
6407 lines
282 KiB

* Copyright (c) Contributors,
* See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the
* names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
using OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.ScriptBase;
using OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Yengine;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using LSL_Float = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.LSL_Types.LSLFloat;
using LSL_Integer = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.LSL_Types.LSLInteger;
using LSL_Key = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.LSL_Types.LSLString;
using LSL_List = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.LSL_Types.list;
using LSL_Rotation = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.LSL_Types.Quaternion;
using LSL_String = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.LSL_Types.LSLString;
using LSL_Vector = OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Shared.LSL_Types.Vector3;
* @brief translate a reduced script token into corresponding CIL code.
* The single script token contains a tokenized and textured version of the whole script file.
namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Yengine
public interface IScriptCodeGen
ScriptMyILGen ilGen
} // the output instruction stream
void ErrorMsg(Token token, string message);
void PushDefaultValue(TokenType type);
void PushXMRInst();
public class ScriptCodeGen: IScriptCodeGen
public static readonly string OBJECT_CODE_MAGIC = "YObjectCode";
// reserve positive version values for original xmr
public static int COMPILED_VERSION_VALUE = -7; // decremented when compiler or object file changes
public static readonly int CALL_FRAME_MEMUSE = 64;
public static readonly int STRING_LEN_TO_MEMUSE = 2;
public static Type xmrInstSuperType = null; // typeof whatever is actually malloc'd for script instances
// - must inherit from XMRInstAbstract
// Static tables that there only needs to be one copy of for all.
private static VarDict legalEventHandlers = CreateLegalEventHandlers();
private static CompValu[] zeroCompValus = new CompValu[0];
private static TokenType[] zeroArgs = new TokenType[0];
private static TokenTypeBool tokenTypeBool = new TokenTypeBool(null);
private static TokenTypeExc tokenTypeExc = new TokenTypeExc(null);
private static TokenTypeFloat tokenTypeFlt = new TokenTypeFloat(null);
private static TokenTypeInt tokenTypeInt = new TokenTypeInt(null);
private static TokenTypeObject tokenTypeObj = new TokenTypeObject(null);
private static TokenTypeRot tokenTypeRot = new TokenTypeRot(null);
private static TokenTypeStr tokenTypeStr = new TokenTypeStr(null);
private static TokenTypeVec tokenTypeVec = new TokenTypeVec(null);
private static Type[] instanceTypeArg = new Type[] { typeof(XMRInstAbstract) };
private static string[] instanceNameArg = new string[] { "$xmrthis" };
private static ConstructorInfo lslFloatConstructorInfo = typeof(LSL_Float).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(double) });
private static ConstructorInfo lslIntegerConstructorInfo = typeof(LSL_Integer).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(int) });
private static ConstructorInfo lslListConstructorInfo = typeof(LSL_List).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(object[]) });
public static ConstructorInfo lslRotationConstructorInfo = typeof(LSL_Rotation).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(double), typeof(double), typeof(double), typeof(double) });
private static ConstructorInfo lslStringConstructorInfo = typeof(LSL_String).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) });
public static ConstructorInfo lslVectorConstructorInfo = typeof(LSL_Vector).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(double), typeof(double), typeof(double) });
private static ConstructorInfo scriptBadCallNoExceptionConstructorInfo = typeof(ScriptBadCallNoException).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(int) });
private static ConstructorInfo scriptChangeStateExceptionConstructorInfo = typeof(ScriptChangeStateException).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(int) });
private static ConstructorInfo scriptRestoreCatchExceptionConstructorInfo = typeof(ScriptRestoreCatchException).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(Exception) });
private static ConstructorInfo scriptUndefinedStateExceptionConstructorInfo = typeof(ScriptUndefinedStateException).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string) });
private static ConstructorInfo sdtClassConstructorInfo = typeof(XMRSDTypeClObj).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(XMRInstAbstract), typeof(int) });
private static ConstructorInfo xmrArrayConstructorInfo = typeof(XMR_Array).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(XMRInstAbstract) });
private static FieldInfo callModeFieldInfo = typeof(XMRInstAbstract).GetField("callMode");
private static FieldInfo doGblInitFieldInfo = typeof(XMRInstAbstract).GetField("doGblInit");
private static FieldInfo ehArgsFieldInfo = typeof(XMRInstAbstract).GetField("ehArgs");
private static FieldInfo rotationXFieldInfo = typeof(LSL_Rotation).GetField("x");
private static FieldInfo rotationYFieldInfo = typeof(LSL_Rotation).GetField("y");
private static FieldInfo rotationZFieldInfo = typeof(LSL_Rotation).GetField("z");
private static FieldInfo rotationSFieldInfo = typeof(LSL_Rotation).GetField("s");
private static FieldInfo sdtXMRInstFieldInfo = typeof(XMRSDTypeClObj).GetField("xmrInst");
private static FieldInfo stackLeftFieldInfo = typeof(XMRInstAbstract).GetField("m_StackLeft");
private static FieldInfo heapUsedFieldInfo = typeof(XMRInstAbstract).GetField("m_localsHeapUsed");
private static FieldInfo vectorXFieldInfo = typeof(LSL_Vector).GetField("x");
private static FieldInfo vectorYFieldInfo = typeof(LSL_Vector).GetField("y");
private static FieldInfo vectorZFieldInfo = typeof(LSL_Vector).GetField("z");
private static MethodInfo arrayClearMethodInfo = typeof(XMR_Array).GetMethod("__pub_clear", new Type[] { });
private static MethodInfo arrayCountMethodInfo = typeof(XMR_Array).GetMethod("__pub_count", new Type[] { });
private static MethodInfo arrayIndexMethodInfo = typeof(XMR_Array).GetMethod("__pub_index", new Type[] { typeof(int) });
private static MethodInfo arrayValueMethodInfo = typeof(XMR_Array).GetMethod("__pub_value", new Type[] { typeof(int) });
private static MethodInfo checkRunStackMethInfo = typeof(XMRInstAbstract).GetMethod("CheckRunStack", new Type[] { });
private static MethodInfo checkRunQuickMethInfo = typeof(XMRInstAbstract).GetMethod("CheckRunQuick", new Type[] { });
private static MethodInfo ehArgUnwrapFloat = GetStaticMethod(typeof(TypeCast), "EHArgUnwrapFloat", new Type[] { typeof(object) });
private static MethodInfo ehArgUnwrapInteger = GetStaticMethod(typeof(TypeCast), "EHArgUnwrapInteger", new Type[] { typeof(object) });
private static MethodInfo ehArgUnwrapRotation = GetStaticMethod(typeof(TypeCast), "EHArgUnwrapRotation", new Type[] { typeof(object) });
private static MethodInfo ehArgUnwrapString = GetStaticMethod(typeof(TypeCast), "EHArgUnwrapString", new Type[] { typeof(object) });
private static MethodInfo ehArgUnwrapVector = GetStaticMethod(typeof(TypeCast), "EHArgUnwrapVector", new Type[] { typeof(object) });
private static MethodInfo xmrArrPubIndexMethod = typeof(XMR_Array).GetMethod("__pub_index", new Type[] { typeof(int) });
private static MethodInfo xmrArrPubValueMethod = typeof(XMR_Array).GetMethod("__pub_value", new Type[] { typeof(int) });
private static MethodInfo captureStackFrameMethodInfo = typeof(XMRInstAbstract).GetMethod("CaptureStackFrame", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(int) });
private static MethodInfo restoreStackFrameMethodInfo = typeof(XMRInstAbstract).GetMethod("RestoreStackFrame", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(int).MakeByRefType() });
private static MethodInfo stringCompareMethodInfo = GetStaticMethod(typeof(String), "Compare", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(StringComparison) });
private static MethodInfo stringConcat2MethodInfo = GetStaticMethod(typeof(String), "Concat", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) });
private static MethodInfo stringConcat3MethodInfo = GetStaticMethod(typeof(String), "Concat", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string) });
private static MethodInfo stringConcat4MethodInfo = GetStaticMethod(typeof(String), "Concat", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string) });
private static MethodInfo lslRotationNegateMethodInfo = GetStaticMethod(typeof(ScriptCodeGen), "LSLRotationNegate", new Type[] { typeof(LSL_Rotation) });
private static MethodInfo lslVectorNegateMethodInfo = GetStaticMethod(typeof(ScriptCodeGen), "LSLVectorNegate", new Type[] { typeof(LSL_Vector) });
private static MethodInfo scriptRestoreCatchExceptionUnwrap = GetStaticMethod(typeof(ScriptRestoreCatchException), "Unwrap", new Type[] { typeof(Exception) });
private static MethodInfo thrownExceptionWrapMethodInfo = GetStaticMethod(typeof(ScriptThrownException), "Wrap", new Type[] { typeof(object) });
private static MethodInfo catchExcToStrMethodInfo = GetStaticMethod(typeof(ScriptCodeGen), "CatchExcToStr", new Type[] { typeof(Exception) });
private static MethodInfo consoleWriteMethodInfo = GetStaticMethod(typeof(ScriptCodeGen), "ConsoleWrite", new Type[] { typeof(object) });
public static void ConsoleWrite(object o)
if(o == null)
o = "<<null>>";
public static bool CodeGen(TokenScript tokenScript, BinaryWriter objFileWriter, string sourceHash)
// Run compiler such that it has a 'this' context for convenience.
ScriptCodeGen scg = new ScriptCodeGen(tokenScript, objFileWriter, sourceHash);
// Return pointer to resultant script object code.
return !scg.youveAnError;
// There is one set of these variables for each script being compiled.
private bool mightGetHere = false;
private bool youveAnError = false;
private BreakContTarg curBreakTarg = null;
private BreakContTarg curContTarg = null;
private int lastErrorLine = 0;
private int nStates = 0;
private string sourceHash;
private string lastErrorFile = "";
private string[] stateNames;
private XMRInstArSizes glblSizes = new XMRInstArSizes();
private Token errorMessageToken = null;
private TokenDeclVar curDeclFunc = null;
private TokenStmtBlock curStmtBlock = null;
private BinaryWriter objFileWriter = null;
private TokenScript tokenScript = null;
public int tempCompValuNum = 0;
private TokenDeclSDTypeClass currentSDTClass = null;
private Dictionary<string, int> stateIndices = null;
// These get cleared at beginning of every function definition
private ScriptMyLocal instancePointer; // holds XMRInstanceSuperType pointer
private ScriptMyLocal curHeapSize;
private ScriptMyLabel retLabel = null; // where to jump to exit function
private ScriptMyLocal retValue = null;
private ScriptMyLocal actCallNo = null; // for the active try/catch/finally stack or the big one outside them all
private LinkedList<CallLabel> actCallLabels = new LinkedList<CallLabel>(); // for the active try/catch/finally stack or the big one outside them all
private LinkedList<CallLabel> allCallLabels = new LinkedList<CallLabel>(); // this holds each and every one for all stacks in total
public CallLabel openCallLabel = null; // only one call label can be open at a time
// - the call label is open from the time of CallPre() until corresponding CallPost()
// - so no non-trivial pushes/pops etc allowed between a CallPre() and a CallPost()
private ScriptMyILGen _ilGen;
public ScriptMyILGen ilGen
return _ilGen;
private ScriptCodeGen(TokenScript tokenScript, BinaryWriter objFileWriter, string sourceHash)
this.tokenScript = tokenScript;
this.objFileWriter = objFileWriter;
this.sourceHash = sourceHash;
// if we've an error, just punt on any exception
// it's probably just a null reference from something
// not being filled in etc.
objFileWriter = null;
* @brief Convert 'tokenScript' to 'objFileWriter' format.
* 'tokenScript' is a parsed/reduced abstract syntax tree of the script source file
* 'objFileWriter' is a serialized form of the CIL code that we generate
private void PerformCompilation()
// errorMessageToken is used only when the given token doesn't have a
// output delegate associated with it such as for backend API functions
// that only have one copy for the whole system. It is kept up-to-date
// approximately but is rarely needed so going to assume it doesn't have
// to be exact.
errorMessageToken = tokenScript;
// Set up dictionary to translate state names to their index number.
stateIndices = new Dictionary<string, int>();
// Assign each state its own unique index.
// The default state gets 0.
nStates = 0;
tokenScript.defaultState.body.index = nStates++;
stateIndices.Add("default", 0);
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, TokenDeclState> kvp in tokenScript.states)
TokenDeclState declState = kvp.Value;
declState.body.index = nStates++;
stateIndices.Add(, declState.body.index);
// Make up an array that translates state indices to state name strings.
stateNames = new string[nStates];
stateNames[0] = "default";
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, TokenDeclState> kvp in tokenScript.states)
TokenDeclState declState = kvp.Value;
stateNames[declState.body.index] =;
// Make sure we have delegates for all script-defined functions and methods,
// creating anonymous ones if needed. Note that this includes all property
// getter and setter methods.
foreach(TokenDeclVar declFunc in tokenScript.variablesStack)
if(declFunc.retType != null)
bool itIsAGoodDayToDie = true;
foreach(TokenDeclSDType sdType in tokenScript.sdSrcTypesValues)
itIsAGoodDayToDie = false;
if(sdType is TokenDeclSDTypeClass)
TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtClass = (TokenDeclSDTypeClass)sdType;
foreach(TokenDeclVar declFunc in sdtClass.members)
if(declFunc.retType != null)
// this is for the "$new()" static method that we create below.
// See GenerateStmtNewobj() etc.
new TokenTypeSDTypeDelegate(declFunc, sdtClass.MakeRefToken(declFunc),
declFunc.argDecl.types, tokenScript);
if(sdType is TokenDeclSDTypeInterface)
TokenDeclSDTypeInterface sdtIFace = (TokenDeclSDTypeInterface)sdType;
foreach(TokenDeclVar declFunc in sdtIFace.methsNProps)
if(declFunc.retType != null)
itIsAGoodDayToDie = true;
// fetching the delegate created an anonymous entry in tokenScript.sdSrcTypesValues
// which made the foreach statement puque, so start over...
// No more types can be defined or we won't be able to write them to the object file.
// Assign all global variables a slot in its corresponding XMRInstance.gbl<Type>s[] array.
// Global variables are simply elements of those arrays at runtime, thus we don't need to create
// an unique class for each script, we can just use XMRInstance as is for all.
foreach(TokenDeclVar declVar in tokenScript.variablesStack)
// Omit 'constant' variables as they are coded inline so don't need a slot.
// Do functions later.
if(declVar.retType != null)
// Create entry in the value array for the variable or property.
declVar.location = new CompValuGlobalVar(declVar, glblSizes);
// Likewise for any static fields in script-defined classes.
// They can be referenced anywhere by <typename>.<fieldname>, see
// GenerateFromLValSField().
foreach(TokenDeclSDType sdType in tokenScript.sdSrcTypesValues)
if(!(sdType is TokenDeclSDTypeClass))
TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtClass = (TokenDeclSDTypeClass)sdType;
foreach(TokenDeclVar declVar in sdtClass.members)
// Omit 'constant' variables as they are coded inline so don't need a slot.
// Do methods later.
if(declVar.retType != null)
// Ignore non-static fields for now.
// They get assigned below.
if((declVar.sdtFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_STATIC) == 0)
// Create entry in the value array for the static field or static property.
declVar.location = new CompValuGlobalVar(declVar, glblSizes);
// Assign slots for all interface method prototypes.
// These indices are used to index the array of delegates that holds a class' implementation of an
// interface.
// Properties do not get a slot because they aren't called as such. But their corresponding
// <name>$get() and <name>$set(<type>) methods are in the table and they each get a slot.
foreach(TokenDeclSDType sdType in tokenScript.sdSrcTypesValues)
if(!(sdType is TokenDeclSDTypeInterface))
TokenDeclSDTypeInterface sdtIFace = (TokenDeclSDTypeInterface)sdType;
int vti = 0;
foreach(TokenDeclVar im in sdtIFace.methsNProps)
if((im.getProp == null) && (im.setProp == null))
im.vTableIndex = vti++;
// Assign slots for all instance fields and virtual methods of script-defined classes.
int maxExtends = tokenScript.sdSrcTypesCount;
bool didOne;
didOne = false;
foreach(TokenDeclSDType sdType in tokenScript.sdSrcTypesValues)
if(!(sdType is TokenDeclSDTypeClass))
TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtClass = (TokenDeclSDTypeClass)sdType;
// If this class extends another, the extended class has to already
// be set up, because our slots add on to the end of the extended class.
TokenDeclSDTypeClass extends = sdtClass.extends;
if(extends != null)
sdtClass.instSizes = extends.instSizes;
sdtClass.numVirtFuncs = extends.numVirtFuncs;
sdtClass.numInterfaces = extends.numInterfaces;
int n = maxExtends;
for(TokenDeclSDTypeClass ex = extends; ex != null; ex = ex.extends)
if(--n < 0)
if(n < 0)
ErrorMsg(sdtClass, "loop in extended classes");
sdtClass.slotsAssigned = true;
// Extended class's slots all assigned, assign our instance fields
// slots in the XMRSDTypeClObj arrays.
foreach(TokenDeclVar declVar in sdtClass.members)
if(declVar.retType != null)
if((declVar.sdtFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_STATIC) != 0)
if((declVar.getProp == null) && (declVar.setProp == null))
declVar.type.AssignVarSlot(declVar, sdtClass.instSizes);
// ... and assign virtual method vtable slots.
// - : error if any overridden method, doesn't need a slot
// abstract : error if any overridden method, alloc new slot but leave it empty
// new : ignore any overridden method, doesn't need a slot
// new abstract : ignore any overridden method, alloc new slot but leave it empty
// override : must have overridden abstract/virtual, use old slot
// override abstract : must have overridden abstract, use old slot but it is still empty
// static : error if any overridden method, doesn't need a slot
// static new : ignore any overridden method, doesn't need a slot
// virtual : error if any overridden method, alloc new slot and fill it in
// virtual new : ignore any overridden method, alloc new slot and fill it in
foreach(TokenDeclVar declFunc in sdtClass.members)
if(declFunc.retType == null)
curDeclFunc = declFunc;
// See if there is a method in an extended class that this method overshadows.
// If so, check for various conflicts.
// In any case, SDT_NEW on our method means to ignore any overshadowed method.
string declLongName = sdtClass.longName.val + "." + declFunc.funcNameSig.val;
uint declFlags = declFunc.sdtFlags;
TokenDeclVar overridden = null;
if((declFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_NEW) == 0)
for(TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtd = extends; sdtd != null; sdtd = sdtd.extends)
overridden = FindExactWithRet(sdtd.members,, declFunc.retType, declFunc.argDecl.types);
if(overridden != null)
if(overridden != null)
string overLongName = overridden.sdtClass.longName.val;
uint overFlags = overridden.sdtFlags;
// See if overridden method allows itself to be overridden.
if((overFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_ABSTRACT) != 0)
if((declFlags & (ScriptReduce.SDT_ABSTRACT | ScriptReduce.SDT_OVERRIDE)) == 0)
ErrorMsg(declFunc, declLongName + " overshadows abstract " + overLongName + " but is not marked abstract, new or override");
else if((overFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_FINAL) != 0)
ErrorMsg(declFunc, declLongName + " overshadows final " + overLongName + " but is not marked new");
else if((overFlags & (ScriptReduce.SDT_OVERRIDE | ScriptReduce.SDT_VIRTUAL)) != 0)
if((declFlags & (ScriptReduce.SDT_NEW | ScriptReduce.SDT_OVERRIDE)) == 0)
ErrorMsg(declFunc, declLongName + " overshadows virtual " + overLongName + " but is not marked new or override");
ErrorMsg(declFunc, declLongName + " overshadows non-virtual " + overLongName + " but is not marked new");
// See if our method is capable of overriding the other method.
if((declFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_ABSTRACT) != 0)
if((overFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_ABSTRACT) == 0)
ErrorMsg(declFunc, declLongName + " abstract overshadows non-abstract " + overLongName + " but is not marked new");
else if((declFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_OVERRIDE) != 0)
if((overFlags & (ScriptReduce.SDT_ABSTRACT | ScriptReduce.SDT_OVERRIDE | ScriptReduce.SDT_VIRTUAL)) == 0)
ErrorMsg(declFunc, declLongName + " override overshadows non-abstract/non-virtual " + overLongName);
ErrorMsg(declFunc, declLongName + " overshadows " + overLongName + " but is not marked new");
} while(false);
// Now we can assign it a vtable slot if it needs one (ie, it is virtual).
declFunc.vTableIndex = -1;
if(overridden != null)
declFunc.vTableIndex = overridden.vTableIndex;
else if((declFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_OVERRIDE) != 0)
ErrorMsg(declFunc, declLongName + " marked override but nothing matching found that it overrides");
if((declFlags & (ScriptReduce.SDT_ABSTRACT | ScriptReduce.SDT_VIRTUAL)) != 0)
declFunc.vTableIndex = sdtClass.numVirtFuncs++;
curDeclFunc = null;
// ... and assign implemented interface slots.
// Note that our implementations of a given interface is completely independent of any
// rootward class's implementation of that same interface.
int nIFaces = sdtClass.numInterfaces + sdtClass.implements.Count;
sdtClass.iFaces = new TokenDeclSDTypeInterface[nIFaces];
sdtClass.iImplFunc = new TokenDeclVar[nIFaces][];
for(int i = 0; i < sdtClass.numInterfaces; i++)
sdtClass.iFaces[i] = extends.iFaces[i];
sdtClass.iImplFunc[i] = extends.iImplFunc[i];
foreach(TokenDeclSDTypeInterface intf in sdtClass.implements)
int i = sdtClass.numInterfaces++;
sdtClass.iFaces[i] = intf;
sdtClass.intfIndices.Add(intf.longName.val, i);
int nMeths = 0;
foreach(TokenDeclVar m in intf.methsNProps)
if((m.getProp == null) && (m.setProp == null))
sdtClass.iImplFunc[i] = new TokenDeclVar[nMeths];
foreach(TokenDeclVar classMeth in sdtClass.members)
if(classMeth.retType == null)
curDeclFunc = classMeth;
for(TokenIntfImpl intfImpl = classMeth.implements; intfImpl != null; intfImpl = (TokenIntfImpl)intfImpl.nextToken)
// One of the class methods implements an interface method.
// Try to find the interface method that is implemented and verify its signature.
TokenDeclSDTypeInterface intfType = intfImpl.intfType.decl;
TokenDeclVar intfMeth = FindExactWithRet(intfType.methsNProps, intfImpl.methName, classMeth.retType, classMeth.argDecl.types);
if(intfMeth == null)
ErrorMsg(intfImpl, "interface does not define method " + intfImpl.methName.val + classMeth.argDecl.GetArgSig());
// See if this class was declared to implement that interface.
bool found = false;
foreach(TokenDeclSDTypeInterface intf in sdtClass.implements)
if(intf == intfType)
found = true;
ErrorMsg(intfImpl, "class not declared to implement " + intfType.longName.val);
// Get index in iFaces[] and iImplFunc[] arrays.
// Start scanning from the end in case one of our rootward classes also implements the interface.
