveBaseShape primShape, PhysicsVector size)
Mesh mesh = null;
switch (primShape.ProfileShape)
case ProfileShape.Square:
mesh=CreateBoxMesh(primShape, size);
return mesh;