// We should always be successful because we know by now that this class implements the interface.
int i;
for(i = sdtClass.numInterfaces; --i >= 0;)
if(sdtClass.iFaces[i] == intfType)
// Now remember which of the class methods implements that interface method.
int j = intfMeth.vTableIndex;
if(sdtClass.iImplFunc[i][j] != null)
ErrorMsg(intfImpl, "also implemented by " + sdtClass.iImplFunc[i][j].funcNameSig.val);
sdtClass.iImplFunc[i][j] = classMeth;
curDeclFunc = null;
// Now make sure this class implements all methods for all declared interfaces.
for(int i = sdtClass.numInterfaces - sdtClass.implements.Count; i < sdtClass.numInterfaces; i++)
TokenDeclVar[] implementations = sdtClass.iImplFunc[i];
for(int j = implementations.Length; --j >= 0;)
if(implementations[j] == null)
TokenDeclSDTypeInterface intf = sdtClass.iFaces[i];
TokenDeclVar meth = null;
foreach(TokenDeclVar im in intf.methsNProps)
if(im.vTableIndex == j)
meth = im;
ErrorMsg(sdtClass, "does not implement " + intf.longName.val + "." + meth.funcNameSig.val);
// All slots for this class have been assigned.
sdtClass.slotsAssigned = true;
didOne = true;
} while(didOne);
// Compute final values for all variables/fields declared as 'constant'.
// Note that there may be forward references.
didOne = false;
foreach(TokenDeclVar tdv in tokenScript.variablesStack)
if(tdv.constant && !(tdv.init is TokenRValConst))
tdv.init = tdv.init.TryComputeConstant(LookupInitConstants, ref didOne);
foreach(TokenDeclSDType sdType in tokenScript.sdSrcTypesValues)
if(!(sdType is TokenDeclSDTypeClass))
currentSDTClass = (TokenDeclSDTypeClass)sdType;
foreach(TokenDeclVar tdv in currentSDTClass.members)
if(tdv.constant && !(tdv.init is TokenRValConst))
tdv.init = tdv.init.TryComputeConstant(LookupInitConstants, ref didOne);
currentSDTClass = null;
} while(didOne);
// Now we should be able to assign all those constants their type and location.
foreach(TokenDeclVar tdv in tokenScript.variablesStack)
if(tdv.init is TokenRValConst)
TokenRValConst rvc = (TokenRValConst)tdv.init;
tdv.type = rvc.tokType;
tdv.location = rvc.GetCompValu();
ErrorMsg(tdv, "value is not constant");
foreach(TokenDeclSDType sdType in tokenScript.sdSrcTypesValues)
if(!(sdType is TokenDeclSDTypeClass))
currentSDTClass = (TokenDeclSDTypeClass)sdType;
foreach(TokenDeclVar tdv in currentSDTClass.members)
if(tdv.init is TokenRValConst)
TokenRValConst rvc = (TokenRValConst)tdv.init;
tdv.type = rvc.tokType;
tdv.location = rvc.GetCompValu();
ErrorMsg(tdv, "value is not constant");
currentSDTClass = null;
// For all classes that define all the methods needed for the class, ie, they aren't abstract,
// define a static class.$new() method with same args as the $ctor(s). This will allow the
// class to be instantiated via the new operator.
foreach(TokenDeclSDType sdType in tokenScript.sdSrcTypesValues)
if(!(sdType is TokenDeclSDTypeClass))
TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtClass = (TokenDeclSDTypeClass)sdType;
// See if the class as it stands would be able to fill every slot of its vtable.
bool[] filled = new bool[sdtClass.numVirtFuncs];
int numFilled = 0;
for(TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtc = sdtClass; sdtc != null; sdtc = sdtc.extends)
foreach(TokenDeclVar tdf in sdtc.members)
if((tdf.retType != null) && (tdf.vTableIndex >= 0) && ((tdf.sdtFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_ABSTRACT) == 0))
filled[tdf.vTableIndex] = true;
// If so, define a static class.$new() method for every constructor defined for the class.
// Give it the same access (private/protected/public) as the script declared for the constructor.
// Note that the reducer made sure there is at least a default constructor for every class.
if(numFilled >= sdtClass.numVirtFuncs)
List<TokenDeclVar> newobjDeclFuncs = new List<TokenDeclVar>();
foreach(TokenDeclVar ctorDeclFunc in sdtClass.members)
if((ctorDeclFunc.funcNameSig != null) && ctorDeclFunc.funcNameSig.val.StartsWith("$ctor("))
TokenDeclVar newobjDeclFunc = DefineNewobjFunc(ctorDeclFunc);
foreach(TokenDeclVar newobjDeclFunc in newobjDeclFuncs)
// Write fixed portion of object file.
for(int i = 0; i < nStates; i++)
// For debugging, we also write out global variable array slot assignments.
foreach(TokenDeclVar declVar in tokenScript.variablesStack)
if(declVar.retType == null)
WriteOutGblAssignment("", declVar);
foreach(TokenDeclSDType sdType in tokenScript.sdSrcTypesValues)
if(!(sdType is TokenDeclSDTypeClass))
TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtClass = (TokenDeclSDTypeClass)sdType;
foreach(TokenDeclVar declVar in sdtClass.members)
if((declVar.sdtFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_STATIC) != 0)
WriteOutGblAssignment(sdtClass.longName.val + ".", declVar);
// Write out script-defined types.
foreach(TokenDeclSDType sdType in tokenScript.sdSrcTypesValues)
// Output function headers then bodies.
// Do all headers first in case bodies do forward references.
// Do both global functions, script-defined class static methods and
// script-defined instance methods, as we handle the differences
// during compilation of the functions/methods themselves.
// headers
foreach(TokenDeclVar declFunc in tokenScript.variablesStack)
if(declFunc.retType != null)
foreach(TokenDeclSDType sdType in tokenScript.sdSrcTypesValues)
if(sdType is TokenDeclSDTypeClass)
TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtClass = (TokenDeclSDTypeClass)sdType;
foreach(TokenDeclVar declFunc in sdtClass.members)
if((declFunc.retType != null) && ((declFunc.sdtFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_ABSTRACT) == 0))
// now bodies
foreach(TokenDeclVar declFunc in tokenScript.variablesStack)
if(declFunc.retType != null)
foreach(TokenDeclSDType sdType in tokenScript.sdSrcTypesValues)
if(sdType is TokenDeclSDTypeClass)
TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtClass = (TokenDeclSDTypeClass)sdType;
foreach(TokenDeclVar declFunc in sdtClass.members)
if((declFunc.retType != null) && ((declFunc.sdtFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_ABSTRACT) == 0))
// Output default state event handler functions.
// Each event handler is a private static method named 'default <eventname>'.
// Splice in a default state_entry() handler if none defined so we can init global vars.
TokenDeclVar defaultStateEntry = null;
for(defaultStateEntry = tokenScript.defaultState.body.eventFuncs;
defaultStateEntry != null;
defaultStateEntry = (TokenDeclVar)defaultStateEntry.nextToken)
if(defaultStateEntry.funcNameSig.val == "state_entry()")
if(defaultStateEntry == null)
defaultStateEntry = new TokenDeclVar(tokenScript.defaultState.body, null, tokenScript); = new TokenName(tokenScript.defaultState.body, "state_entry");
defaultStateEntry.retType = new TokenTypeVoid(tokenScript.defaultState.body);
defaultStateEntry.argDecl = new TokenArgDecl(tokenScript.defaultState.body);
defaultStateEntry.body = new TokenStmtBlock(tokenScript.defaultState.body);
defaultStateEntry.body.function = defaultStateEntry;
defaultStateEntry.nextToken = tokenScript.defaultState.body.eventFuncs;
tokenScript.defaultState.body.eventFuncs = defaultStateEntry;
GenerateStateEventHandlers("default", tokenScript.defaultState.body);
// Output script-defined state event handler methods.
// Each event handler is a private static method named <statename> <eventname>
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, TokenDeclState> kvp in tokenScript.states)
TokenDeclState declState = kvp.Value;
GenerateStateEventHandlers(, declState.body);
* @brief Write out what slot was assigned for a global or sdtclass static variable.
* Constants, functions, instance fields, methods, properties do not have slots in the global variables arrays.
private void WriteOutGblAssignment(string pfx, TokenDeclVar declVar)
if(!declVar.constant && (declVar.retType == null) && (declVar.getProp == null) && (declVar.setProp == null))
objFileWriter.Write(pfx +; // string
objFileWriter.Write(declVar.vTableArray.Name); // string
objFileWriter.Write(declVar.vTableIndex); // int
* @brief generate event handler code
* Writes out a function definition for each state handler
* named <statename> <eventname>
* However, each has just 'XMRInstance __sw' as its single argument
* and each of its user-visible argments is extracted from __sw.ehArgs[].
* So we end up generating something like this:
* private static void <statename> <eventname>(XMRInstance __sw)
* {
* <typeArg0> <nameArg0> = (<typeArg0>)__sw.ehArgs[0];
* <typeArg1> <nameArg1> = (<typeArg1>)__sw.ehArgs[1];
* ... script code ...
* }
* The continuations code assumes there will be no references to ehArgs[]
* after the first call to CheckRun() as CheckRun() makes no attempt to
* serialize the ehArgs[] array, as doing so would be redundant. Any values
* from ehArgs[] that are being used will be in local stack variables and
* thus preserved that way.
private void GenerateStateEventHandlers(string statename, TokenStateBody body)
Dictionary<string, TokenDeclVar> statehandlers = new Dictionary<string, TokenDeclVar>();
for(Token t = body.eventFuncs; t != null; t = t.nextToken)
TokenDeclVar tdv = (TokenDeclVar)t;
string eventname = tdv.GetSimpleName();
ErrorMsg(tdv, "event handler " + eventname + " already defined for state " + statename);
statehandlers.Add(eventname, tdv);
GenerateEventHandler(statename, tdv);
private void GenerateEventHandler(string statename, TokenDeclVar declFunc)
string eventname = declFunc.GetSimpleName();
TokenArgDecl argDecl = declFunc.argDecl;
// Make sure event handler name is valid and that number and type of arguments is correct.
// Apparently some scripts exist with fewer than correct number of args in their declaration
// so allow for that. It is ok because the handlers are called with the arguments in an
// object[] array, and we just won't access the missing argments in the vector. But the
// specified types must match one of the prototypes in legalEventHandlers.
TokenDeclVar protoDeclFunc = legalEventHandlers.FindExact(eventname, argDecl.types);
if(protoDeclFunc == null)
ErrorMsg(declFunc, "unknown event handler " + eventname + argDecl.GetArgSig());
// Output function header.
// They just have the XMRInstAbstract pointer as the one argument.
string functionName = statename + " " + eventname;
_ilGen = new ScriptObjWriter(tokenScript,
// Create a temp to hold XMRInstanceSuperType version of arg 0.
instancePointer = ilGen.DeclareLocal(xmrInstSuperType, "__xmrinst");
ilGen.Emit(declFunc, OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
ilGen.Emit(declFunc, OpCodes.Castclass, xmrInstSuperType);
ilGen.Emit(declFunc, OpCodes.Stloc, instancePointer);
if (curDeclFunc.fullName != "$globalvarinit()")
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldfld, heapUsedFieldInfo);
curHeapSize = ilGen.DeclareLocal(typeof(int), "__curHeap");
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Stloc, curHeapSize);
// Output args as variable definitions and initialize each from __sw.ehArgs[].
// If the script writer goofed, the typecast will complain.
int nArgs = argDecl.vars.Length;
for(int i = 0; i < nArgs; i++)
// Say that the argument variable is going to be located in a local var.
TokenDeclVar argVar = argDecl.vars[i];
TokenType argTokType = argVar.type;
CompValuLocalVar local = new CompValuLocalVar(argTokType,, this);
argVar.location = local;
// Copy from the ehArgs[i] element to the temp var.
// Cast as needed, there is a lot of craziness like OpenMetaverse.Quaternion.
PushXMRInst(); // instance
ilGen.Emit(declFunc, OpCodes.Ldfld, ehArgsFieldInfo); // instance.ehArgs (array of objects)
ilGen.Emit(declFunc, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i); // array index = i
ilGen.Emit(declFunc, OpCodes.Ldelem, typeof(object)); // select the argument we want
TokenType stkTokType = tokenTypeObj; // stack has a type 'object' on it now
Type argSysType = argTokType.ToSysType(); // this is the type the script expects
if(argSysType == typeof(double))
{ // LSL_Float/double -> double
ilGen.Emit(declFunc, OpCodes.Call, ehArgUnwrapFloat);
stkTokType = tokenTypeFlt; // stack has a type 'double' on it now
if(argSysType == typeof(int))
{ // LSL_Integer/int -> int
ilGen.Emit(declFunc, OpCodes.Call, ehArgUnwrapInteger);
stkTokType = tokenTypeInt; // stack has a type 'int' on it now
if(argSysType == typeof(LSL_List))
{ // LSL_List -> LSL_List
TypeCast.CastTopOfStack(this,, stkTokType, argTokType, true);
stkTokType = argTokType; // stack has a type 'LSL_List' on it now
if(argSysType == typeof(LSL_Rotation))
{ // OpenMetaverse.Quaternion/LSL_Rotation -> LSL_Rotation
ilGen.Emit(declFunc, OpCodes.Call, ehArgUnwrapRotation);
stkTokType = tokenTypeRot; // stack has a type 'LSL_Rotation' on it now
if(argSysType == typeof(string))
{ // LSL_Key/LSL_String/string -> string
ilGen.Emit(declFunc, OpCodes.Call, ehArgUnwrapString);
stkTokType = tokenTypeStr; // stack has a type 'string' on it now
if(argSysType == typeof(LSL_Vector))
{ // OpenMetaverse.Vector3/LSL_Vector -> LSL_Vector
ilGen.Emit(declFunc, OpCodes.Call, ehArgUnwrapVector);
stkTokType = tokenTypeVec; // stack has a type 'LSL_Vector' on it now
local.PopPost(this,, stkTokType); // pop stack type into argtype
// Output code for the statements and clean up.
* @brief generate header for an arbitrary script-defined global function.
* @param declFunc = function being defined
private void GenerateMethodHeader(TokenDeclVar declFunc)
curDeclFunc = declFunc;
// Make up array of all argument types as seen by the code generator.
// We splice in XMRInstanceSuperType or XMRSDTypeClObj for the first
// arg as the function itself is static, followed by script-visible
// arg types.
TokenArgDecl argDecl = declFunc.argDecl;
int nArgs = argDecl.vars.Length;
Type[] argTypes = new Type[nArgs + 1];
string[] argNames = new string[nArgs + 1];
argTypes[0] = typeof(XMRSDTypeClObj);
argNames[0] = "$sdtthis";
argTypes[0] = xmrInstSuperType;
argNames[0] = "$xmrthis";
for(int i = 0; i < nArgs; i++)
argTypes[i + 1] = argDecl.vars[i].type.ToSysType();
argNames[i + 1] = argDecl.vars[i].name.val;
// Set up entrypoint.
string objCodeName = declFunc.GetObjCodeName();
declFunc.ilGen = new ScriptObjWriter(tokenScript,
// This says how to generate a call to the function and to get a delegate.
declFunc.location = new CompValuGlobalMeth(declFunc);
curDeclFunc = null;
* @brief generate code for an arbitrary script-defined function.
* @param name = name of the function
* @param argDecl = argument declarations
* @param body = function's code body
private void GenerateMethodBody(TokenDeclVar declFunc)
// Set up code generator for the function's contents.
_ilGen = declFunc.ilGen;
// Create a temp to hold XMRInstanceSuperType version of arg 0.
// For most functions, arg 0 is already XMRInstanceSuperType.
// But for script-defined class instance methods, arg 0 holds
// the XMRSDTypeClObj pointer and so we read the XMRInstAbstract
// pointer from its XMRSDTypeClObj.xmrInst field then cast it to
// XMRInstanceSuperType.
if (IsSDTInstMethod())
instancePointer = ilGen.DeclareLocal(xmrInstSuperType, "__xmrinst");
ilGen.Emit(declFunc, OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
ilGen.Emit(declFunc, OpCodes.Ldfld, sdtXMRInstFieldInfo);
ilGen.Emit(declFunc, OpCodes.Castclass, xmrInstSuperType);
ilGen.Emit(declFunc, OpCodes.Stloc, instancePointer);
if (curDeclFunc.fullName != "$globalvarinit()")
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldfld, heapUsedFieldInfo);
curHeapSize = ilGen.DeclareLocal(typeof(int), "__curHeap");
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Stloc, curHeapSize);
// Define location of all script-level arguments so script body can access them.
// The argument indices need to have +1 added to them because XMRInstance or
// XMRSDTypeClObj is spliced in at arg 0.
TokenArgDecl argDecl = declFunc.argDecl;
int nArgs = argDecl.vars.Length;
for(int i = 0; i < nArgs; i++)
TokenDeclVar argVar = argDecl.vars[i];
argVar.location = new CompValuArg(argVar.type, i + 1);
// Output code for the statements and clean up.
private void StartFunctionBody(TokenDeclVar declFunc)
// Start current function being processed.
// Set 'mightGetHere' as the code at the top is always executed.
instancePointer = null;
mightGetHere = true;
curBreakTarg = null;
curContTarg = null;
curDeclFunc = declFunc;
// Start generating code.
* @brief Define function for a script-defined type's <typename>.$new(<argsig>) method.
* See GenerateStmtNewobj() for more info.
private TokenDeclVar DefineNewobjFunc(TokenDeclVar ctorDeclFunc)
// Set up 'static classname $new(params-same-as-ctor) { }'.
TokenDeclVar newobjDeclFunc = new TokenDeclVar(ctorDeclFunc, null, tokenScript); = new TokenName(newobjDeclFunc, "$new");
newobjDeclFunc.retType = ctorDeclFunc.sdtClass.MakeRefToken(newobjDeclFunc);
newobjDeclFunc.argDecl = ctorDeclFunc.argDecl;
newobjDeclFunc.sdtClass = ctorDeclFunc.sdtClass;
newobjDeclFunc.sdtFlags = ScriptReduce.SDT_STATIC | ctorDeclFunc.sdtFlags;
// Declare local variable named '$objptr' in a frame just under
// what the '$new(...)' function's arguments are declared in.
TokenDeclVar objptrVar = new TokenDeclVar(newobjDeclFunc, newobjDeclFunc, tokenScript);
objptrVar.type = newobjDeclFunc.retType; = new TokenName(newobjDeclFunc, "$objptr");
VarDict newFrame = new VarDict(false);
newFrame.outerVarDict = ctorDeclFunc.argDecl.varDict;
// Set up '$objptr.$ctor'
TokenLValName objptrLValName = new TokenLValName(, newFrame);
// ref a var by giving its name
TokenLValIField objptrDotCtor = new TokenLValIField(newobjDeclFunc); // an instance member reference
objptrDotCtor.baseRVal = objptrLValName; // '$objptr'
objptrDotCtor.fieldName =; // '.' '$ctor'
// Set up '$objptr.$ctor(arglist)' call for use in the '$new(...)' body.
// Copy the arglist from the constructor declaration so triviality
// processing will pick the correct overloaded constructor.
TokenRValCall callCtorRVal = new TokenRValCall(newobjDeclFunc); // doing a call of some sort
callCtorRVal.meth = objptrDotCtor; // calling $objptr.$ctor()
TokenDeclVar[] argList = newobjDeclFunc.argDecl.vars; // get args $new() was declared with
callCtorRVal.nArgs = argList.Length; // ...that is nArgs we are passing to $objptr.$ctor()
for(int i = argList.Length; --i >= 0;)
TokenDeclVar arg = argList[i]; // find out about one of the args
TokenLValName argLValName = new TokenLValName(, ctorDeclFunc.argDecl.varDict);
// pass arg of that name to $objptr.$ctor()
argLValName.nextToken = callCtorRVal.args; // link to list of args passed to $objptr.$ctor()
callCtorRVal.args = argLValName;
// Set up a funky call to the constructor for the code body.
// This will let code generator know there is some craziness.
// See GenerateStmtNewobj().
// This is in essence:
// {
// classname $objptr = newobj (classname);
// $objptr.$ctor (...);
// return $objptr;
// }
TokenStmtNewobj newobjStmtBody = new TokenStmtNewobj(ctorDeclFunc);
newobjStmtBody.objptrVar = objptrVar;
newobjStmtBody.rValCall = callCtorRVal;
TokenStmtBlock newobjBody = new TokenStmtBlock(ctorDeclFunc);
newobjBody.statements = newobjStmtBody;
// Link that code as the body of the function.
newobjDeclFunc.body = newobjBody;
// Say the function calls '$objptr.$ctor(arglist)' so we will inherit ctor's triviality.
return newobjDeclFunc;
private class TokenStmtNewobj: TokenStmt
public TokenDeclVar objptrVar;
public TokenRValCall rValCall;
public TokenStmtNewobj(Token original) : base(original) { }
* @brief Output function body (either event handler or script-defined method).
private void GenerateFuncBody()
// We want to know if the function's code is trivial, ie,
// if it doesn't have anything that might be an infinite
// loop and that is doesn't call anything that might have
// an infinite loop. If it is, we don't need any CheckRun()
// stuff or any of the frame save/restore stuff.
bool isTrivial = curDeclFunc.IsFuncTrivial(this);
bool doheap = curDeclFunc.fullName != "$globalvarinit()";
// Clear list of all call labels.
// A call label is inserted just before every call that can possibly
// call CheckRun(), including any direct calls to CheckRun().
// Then, when restoring stack, we can just switch to this label to
// resume at the correct spot.
openCallLabel = null;
// Alloc stack space for local vars.
int stackframesize = AllocLocalVarStackSpace();
// Include argument variables in stack space for this frame.
foreach(TokenType tokType in curDeclFunc.argDecl.types)
stackframesize += LocalVarStackSize(tokType);
// Any return statements inside function body jump to this label
// after putting return value in __retval.
retLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("__retlbl");
retValue = null;
if(!(curDeclFunc.retType is TokenTypeVoid))
retValue = ilGen.DeclareLocal(curDeclFunc.retType.ToSysType(), "__retval");
// Output:
// int __mainCallNo = -1;
// instance.m_StackLeft -= stackframesize;
// try {
// if (instance.callMode != CallMode_NORMAL) goto __cmRestore;
actCallNo = null;
ScriptMyLabel cmRestore = null;
if (!isTrivial)
actCallNo = ilGen.DeclareLocal(typeof(int), "__mainCallNo");
SetCallNo(curDeclFunc, actCallNo, -1);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Dup);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldfld, stackLeftFieldInfo);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, stackframesize);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Sub);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Stfld, stackLeftFieldInfo);
cmRestore = ilGen.DefineLabel("__cmRestore");
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldfld, ScriptCodeGen.callModeFieldInfo);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, XMRInstAbstract.CallMode_NORMAL);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Bne_Un, cmRestore);
// Splice in the code optimizer for the body of the function.
ScriptCollector collector = new ScriptCollector((ScriptObjWriter)ilGen);
_ilGen = collector;
// If this is the default state_entry() handler, output code to set all global
// variables to their initial values. Note that every script must have a
// default state_entry() handler, we provide one if the script doesn't explicitly
// define one.
string methname = ilGen.methName;
if(methname == "default state_entry")
// if (!doGblInit) goto skipGblInit;
ScriptMyLabel skipGblInitLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("__skipGblInit");
PushXMRInst(); // instance
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldfld, doGblInitFieldInfo); // instance.doGblInit
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Brfalse, skipGblInitLabel);
// $globalvarinit();
TokenDeclVar gviFunc = tokenScript.globalVarInit;
if(gviFunc.body.statements != null)
gviFunc.location.CallPre(this, gviFunc);
gviFunc.location.CallPost(this, gviFunc);
// various $staticfieldinit();
foreach(TokenDeclSDType sdType in tokenScript.sdSrcTypesValues)
if(sdType is TokenDeclSDTypeClass)
TokenDeclVar sfiFunc = ((TokenDeclSDTypeClass)sdType).staticFieldInit;
if((sfiFunc != null) && (sfiFunc.body.statements != null))
sfiFunc.location.CallPre(this, sfiFunc);
sfiFunc.location.CallPost(this, sfiFunc);
// doGblInit = 0;
PushXMRInst(); // instance
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Stfld, doGblInitFieldInfo); // instance.doGblInit
// If this is a script-defined type constructor, call the base constructor and call
// this class's $instfieldinit() method to initialize instance fields.
if((curDeclFunc.sdtClass != null) && curDeclFunc.funcNameSig.val.StartsWith("$ctor("))
if(curDeclFunc.baseCtorCall != null)
TokenDeclVar ifiFunc = ((TokenDeclSDTypeClass)curDeclFunc.sdtClass).instFieldInit;
if(ifiFunc.body.statements != null)
CompValu thisCompValu = new CompValuArg(ifiFunc.sdtClass.MakeRefToken(ifiFunc), 0);
CompValu ifiFuncLocn = new CompValuInstMember(ifiFunc, thisCompValu, true);
ifiFuncLocn.CallPre(this, ifiFunc);
ifiFuncLocn.CallPost(this, ifiFunc);
// See if time to suspend in case they are doing a loop with recursion.
EmitCallCheckRun(curDeclFunc, true);
// Output code body.
if (doheap)
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldloc, curHeapSize);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Stfld, heapUsedFieldInfo);
// If code falls through to this point, means they are missing
// a return statement. And that is legal only if the function
// returns 'void'.
if (mightGetHere)
if(!(curDeclFunc.retType is TokenTypeVoid))
ErrorMsg(curDeclFunc.body, "missing final return statement");
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Leave, retLabel);
// End of the code to be optimized.
// Do optimizations then write it all out to object file.
// After this, all code gets written directly to object file.
// Optimization must be completed before we scan the allCallLabels
// list below to look for active locals and temps.
_ilGen = collector.WriteOutAll();
collector = null;
List<ScriptMyLocal> activeTemps = null;
if (!isTrivial)
// Build list of locals and temps active at all the call labels.
activeTemps = new List<ScriptMyLocal>();
foreach (CallLabel cl in allCallLabels)
foreach (ScriptMyLocal lcl in cl.callLabel.whereAmI.localsReadBeforeWritten)
if (!activeTemps.Contains(lcl))
// Output code to restore the args, locals and temps then jump to
// the call label that we were interrupted at.
// Output epilog that saves stack frame state if CallMode_SAVE.
// finally {
// instance.m_StackLeft += stackframesize;
// if (instance.callMode != CallMode_SAVE) goto __endFin;
// GenerateFrameCaptureCode();
// __endFin:
// }
ScriptMyLabel endFin = null;
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Dup);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldfld, stackLeftFieldInfo);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, stackframesize);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Add);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Stfld, stackLeftFieldInfo);
endFin = ilGen.DefineLabel("__endFin");
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldfld, callModeFieldInfo);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, XMRInstAbstract.CallMode_SAVE);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Bne_Un, endFin);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Endfinally);
// Output the 'real' return opcode.
// push return value
if (doheap)
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldloc, curHeapSize);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Stfld, heapUsedFieldInfo);
if (!(curDeclFunc.retType is TokenTypeVoid))
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldloc, retValue);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ret);
retLabel = null;
retValue = null;
// No more instructions for this method.
_ilGen = null;
// Not generating function code any more.
curBreakTarg = null;
curContTarg = null;
curDeclFunc = null;
* @brief Allocate stack space for all local variables, regardless of
* which { } statement block they are actually defined in.
* @returns approximate stack frame size
private int AllocLocalVarStackSpace()
int stackframesize = 64; // RIP, RBX, RBP, R12..R15, one extra
foreach(TokenDeclVar localVar in curDeclFunc.localVars)
// Skip all 'constant' vars as they were handled by the reducer.
// Get a stack location for the local variable.
localVar.location = new CompValuLocalVar(localVar.type,, this);
// Stack size for the local variable.
stackframesize += LocalVarStackSize(localVar.type);
return stackframesize;
private static int LocalVarStackSize(TokenType tokType)
Type sysType = tokType.ToSysType();
return sysType.IsValueType ? System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(sysType) : 8;
* @brief Generate code to write all arguments and locals to the capture stack frame.
* This includes temp variables.
* We only need to save what is active at the point of callLabels through because
* those are the only points we will jump to on restore. This saves us from saving
* all the little temp vars we create.
* @param activeTemps = list of locals and temps that we care about, ie, which
* ones get restored by GenerateFrameRestoreCode().
private void GenerateFrameCaptureCode(List<ScriptMyLocal> activeTemps)
// Compute total number of slots we need to save stuff.
// Assume we need to save all call arguments.
int nSaves = curDeclFunc.argDecl.vars.Length + activeTemps.Count;
// Output code to allocate a stack frame object with an object array.
// This also pushes the stack frame object on the instance.stackFrames list.
// It returns a pointer to the object array it allocated.
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldstr, ilGen.methName);
GetCallNo(curDeclFunc, actCallNo);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, nSaves);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Call, captureStackFrameMethodInfo);
// Copy arg values to object array, boxing as needed.
int i = 0;
foreach(TokenDeclVar argVar in curDeclFunc.argDecl.varDict)
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Dup);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i);
argVar.location.PushVal(this,, tokenTypeObj);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Stelem_Ref);
// Copy local and temp values to object array, boxing as needed.
foreach(ScriptMyLocal lcl in activeTemps)
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Dup);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i++);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldloc, lcl);
Type t = lcl.type;
if(t == typeof(HeapTrackerList))
t = HeapTrackerList.GenPush(curDeclFunc, ilGen);
if(t == typeof(HeapTrackerObject))
t = HeapTrackerObject.GenPush(curDeclFunc, ilGen);
if(t == typeof(HeapTrackerString))
t = HeapTrackerString.GenPush(curDeclFunc, ilGen);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Box, t);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Stelem_Ref);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Pop);
* @brief Generate code to restore all arguments and locals from the restore stack frame.
* This includes temp variables.
private void GenerateFrameRestoreCode(List<ScriptMyLocal> activeTemps)
ScriptMyLocal objArray = ilGen.DeclareLocal(typeof(object[]), "__restObjArray");
// Output code to pop stack frame from instance.stackFrames.
// It returns a pointer to the object array that contains values to be restored.
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldstr, ilGen.methName);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldloca, actCallNo); // __mainCallNo
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Call, restoreStackFrameMethodInfo);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Stloc, objArray);
// Restore argument values from object array, unboxing as needed.
// Although the caller has restored them to what it called us with, it's possible that this
// function has modified them since, so we need to do our own restore.
int i = 0;
foreach(TokenDeclVar argVar in curDeclFunc.argDecl.varDict)
CompValu argLoc = argVar.location;
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldloc, objArray);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldelem_Ref);
TypeCast.CastTopOfStack(this,, tokenTypeObj, argLoc.type, true);
// Restore local and temp values from object array, unboxing as needed.
foreach(ScriptMyLocal lcl in activeTemps)
Type t = lcl.type;
Type u = t;
if(t == typeof(HeapTrackerList))
u = typeof(LSL_List);
if(t == typeof(HeapTrackerObject))
u = typeof(object);
if(t == typeof(HeapTrackerString))
u = typeof(string);
if(u != t)
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldloc, lcl);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldloc, objArray);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i++);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Ldelem_Ref);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Unbox_Any, u);
else if(u != typeof(object))
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Castclass, u);
if(u != t)
if(t == typeof(HeapTrackerList))
HeapTrackerList.GenRestore(curDeclFunc, ilGen);
if(t == typeof(HeapTrackerObject))
HeapTrackerObject.GenRestore(curDeclFunc, ilGen);
if(t == typeof(HeapTrackerString))
HeapTrackerString.GenRestore(curDeclFunc, ilGen);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Stloc, lcl);
* @brief Output a switch statement with a case for each possible
* value of whatever callNo is currently active, either
* __mainCallNo or one of the try/catch/finally's callNos.
* switch (callNo) {
* case 0: goto __call_0;
* case 1: goto __call_1;
* ...
* }
* throw new ScriptBadCallNoException (callNo);
private void OutputCallNoSwitchStmt()
ScriptMyLabel[] callLabels = new ScriptMyLabel[actCallLabels.Count];
foreach(CallLabel cl in actCallLabels)
callLabels[cl.index] = cl.callLabel;
GetCallNo(curDeclFunc, actCallNo);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Switch, callLabels);
GetCallNo(curDeclFunc, actCallNo);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Newobj, scriptBadCallNoExceptionConstructorInfo);
ilGen.Emit(curDeclFunc, OpCodes.Throw);
* @brief There is one of these per call that can possibly call CheckRun(),
* including direct calls to CheckRun().
* They mark points that the stack capture/restore code will save & restore to.
* All object-code level local vars active at the call label's point will
* be saved & restored.
* callNo = 5;
* __call_5:
* push call arguments from temps
* call SomethingThatCallsCheckRun()
* If SomethingThatCallsCheckRun() actually calls CheckRun(), our restore code
* will restore our args, locals & temps, then jump to __call_5, which will then
* call SomethingThatCallsCheckRun() again, which will restore its stuff likewise.
* When eventually the actual CheckRun() call is restored, it will turn off restore
* mode (by changing callMode from CallMode_RESTORE to CallMode_NORMAL) and return,
* allowing the code to run normally from that point.
public class CallLabel
public int index; // sequential integer, starting at 0, within actCallLabels
// - used for the switch statement
public ScriptMyLabel callLabel; // the actual label token
public CallLabel(ScriptCodeGen scg, Token errorAt)
if(scg.openCallLabel != null)
throw new Exception("call label already open");
this.index = scg.actCallLabels.Count;
string name = "__call_" + index + "_" + scg.allCallLabels.Count;
// Make sure eval stack is empty because the frame capture/restore
// code expects such (restore switch stmt has an empty stack).
int depth = ((ScriptCollector)scg.ilGen).stackDepth.Count;
if(depth > 0)
// maybe need to call Trivialize()
throw new Exception("call label stack depth " + depth + " at " + errorAt.SrcLoc);
// Eval stack is empty so the restore code can handle it.
this.index = scg.actCallLabels.Count;
this.callLabel = scg.ilGen.DefineLabel(name);
scg.SetCallNo(errorAt, scg.actCallNo, this.index);
scg.openCallLabel = this;
* @brief generate code for an arbitrary statement.
private void GenerateStmt(TokenStmt stmt)
errorMessageToken = stmt;
if(stmt is TokenDeclVar)
if(stmt is TokenStmtBlock)
if(stmt is TokenStmtBreak)
if(stmt is TokenStmtCont)
if(stmt is TokenStmtDo)
if(stmt is TokenStmtFor)
if(stmt is TokenStmtForEach)
if(stmt is TokenStmtIf)
if(stmt is TokenStmtJump)
if(stmt is TokenStmtLabel)
if(stmt is TokenStmtNewobj)
if(stmt is TokenStmtNull)
if(stmt is TokenStmtRet)
if(stmt is TokenStmtRVal)
if(stmt is TokenStmtState)
if(stmt is TokenStmtSwitch)
if(stmt is TokenStmtThrow)
if(stmt is TokenStmtTry)
if(stmt is TokenStmtVarIniDef)
if(stmt is TokenStmtWhile)
throw new Exception("unknown TokenStmt type " + stmt.GetType().ToString());
* @brief generate statement block (ie, with braces)
private void GenerateStmtBlock(TokenStmtBlock stmtBlock)
// Push new current statement block pointer for anyone who cares.
TokenStmtBlock oldStmtBlock = curStmtBlock;
curStmtBlock = stmtBlock;
// Output the statements that make up the block.
for(Token t = stmtBlock.statements; t != null; t = t.nextToken)
// Pop the current statement block.
curStmtBlock = oldStmtBlock;
* @brief output code for a 'break' statement
private void GenerateStmtBreak(TokenStmtBreak breakStmt)
// Make sure we are in a breakable situation.
if(curBreakTarg == null)
ErrorMsg(breakStmt, "not in a breakable situation");
// Tell anyone who cares that the break target was actually used.
curBreakTarg.used = true;
// Output the instructions.
EmitJumpCode(curBreakTarg.label, curBreakTarg.block, breakStmt);
* @brief output code for a 'continue' statement
private void GenerateStmtCont(TokenStmtCont contStmt)
// Make sure we are in a contable situation.
if(curContTarg == null)
ErrorMsg(contStmt, "not in a continueable situation");
// Tell anyone who cares that the continue target was actually used.
curContTarg.used = true;
// Output the instructions.
EmitJumpCode(curContTarg.label, curContTarg.block, contStmt);
* @brief output code for a 'do' statement
private void GenerateStmtDo(TokenStmtDo doStmt)
BreakContTarg oldBreakTarg = curBreakTarg;
BreakContTarg oldContTarg = curContTarg;
ScriptMyLabel loopLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("doloop_" + doStmt.Unique);
curBreakTarg = new BreakContTarg(this, "dobreak_" + doStmt.Unique);
curContTarg = new BreakContTarg(this, "docont_" + doStmt.Unique);
mightGetHere = true;
EmitCallCheckRun(doStmt, false);
CompValu testRVal = GenerateFromRVal(doStmt.testRVal);
// Unconditional looping, unconditional branch and
// say we never fall through to next statement.
ilGen.Emit(doStmt, OpCodes.Br, loopLabel);
mightGetHere = false;
// Conditional looping, test and brach back to top of loop.
testRVal.PushVal(this, doStmt.testRVal, tokenTypeBool);
ilGen.Emit(doStmt, OpCodes.Brtrue, loopLabel);
// If 'break' statement was used, output target label.
// And assume that since a 'break' statement was used, it's possible for the code to get here.
mightGetHere = true;
curBreakTarg = oldBreakTarg;
curContTarg = oldContTarg;
* @brief output code for a 'for' statement
private void GenerateStmtFor(TokenStmtFor forStmt)
BreakContTarg oldBreakTarg = curBreakTarg;
BreakContTarg oldContTarg = curContTarg;
ScriptMyLabel loopLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("forloop_" + forStmt.Unique);
curBreakTarg = new BreakContTarg(this, "forbreak_" + forStmt.Unique);
curContTarg = new BreakContTarg(this, "forcont_" + forStmt.Unique);
if(forStmt.initStmt != null)
// See if we have a test expression that is other than a constant TRUE.
// If so, test it and conditionally branch to end if false.
if(forStmt.testRVal != null)
CompValu testRVal = GenerateFromRVal(forStmt.testRVal);
testRVal.PushVal(this, forStmt.testRVal, tokenTypeBool);
ilGen.Emit(forStmt, OpCodes.Brfalse, curBreakTarg.label);
curBreakTarg.used = true;
// Output loop body.
// Here's where a 'continue' statement jumps to.
mightGetHere = true;
// After checking for excessive CPU time, output increment statement, if any.
EmitCallCheckRun(forStmt, false);
if(forStmt.incrRVal != null)
// Unconditional branch back to beginning of loop.
ilGen.Emit(forStmt, OpCodes.Br, loopLabel);
// If test needs label, output label for it to jump to.
// Otherwise, clear mightGetHere as we know loop never
// falls out the bottom.
mightGetHere = curBreakTarg.used;
curBreakTarg = oldBreakTarg;
curContTarg = oldContTarg;
private void GenerateStmtForEach(TokenStmtForEach forEachStmt)
BreakContTarg oldBreakTarg = curBreakTarg;
BreakContTarg oldContTarg = curContTarg;
CompValu keyLVal = null;
CompValu valLVal = null;
CompValu arrayRVal = GenerateFromRVal(forEachStmt.arrayRVal);
if(forEachStmt.keyLVal != null)
keyLVal = GenerateFromLVal(forEachStmt.keyLVal);
if(!(keyLVal.type is TokenTypeObject))
ErrorMsg(forEachStmt.arrayRVal, "must be object");
if(forEachStmt.valLVal != null)
valLVal = GenerateFromLVal(forEachStmt.valLVal);
if(!(valLVal.type is TokenTypeObject))
ErrorMsg(forEachStmt.arrayRVal, "must be object");
if(!(arrayRVal.type is TokenTypeArray))
ErrorMsg(forEachStmt.arrayRVal, "must be an array");
curBreakTarg = new BreakContTarg(this, "foreachbreak_" + forEachStmt.Unique);
curContTarg = new BreakContTarg(this, "foreachcont_" + forEachStmt.Unique);
CompValuTemp indexVar = new CompValuTemp(new TokenTypeInt(forEachStmt), this);
ScriptMyLabel loopLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("foreachloop_" + forEachStmt.Unique);
// indexVar = 0
ilGen.Emit(forEachStmt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
indexVar.Pop(this, forEachStmt);
// key = array.__pub_index (indexVar);
// if (key == null) goto curBreakTarg;
if(keyLVal != null)
keyLVal.PopPre(this, forEachStmt.keyLVal);
arrayRVal.PushVal(this, forEachStmt.arrayRVal);
indexVar.PushVal(this, forEachStmt);
ilGen.Emit(forEachStmt, OpCodes.Call, xmrArrPubIndexMethod);
keyLVal.PopPost(this, forEachStmt.keyLVal);
keyLVal.PushVal(this, forEachStmt.keyLVal);
ilGen.Emit(forEachStmt, OpCodes.Brfalse, curBreakTarg.label);
curBreakTarg.used = true;
// val = array._pub_value (indexVar);
// if (val == null) goto curBreakTarg;
if(valLVal != null)
valLVal.PopPre(this, forEachStmt.valLVal);
arrayRVal.PushVal(this, forEachStmt.arrayRVal);
indexVar.PushVal(this, forEachStmt);
ilGen.Emit(forEachStmt, OpCodes.Call, xmrArrPubValueMethod);
valLVal.PopPost(this, forEachStmt.valLVal);
if(keyLVal == null)
valLVal.PushVal(this, forEachStmt.valLVal);
ilGen.Emit(forEachStmt, OpCodes.Brfalse, curBreakTarg.label);
curBreakTarg.used = true;
// indexVar ++;
indexVar.PushVal(this, forEachStmt);
ilGen.Emit(forEachStmt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1);
ilGen.Emit(forEachStmt, OpCodes.Add);
indexVar.Pop(this, forEachStmt);
// body statement
// continue label
mightGetHere = true;
// call CheckRun()
EmitCallCheckRun(forEachStmt, false);
ilGen.Emit(forEachStmt, OpCodes.Br, loopLabel);
// break label
mightGetHere = true;
curBreakTarg = oldBreakTarg;
curContTarg = oldContTarg;
* @brief output code for an 'if' statement
* Braces are necessary because what may be one statement for trueStmt or elseStmt in
* the script may translate to more than one statement in the resultant C# code.
private void GenerateStmtIf(TokenStmtIf ifStmt)
bool constVal;
// Test condition and see if constant test expression.
CompValu testRVal = GenerateFromRVal(ifStmt.testRVal);
if(IsConstBoolExpr(testRVal, out constVal))
// Constant, output just either the true or else part.
else if(ifStmt.elseStmt != null)
else if(ifStmt.elseStmt == null)
// This is an 'if' statement without an 'else' clause.
testRVal.PushVal(this, ifStmt.testRVal, tokenTypeBool);
ScriptMyLabel doneLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("ifdone_" + ifStmt.Unique);
ilGen.Emit(ifStmt, OpCodes.Brfalse, doneLabel); // brfalse doneLabel
GenerateStmt(ifStmt.trueStmt); // generate true body code
mightGetHere = true; // there's always a possibility of getting here
// This is an 'if' statement with an 'else' clause.
testRVal.PushVal(this, ifStmt.testRVal, tokenTypeBool);
ScriptMyLabel elseLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("ifelse_" + ifStmt.Unique);
ilGen.Emit(ifStmt, OpCodes.Brfalse, elseLabel); // brfalse elseLabel
GenerateStmt(ifStmt.trueStmt); // generate true body code
bool trueMightGetHere = mightGetHere; // save whether or not true falls through
ScriptMyLabel doneLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("ifdone_" + ifStmt.Unique);
ilGen.Emit(ifStmt, OpCodes.Br, doneLabel); // branch to done
ilGen.MarkLabel(elseLabel); // beginning of else code
mightGetHere = true; // the top of the else might be executed
GenerateStmt(ifStmt.elseStmt); // output else code
ilGen.MarkLabel(doneLabel); // where end of true clause code branches to
mightGetHere |= trueMightGetHere; // gets this far if either true or else falls through
* @brief output code for a 'jump' statement
private void GenerateStmtJump(TokenStmtJump jumpStmt)
// Make sure the target label is defined somewhere in the function.
TokenStmtLabel stmtLabel;
if(!curDeclFunc.labels.TryGetValue(jumpStmt.label.val, out stmtLabel))
ErrorMsg(jumpStmt, "undefined label " + jumpStmt.label.val);
stmtLabel.labelStruct = ilGen.DefineLabel("jump_" +;
stmtLabel.labelTagged = true;
// Emit instructions to do the jump.
EmitJumpCode(stmtLabel.labelStruct, stmtLabel.block, jumpStmt);
* @brief Emit code to jump to a label
* @param target = label being jumped to
* @param targetsBlock = { ... } the label is defined in
private void EmitJumpCode(ScriptMyLabel target, TokenStmtBlock targetsBlock, Token errorAt)
// Jumps never fall through.
mightGetHere = false;
// Find which block the target label is in. Must be in this or an outer block,
// no laterals allowed. And if we exit a try/catch block, use Leave instead of Br.
// jump lateral;
// {
// @lateral;
// }
bool useLeave = false;
TokenStmtBlock stmtBlock;
Stack<TokenStmtTry> finallyBlocksCalled = new Stack<TokenStmtTry>();
for(stmtBlock = curStmtBlock; stmtBlock != targetsBlock; stmtBlock = stmtBlock.outerStmtBlock)
if(stmtBlock == null)
ErrorMsg(errorAt, "no lateral jumps allowed");
ErrorMsg(errorAt, "cannot jump out of finally");
if(stmtBlock.isTry || stmtBlock.isCatch)
useLeave = true;
if((stmtBlock.tryStmt != null) && (stmtBlock.tryStmt.finallyStmt != null))
// If popping through more than one finally block, we have to break it down for the stack
// capture and restore code, one finally block at a time.
// try {
// try {
// try {
// jump exit;
// } finally {
// llOwnerSay ("exiting inner");
// }
// } finally {
// llOwnerSay ("exiting middle");
// }
// } finally {
// llOwnerSay ("exiting outer");
// }
// @exit;
// try {
// try {
// try {
// jump intr2_exit; <<< gets its own tryNo call label so inner try knows where to restore to
// } finally {
// llOwnerSay ("exiting inner");
// }
// jump outtry2;
// @intr2_exit; jump intr1_exit; <<< gets its own tryNo call label so middle try knows where to restore to
// @outtry2;
// } finally {
// llOwnerSay ("exiting middle");
// }
// jump outtry1;
// @intr1_exit: jump exit; <<< gets its own tryNo call label so outer try knows where to restore to
// @outtry1;
// } finally {
// llOwnerSay ("exiting outer");
// }
// @exit;
int level = 0;
while(finallyBlocksCalled.Count > 1)
TokenStmtTry finallyBlock = finallyBlocksCalled.Pop();
string intername = "intr" + (++level) + "_" +;
IntermediateLeave iLeave;
if(!finallyBlock.iLeaves.TryGetValue(intername, out iLeave))
iLeave = new IntermediateLeave();
iLeave.jumpIntoLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel(intername);
iLeave.jumpAwayLabel = target;
finallyBlock.iLeaves.Add(intername, iLeave);
target = iLeave.jumpIntoLabel;
// Finally output the branch/leave opcode.
// If using Leave, prefix with a call label in case the corresponding finally block
// calls CheckRun() and that CheckRun() captures the stack, it will have a point to
// restore to that will properly jump back into the finally block.
new CallLabel(this, errorAt);
ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Leave, target);
openCallLabel = null;
ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Br, target);
* @brief output code for a jump target label statement.
* If there are any backward jumps to the label, do a CheckRun() also.
private void GenerateStmtLabel(TokenStmtLabel labelStmt)
labelStmt.labelStruct = ilGen.DefineLabel("jump_" +;
labelStmt.labelTagged = true;
EmitCallCheckRun(labelStmt, false);
// We are going to say that the label falls through.
// It would be nice if we could analyze all referencing
// goto's to see if all of them are not used but we are
// going to assume that if the script writer put a label
// somewhere, it is probably going to be used.
mightGetHere = true;
* @brief Generate code for a script-defined type's <typename>.$new(<argsig>) method.
* It is used to malloc the object and initialize it.
* It is defined as a script-defined type static method, so the object level
* method gets the XMRInstance pointer passed as arg 0, and the method is
* supposed to return the allocated and constructed XMRSDTypeClObj
* object pointer.
private void GenerateStmtNewobj(TokenStmtNewobj newobjStmt)
// First off, malloc a new empty XMRSDTypeClObj object
// then call the XMRSDTypeClObj()-level constructor.
// Store the result in local var $objptr.
newobjStmt.objptrVar.location.PopPre(this, newobjStmt);
ilGen.Emit(newobjStmt, OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
ilGen.Emit(newobjStmt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, curDeclFunc.sdtClass.sdTypeIndex);
ilGen.Emit(newobjStmt, OpCodes.Newobj, sdtClassConstructorInfo);
newobjStmt.objptrVar.location.PopPost(this, newobjStmt);
// Now call the script-level constructor.
// Pass the object pointer in $objptr as it's 'this' argument.
// The rest of the args are the script-visible args and are just copied from $new() call.
// Put object pointer in retval so it gets returned to caller.
newobjStmt.objptrVar.location.PushVal(this, newobjStmt);
ilGen.Emit(newobjStmt, OpCodes.Stloc, retValue);
// Exit the function like a return statement.
// And thus we don't fall through.
ilGen.Emit(newobjStmt, OpCodes.Leave, retLabel);
mightGetHere = false;
* @brief output code for a return statement.
* @param retStmt = return statement token, including return value if any
private void GenerateStmtRet(TokenStmtRet retStmt)
for(TokenStmtBlock stmtBlock = curStmtBlock; stmtBlock != null; stmtBlock = stmtBlock.outerStmtBlock)
ErrorMsg(retStmt, "cannot return out of finally");
if(curDeclFunc.retType is TokenTypeVoid)
if(retStmt.rVal != null)
ErrorMsg(retStmt, "function returns void, no value allowed");
if(retStmt.rVal == null)
ErrorMsg(retStmt, "function requires return value type " + curDeclFunc.retType.ToString());
CompValu rVal = GenerateFromRVal(retStmt.rVal);
rVal.PushVal(this, retStmt.rVal, curDeclFunc.retType);
ilGen.Emit(retStmt, OpCodes.Stloc, retValue);
// Use a OpCodes.Leave instruction to break out of any try { } blocks.
// All Leave's inside script-defined try { } need call labels (see GenerateStmtTry()).
bool brokeOutOfTry = false;
for(TokenStmtBlock stmtBlock = curStmtBlock; stmtBlock != null; stmtBlock = stmtBlock.outerStmtBlock)
brokeOutOfTry = true;
new CallLabel(this, retStmt);
ilGen.Emit(retStmt, OpCodes.Leave, retLabel);
openCallLabel = null;
// 'return' statements never fall through.
mightGetHere = false;
* @brief the statement is just an expression, most likely an assignment or a ++ or -- thing.
private void GenerateStmtRVal(TokenStmtRVal rValStmt)
* @brief generate code for a 'state' statement that transitions state.
* It sets the new state by throwing a ScriptChangeStateException.
private void GenerateStmtState(TokenStmtState stateStmt)
int index = 0; // 'default' state
// Set new state value by throwing an exception.
// These exceptions aren't catchable by script-level try { } catch { }.
if((stateStmt.state != null) && !stateIndices.TryGetValue(stateStmt.state.val, out index))
// The moron XEngine compiles scripts that reference undefined states.
// So rather than produce a compile-time error, we'll throw an exception at runtime.
// ErrorMsg (stateStmt, "undefined state " + stateStmt.state.val);
// throw new UndefinedStateException (stateStmt.state.val);
ilGen.Emit(stateStmt, OpCodes.Ldstr, stateStmt.state.val);
ilGen.Emit(stateStmt, OpCodes.Newobj, scriptUndefinedStateExceptionConstructorInfo);
ilGen.Emit(stateStmt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, index); // new state's index
ilGen.Emit(stateStmt, OpCodes.Newobj, scriptChangeStateExceptionConstructorInfo);
ilGen.Emit(stateStmt, OpCodes.Throw);
// 'state' statements never fall through.
mightGetHere = false;
* @brief output code for a 'switch' statement
private void GenerateStmtSwitch(TokenStmtSwitch switchStmt)
// Output code to calculate index.
CompValu testRVal = GenerateFromRVal(switchStmt.testRVal);
// Generate code based on string or integer index.
if((testRVal.type is TokenTypeKey) || (testRVal.type is TokenTypeStr))
GenerateStmtSwitchStr(testRVal, switchStmt);
GenerateStmtSwitchInt(testRVal, switchStmt);
private void GenerateStmtSwitchInt(CompValu testRVal, TokenStmtSwitch switchStmt)
testRVal.PushVal(this, switchStmt.testRVal, tokenTypeInt);
BreakContTarg oldBreakTarg = curBreakTarg;
ScriptMyLabel defaultLabel = null;
TokenSwitchCase sortedCases = null;
TokenSwitchCase defaultCase = null;
curBreakTarg = new BreakContTarg(this, "switchbreak_" + switchStmt.Unique);
// Build list of cases sorted by ascending values.
// There should not be any overlapping of values.
for(TokenSwitchCase thisCase = switchStmt.cases; thisCase != null; thisCase = thisCase.nextCase)
thisCase.label = ilGen.DefineLabel("case_" + thisCase.Unique);
// The default case if any, goes in its own separate slot.
if(thisCase.rVal1 == null)
if(defaultCase != null)
ErrorMsg(thisCase, "only one default case allowed");
ErrorMsg(defaultCase, "...prior default case");
defaultCase = thisCase;
defaultLabel = thisCase.label;
// Evaluate case operands, they must be compile-time integer constants.
CompValu rVal = GenerateFromRVal(thisCase.rVal1);
if(!IsConstIntExpr(rVal, out thisCase.val1))
ErrorMsg(thisCase.rVal1, "must be compile-time char or integer constant");
thisCase.val2 = thisCase.val1;
if(thisCase.rVal2 != null)
rVal = GenerateFromRVal(thisCase.rVal2);
if(!IsConstIntExpr(rVal, out thisCase.val2))
ErrorMsg(thisCase.rVal2, "must be compile-time char or integer constant");
if(thisCase.val2 < thisCase.val1)
ErrorMsg(thisCase.rVal2, "must be .ge. first value for the case");
// Insert into list, sorted by value.
// Note that both limits are inclusive.
TokenSwitchCase lastCase = null;
TokenSwitchCase nextCase;
for(nextCase = sortedCases; nextCase != null; nextCase = nextCase.nextSortedCase)
if(nextCase.val1 > thisCase.val2)
if(nextCase.val2 >= thisCase.val1)
ErrorMsg(thisCase, "value used by previous case");
ErrorMsg(nextCase, "...previous case");
lastCase = nextCase;
thisCase.nextSortedCase = nextCase;
if(lastCase == null)
sortedCases = thisCase;
lastCase.nextSortedCase = thisCase;
if(defaultLabel == null)
defaultLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("default_" + switchStmt.Unique);
// Output code to jump to the case statement's labels based on integer index on stack.
// Note that each case still has the integer index on stack when jumped to.
int offset = 0;
for(TokenSwitchCase thisCase = sortedCases; thisCase != null;)
// Scan through list of cases to find the maximum number of cases who's numvalues-to-case ratio
// is from 0.5 to 2.0. If such a group is found, use a CIL switch for them. If not, just use a
// compare-and-branch for the current case.
int numCases = 0;
int numFound = 0;
int lowValue = thisCase.val1;
int numValues = 0;
for(TokenSwitchCase scanCase = thisCase; scanCase != null; scanCase = scanCase.nextSortedCase)
int nVals = scanCase.val2 - thisCase.val1 + 1;
double ratio = (double)nVals / (double)(++numCases);
if((ratio >= 0.5) && (ratio <= 2.0))
numFound = numCases;
numValues = nVals;
if(numFound > 1)
// There is a group of case's, starting with thisCase, that fall within our criteria, ie,
// that have a nice density of meaningful jumps.
// So first generate an array of jumps to the default label (explicit or implicit).
ScriptMyLabel[] labels = new ScriptMyLabel[numValues];
for(int i = 0; i < numValues; i++)
labels[i] = defaultLabel;
// Next, for each case in that group, fill in the corresponding array entries to jump to
// that case's label.
for(int i = thisCase.val1; i <= thisCase.val2; i++)
labels[i - lowValue] = thisCase.label;
thisCase = thisCase.nextSortedCase;
} while(--numFound > 0);
// Subtract the low value and do the computed jump.
// The OpCodes.Switch falls through if out of range (unsigned compare).
if(offset != lowValue)
ilGen.Emit(switchStmt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, lowValue - offset);
ilGen.Emit(switchStmt, OpCodes.Sub);
offset = lowValue;
ilGen.Emit(switchStmt, OpCodes.Dup);
ilGen.Emit(switchStmt, OpCodes.Switch, labels);
// It's not economical to do with a computed jump, so output a subtract/compare/branch
// for thisCase.
if(lowValue == thisCase.val2)
ilGen.Emit(switchStmt, OpCodes.Dup);
ilGen.Emit(switchStmt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, lowValue - offset);
ilGen.Emit(switchStmt, OpCodes.Beq, thisCase.label);
if(offset != lowValue)
ilGen.Emit(switchStmt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, lowValue - offset);
ilGen.Emit(switchStmt, OpCodes.Sub);
offset = lowValue;
ilGen.Emit(switchStmt, OpCodes.Dup);
ilGen.Emit(switchStmt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, thisCase.val2 - offset);
ilGen.Emit(switchStmt, OpCodes.Ble_Un, thisCase.label);
thisCase = thisCase.nextSortedCase;
ilGen.Emit(switchStmt, OpCodes.Br, defaultLabel);
// Output code for the cases themselves, in the order given by the programmer,
// so they fall through as programmer wants. This includes the default case, if any.
// Each label is jumped to with the index still on the stack. So pop it off in case
// the case body does a goto outside the switch or a return. If the case body might
// fall through to the next case or the bottom of the switch, push a zero so the stack
// matches in all cases.
for(TokenSwitchCase thisCase = switchStmt.cases; thisCase != null; thisCase = thisCase.nextCase)
ilGen.MarkLabel(thisCase.label); // the branch comes here
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Pop); // pop the integer index off stack
mightGetHere = true; // it's possible to get here
for(TokenStmt stmt = thisCase.stmts; stmt != null; stmt = (TokenStmt)(stmt.nextToken))
GenerateStmt(stmt); // output the case/explicit default body
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
// in case we fall through, push a dummy integer index
// If no explicit default case, output the default label here.
if(defaultCase == null)
mightGetHere = true;
// If the last case of the switch falls through out the bottom,
// we have to pop the index still on the stack.
ilGen.Emit(switchStmt, OpCodes.Pop);
// Output the 'break' statement target label.
// Note that the integer index is not on the stack at this point.
mightGetHere = true;
curBreakTarg = oldBreakTarg;
private void GenerateStmtSwitchStr(CompValu testRVal, TokenStmtSwitch switchStmt)
BreakContTarg oldBreakTarg = curBreakTarg;
ScriptMyLabel defaultLabel = null;
TokenSwitchCase caseTreeTop = null;
TokenSwitchCase defaultCase = null;
curBreakTarg = new BreakContTarg(this, "switchbreak_" + switchStmt.Unique);
// Make sure value is in a temp so we don't compute it more than once.
if(!(testRVal is CompValuTemp))
CompValuTemp temp = new CompValuTemp(testRVal.type, this);
testRVal.PushVal(this, switchStmt);
temp.Pop(this, switchStmt);
testRVal = temp;
// Build tree of cases.
// There should not be any overlapping of values.
for(TokenSwitchCase thisCase = switchStmt.cases; thisCase != null; thisCase = thisCase.nextCase)
thisCase.label = ilGen.DefineLabel("case");
// The default case if any, goes in its own separate slot.
if(thisCase.rVal1 == null)
if(defaultCase != null)
ErrorMsg(thisCase, "only one default case allowed");
ErrorMsg(defaultCase, "...prior default case");
defaultCase = thisCase;
defaultLabel = thisCase.label;
// Evaluate case operands, they must be compile-time string constants.
CompValu rVal = GenerateFromRVal(thisCase.rVal1);
if(!IsConstStrExpr(rVal, out thisCase.str1))
ErrorMsg(thisCase.rVal1, "must be compile-time string constant");
thisCase.str2 = thisCase.str1;
if(thisCase.rVal2 != null)
rVal = GenerateFromRVal(thisCase.rVal2);
if(!IsConstStrExpr(rVal, out thisCase.str2))
ErrorMsg(thisCase.rVal2, "must be compile-time string constant");
if(String.Compare(thisCase.str2, thisCase.str1, StringComparison.Ordinal) < 0)
ErrorMsg(thisCase.rVal2, "must be .ge. first value for the case");
// Insert into list, sorted by value.
// Note that both limits are inclusive.
caseTreeTop = InsertCaseInTree(caseTreeTop, thisCase);
// Balance tree so we end up generating code that does O(log2 n) comparisons.
caseTreeTop = BalanceTree(caseTreeTop);
// Output compare and branch instructions in a tree-like fashion so we do O(log2 n) comparisons.
if(defaultLabel == null)
defaultLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("default");
OutputStrCase(testRVal, caseTreeTop, defaultLabel);
// Output code for the cases themselves, in the order given by the programmer,
// so they fall through as programmer wants. This includes the default case, if any.
for(TokenSwitchCase thisCase = switchStmt.cases; thisCase != null; thisCase = thisCase.nextCase)
ilGen.MarkLabel(thisCase.label); // the branch comes here
mightGetHere = true; // it's possible to get here
for(TokenStmt stmt = thisCase.stmts; stmt != null; stmt = (TokenStmt)(stmt.nextToken))
GenerateStmt(stmt); // output the case/explicit default body
// If no explicit default case, output the default label here.
if(defaultCase == null)
mightGetHere = true;
// Output the 'break' statement target label.
mightGetHere = true;
curBreakTarg = oldBreakTarg;
* @brief Insert a case in a tree of cases
* @param r = root of existing cases to insert into
* @param n = new case being inserted
* @returns new root with new case inserted
private TokenSwitchCase InsertCaseInTree(TokenSwitchCase r, TokenSwitchCase n)
if(r == null)
return n;
TokenSwitchCase t = r;
if(String.Compare(n.str2, t.str1, StringComparison.Ordinal) < 0)
if(t.lowerCase == null)
t.lowerCase = n;
t = t.lowerCase;
if(String.Compare(n.str1, t.str2, StringComparison.Ordinal) > 0)
if(t.higherCase == null)
t.higherCase = n;
t = t.higherCase;
ErrorMsg(n, "duplicate case");
ErrorMsg(r, "...duplicate of");
return r;
* @brief Balance a tree so left & right halves contain same number within +-1
* @param r = root of tree to balance
* @returns new root
private static TokenSwitchCase BalanceTree(TokenSwitchCase r)
if(r == null)
return r;
int lc = CountTree(r.lowerCase);
int hc = CountTree(r.higherCase);
TokenSwitchCase n, x;
// If lower side is heavy, move highest nodes from lower side to
// higher side until balanced.
while(lc > hc + 1)
x = ExtractHighest(r.lowerCase, out n);
n.lowerCase = x;
n.higherCase = r;
r.lowerCase = null;
r = n;
// If higher side is heavy, move lowest nodes from higher side to
// lower side until balanced.
while(hc > lc + 1)
x = ExtractLowest(r.higherCase, out n);
n.higherCase = x;
n.lowerCase = r;
r.higherCase = null;
r = n;
// Now balance each side because they can be lopsided individually.
r.lowerCase = BalanceTree(r.lowerCase);
r.higherCase = BalanceTree(r.higherCase);
return r;
* @brief Get number of nodes in a tree
* @param n = root of tree to count
* @returns number of nodes including root
private static int CountTree(TokenSwitchCase n)
if(n == null)
return 0;
return 1 + CountTree(n.lowerCase) + CountTree(n.higherCase);
// Extract highest node from a tree
// @param r = root of tree to extract highest from
// @returns new root after node has been extracted
// n = node that was extracted from tree
private static TokenSwitchCase ExtractHighest(TokenSwitchCase r, out TokenSwitchCase n)
if(r.higherCase == null)
n = r;
return r.lowerCase;
r.higherCase = ExtractHighest(r.higherCase, out n);
return r;
// Extract lowest node from a tree
// @param r = root of tree to extract lowest from
// @returns new root after node has been extracted
// n = node that was extracted from tree
private static TokenSwitchCase ExtractLowest(TokenSwitchCase r, out TokenSwitchCase n)
if(r.lowerCase == null)
n = r;
return r.higherCase;
r.lowerCase = ExtractLowest(r.lowerCase, out n);
return r;
* Output code for string-style case of a switch/case to jump to the script code associated with the case.
* @param testRVal = value being switched on
* @param thisCase = case that the code is being output for
* @param defaultLabel = where the default clause is (or past all cases if none)
* Note:
* Outputs code for this case and the lowerCase and higherCases if any.
* If no lowerCase or higherCase, outputs a br to defaultLabel so this code never falls through.
private void OutputStrCase(CompValu testRVal, TokenSwitchCase thisCase, ScriptMyLabel defaultLabel)
// If nothing lower on tree and there is a single case value,
// just do one compare for equality.
if((thisCase.lowerCase == null) && (thisCase.higherCase == null) && (thisCase.str1 == thisCase.str2))
testRVal.PushVal(this, thisCase, tokenTypeStr);
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Ldstr, thisCase.str1);
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, (int)StringComparison.Ordinal);
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Call, stringCompareMethodInfo);
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Brfalse, thisCase.label);
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Br, defaultLabel);
// Determine where to jump if switch value is lower than lower case value.
ScriptMyLabel lowerLabel = defaultLabel;
if(thisCase.lowerCase != null)
lowerLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("lower");
// If single case value, put comparison result in this temp.
CompValuTemp cmpv1 = null;
if(thisCase.str1 == thisCase.str2)
cmpv1 = new CompValuTemp(tokenTypeInt, this);
// If switch value .lt. lower case value, jump to lower label.
// Maybe save comparison result in a temp.
testRVal.PushVal(this, thisCase, tokenTypeStr);
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Ldstr, thisCase.str1);
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, (int)StringComparison.Ordinal);
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Call, stringCompareMethodInfo);
if(cmpv1 != null)
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Dup);
cmpv1.Pop(this, thisCase);
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Blt, lowerLabel);
// If switch value .le. higher case value, jump to case code.
// Maybe get comparison from the temp.
if(cmpv1 == null)
testRVal.PushVal(this, thisCase, tokenTypeStr);
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Ldstr, thisCase.str2);
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, (int)StringComparison.Ordinal);
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Call, stringCompareMethodInfo);
cmpv1.PushVal(this, thisCase);
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Ble, thisCase.label);
// Output code for higher comparison if any.
if(thisCase.higherCase == null)
ilGen.Emit(thisCase, OpCodes.Br, defaultLabel);
OutputStrCase(testRVal, thisCase.higherCase, defaultLabel);
// Output code for lower comparison if any.
if(thisCase.lowerCase != null)
OutputStrCase(testRVal, thisCase.lowerCase, defaultLabel);
* @brief output code for a throw statement.
* @param throwStmt = throw statement token, including value to be thrown
private void GenerateStmtThrow(TokenStmtThrow throwStmt)
// 'throw' statements never fall through.
mightGetHere = false;
// Output code for either a throw or a rethrow.
if(throwStmt.rVal == null)
for(TokenStmtBlock blk = curStmtBlock; blk != null; blk = blk.outerStmtBlock)
ilGen.Emit(throwStmt, OpCodes.Rethrow);
ErrorMsg(throwStmt, "rethrow allowed only in catch clause");
CompValu rVal = GenerateFromRVal(throwStmt.rVal);
rVal.PushVal(this, throwStmt.rVal, tokenTypeObj);
ilGen.Emit(throwStmt, OpCodes.Call, thrownExceptionWrapMethodInfo);
ilGen.Emit(throwStmt, OpCodes.Throw);
* @brief output code for a try/catch/finally block
private void GenerateStmtTry(TokenStmtTry tryStmt)
* Reducer should make sure we have exactly one of catch or finally.
if((tryStmt.catchStmt == null) && (tryStmt.finallyStmt == null))
throw new Exception("must have a catch or a finally on try");
if((tryStmt.catchStmt != null) && (tryStmt.finallyStmt != null))
throw new Exception("can't have both catch and finally on same try");
// Stack the call labels.
// Try blocks have their own series of call labels.
ScriptMyLocal saveCallNo = actCallNo;
LinkedList<CallLabel> saveCallLabels = actCallLabels;
// Generate code for either try { } catch { } or try { } finally { }.
if(tryStmt.catchStmt != null)
if(tryStmt.finallyStmt != null)
// Restore call labels.
actCallNo = saveCallNo;
actCallLabels = saveCallLabels;
* @brief output code for a try/catch block
* int __tryCallNo = -1; // call number within try { } subblock
* int __catCallNo = -1; // call number within catch { } subblock
* Exception __catThrown = null; // caught exception
* <oldCallLabel>: // the outside world jumps here to restore us no matter ...
* try { // ... where we actually were inside of try/catch
* if (__tryCallNo >= 0) goto tryCallSw; // maybe go do restore
* <try body using __tryCallNo> // execute script-defined code
* // ...stack capture WILL run catch { } subblock
* leave tryEnd; // exits
* tryThrow:<tryCallLabel>:
* throw new ScriptRestoreCatchException(__catThrown); // catch { } was running, jump to its beginning
* tryCallSw: // restoring...
* switch (__tryCallNo) back up into <try body> // not catching, jump back inside try
* } catch (Exception exc) {
* exc = ScriptRestoreCatchException.Unwrap(exc); // unwrap possible ScriptRestoreCatchException
* if (exc == null) goto catchRetro; // rethrow if IXMRUncatchable (eg, StackCaptureException)
* __catThrown = exc; // save what was thrown so restoring try { } will throw it again
* catchVar = exc; // set up script-visible variable
* __tryCallNo = tryThrow:<tryCallLabel>
* if (__catCallNo >= 0) goto catchCallSw; // if restoring, go check below
* <catch body using __catCallNo> // normal, execute script-defined code
* leave tryEnd; // all done, exit catch { }
* catchRetro:
* rethrow;
* catchCallSw:
* switch (__catCallNo) back up into <catch body> // restart catch { } code wherever it was
* }
* tryEnd:
private void GenerateStmtTryCatch(TokenStmtTry tryStmt)
CompValuTemp tryCallNo = new CompValuTemp(tokenTypeInt, this);
CompValuTemp catCallNo = new CompValuTemp(tokenTypeInt, this);
CompValuTemp catThrown = new CompValuTemp(tokenTypeExc, this);
ScriptMyLabel tryCallSw = ilGen.DefineLabel("__tryCallSw_" + tryStmt.Unique);
ScriptMyLabel catchRetro = ilGen.DefineLabel("__catchRetro_" + tryStmt.Unique);
ScriptMyLabel catchCallSw = ilGen.DefineLabel("__catchCallSw_" + tryStmt.Unique);
ScriptMyLabel tryEnd = ilGen.DefineLabel("__tryEnd_" + tryStmt.Unique);
SetCallNo(tryStmt, tryCallNo, -1);
SetCallNo(tryStmt, catCallNo, -1);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Ldnull);
catThrown.Pop(this, tryStmt);
new CallLabel(this, tryStmt); // <oldcalllabel>:
ilGen.BeginExceptionBlock(); // try {
openCallLabel = null;
GetCallNo(tryStmt, tryCallNo); // if (__tryCallNo >= 0) goto tryCallSw;
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Bge, tryCallSw);
actCallNo = tryCallNo.localBuilder; // set up __tryCallNo for call labels
actCallLabels = new LinkedList<CallLabel>();
GenerateStmtBlock(tryStmt.tryStmt); // output the try block statement subblock
bool tryBlockFallsOutBottom = mightGetHere;
new CallLabel(this, tryStmt); // <tryCallLabel>:
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Leave, tryEnd); // leave tryEnd;
openCallLabel = null;
CallLabel tryThrow = new CallLabel(this, tryStmt); // tryThrow:<tryCallLabel>:
catThrown.PushVal(this, tryStmt); // throw new ScriptRestoreCatchException (__catThrown);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Newobj, scriptRestoreCatchExceptionConstructorInfo);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Throw);
openCallLabel = null;
ilGen.MarkLabel(tryCallSw); // tryCallSw:
OutputCallNoSwitchStmt(); // switch (tryCallNo) ...
CompValuLocalVar catchVarLocExc = null;
CompValuTemp catchVarLocStr = null;
if(tryStmt.catchVar.type.ToSysType() == typeof(Exception))
catchVarLocExc = new CompValuLocalVar(tryStmt.catchVar.type,, this);
else if(tryStmt.catchVar.type.ToSysType() == typeof(String))
catchVarLocStr = new CompValuTemp(tryStmt.catchVar.type, this);
ScriptMyLocal excLocal = ilGen.DeclareLocal(typeof(String), "catchstr_" + tryStmt.Unique);
ilGen.BeginCatchBlock(typeof(Exception)); // start of the catch block that can catch any exception
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt.catchStmt, OpCodes.Call, scriptRestoreCatchExceptionUnwrap);
// exc = ScriptRestoreCatchException.Unwrap (exc);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt.catchStmt, OpCodes.Dup); // rethrow if IXMRUncatchable (eg, StackCaptureException)
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt.catchStmt, OpCodes.Brfalse, catchRetro);
if(tryStmt.catchVar.type.ToSysType() == typeof(Exception))
tryStmt.catchVar.location = catchVarLocExc;
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt.catchStmt, OpCodes.Dup);
catThrown.Pop(this, tryStmt); // store exception object in catThrown
catchVarLocExc.Pop(this,; // also store in script-visible variable
else if(tryStmt.catchVar.type.ToSysType() == typeof(String))
tryStmt.catchVar.location = catchVarLocStr;
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt.catchStmt, OpCodes.Dup);
catThrown.Pop(this, tryStmt); // store exception object in catThrown
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt.catchStmt, OpCodes.Call, catchExcToStrMethodInfo);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt.catchStmt, OpCodes.Stloc, excLocal);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt.catchStmt, OpCodes.Ldloc, excLocal);
catchVarLocStr.PopPost(this,, tokenTypeStr);
throw new Exception("bad catch var type " + tryStmt.catchVar.type.ToString());
SetCallNo(tryStmt, tryCallNo, tryThrow.index); // __tryCallNo = tryThrow so it knows to do 'throw catThrown' on restore
GetCallNo(tryStmt, catCallNo); // if (__catCallNo >= 0) goto catchCallSw;
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt.catchStmt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt.catchStmt, OpCodes.Bge, catchCallSw);
actCallNo = catCallNo.localBuilder; // set up __catCallNo for call labels
mightGetHere = true; // if we can get to the 'try' assume we can get to the 'catch'
GenerateStmtBlock(tryStmt.catchStmt); // output catch clause statement subblock
new CallLabel(this, tryStmt.catchStmt);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt.catchStmt, OpCodes.Leave, tryEnd);
openCallLabel = null;
ilGen.MarkLabel(catchRetro); // not a script-visible exception, rethrow it
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt.catchStmt, OpCodes.Pop);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt.catchStmt, OpCodes.Rethrow);
OutputCallNoSwitchStmt(); // restoring, jump back inside script-defined body
mightGetHere |= tryBlockFallsOutBottom; // also get here if try body falls out bottom
* @brief output code for a try/finally block
* This is such a mess because there is hidden state for the finally { } that we have to recreate.
* The finally { } can be entered either via an exception being thrown in the try { } or a leave
* being executed in the try { } whose target is outside the try { } finally { }.
* For the thrown exception case, we slip in a try { } catch { } wrapper around the original try { }
* body. This will sense any thrown exception that would execute the finally { }. Then we have our
* try { } throw the exception on restore which gets the finally { } called and on its way again.
* For the leave case, we prefix all leave instructions with a call label and we explicitly chain
* all leaves through each try { } that has an associated finally { } that the leave would unwind
* through. This gets each try { } to simply jump to the correct leave instruction which immediately
* invokes the corresponding finally { } and then chains to the next leave instruction on out until
* it gets to its target.
* int __finCallNo = -1; // call number within finally { } subblock
* int __tryCallNo = -1; // call number within try { } subblock
* Exception __catThrown = null; // caught exception
* <oldCallLabel>: // the outside world jumps here to restore us no matter ...
* try { // ... where we actually were inside of try/finally
* try {
* if (__tryCallNo >= 0) goto tryCallSw; // maybe go do restore
* <try body using __tryCallNo> // execute script-defined code
* // ...stack capture WILL run catch/finally { } subblock
* leave tryEnd; // executes finally { } subblock and exits
* tryThrow:<tryCallLabel>:
* throw new ScriptRestoreCatchException(__catThrown); // catch { } was running, jump to its beginning
* tryCallSw: // restoring...
* switch (__tryCallNo) back up into <try body> // jump back inside try, ...
* // ... maybe to a leave if we were doing finally { } subblock
* } catch (Exception exc) { // in case we're getting to finally { } via a thrown exception:
* exc = ScriptRestoreCatchException.Unwrap(exc); // unwrap possible ScriptRestoreCatchException
* if (callMode == CallMode_SAVE) goto catchRetro; // don't touch anything if capturing stack
* __catThrown = exc; // save exception so try { } can throw it on restore
* __tryCallNo = tryThrow:<tryCallLabel>; // tell try { } to throw it on restore
* catchRetro:
* rethrow; // in any case, go on to finally { } subblock now
* }
* } finally {
* if (callMode == CallMode_SAVE) goto finEnd; // don't touch anything if capturing stack
* if (__finCallNo >= 0) goto finCallSw; // maybe go do restore
* <finally body using __finCallNo> // normal, execute script-defined code
* finEnd:
* endfinally // jump to leave/throw target or next outer finally { }
* finCallSw:
* switch (__finCallNo) back up into <finally body> // restoring, restart finally { } code wherever it was
* }
* tryEnd:
private void GenerateStmtTryFinally(TokenStmtTry tryStmt)
CompValuTemp finCallNo = new CompValuTemp(tokenTypeInt, this);
CompValuTemp tryCallNo = new CompValuTemp(tokenTypeInt, this);
CompValuTemp catThrown = new CompValuTemp(tokenTypeExc, this);
ScriptMyLabel tryCallSw = ilGen.DefineLabel("__tryCallSw_" + tryStmt.Unique);
ScriptMyLabel catchRetro = ilGen.DefineLabel("__catchRetro_" + tryStmt.Unique);
ScriptMyLabel finCallSw = ilGen.DefineLabel("__finCallSw_" + tryStmt.Unique);
BreakContTarg finEnd = new BreakContTarg(this, "__finEnd_" + tryStmt.Unique);
ScriptMyLabel tryEnd = ilGen.DefineLabel("__tryEnd_" + tryStmt.Unique);
SetCallNo(tryStmt, finCallNo, -1);
SetCallNo(tryStmt, tryCallNo, -1);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Ldnull);
catThrown.Pop(this, tryStmt);
new CallLabel(this, tryStmt); // <oldcalllabel>:
ilGen.BeginExceptionBlock(); // try {
ilGen.BeginExceptionBlock(); // try {
openCallLabel = null;
GetCallNo(tryStmt, tryCallNo); // if (__tryCallNo >= 0) goto tryCallSw;
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Bge, tryCallSw);
actCallNo = tryCallNo.localBuilder; // set up __tryCallNo for call labels
actCallLabels = new LinkedList<CallLabel>();
GenerateStmtBlock(tryStmt.tryStmt); // output the try block statement subblock
new CallLabel(this, tryStmt); // <newCallLabel>:
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Leave, tryEnd); // leave tryEnd;
openCallLabel = null;
foreach(IntermediateLeave iLeave in tryStmt.iLeaves.Values)
ilGen.MarkLabel(iLeave.jumpIntoLabel); // intr2_exit:
new CallLabel(this, tryStmt); // tryCallNo = n;
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Leave, iLeave.jumpAwayLabel); // __callNo_n_: leave int1_exit;
openCallLabel = null;
CallLabel tryThrow = new CallLabel(this, tryStmt); // tryThrow:<tryCallLabel>:
catThrown.PushVal(this, tryStmt); // throw new ScriptRestoreCatchException (__catThrown);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Newobj, scriptRestoreCatchExceptionConstructorInfo);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Throw);
openCallLabel = null;
ilGen.MarkLabel(tryCallSw); // tryCallSw:
OutputCallNoSwitchStmt(); // switch (tryCallNo) ...
// }
ilGen.BeginCatchBlock(typeof(Exception)); // start of the catch block that can catch any exception
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Call, scriptRestoreCatchExceptionUnwrap); // exc = ScriptRestoreCatchException.Unwrap (exc);
PushXMRInst(); // if (callMode == CallMode_SAVE) goto catchRetro;
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Ldfld, callModeFieldInfo);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, XMRInstAbstract.CallMode_SAVE);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Beq, catchRetro);
catThrown.Pop(this, tryStmt); // __catThrown = exc;
SetCallNo(tryStmt, tryCallNo, tryThrow.index); // __tryCallNo = tryThrow:<tryCallLabel>;
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Rethrow);
ilGen.MarkLabel(catchRetro); // catchRetro:
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Pop);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Rethrow); // rethrow;
ilGen.EndExceptionBlock(); // }
ilGen.BeginFinallyBlock(); // start of the finally block
PushXMRInst(); // if (callMode == CallMode_SAVE) goto finEnd;
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Ldfld, callModeFieldInfo);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, XMRInstAbstract.CallMode_SAVE);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Beq, finEnd.label);
GetCallNo(tryStmt, finCallNo); // if (__finCallNo >= 0) goto finCallSw;
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Bge, finCallSw);
actCallNo = finCallNo.localBuilder; // set up __finCallNo for call labels
mightGetHere = true; // if we can get to the 'try' assume we can get to the 'finally'
GenerateStmtBlock(tryStmt.finallyStmt); // output finally clause statement subblock
ilGen.MarkLabel(finEnd.label); // finEnd:
ilGen.Emit(tryStmt, OpCodes.Endfinally); // return out to next finally { } or catch { } or leave target
ilGen.MarkLabel(finCallSw); // restore mode, switch (finCallNo) ...
mightGetHere |= finEnd.used; // get here if finally body falls through or has a break statement
* @brief Generate code to initialize a variable to its default value.
private void GenerateStmtVarIniDef(TokenStmtVarIniDef varIniDefStmt)
CompValu left = GenerateFromLVal(varIniDefStmt.var);
left.PopPre(this, varIniDefStmt);
left.PopPost(this, varIniDefStmt);
* @brief generate code for a 'while' statement including the loop body.
private void GenerateStmtWhile(TokenStmtWhile whileStmt)
BreakContTarg oldBreakTarg = curBreakTarg;
BreakContTarg oldContTarg = curContTarg;
ScriptMyLabel loopLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("whileloop_" + whileStmt.Unique);
curBreakTarg = new BreakContTarg(this, "whilebreak_" + whileStmt.Unique);
curContTarg = new BreakContTarg(this, "whilecont_" + whileStmt.Unique);
ilGen.MarkLabel(loopLabel); // loop:
CompValu testRVal = GenerateFromRVal(whileStmt.testRVal); // testRVal = while test expression
testRVal.PushVal(this, whileStmt.testRVal, tokenTypeBool); // if (!testRVal)
ilGen.Emit(whileStmt, OpCodes.Brfalse, curBreakTarg.label); // goto break
curBreakTarg.used = true;
GenerateStmt(whileStmt.bodyStmt); // while body statement
ilGen.MarkLabel(curContTarg.label); // cont:
mightGetHere = true;
EmitCallCheckRun(whileStmt, false); // __sw.CheckRun()
ilGen.Emit(whileStmt, OpCodes.Br, loopLabel); // goto loop
mightGetHere = curBreakTarg.used;
ilGen.MarkLabel(curBreakTarg.label); // done:
curBreakTarg = oldBreakTarg;
curContTarg = oldContTarg;
* @brief process a local variable declaration statement, possibly with initialization expression.
* Note that the function header processing allocated stack space (CompValuTemp) for the
* variable and now all we do is write its initialization value.
private void GenerateDeclVar(TokenDeclVar declVar)
// Script gave us an initialization value, so just store init value in var like an assignment statement.
// If no init given, set it to its default value.
CompValu local = declVar.location;
if(declVar.init != null)
CompValu rVal = GenerateFromRVal(declVar.init, local.GetArgTypes());
local.PopPre(this, declVar);
rVal.PushVal(this, declVar.init, declVar.type);
local.PopPost(this, declVar);
local.PopPre(this, declVar);
local.PopPost(this, declVar);
* @brief Get the type and location of an L-value (eg, variable)
* @param lVal = L-value expression to evaluate
* @param argsig = null: it's a field/property
* else: select overload method that fits these arg types
private CompValu GenerateFromLVal(TokenLVal lVal)
return GenerateFromLVal(lVal, null);
private CompValu GenerateFromLVal(TokenLVal lVal, TokenType[] argsig)
if(lVal is TokenLValArEle)
return GenerateFromLValArEle((TokenLValArEle)lVal);
if(lVal is TokenLValBaseField)
return GenerateFromLValBaseField((TokenLValBaseField)lVal, argsig);
if(lVal is TokenLValIField)
return GenerateFromLValIField((TokenLValIField)lVal, argsig);
if(lVal is TokenLValName)
return GenerateFromLValName((TokenLValName)lVal, argsig);
if(lVal is TokenLValSField)
return GenerateFromLValSField((TokenLValSField)lVal, argsig);
throw new Exception("bad lval class");
* @brief we have an L-value token that is an element within an array.
* @returns a CompValu giving the type and location of the element of the array.
private CompValu GenerateFromLValArEle(TokenLValArEle lVal)
CompValu subCompValu;
// Compute location of array itself.
CompValu baseCompValu = GenerateFromRVal(lVal.baseRVal);
// Maybe it is a fixed array access.
string basetypestring = baseCompValu.type.ToString();
TokenRVal subRVal = lVal.subRVal;
int nSubs = 1;
if(subRVal is TokenRValList)
nSubs = ((TokenRValList)subRVal).nItems;
subRVal = ((TokenRValList)subRVal).rVal;
int rank = basetypestring.IndexOf(']') - basetypestring.IndexOf('[');
if(nSubs != rank)
ErrorMsg(lVal.baseRVal, "expect " + rank + " subscript" + ((rank == 1) ? "" : "s") + " but have " + nSubs);
CompValu[] subCompValus = new CompValu[rank];
int i;
for(i = 0; (subRVal != null) && (i < rank); i++)
subCompValus[i] = GenerateFromRVal(subRVal);
subRVal = (TokenRVal)subRVal.nextToken;
while(i < rank)
subCompValus[i++] = new CompValuInteger(new TokenTypeInt(lVal.subRVal), 0);
return new CompValuFixArEl(this, baseCompValu, subCompValus);
// Maybe it is accessing the $idxprop property of a script-defined class.
if(baseCompValu.type is TokenTypeSDTypeClass)
TokenName name = new TokenName(lVal, "$idxprop");
TokenTypeSDTypeClass sdtType = (TokenTypeSDTypeClass)baseCompValu.type;
TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtDecl = sdtType.decl;
TokenDeclVar idxProp = FindThisMember(sdtDecl, name, null);
if(idxProp == null)
ErrorMsg(lVal, "no index property in class " + sdtDecl.longName.val);
return new CompValuVoid(lVal);
if((idxProp.sdtFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_STATIC) != 0)
ErrorMsg(lVal, "non-static reference to static member " +;
return new CompValuVoid(idxProp);
CheckAccess(idxProp, name);
TokenType[] argTypes = IdxPropArgTypes(idxProp);
CompValu[] compValus = IdxPropCompValus(lVal, argTypes.Length);
return new CompValuIdxProp(idxProp, baseCompValu, argTypes, compValus);
// Maybe they are accessing $idxprop property of a script-defined interface.
if(baseCompValu.type is TokenTypeSDTypeInterface)
TokenName name = new TokenName(lVal, "$idxprop");
TokenTypeSDTypeInterface sdtType = (TokenTypeSDTypeInterface)baseCompValu.type;
TokenDeclVar idxProp = FindInterfaceMember(sdtType, name, null, ref baseCompValu);
if(idxProp == null)
ErrorMsg(lVal, "no index property defined for interface " + sdtType.decl.longName.val);
return baseCompValu;
TokenType[] argTypes = IdxPropArgTypes(idxProp);
CompValu[] compValus = IdxPropCompValus(lVal, argTypes.Length);
return new CompValuIdxProp(idxProp, baseCompValu, argTypes, compValus);
// Maybe it is extracting a character from a string.
if((baseCompValu.type is TokenTypeKey) || (baseCompValu.type is TokenTypeStr))
subCompValu = GenerateFromRVal(lVal.subRVal);
return new CompValuStrChr(new TokenTypeChar(lVal), baseCompValu, subCompValu);
// Maybe it is extracting an element from a list.
if(baseCompValu.type is TokenTypeList)
subCompValu = GenerateFromRVal(lVal.subRVal);
return new CompValuListEl(new TokenTypeObject(lVal), baseCompValu, subCompValu);
// Access should be to XMR_Array otherwise.
if(!(baseCompValu.type is TokenTypeArray))
ErrorMsg(lVal, "taking subscript of non-array");
return baseCompValu;
subCompValu = GenerateFromRVal(lVal.subRVal);
return new CompValuArEle(new TokenTypeObject(lVal), baseCompValu, subCompValu);
* @brief Get number and type of arguments required by an index property.
private static TokenType[] IdxPropArgTypes(TokenDeclVar idxProp)
TokenType[] argTypes;
if(idxProp.getProp != null)
int nArgs = idxProp.getProp.argDecl.varDict.Count;
argTypes = new TokenType[nArgs];
foreach(TokenDeclVar var in idxProp.getProp.argDecl.varDict)
argTypes[var.vTableIndex] = var.type;
int nArgs = idxProp.setProp.argDecl.varDict.Count - 1;
argTypes = new TokenType[nArgs];
foreach(TokenDeclVar var in idxProp.setProp.argDecl.varDict)
if(var.vTableIndex < nArgs)
argTypes[var.vTableIndex] = var.type;
return argTypes;
* @brief Get number and computed value of index property arguments.
* @param lVal = list of arguments
* @param nArgs = number of arguments required
* @returns null: argument count mismatch
* else: array of index property argument values
private CompValu[] IdxPropCompValus(TokenLValArEle lVal, int nArgs)
TokenRVal subRVal = lVal.subRVal;
int nSubs = 1;
if(subRVal is TokenRValList)
nSubs = ((TokenRValList)subRVal).nItems;
subRVal = ((TokenRValList)subRVal).rVal;
if(nSubs != nArgs)
ErrorMsg(lVal, "index property requires " + nArgs + " subscript(s)");
return null;
CompValu[] subCompValus = new CompValu[nArgs];
for(int i = 0; i < nArgs; i++)
subCompValus[i] = GenerateFromRVal(subRVal);
subRVal = (TokenRVal)subRVal.nextToken;
return subCompValus;
* @brief using 'base' within a script-defined instance method to refer to an instance field/method
* of the class being extended.
private CompValu GenerateFromLValBaseField(TokenLValBaseField baseField, TokenType[] argsig)
string fieldName = baseField.fieldName.val;
TokenDeclSDType sdtDecl = curDeclFunc.sdtClass;
if((sdtDecl == null) || ((curDeclFunc.sdtFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_STATIC) != 0))
ErrorMsg(baseField, "cannot use 'base' outside instance method body");
return new CompValuVoid(baseField);
ErrorMsg(baseField, "cannot access instance member of base class from static method");
return new CompValuVoid(baseField);
TokenDeclVar declVar = FindThisMember(sdtDecl.extends, baseField.fieldName, argsig);
if(declVar != null)
CheckAccess(declVar, baseField.fieldName);
TokenType baseType = declVar.sdtClass.MakeRefToken(baseField);
CompValu basePtr = new CompValuArg(baseType, 0);
return AccessInstanceMember(declVar, basePtr, baseField, true);
ErrorMsg(baseField, "no member " + fieldName + ArgSigString(argsig) + " rootward of " + sdtDecl.longName.val);
return new CompValuVoid(baseField);
* @brief We have an L-value token that is an instance field/method within a struct.
* @returns a CompValu giving the type and location of the field/method in the struct.
private CompValu GenerateFromLValIField(TokenLValIField lVal, TokenType[] argsig)
CompValu baseRVal = GenerateFromRVal(lVal.baseRVal);
string fieldName = lVal.fieldName.val + ArgSigString(argsig);
// Maybe they are accessing an instance field, method or property of a script-defined class.
if(baseRVal.type is TokenTypeSDTypeClass)
TokenTypeSDTypeClass sdtType = (TokenTypeSDTypeClass)baseRVal.type;
TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtDecl = sdtType.decl;
TokenDeclVar declVar = FindThisMember(sdtDecl, lVal.fieldName, argsig);
if(declVar != null)
CheckAccess(declVar, lVal.fieldName);
return AccessInstanceMember(declVar, baseRVal, lVal, false);
ErrorMsg(lVal.fieldName, "no member " + fieldName + " in class " + sdtDecl.longName.val);
return new CompValuVoid(lVal.fieldName);
// Maybe they are accessing a method or property of a script-defined interface.
if(baseRVal.type is TokenTypeSDTypeInterface)
TokenTypeSDTypeInterface sdtType = (TokenTypeSDTypeInterface)baseRVal.type;
TokenDeclVar declVar = FindInterfaceMember(sdtType, lVal.fieldName, argsig, ref baseRVal);
if(declVar != null)
return new CompValuIntfMember(declVar, baseRVal);
ErrorMsg(lVal.fieldName, "no member " + fieldName + " in interface " + sdtType.decl.longName.val);
return new CompValuVoid(lVal.fieldName);
// Since we only have a few built-in types with fields, just pound them out.
if(baseRVal.type is TokenTypeArray)
// no arguments, no parentheses, just the field name, returning integer
// but internally, it is a call to a method()
if(fieldName == "count")
return new CompValuIntInstROProp(tokenTypeInt, baseRVal, arrayCountMethodInfo);
// no arguments but with the parentheses, returning void
if(fieldName == "clear()")
return new CompValuIntInstMeth(XMR_Array.clearDelegate, baseRVal, arrayClearMethodInfo);
// single integer argument, returning an object
if(fieldName == "index(integer)")
return new CompValuIntInstMeth(XMR_Array.indexDelegate, baseRVal, arrayIndexMethodInfo);
if(fieldName == "value(integer)")
return new CompValuIntInstMeth(XMR_Array.valueDelegate, baseRVal, arrayValueMethodInfo);
if(baseRVal.type is TokenTypeRot)
FieldInfo fi = null;
if(fieldName == "x")
fi = rotationXFieldInfo;
if(fieldName == "y")
fi = rotationYFieldInfo;
if(fieldName == "z")
fi = rotationZFieldInfo;
if(fieldName == "s")
fi = rotationSFieldInfo;
if(fi != null)
return new CompValuField(new TokenTypeFloat(lVal), baseRVal, fi);
if(baseRVal.type is TokenTypeVec)
FieldInfo fi = null;
if(fieldName == "x")
fi = vectorXFieldInfo;
if(fieldName == "y")
fi = vectorYFieldInfo;
if(fieldName == "z")
fi = vectorZFieldInfo;
if(fi != null)
return new CompValuField(new TokenTypeFloat(lVal), baseRVal, fi);
ErrorMsg(lVal, "type " + baseRVal.type.ToString() + " does not define member " + fieldName);
return baseRVal;
* @brief We have an L-value token that is a function, method or variable name.
* @param lVal = name we are looking for
* @param argsig = null: just look for name as a variable
* else: look for name as a function/method being called with the given argument types
* eg, "(string,integer,list)"
* @returns a CompValu giving the type and location of the function, method or variable.
private CompValu GenerateFromLValName(TokenLValName lVal, TokenType[] argsig)
// Look in variable stack then look for built-in constants and functions.
TokenDeclVar var = FindNamedVar(lVal, argsig);
if(var == null)
ErrorMsg(lVal, "undefined constant/function/variable " + + ArgSigString(argsig));
return new CompValuVoid(lVal);
// Maybe it has an implied 'this.' on the front.
if((var.sdtClass != null) && ((var.sdtFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_STATIC) == 0))
ErrorMsg(lVal, "cannot access instance member of class from static method");
return new CompValuVoid(lVal);
// Don't allow something such as:
// class A {
// integer I;
// class B {
// Print ()
// {
// llOwnerSay ("I=" + (string)I); <- access to I not allowed inside class B.
// explicit reference required as we don't
// have a valid reference to class A.
// }
// }
// }
// But do allow something such as:
// class A {
// integer I;
// }
// class B : A {
// Print ()
// {
// llOwnerSay ("I=" + (string)I);
// }
// }
for(TokenDeclSDType c = curDeclFunc.sdtClass; c != var.sdtClass; c = c.extends)
if(c == null)
// our arg0 points to an instance of curDeclFunc.sdtClass, not var.sdtClass
ErrorMsg(lVal, "cannot access instance member of outer class with implied 'this'");
CompValu thisCompValu = new CompValuArg(var.sdtClass.MakeRefToken(lVal), 0);
return AccessInstanceMember(var, thisCompValu, lVal, false);
// It's a local variable, static field, global, constant, etc.
return var.location;
* @brief Access a script-defined type's instance member
* @param declVar = which member (field,method,property) to access
* @param basePtr = points to particular object instance
* @param ignoreVirt = true: access declVar's method directly; else: maybe use vTable
* @returns where the field/method/property is located
private CompValu AccessInstanceMember(TokenDeclVar declVar, CompValu basePtr, Token errorAt, bool ignoreVirt)
if((declVar.sdtFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_STATIC) != 0)
ErrorMsg(errorAt, "non-static reference to static member " +;
return new CompValuVoid(declVar);
return new CompValuInstMember(declVar, basePtr, ignoreVirt);
* @brief we have an L-value token that is a static member within a struct.
* @returns a CompValu giving the type and location of the member in the struct.
private CompValu GenerateFromLValSField(TokenLValSField lVal, TokenType[] argsig)
TokenType stType = lVal.baseType;
string fieldName = lVal.fieldName.val + ArgSigString(argsig);
// Maybe they are accessing a static member of a script-defined class.
if(stType is TokenTypeSDTypeClass)
TokenTypeSDTypeClass sdtType = (TokenTypeSDTypeClass)stType;
TokenDeclVar declVar = FindThisMember(sdtType.decl, lVal.fieldName, argsig);
if(declVar != null)
CheckAccess(declVar, lVal.fieldName);
if((declVar.sdtFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_STATIC) == 0)
ErrorMsg(lVal.fieldName, "static reference to non-static member " + fieldName);
return new CompValuVoid(lVal.fieldName);
return declVar.location;
ErrorMsg(lVal.fieldName, "no member " + fieldName + " in " + stType.ToString());
return new CompValuVoid(lVal.fieldName);
* @brief generate code from an RVal expression and return its type and where the result is stored.
* For anything that has side-effects, statements are generated that perform the computation then
* the result it put in a temp var and the temp var name is returned.
* For anything without side-effects, they are returned as an equivalent sequence of Emits.
* @param rVal = rVal token to be evaluated
* @param argsig = null: not being used in an function/method context
* else: string giving argument types, eg, "(string,integer,list,vector)"
* that can be used to select among overloaded methods
* @returns resultant type and location
private CompValu GenerateFromRVal(TokenRVal rVal)
return GenerateFromRVal(rVal, null);
private CompValu GenerateFromRVal(TokenRVal rVal, TokenType[] argsig)
errorMessageToken = rVal;
// Maybe the expression can be converted to a constant.
bool didOne;
didOne = false;
rVal = rVal.TryComputeConstant(LookupBodyConstants, ref didOne);
} while(didOne);
catch(Exception ex)
ErrorMsg(errorMessageToken, ex.Message);
// Generate code for the computation and return resulting type and location.
CompValu cVal = null;
if(rVal is TokenRValAsnPost)
cVal = GenerateFromRValAsnPost((TokenRValAsnPost)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValAsnPre)
cVal = GenerateFromRValAsnPre((TokenRValAsnPre)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValCall)
cVal = GenerateFromRValCall((TokenRValCall)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValCast)
cVal = GenerateFromRValCast((TokenRValCast)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValCondExpr)
cVal = GenerateFromRValCondExpr((TokenRValCondExpr)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValConst)
cVal = GenerateFromRValConst((TokenRValConst)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValInitDef)
cVal = GenerateFromRValInitDef((TokenRValInitDef)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValIsType)
cVal = GenerateFromRValIsType((TokenRValIsType)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValList)
cVal = GenerateFromRValList((TokenRValList)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValNewArIni)
cVal = GenerateFromRValNewArIni((TokenRValNewArIni)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValOpBin)
cVal = GenerateFromRValOpBin((TokenRValOpBin)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValOpUn)
cVal = GenerateFromRValOpUn((TokenRValOpUn)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValParen)
cVal = GenerateFromRValParen((TokenRValParen)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValRot)
cVal = GenerateFromRValRot((TokenRValRot)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValThis)
cVal = GenerateFromRValThis((TokenRValThis)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValUndef)
cVal = GenerateFromRValUndef((TokenRValUndef)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValVec)
cVal = GenerateFromRValVec((TokenRValVec)rVal);
if(rVal is TokenLVal)
cVal = GenerateFromLVal((TokenLVal)rVal, argsig);
if(cVal == null)
throw new Exception("bad rval class " + rVal.GetType().ToString());
// Sanity check.
if(cVal.type == null)
throw new Exception("cVal has no type " + cVal.GetType());
string cValType = cVal.type.ToString();
string rValType = rVal.GetRValType(this, argsig).ToString();
if(cValType == "bool")
cValType = "integer";
if(rValType == "bool")
rValType = "integer";
if(cValType != rValType)
throw new Exception("cVal.type " + cValType + " != rVal.type " + rValType +
" (" + rVal.GetType().Name + " " + rVal.SrcLoc + ")");
return cVal;
* @brief compute the result of a binary operator (eg, add, subtract, multiply, lessthan)
* @param token = binary operator token, includes the left and right operands
* @returns where the resultant R-value is as something that doesn't have side effects
private CompValu GenerateFromRValOpBin(TokenRValOpBin token)
CompValu left, right;
string opcodeIndex = token.opcode.ToString();
// Comma operators are special, as they say to compute the left-hand value and
// discard it, then compute the right-hand argument and that is the result.
if(opcodeIndex == ",")
// Compute left-hand operand but throw away result.
// Compute right-hand operand and that is the value of the expression.
return GenerateFromRVal(token.rValRight);
// Simple overwriting assignments are their own special case,
// as we want to cast the R-value to the type of the L-value.
// And in the case of delegates, we want to use the arg signature
// of the delegate to select which overloaded method to use.
if(opcodeIndex == "=")
if(!(token.rValLeft is TokenLVal))
ErrorMsg(token, "invalid L-value for =");
return GenerateFromRVal(token.rValLeft);
left = GenerateFromLVal((TokenLVal)token.rValLeft);
right = Trivialize(GenerateFromRVal(token.rValRight, left.GetArgTypes()), token.rValRight);
left.PopPre(this, token.rValLeft);
right.PushVal(this, token.rValRight, left.type); // push (left.type)right
left.PopPost(this, token.rValLeft); // pop to left
return left;
// There are String.Concat() methods available for 2, 3 and 4 operands.
// So see if we have a string concat op and optimize if so.
if((opcodeIndex == "+") ||
((opcodeIndex == "+=") &&
(token.rValLeft is TokenLVal) &&
(token.rValLeft.GetRValType(this, null) is TokenTypeStr)))
// We are adding something. Maybe it's a bunch of strings together.
List<TokenRVal> scorvs = new List<TokenRVal>();
if(StringConcatOperands(token.rValLeft, token.rValRight, scorvs, token.opcode))
// Evaluate all the operands, right-to-left on purpose per LSL scripting.
int i;
int n = scorvs.Count;
CompValu[] scocvs = new CompValu[n];
for(i = n; --i >= 0;)
scocvs[i] = GenerateFromRVal(scorvs[i]);
if(i > 0)
scocvs[i] = Trivialize(scocvs[i], scorvs[i]);
* Figure out where to put the result.
* A temp if '+', or back in original L-value if '+='.
CompValu retcv;
if(opcodeIndex == "+")
retcv = new CompValuTemp(new TokenTypeStr(token.opcode), this);
retcv = GenerateFromLVal((TokenLVal)token.rValLeft);
retcv.PopPre(this, token);
// Call the String.Concat() methods, passing operands in left-to-right order.
// Force a cast to string (retcv.type) for each operand.
scocvs[i].PushVal(this, scorvs[i], retcv.type);
while(i + 3 < n)
scocvs[i].PushVal(this, scorvs[i], retcv.type);
scocvs[i].PushVal(this, scorvs[i], retcv.type);
scocvs[i].PushVal(this, scorvs[i], retcv.type);
ilGen.Emit(scorvs[i], OpCodes.Call, stringConcat4MethodInfo);
if(i + 2 < n)
scocvs[i].PushVal(this, scorvs[i], retcv.type);
scocvs[i].PushVal(this, scorvs[i], retcv.type);
ilGen.Emit(scorvs[i], OpCodes.Call, stringConcat3MethodInfo);
if(i + 1 < n)
scocvs[i].PushVal(this, scorvs[i], retcv.type);
ilGen.Emit(scorvs[i], OpCodes.Call, stringConcat2MethodInfo);
// Put the result where we want it and return where we put it.
retcv.PopPost(this, token);
return retcv;
// If "&&&", it is a short-circuiting AND.
// Compute left-hand operand and if true, compute right-hand operand.
if(opcodeIndex == "&&&")
bool leftVal, rightVal;
left = GenerateFromRVal(token.rValLeft);
if(!IsConstBoolExpr(left, out leftVal))
ScriptMyLabel falseLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("ssandfalse");
left.PushVal(this, tokenTypeBool);
ilGen.Emit(token, OpCodes.Brfalse, falseLabel);
right = GenerateFromRVal(token.rValRight);
if(!IsConstBoolExpr(right, out rightVal))
right.PushVal(this, tokenTypeBool);
goto donessand;
return new CompValuInteger(new TokenTypeInt(token.rValLeft), 0);
ilGen.Emit(token, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1);
ScriptMyLabel doneLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("ssanddone");
ilGen.Emit(token, OpCodes.Br, doneLabel);
ilGen.Emit(token, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
CompValuTemp retRVal = new CompValuTemp(new TokenTypeInt(token), this);
retRVal.Pop(this, token);
return retRVal;
return new CompValuInteger(new TokenTypeInt(token.rValLeft), 0);
right = GenerateFromRVal(token.rValRight);
if(!IsConstBoolExpr(right, out rightVal))
right.PushVal(this, tokenTypeBool);
CompValuTemp retRVal = new CompValuTemp(new TokenTypeInt(token), this);
retRVal.Pop(this, token);
return retRVal;
return new CompValuInteger(new TokenTypeInt(token), rightVal ? 1 : 0);
// If "|||", it is a short-circuiting OR.
// Compute left-hand operand and if false, compute right-hand operand.
if(opcodeIndex == "|||")
bool leftVal, rightVal;
left = GenerateFromRVal(token.rValLeft);
if(!IsConstBoolExpr(left, out leftVal))
ScriptMyLabel trueLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("ssortrue");
left.PushVal(this, tokenTypeBool);
ilGen.Emit(token, OpCodes.Brtrue, trueLabel);
right = GenerateFromRVal(token.rValRight);
if(!IsConstBoolExpr(right, out rightVal))
right.PushVal(this, tokenTypeBool);
goto donessor;
return new CompValuInteger(new TokenTypeInt(token.rValLeft), 1);
ilGen.Emit(token, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
ScriptMyLabel doneLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("ssanddone");
ilGen.Emit(token, OpCodes.Br, doneLabel);
ilGen.Emit(token, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1);
CompValuTemp retRVal = new CompValuTemp(new TokenTypeInt(token), this);
retRVal.Pop(this, token);
return retRVal;
return new CompValuInteger(new TokenTypeInt(token.rValLeft), 1);
right = GenerateFromRVal(token.rValRight);
if(!IsConstBoolExpr(right, out rightVal))
right.PushVal(this, tokenTypeBool);
CompValuTemp retRVal = new CompValuTemp(new TokenTypeInt(token), this);
retRVal.Pop(this, token);
return retRVal;
return new CompValuInteger(new TokenTypeInt(token), rightVal ? 1 : 0);
// Computation of some sort, compute right-hand operand value then left-hand value
// because LSL is supposed to be right-to-left evaluation.
right = Trivialize(GenerateFromRVal(token.rValRight), token.rValRight);
// If left is a script-defined class and there is a method with the operator's name,
// convert this to a call to that method with the right value as its single parameter.
// Except don't if the right value is 'undef' so they can always compare to undef.
TokenType leftType = token.rValLeft.GetRValType(this, null);
if((leftType is TokenTypeSDTypeClass) && !(right.type is TokenTypeUndef))
TokenTypeSDTypeClass sdtType = (TokenTypeSDTypeClass)leftType;
TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtDecl = sdtType.decl;
TokenType[] argsig = new TokenType[] { right.type };
TokenName funcName = new TokenName(token.opcode, "$op" + opcodeIndex);
TokenDeclVar declFunc = FindThisMember(sdtDecl, funcName, argsig);
if(declFunc != null)
CheckAccess(declFunc, funcName);
left = GenerateFromRVal(token.rValLeft);
CompValu method = AccessInstanceMember(declFunc, left, token, false);
CompValu[] argRVals = new CompValu[] { right };
return GenerateACall(method, argRVals, token);
// Formulate key string for binOpStrings = (lefttype)(operator)(righttype)
string leftIndex = leftType.ToString();
string rightIndex = right.type.ToString();
string key = leftIndex + opcodeIndex + rightIndex;
// If that key exists in table, then the operation is defined between those types
// ... and it produces an R-value of type as given in the table.
BinOpStr binOpStr;
if(BinOpStr.defined.TryGetValue(key, out binOpStr))
// If table contained an explicit assignment type like +=, output the statement without
// casting the L-value, then return the L-value as the resultant value.
// Make sure we don't include comparisons (such as ==, >=, etc).
// Nothing like +=, -=, %=, etc, generate a boolean, only the comparisons.
if((binOpStr.outtype != typeof(bool)) && opcodeIndex.EndsWith("=") && (opcodeIndex != "!="))
if(!(token.rValLeft is TokenLVal))
ErrorMsg(token.rValLeft, "invalid L-value");
return GenerateFromRVal(token.rValLeft);
left = GenerateFromLVal((TokenLVal)token.rValLeft);
binOpStr.emitBO(this, token, left, right, left);
return left;
// It's of the form left binop right.
// Compute left, perform operation then put result in a temp.
left = GenerateFromRVal(token.rValLeft);
CompValu retRVal = new CompValuTemp(TokenType.FromSysType(token.opcode, binOpStr.outtype), this);
binOpStr.emitBO(this, token, left, right, retRVal);
return retRVal;
// Nothing in the table, check for comparing object pointers because of the myriad of types possible.
// This will compare list pointers, null pointers, script-defined type pointers, array pointers, etc.
// It will show equal iff the memory addresses are equal and that is good enough.
if(!leftType.ToSysType().IsValueType && !right.type.ToSysType().IsValueType && ((opcodeIndex == "==") || (opcodeIndex == "!=")))
CompValuTemp retRVal = new CompValuTemp(new TokenTypeInt(token), this);
left = GenerateFromRVal(token.rValLeft);
left.PushVal(this, token.rValLeft);
right.PushVal(this, token.rValRight);
ilGen.Emit(token, OpCodes.Ceq);
if(opcodeIndex == "!=")
ilGen.Emit(token, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1);
ilGen.Emit(token, OpCodes.Xor);
retRVal.Pop(this, token);
return retRVal;
// If the opcode ends with "=", it may be something like "+=".
// So look up the key as if we didn't have the "=" to tell us if the operation is legal.
// Also, the binary operation's output type must be the same as the L-value type.
// Likewise, integer += float not allowed because result is float, but float += integer is ok.
key = leftIndex + opcodeIndex.Substring(0, opcodeIndex.Length - 1) + rightIndex;
if(BinOpStr.defined.TryGetValue(key, out binOpStr))
if(!(token.rValLeft is TokenLVal))
ErrorMsg(token, "invalid L-value for <op>=");
return GenerateFromRVal(token.rValLeft);
ErrorMsg(token, "<op>= not allowed: " + leftIndex + " " + opcodeIndex + " " + rightIndex);
return new CompValuVoid(token);
// Now we know for something like %= that left%right is legal for the types given.
left = GenerateFromLVal((TokenLVal)token.rValLeft);
if(binOpStr.outtype == leftType.ToSysType())
binOpStr.emitBO(this, token, left, right, left);
CompValu temp = new CompValuTemp(TokenType.FromSysType(token, binOpStr.outtype), this);
binOpStr.emitBO(this, token, left, right, temp);
left.PopPre(this, token);
temp.PushVal(this, token, leftType);
left.PopPost(this, token);
return left;
// Can't find it, oh well.
ErrorMsg(token, "op not defined: " + leftIndex + " " + opcodeIndex + " " + rightIndex);
return new CompValuVoid(token);
* @brief Queue the given operands to the end of the scos list.
* If it can be broken down into more string concat operands, do so.
* Otherwise, just push it as one operand.
* @param leftRVal = left-hand operand of a '+' operation
* @param rightRVal = right-hand operand of a '+' operation
* @param scos = left-to-right list of operands for the string concat so far
* @param addop = the add operator token (either '+' or '+=')
* @returns false: neither operand is a string, nothing added to scos
* true: scos = updated with leftRVal then rightRVal added onto the end, possibly broken down further
private bool StringConcatOperands(TokenRVal leftRVal, TokenRVal rightRVal, List<TokenRVal> scos, TokenKw addop)
* If neither operand is a string (eg, float+integer), then the result isn't going to be a string.
TokenType leftType = leftRVal.GetRValType(this, null);
TokenType rightType = rightRVal.GetRValType(this, null);
if(!(leftType is TokenTypeStr) && !(rightType is TokenTypeStr))
return false;
// Also, list+string => list so reject that too.
// Also, string+list => list so reject that too.
if(leftType is TokenTypeList)
return false;
if(rightType is TokenTypeList)
return false;
// Append values to the end of the list in left-to-right order.
// If value is formed from a something+something => string,
// push them as separate values, otherwise push as one value.
StringConcatOperand(leftType, leftRVal, scos);
StringConcatOperand(rightType, rightRVal, scos);
// Maybe constant strings can be concatted.
int len;
while(((len = scos.Count) >= 2) &&
((leftRVal = scos[len - 2]) is TokenRValConst) &&
((rightRVal = scos[len - 1]) is TokenRValConst))
object sum = addop.binOpConst(((TokenRValConst)leftRVal).val,
scos[len - 2] = new TokenRValConst(addop, sum);
scos.RemoveAt(len - 1);
// We pushed some string stuff.
return true;
* @brief Queue the given operand to the end of the scos list.
* If it can be broken down into more string concat operands, do so.
* Otherwise, just push it as one operand.
* @param type = rVal's resultant type
* @param rVal = operand to examine
* @param scos = left-to-right list of operands for the string concat so far
* @returns with scos = updated with rVal added onto the end, possibly broken down further
private void StringConcatOperand(TokenType type, TokenRVal rVal, List<TokenRVal> scos)
bool didOne;
didOne = false;
rVal = rVal.TryComputeConstant(LookupBodyConstants, ref didOne);
} while(didOne);
if(!(type is TokenTypeStr))
goto pushasis;
if(!(rVal is TokenRValOpBin))
goto pushasis;
TokenRValOpBin rValOpBin = (TokenRValOpBin)rVal;
if(!(rValOpBin.opcode is TokenKwAdd))
goto pushasis;
if(StringConcatOperands(rValOpBin.rValLeft, rValOpBin.rValRight, scos, rValOpBin.opcode))
* @brief compute the result of an unary operator
* @param token = unary operator token, includes the operand
* @returns where the resultant R-value is
private CompValu GenerateFromRValOpUn(TokenRValOpUn token)
CompValu inRVal = GenerateFromRVal(token.rVal);
// Script-defined types can define their own methods to handle unary operators.
if(inRVal.type is TokenTypeSDTypeClass)
TokenTypeSDTypeClass sdtType = (TokenTypeSDTypeClass)inRVal.type;
TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtDecl = sdtType.decl;
TokenName funcName = new TokenName(token.opcode, "$op" + token.opcode.ToString());
TokenDeclVar declFunc = FindThisMember(sdtDecl, funcName, zeroArgs);
if(declFunc != null)
CheckAccess(declFunc, funcName);
CompValu method = AccessInstanceMember(declFunc, inRVal, token, false);
return GenerateACall(method, zeroCompValus, token);
// Otherwise use the default.
return UnOpGenerate(inRVal, token.opcode);
* @brief postfix operator -- this returns the type and location of the resultant value
private CompValu GenerateFromRValAsnPost(TokenRValAsnPost asnPost)
CompValu lVal = GenerateFromLVal(asnPost.lVal);
// Make up a temp to save original value in.
CompValuTemp result = new CompValuTemp(lVal.type, this);
// Prepare to pop incremented value back into variable being incremented.
lVal.PopPre(this, asnPost.lVal);
// Copy original value to temp and leave value on stack.
lVal.PushVal(this, asnPost.lVal);
ilGen.Emit(asnPost.lVal, OpCodes.Dup);
result.Pop(this, asnPost.lVal);
// Perform the ++/--.
if((lVal.type is TokenTypeChar) || (lVal.type is TokenTypeInt))
ilGen.Emit(asnPost, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1);
else if(lVal.type is TokenTypeFloat)
ilGen.Emit(asnPost, OpCodes.Ldc_R4, 1.0f);
lVal.PopPost(this, asnPost.lVal);
ErrorMsg(asnPost, "invalid type for " + asnPost.postfix.ToString());
return lVal;
case "++":
ilGen.Emit(asnPost, OpCodes.Add);
case "--":
ilGen.Emit(asnPost, OpCodes.Sub);
throw new Exception("unknown asnPost op");
// Store new value in original variable.
lVal.PopPost(this, asnPost.lVal);
return result;
* @brief prefix operator -- this returns the type and location of the resultant value
private CompValu GenerateFromRValAsnPre(TokenRValAsnPre asnPre)
CompValu lVal = GenerateFromLVal(asnPre.lVal);
// Make up a temp to put result in.
CompValuTemp result = new CompValuTemp(lVal.type, this);
// Prepare to pop incremented value back into variable being incremented.
lVal.PopPre(this, asnPre.lVal);
// Push original value.
lVal.PushVal(this, asnPre.lVal);
// Perform the ++/--.
if((lVal.type is TokenTypeChar) || (lVal.type is TokenTypeInt))
ilGen.Emit(asnPre, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1);
else if(lVal.type is TokenTypeFloat)
ilGen.Emit(asnPre, OpCodes.Ldc_R4, 1.0f);
lVal.PopPost(this, asnPre.lVal);
ErrorMsg(asnPre, "invalid type for " + asnPre.prefix.ToString());
return lVal;
case "++":
ilGen.Emit(asnPre, OpCodes.Add);
case "--":
ilGen.Emit(asnPre, OpCodes.Sub);
throw new Exception("unknown asnPre op");
// Store new value in temp variable, keeping new value on stack.
ilGen.Emit(asnPre.lVal, OpCodes.Dup);
result.Pop(this, asnPre.lVal);
// Store new value in original variable.
lVal.PopPost(this, asnPre.lVal);
return result;
* @brief Generate code that calls a function or object's method.
* @returns where the call's return value is stored (a TokenTypeVoid if void)
private CompValu GenerateFromRValCall(TokenRValCall call)
CompValu method;
CompValu[] argRVals;
int i, nargs;
TokenRVal arg;
TokenType[] argTypes;
// Compute the values of all the function's call arguments.
// Save where the computation results are in the argRVals[] array.
// Might as well build the argument signature from the argument types, too.
nargs = call.nArgs;
argRVals = new CompValu[nargs];
argTypes = new TokenType[nargs];
if(nargs > 0)
i = 0;
for(arg = call.args; arg != null; arg = (TokenRVal)arg.nextToken)
argRVals[i] = GenerateFromRVal(arg);
argTypes[i] = argRVals[i].type;
// Get function/method's entrypoint that matches the call argument types.
method = GenerateFromRVal(call.meth, argTypes);
if(method == null)
return null;
return GenerateACall(method, argRVals, call);
* @brief Generate call to a function/method.
* @param method = function/method being called
* @param argVRVals = its call parameters (zero length if none)
* @param call = where in source code call is being made from (for error messages)
* @returns type and location of return value (CompValuVoid if none)
private CompValu GenerateACall(CompValu method, CompValu[] argRVals, Token call)
CompValuTemp result;
int i, nArgs;
TokenType retType;
TokenType[] argTypes;
// Must be some kind of callable.
retType = method.GetRetType(); // TokenTypeVoid if void; null means a variable
if(retType == null)
ErrorMsg(call, "must be a delegate, function or method");
return new CompValuVoid(call);
// Get a location for return value.
if(retType is TokenTypeVoid)
result = new CompValuVoid(call);
result = new CompValuTemp(retType, this);
// Make sure all arguments are trivial, ie, don't involve their own call labels.
// For any that aren't, output code to calculate the arg and put in a temporary.
nArgs = argRVals.Length;
for(i = 0; i < nArgs; i++)
if(!argRVals[i].IsReadTrivial(this, call))
argRVals[i] = Trivialize(argRVals[i], call);
// Inline functions know how to generate their own call.
if(method is CompValuInline)
CompValuInline inline = (CompValuInline)method;
inline.declInline.CodeGen(this, call, result, argRVals);
return result;
// Push whatever the function/method needs as a this argument, if anything.
method.CallPre(this, call);
// Push the script-visible args, left-to-right.
argTypes = method.GetArgTypes();
for(i = 0; i < nArgs; i++)
if(argTypes == null)
argRVals[i].PushVal(this, call);
argRVals[i].PushVal(this, call, argTypes[i]);
// Now output call instruction.
method.CallPost(this, call);
// Deal with the return value (if any), by putting it in 'result'.
result.Pop(this, call, retType);
return result;
* @brief This is needed to avoid nesting call labels around non-trivial properties.
* It should be used for the second (and later) operands.
* Note that a 'call' is considered an operator, so all arguments of a call
* should be trivialized, but the method itself does not need to be.
public CompValu Trivialize(CompValu operand, Token errorAt)
if(operand.IsReadTrivial(this, errorAt))
return operand;
CompValuTemp temp = new CompValuTemp(operand.type, this);
operand.PushVal(this, errorAt);
temp.Pop(this, errorAt);
return temp;
* @brief Generate code that casts a value to a particular type.
* @returns where the result of the conversion is stored.
private CompValu GenerateFromRValCast(TokenRValCast cast)
// If casting to a delegate type, use the argment signature
// of the delegate to help select the function/method, eg,
// '(delegate string(integer))ToString'
// will select 'string ToString(integer x)'
// instaead of 'string ToString(float x)' or anything else
TokenType[] argsig = null;
TokenType outType = cast.castTo;
if(outType is TokenTypeSDTypeDelegate)
argsig = ((TokenTypeSDTypeDelegate)outType).decl.GetArgTypes();
// Generate the value that is being cast.
// If the value is already the requested type, just use it as is.
CompValu inRVal = GenerateFromRVal(cast.rVal, argsig);
if(inRVal.type == outType)
return inRVal;
// Different type, generate casting code, putting the result in a temp of the output type.
CompValu outRVal = new CompValuTemp(outType, this);
outRVal.PopPre(this, cast);
inRVal.PushVal(this, cast, outType, true);
outRVal.PopPost(this, cast);
return outRVal;
* @brief Compute conditional expression value.
* @returns type and location of computed value.
private CompValu GenerateFromRValCondExpr(TokenRValCondExpr rValCondExpr)
bool condVal;
CompValu condValu = GenerateFromRVal(rValCondExpr.condExpr);
if(IsConstBoolExpr(condValu, out condVal))
return GenerateFromRVal(condVal ? rValCondExpr.trueExpr : rValCondExpr.falseExpr);
ScriptMyLabel falseLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("condexfalse");
ScriptMyLabel doneLabel = ilGen.DefineLabel("condexdone");
condValu.PushVal(this, rValCondExpr.condExpr, tokenTypeBool);
ilGen.Emit(rValCondExpr, OpCodes.Brfalse, falseLabel);
CompValu trueValu = GenerateFromRVal(rValCondExpr.trueExpr);
trueValu.PushVal(this, rValCondExpr.trueExpr);
ilGen.Emit(rValCondExpr, OpCodes.Br, doneLabel);
CompValu falseValu = GenerateFromRVal(rValCondExpr.falseExpr);
falseValu.PushVal(this, rValCondExpr.falseExpr);
if(trueValu.type.GetType() != falseValu.type.GetType())
ErrorMsg(rValCondExpr, "? operands " + trueValu.type.ToString() + " : " +
falseValu.type.ToString() + " must be of same type");
CompValuTemp retRVal = new CompValuTemp(trueValu.type, this);
retRVal.Pop(this, rValCondExpr);
return retRVal;
* @brief Constant in the script somewhere
* @returns where the constants value is stored
private CompValu GenerateFromRValConst(TokenRValConst rValConst)
case TokenRValConstType.CHAR:
return new CompValuChar(new TokenTypeChar(rValConst), (char)(rValConst.val));
case TokenRValConstType.FLOAT:
return new CompValuFloat(new TokenTypeFloat(rValConst), (double)(rValConst.val));
case TokenRValConstType.INT:
return new CompValuInteger(new TokenTypeInt(rValConst), (int)(rValConst.val));
case TokenRValConstType.KEY:
return new CompValuString(new TokenTypeKey(rValConst), (string)(rValConst.val));
case TokenRValConstType.STRING:
return new CompValuString(new TokenTypeStr(rValConst), (string)(rValConst.val));
throw new Exception("unknown constant type " + rValConst.val.GetType());
* @brief generate a new list object
* @param rValList = an rVal to create it from
private CompValu GenerateFromRValList(TokenRValList rValList)
// Compute all element values and remember where we put them.
// Do it right-to-left as customary for LSL scripts.
int i = 0;
TokenRVal lastRVal = null;
for(TokenRVal val = rValList.rVal; val != null; val = (TokenRVal)val.nextToken)
val.prevToken = lastRVal;
lastRVal = val;
CompValu[] vals = new CompValu[i];
for(TokenRVal val = lastRVal; val != null; val = (TokenRVal)val.prevToken)
vals[--i] = GenerateFromRVal(val);
// This is the temp that will hold the created list.
CompValuTemp newList = new CompValuTemp(new TokenTypeList(rValList.rVal), this);
// Create a temp object[] array to hold all the initial values.
ilGen.Emit(rValList, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, rValList.nItems);
ilGen.Emit(rValList, OpCodes.Newarr, typeof(object));
// Populate the array.
i = 0;
for(TokenRVal val = rValList.rVal; val != null; val = (TokenRVal)val.nextToken)
// Get pointer to temp array object.
ilGen.Emit(rValList, OpCodes.Dup);
// Get index in that array.
ilGen.Emit(rValList, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i);
// Store initialization value in array location.
// However, floats and ints need to be converted to LSL_Float and LSL_Integer,
// or things like llSetPayPrice() will puque when they try to cast the elements
// to LSL_Float or LSL_Integer. Likewise with string/LSL_String.
// Maybe it's already LSL-boxed so we don't do anything with it except make sure
// it is an object, not a struct.
CompValu eRVal = vals[i++];
eRVal.PushVal(this, val);
if(eRVal.type.ToLSLWrapType() == null)
if(eRVal.type is TokenTypeFloat)
ilGen.Emit(val, OpCodes.Newobj, lslFloatConstructorInfo);
ilGen.Emit(val, OpCodes.Box, typeof(LSL_Float));
else if(eRVal.type is TokenTypeInt)
ilGen.Emit(val, OpCodes.Newobj, lslIntegerConstructorInfo);
ilGen.Emit(val, OpCodes.Box, typeof(LSL_Integer));
else if((eRVal.type is TokenTypeKey) || (eRVal.type is TokenTypeStr))
ilGen.Emit(val, OpCodes.Newobj, lslStringConstructorInfo);
ilGen.Emit(val, OpCodes.Box, typeof(LSL_String));
else if(eRVal.type.ToSysType().IsValueType)
ilGen.Emit(val, OpCodes.Box, eRVal.type.ToSysType());
else if(eRVal.type.ToLSLWrapType().IsValueType)
// Convert the LSL value structs to an object of the LSL-boxed type
ilGen.Emit(val, OpCodes.Box, eRVal.type.ToLSLWrapType());
ilGen.Emit(val, OpCodes.Stelem, typeof(object));
// Create new list object from temp initial value array (whose ref is still on the stack).
ilGen.Emit(rValList, OpCodes.Newobj, lslListConstructorInfo);
newList.Pop(this, rValList);
return newList;
* @brief New array allocation with initializer expressions.
private CompValu GenerateFromRValNewArIni(TokenRValNewArIni rValNewArIni)
return MallocAndInitArray(rValNewArIni.arrayType, rValNewArIni.valueList);
* @brief Mallocate and initialize an array from its initialization list.
* @param arrayType = type of the array to be allocated and initialized
* @param values = initialization value list used to size and initialize the array.
* @returns memory location of the resultant initialized array.
private CompValu MallocAndInitArray(TokenType arrayType, TokenList values)
TokenDeclSDTypeClass arrayDecl = ((TokenTypeSDTypeClass)arrayType).decl;
TokenType eleType = arrayDecl.arrayOfType;
int rank = arrayDecl.arrayOfRank;
// Get size of each of the dimensions by scanning the initialization value list
int[] dimSizes = new int[rank];
FillInDimSizes(dimSizes, 0, rank, values);
// Figure out where the array's $new() method is
TokenType[] newargsig = new TokenType[rank];
for(int k = 0; k < rank; k++)
newargsig[k] = tokenTypeInt;
TokenDeclVar newMeth = FindThisMember(arrayDecl, new TokenName(null, "$new"), newargsig);
// Output a call to malloc the array with all default values
// array = ArrayType.$new (dimSizes[0], dimSizes[1], ...)
CompValuTemp array = new CompValuTemp(arrayType, this);
for(int k = 0; k < rank; k++)
ilGen.Emit(values, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, dimSizes[k]);
ilGen.Emit(values, OpCodes.Call, newMeth.ilGen);
array.Pop(this, arrayType);
// Figure out where the array's Set() method is
TokenType[] setargsig = new TokenType[rank + 1];
for(int k = 0; k < rank; k++)
setargsig[k] = tokenTypeInt;
setargsig[rank] = eleType;
TokenDeclVar setMeth = FindThisMember(arrayDecl, new TokenName(null, "Set"), setargsig);
// Fill in the array with the initializer values
FillInInitVals(array, setMeth, dimSizes, 0, rank, values, eleType);
// The array is our resultant value
return array;
* @brief Compute an array's dimensions given its initialization value list
* @param dimSizes = filled in with array's dimensions
* @param dimNo = what dimension the 'values' list applies to
* @param rank = total number of dimensions of the array
* @param values = list of values to initialize the array's 'dimNo' dimension with
* @returns with dimSizes[dimNo..rank-1] filled in
private static void FillInDimSizes(int[] dimSizes, int dimNo, int rank, TokenList values)
// the size of a dimension is the largest number of initializer elements at this level
// for dimNo 0, this is the number of elements in the top-level list
if(dimSizes[dimNo] <
dimSizes[dimNo] =;
// see if there is another dimension to calculate
if(++dimNo < rank)
// its size is the size of the largest initializer list at the next inner level
foreach(Token val in
if(val is TokenList)
TokenList subvals = (TokenList)val;
FillInDimSizes(dimSizes, dimNo, rank, subvals);
* @brief Output code to fill in array's initialization values
* @param array = array to be filled in
* @param setMeth = the array's Set() method
* @param subscripts = holds subscripts being built
* @param dimNo = which dimension the 'values' are for
* @param values = list of initialization values for dimension 'dimNo'
* @param rank = number of dimensions of 'array'
* @param values = list of values to initialize the array's 'dimNo' dimension with
* @param eleType = the element's type
* @returns with code emitted to initialize array's [subscripts[0], ..., subscripts[dimNo-1], *, *, ...]
* dimNo and up completely filled ---^
private void FillInInitVals(CompValu array, TokenDeclVar setMeth, int[] subscripts, int dimNo, int rank, TokenList values, TokenType eleType)
subscripts[dimNo] = 0;
foreach(Token val in
CompValu initValue = null;
// If it is a sublist, process it.
// If we don't have enough subscripts yet, hopefully that sublist will have enough.
// If we already have enough subscripts, then that sublist can be for an element of this supposedly jagged array.
if(val is TokenList)
TokenList sublist = (TokenList)val;
if(dimNo + 1 < rank)
// We don't have enough subscripts yet, hopefully the sublist has the rest.
FillInInitVals(array, setMeth, subscripts, dimNo + 1, rank, sublist, eleType);
else if((eleType is TokenTypeSDTypeClass) && (((TokenTypeSDTypeClass)eleType).decl.arrayOfType == null))
// If we aren't a jagged array either, we can't do anything with the sublist.
ErrorMsg(val, "too many brace levels");
// We are a jagged array, so malloc a subarray and initialize it with the sublist.
// Then we can use that subarray to fill this array's element.
initValue = MallocAndInitArray(eleType, sublist);
// If it is a value expression, then output code to compute the value.
if(val is TokenRVal)
if(dimNo + 1 < rank)
ErrorMsg((Token)val, "not enough brace levels");
initValue = GenerateFromRVal((TokenRVal)val);
// If there is an initValue, output "array.Set (subscript[0], subscript[1], ..., initValue)"
if(initValue != null)
array.PushVal(this, val);
for(int i = 0; i <= dimNo; i++)
ilGen.Emit(val, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, subscripts[i]);
initValue.PushVal(this, val, eleType);
ilGen.Emit(val, OpCodes.Call, setMeth.ilGen);
// That subscript is processed one way or another, on to the next.
* @brief parenthesized expression
* @returns type and location of the result of the computation.
private CompValu GenerateFromRValParen(TokenRValParen rValParen)
return GenerateFromRVal(rValParen.rVal);
* @brief create a rotation object from the x,y,z,w value expressions.
private CompValu GenerateFromRValRot(TokenRValRot rValRot)
CompValu xRVal, yRVal, zRVal, wRVal;
xRVal = Trivialize(GenerateFromRVal(rValRot.xRVal), rValRot);
yRVal = Trivialize(GenerateFromRVal(rValRot.yRVal), rValRot);
zRVal = Trivialize(GenerateFromRVal(rValRot.zRVal), rValRot);
wRVal = Trivialize(GenerateFromRVal(rValRot.wRVal), rValRot);
return new CompValuRot(new TokenTypeRot(rValRot), xRVal, yRVal, zRVal, wRVal);
* @brief Using 'this' as a pointer to the current script-defined instance object.
* The value is located in arg #0 of the current instance method.
private CompValu GenerateFromRValThis(TokenRValThis zhis)
ErrorMsg(zhis, "cannot access instance member of class from static method");
return new CompValuVoid(zhis);
return new CompValuArg(curDeclFunc.sdtClass.MakeRefToken(zhis), 0);
* @brief 'undefined' constant.
* If this constant gets written to an array element, it will delete that element from the array.
* If the script retrieves an element by key that is not defined, it will get this value.
* This value can be stored in and retrieved from variables of type 'object' or script-defined classes.
* It is a runtime error to cast this value to any other type, eg,
* we don't allow list or string variables to be null pointers.
private CompValu GenerateFromRValUndef(TokenRValUndef rValUndef)
return new CompValuNull(new TokenTypeUndef(rValUndef));
* @brief create a vector object from the x,y,z value expressions.
private CompValu GenerateFromRValVec(TokenRValVec rValVec)
CompValu xRVal, yRVal, zRVal;
xRVal = Trivialize(GenerateFromRVal(rValVec.xRVal), rValVec);
yRVal = Trivialize(GenerateFromRVal(rValVec.yRVal), rValVec);
zRVal = Trivialize(GenerateFromRVal(rValVec.zRVal), rValVec);
return new CompValuVec(new TokenTypeVec(rValVec), xRVal, yRVal, zRVal);
* @brief Generate code to get the default initialization value for a variable.
private CompValu GenerateFromRValInitDef(TokenRValInitDef rValInitDef)
TokenType type = rValInitDef.type;
if(type is TokenTypeChar)
return new CompValuChar(type, (char)0);
if(type is TokenTypeRot)
CompValuFloat x = new CompValuFloat(type, ScriptBaseClass.ZERO_ROTATION.x);
CompValuFloat y = new CompValuFloat(type, ScriptBaseClass.ZERO_ROTATION.y);
CompValuFloat z = new CompValuFloat(type, ScriptBaseClass.ZERO_ROTATION.z);
CompValuFloat s = new CompValuFloat(type, ScriptBaseClass.ZERO_ROTATION.s);
return new CompValuRot(type, x, y, z, s);
if((type is TokenTypeKey) || (type is TokenTypeStr))
return new CompValuString(type, "");
if(type is TokenTypeVec)
CompValuFloat x = new CompValuFloat(type, ScriptBaseClass.ZERO_VECTOR.x);
CompValuFloat y = new CompValuFloat(type, ScriptBaseClass.ZERO_VECTOR.y);
CompValuFloat z = new CompValuFloat(type, ScriptBaseClass.ZERO_VECTOR.z);
return new CompValuVec(type, x, y, z);
if(type is TokenTypeInt)
return new CompValuInteger(type, 0);
if(type is TokenTypeFloat)
return new CompValuFloat(type, 0);
if(type is TokenTypeVoid)
return new CompValuVoid(type);
// Default for 'object' type is 'undef'.
// Likewise for script-defined classes and interfaces.
if((type is TokenTypeObject) || (type is TokenTypeSDTypeClass) || (type is TokenTypeSDTypeDelegate) ||
(type is TokenTypeSDTypeInterface) || (type is TokenTypeExc))
return new CompValuNull(type);
// array and list
CompValuTemp temp = new CompValuTemp(type, this);
temp.Pop(this, rValInitDef, type);
return temp;
* @brief Generate code to process an <rVal> is <type> expression, and produce a boolean value.
private CompValu GenerateFromRValIsType(TokenRValIsType rValIsType)
// Expression we want to know the type of.
CompValu val = GenerateFromRVal(rValIsType.rValExp);
// Pass it in to top-level type expression decoder.
return GenerateFromTypeExp(val, rValIsType.typeExp);
* @brief See if the type of the given value matches the type expression.
* @param val = where the value to be evaluated is stored
* @param typeExp = script tokens representing type expression
* @returns location where the boolean result is stored
private CompValu GenerateFromTypeExp(CompValu val, TokenTypeExp typeExp)
if(typeExp is TokenTypeExpBinOp)
CompValu left = GenerateFromTypeExp(val, ((TokenTypeExpBinOp)typeExp).leftOp);
CompValu right = GenerateFromTypeExp(val, ((TokenTypeExpBinOp)typeExp).rightOp);
CompValuTemp result = new CompValuTemp(tokenTypeBool, this);
Token op = ((TokenTypeExpBinOp)typeExp).binOp;
left.PushVal(this, ((TokenTypeExpBinOp)typeExp).leftOp);
right.PushVal(this, ((TokenTypeExpBinOp)typeExp).rightOp);
if(op is TokenKwAnd)
ilGen.Emit(typeExp, OpCodes.And);
else if(op is TokenKwOr)
ilGen.Emit(typeExp, OpCodes.Or);
throw new Exception("unknown TokenTypeExpBinOp " + op.GetType());
result.Pop(this, typeExp);
return result;
if(typeExp is TokenTypeExpNot)
CompValu interm = GenerateFromTypeExp(val, ((TokenTypeExpNot)typeExp).typeExp);
CompValuTemp result = new CompValuTemp(tokenTypeBool, this);
interm.PushVal(this, ((TokenTypeExpNot)typeExp).typeExp, tokenTypeBool);
ilGen.Emit(typeExp, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1);
ilGen.Emit(typeExp, OpCodes.Xor);
result.Pop(this, typeExp);
return result;
if(typeExp is TokenTypeExpPar)
return GenerateFromTypeExp(val, ((TokenTypeExpPar)typeExp).typeExp);
if(typeExp is TokenTypeExpType)
CompValuTemp result = new CompValuTemp(tokenTypeBool, this);
val.PushVal(this, typeExp);
ilGen.Emit(typeExp, OpCodes.Isinst, ((TokenTypeExpType)typeExp).typeToken.ToSysType());
ilGen.Emit(typeExp, OpCodes.Ldnull);
ilGen.Emit(typeExp, OpCodes.Ceq);
ilGen.Emit(typeExp, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1);
ilGen.Emit(typeExp, OpCodes.Xor);
result.Pop(this, typeExp);
return result;
if(typeExp is TokenTypeExpUndef)
CompValuTemp result = new CompValuTemp(tokenTypeBool, this);
val.PushVal(this, typeExp);
ilGen.Emit(typeExp, OpCodes.Ldnull);
ilGen.Emit(typeExp, OpCodes.Ceq);
result.Pop(this, typeExp);
return result;
throw new Exception("unknown TokenTypeExp type " + typeExp.GetType());
* @brief Push the default (null) value for a particular variable
* @param var = variable to get the default value for
* @returns with value pushed on stack
public void PushVarDefaultValue(TokenDeclVar var)
public void PushDefaultValue(TokenType type)
if(type is TokenTypeArray)
PushXMRInst(); // instance
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Newobj, xmrArrayConstructorInfo);
if(type is TokenTypeChar)
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
if(type is TokenTypeList)
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Newarr, typeof(object));
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Newobj, lslListConstructorInfo);
if(type is TokenTypeRot)
// Mono is tOO stOOpid to allow: ilGen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldsfld, zeroRotationFieldInfo);
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Ldc_R8, ScriptBaseClass.ZERO_ROTATION.x);
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Ldc_R8, ScriptBaseClass.ZERO_ROTATION.y);
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Ldc_R8, ScriptBaseClass.ZERO_ROTATION.z);
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Ldc_R8, ScriptBaseClass.ZERO_ROTATION.s);
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Newobj, lslRotationConstructorInfo);
if((type is TokenTypeKey) || (type is TokenTypeStr))
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Ldstr, "");
if(type is TokenTypeVec)
// Mono is tOO stOOpid to allow: ilGen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldsfld, zeroVectorFieldInfo);
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Ldc_R8, ScriptBaseClass.ZERO_VECTOR.x);
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Ldc_R8, ScriptBaseClass.ZERO_VECTOR.y);
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Ldc_R8, ScriptBaseClass.ZERO_VECTOR.z);
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Newobj, lslVectorConstructorInfo);
if(type is TokenTypeInt)
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
if(type is TokenTypeFloat)
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Ldc_R4, 0.0f);
// Default for 'object' type is 'undef'.
// Likewise for script-defined classes and interfaces.
if((type is TokenTypeObject) || (type is TokenTypeSDTypeClass) || (type is TokenTypeSDTypeInterface) || (type is TokenTypeExc))
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Ldnull);
// Void is pushed as the default return value of a void function.
// So just push nothing as expected of void functions.
if(type is TokenTypeVoid)
// Default for 'delegate' type is 'undef'.
if(type is TokenTypeSDTypeDelegate)
ilGen.Emit(type, OpCodes.Ldnull);
throw new Exception("unknown type " + type.GetType().ToString());
* @brief Determine if the expression has a constant boolean value
* and if so, if the value is true or false.
* @param expr = expression to evaluate
* @returns true: expression is contant and has boolean value true
* false: otherwise
private bool IsConstBoolExprTrue(CompValu expr)
bool constVal;
return IsConstBoolExpr(expr, out constVal) && constVal;
private bool IsConstBoolExpr(CompValu expr, out bool constVal)
if(expr is CompValuChar)
constVal = ((CompValuChar)expr).x != 0;
return true;
if(expr is CompValuFloat)
constVal = ((CompValuFloat)expr).x != (double)0;
return true;
if(expr is CompValuInteger)
constVal = ((CompValuInteger)expr).x != 0;
return true;
if(expr is CompValuString)
string s = ((CompValuString)expr).x;
constVal = s != "";
if(constVal && (expr.type is TokenTypeKey))
constVal = s != ScriptBaseClass.NULL_KEY;
return true;
constVal = false;
return false;
* @brief Determine if the expression has a constant integer value
* and if so, return the integer value.
* @param expr = expression to evaluate
* @returns true: expression is contant and has integer value
* false: otherwise
private bool IsConstIntExpr(CompValu expr, out int constVal)
if(expr is CompValuChar)
constVal = (int)((CompValuChar)expr).x;
return true;
if(expr is CompValuInteger)
constVal = ((CompValuInteger)expr).x;
return true;
constVal = 0;
return false;
* @brief Determine if the expression has a constant string value
* and if so, return the string value.
* @param expr = expression to evaluate
* @returns true: expression is contant and has string value
* false: otherwise
private bool IsConstStrExpr(CompValu expr, out string constVal)
if(expr is CompValuString)
constVal = ((CompValuString)expr).x;
return true;
constVal = "";
return false;
* @brief create table of legal event handler prototypes.
* This is used to make sure script's event handler declrations are valid.
private static VarDict CreateLegalEventHandlers()
// Get handler prototypes with full argument lists.
VarDict leh = new InternalFuncDict(typeof(IEventHandlers), false);
// We want the scripts to be able to declare their handlers with
// fewer arguments than the full argument lists. So define additional
// prototypes with fewer arguments.
TokenDeclVar[] fullArgProtos = new TokenDeclVar[leh.Count];
int i = 0;
foreach(TokenDeclVar fap in leh)
fullArgProtos[i++] = fap;
foreach(TokenDeclVar fap in fullArgProtos)
TokenArgDecl fal = fap.argDecl;
int fullArgCount = fal.vars.Length;
for(i = 0; i < fullArgCount; i++)
TokenArgDecl shortArgList = new TokenArgDecl(null);
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
TokenDeclVar var = fal.vars[j];
TokenDeclVar shortArgProto = new TokenDeclVar(null, null, null); = new TokenName(null, fap.GetSimpleName());
shortArgProto.retType = fap.retType;
shortArgProto.argDecl = shortArgList;
return leh;
* @brief Emit a call to CheckRun(), (voluntary multitasking switch)
public void EmitCallCheckRun(Token errorAt, bool stack)
throw new Exception(curDeclFunc.fullName + " is supposed to be trivial");
new CallLabel(this, errorAt); // jump here when stack restored
PushXMRInst(); // instance
ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Call, stack ? checkRunStackMethInfo : checkRunQuickMethInfo);
openCallLabel = null;
* @brief Emit code to push a callNo var on the stack.
public void GetCallNo(Token errorAt, ScriptMyLocal callNoVar)
ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Ldloc, callNoVar);
//ilGen.Emit (errorAt, OpCodes.Ldloca, callNoVar);
//ilGen.Emit (errorAt, OpCodes.Volatile);
//ilGen.Emit (errorAt, OpCodes.Ldind_I4);
public void GetCallNo(Token errorAt, CompValu callNoVar)
callNoVar.PushVal(this, errorAt);
//callNoVar.PushRef (this, errorAt);
//ilGen.Emit (errorAt, OpCodes.Volatile);
//ilGen.Emit (errorAt, OpCodes.Ldind_I4);
* @brief Emit code to set a callNo var to a given constant.
public void SetCallNo(Token errorAt, ScriptMyLocal callNoVar, int val)
ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, val);
ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Stloc, callNoVar);
//ilGen.Emit (errorAt, OpCodes.Ldloca, callNoVar);
//ilGen.Emit (errorAt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, val);
//ilGen.Emit (errorAt, OpCodes.Volatile);
//ilGen.Emit (errorAt, OpCodes.Stind_I4);
public void SetCallNo(Token errorAt, CompValu callNoVar, int val)
callNoVar.PopPre(this, errorAt);
ilGen.Emit(errorAt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, val);
callNoVar.PopPost(this, errorAt);
//callNoVar.PushRef (this, errorAt);
//ilGen.Emit (errorAt, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, val);
//ilGen.Emit (errorAt, OpCodes.Volatile);
//ilGen.Emit (errorAt, OpCodes.Stind_I4);
* @brief handle a unary operator, such as -x.
private CompValu UnOpGenerate(CompValu inRVal, Token opcode)
// - Negate
if(opcode is TokenKwSub)
if(inRVal.type is TokenTypeFloat)
CompValuTemp outRVal = new CompValuTemp(new TokenTypeFloat(opcode), this);
inRVal.PushVal(this, opcode, outRVal.type); // push value to negate, make sure not LSL-boxed
ilGen.Emit(opcode, OpCodes.Neg); // compute the negative
outRVal.Pop(this, opcode); // pop into result
return outRVal; // tell caller where we put it
if(inRVal.type is TokenTypeInt)
CompValuTemp outRVal = new CompValuTemp(new TokenTypeInt(opcode), this);
inRVal.PushVal(this, opcode, outRVal.type); // push value to negate, make sure not LSL-boxed
ilGen.Emit(opcode, OpCodes.Neg); // compute the negative
outRVal.Pop(this, opcode); // pop into result
return outRVal; // tell caller where we put it
if(inRVal.type is TokenTypeRot)
CompValuTemp outRVal = new CompValuTemp(inRVal.type, this);
inRVal.PushVal(this, opcode); // push rotation, then call negate routine
ilGen.Emit(opcode, OpCodes.Call, lslRotationNegateMethodInfo);
outRVal.Pop(this, opcode); // pop into result
return outRVal; // tell caller where we put it
if(inRVal.type is TokenTypeVec)
CompValuTemp outRVal = new CompValuTemp(inRVal.type, this);
inRVal.PushVal(this, opcode); // push vector, then call negate routine
ilGen.Emit(opcode, OpCodes.Call, lslVectorNegateMethodInfo);
outRVal.Pop(this, opcode); // pop into result
return outRVal; // tell caller where we put it
ErrorMsg(opcode, "can't negate a " + inRVal.type.ToString());
return inRVal;
// ~ Complement (bitwise integer)
if(opcode is TokenKwTilde)
if(inRVal.type is TokenTypeInt)
CompValuTemp outRVal = new CompValuTemp(new TokenTypeInt(opcode), this);
inRVal.PushVal(this, opcode, outRVal.type); // push value to negate, make sure not LSL-boxed
ilGen.Emit(opcode, OpCodes.Not); // compute the complement
outRVal.Pop(this, opcode); // pop into result
return outRVal; // tell caller where we put it
ErrorMsg(opcode, "can't complement a " + inRVal.type.ToString());
return inRVal;
// ! Not (boolean)
// We stuff the 0/1 result in an int because I've seen x+!y in scripts
// and we don't want to have to create tables to handle int+bool and
// everything like that.
if(opcode is TokenKwExclam)
CompValuTemp outRVal = new CompValuTemp(new TokenTypeInt(opcode), this);
inRVal.PushVal(this, opcode, tokenTypeBool); // anything converts to boolean
ilGen.Emit(opcode, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1); // then XOR with 1 to flip it
ilGen.Emit(opcode, OpCodes.Xor);
outRVal.Pop(this, opcode); // pop into result
return outRVal; // tell caller where we put it
throw new Exception("unhandled opcode " + opcode.ToString());
* @brief This is called while trying to compute the value of constant initializers.
* It is passed a name and that name is looked up in the constant tables.
private TokenRVal LookupInitConstants(TokenRVal rVal, ref bool didOne)
// If it is a static field of a script-defined type, look it up and hopefully we find a constant there.
TokenDeclVar gblVar;
if(rVal is TokenLValSField)
TokenLValSField lvsf = (TokenLValSField)rVal;
if(lvsf.baseType is TokenTypeSDTypeClass)
TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtClass = ((TokenTypeSDTypeClass)lvsf.baseType).decl;
gblVar = sdtClass.members.FindExact(lvsf.fieldName.val, null);
if(gblVar != null)
if(gblVar.constant && (gblVar.init is TokenRValConst))
didOne = true;
return gblVar.init;
return rVal;
// Only other thing we handle is stand-alone names.
if(!(rVal is TokenLValName))
return rVal;
string name = ((TokenLValName)rVal).name.val;
// If we are doing the initializations for a script-defined type,
// look for the constant among the fields for that type.
if(currentSDTClass != null)
gblVar = currentSDTClass.members.FindExact(name, null);
if(gblVar != null)
if(gblVar.constant && (gblVar.init is TokenRValConst))
didOne = true;
return gblVar.init;
return rVal;
// Look it up as a script-defined global variable.
// Then if the variable is defined as a constant and has a constant value,
// we are successful. If it is defined as something else, return failure.
gblVar = tokenScript.variablesStack.FindExact(name, null);
if(gblVar != null)
if(gblVar.constant && (gblVar.init is TokenRValConst))
didOne = true;
return gblVar.init;
return rVal;
// Maybe it is a built-in symbolic constant.
ScriptConst scriptConst = ScriptConst.Lookup(name);
if(scriptConst != null)
rVal = CompValuConst2RValConst(scriptConst.rVal, rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValConst)
didOne = true;
return rVal;
// Don't know what it is, return failure.
return rVal;
* @brief This is called while trying to compute the value of constant expressions.
* It is passed a name and that name is looked up in the constant tables.
private TokenRVal LookupBodyConstants(TokenRVal rVal, ref bool didOne)
// If it is a static field of a script-defined type, look it up and hopefully we find a constant there.
TokenDeclVar gblVar;
if(rVal is TokenLValSField)
TokenLValSField lvsf = (TokenLValSField)rVal;
if(lvsf.baseType is TokenTypeSDTypeClass)
TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtClass = ((TokenTypeSDTypeClass)lvsf.baseType).decl;
gblVar = sdtClass.members.FindExact(lvsf.fieldName.val, null);
if((gblVar != null) && gblVar.constant && (gblVar.init is TokenRValConst))
didOne = true;
return gblVar.init;
return rVal;
// Only other thing we handle is stand-alone names.
if(!(rVal is TokenLValName))
return rVal;
string name = ((TokenLValName)rVal).name.val;
// Scan through the variable stack and hopefully we find a constant there.
// But we stop as soon as we get a match because that's what the script is referring to.
CompValu val;
for(VarDict vars = ((TokenLValName)rVal).stack; vars != null; vars = vars.outerVarDict)
TokenDeclVar var = vars.FindExact(name, null);
if(var != null)
val = var.location;
goto foundit;
TokenDeclSDTypeClass baseClass = vars.thisClass;
if(baseClass != null)
while((baseClass = baseClass.extends) != null)
var = baseClass.members.FindExact(name, null);
if(var != null)
val = var.location;
goto foundit;
// Maybe it is a built-in symbolic constant.
ScriptConst scriptConst = ScriptConst.Lookup(name);
if(scriptConst != null)
val = scriptConst.rVal;
goto foundit;
// Don't know what it is, return failure.
return rVal;
// Found a CompValu. If it's a simple constant, then use it.
// Otherwise tell caller we failed to simplify.
rVal = CompValuConst2RValConst(val, rVal);
if(rVal is TokenRValConst)
didOne = true;
return rVal;
private static TokenRVal CompValuConst2RValConst(CompValu val, TokenRVal rVal)
if(val is CompValuChar)
rVal = new TokenRValConst(rVal, ((CompValuChar)val).x);
if(val is CompValuFloat)
rVal = new TokenRValConst(rVal, ((CompValuFloat)val).x);
if(val is CompValuInteger)
rVal = new TokenRValConst(rVal, ((CompValuInteger)val).x);
if(val is CompValuString)
rVal = new TokenRValConst(rVal, ((CompValuString)val).x);
return rVal;
* @brief Generate code to push XMRInstanceSuperType pointer on stack.
public void PushXMRInst()
if(instancePointer == null)
ilGen.Emit(null, OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
ilGen.Emit(null, OpCodes.Ldloc, instancePointer);
* @returns true: Ldarg_0 gives XMRSDTypeClObj pointer
* - this is the case for instance methods
* false: Ldarg_0 gives XMR_Instance pointer
* - this is the case for both global functions and static methods
public bool IsSDTInstMethod()
return (curDeclFunc.sdtClass != null) &&
((curDeclFunc.sdtFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_STATIC) == 0);
* @brief Look for a simply named function or variable (not a field or method)
public TokenDeclVar FindNamedVar(TokenLValName lValName, TokenType[] argsig)
// Look in variable stack for the given name.
for(VarDict vars = lValName.stack; vars != null; vars = vars.outerVarDict)
// first look for it possibly with an argument signature
// so we pick the correct overloaded method
TokenDeclVar var = FindSingleMember(vars,, argsig);
if(var != null)
return var;
// if that fails, try it without the argument signature.
// delegates get entered like any other variable, ie,
// no signature on their name.
if(argsig != null)
var = FindSingleMember(vars,, null);
if(var != null)
return var;
// if this is the frame for some class members, try searching base class members too
TokenDeclSDTypeClass baseClass = vars.thisClass;
if(baseClass != null)
while((baseClass = baseClass.extends) != null)
var = FindSingleMember(baseClass.members,, argsig);
if(var != null)
return var;
if(argsig != null)
var = FindSingleMember(baseClass.members,, null);
if(var != null)
return var;
// If not found, try one of the built-in constants or functions.
if(argsig == null)
ScriptConst scriptConst = ScriptConst.Lookup(;
if(scriptConst != null)
TokenDeclVar var = new TokenDeclVar(, null, tokenScript); =;
var.type = scriptConst.rVal.type;
var.location = scriptConst.rVal;
return var;
TokenDeclVar inline = FindSingleMember(TokenDeclInline.inlineFunctions,, argsig);
if(inline != null)
return inline;
return null;
* @brief Find a member of an interface.
* @param sdType = interface type
* @param name = name of member to find
* @param argsig = null: field/property; else: script-visible method argument types
* @param baseRVal = pointer to interface object
* @returns null: no such member
* else: pointer to member
* baseRVal = possibly modified to point to type-casted interface object
private TokenDeclVar FindInterfaceMember(TokenTypeSDTypeInterface sdtType, TokenName name, TokenType[] argsig, ref CompValu baseRVal)
TokenDeclSDTypeInterface sdtDecl = sdtType.decl;
TokenDeclSDTypeInterface impl;
TokenDeclVar declVar = sdtDecl.FindIFaceMember(this, name, argsig, out impl);
if((declVar != null) && (impl != sdtDecl))
// Accessing a method or propterty of another interface that the primary interface says it implements.
// In this case, we have to cast from the primary interface to that secondary interface.
// interface IEnumerable {
// IEnumerator GetEnumerator ();
// }
// interface ICountable : IEnumerable {
// integer GetCount ();
// }
// class List : ICountable {
// public GetCount () : ICountable { ... }
// public GetEnumerator () : IEnumerable { ... }
// }
// ICountable aList = new List ();
// IEnumerator anEnumer = aList.GetEnumerator (); << we are here
// << baseRVal = aList
// << sdtDecl = ICountable
// << impl = IEnumerable
// << name = GetEnumerator
// << argsig = ()
// So we have to cast aList from ICountable to IEnumerable.
// make type token for the secondary interface type
TokenType subIntfType = impl.MakeRefToken(name);
// make a temp variable of the secondary interface type
CompValuTemp castBase = new CompValuTemp(subIntfType, this);
// output code to cast from the primary interface to the secondary interface
// this is 2 basic steps:
// 1) cast from primary interface object -> class object
// ...gets it from interfaceObject.delegateArray[0].Target
// 2) cast from class object -> secondary interface object
// ...gets it from classObject.sdtcITable[interfaceIndex]
baseRVal.PushVal(this, name, subIntfType);
// save result of casting in temp
castBase.Pop(this, name);
// return temp reference
baseRVal = castBase;
return declVar;
* @brief Find a member of a script-defined type class.
* @param sdtType = reference to class declaration
* @param name = name of member to find
* @param argsig = argument signature used to select among overloaded members
* @returns null: no such member found
* else: the member found
public TokenDeclVar FindThisMember(TokenTypeSDTypeClass sdtType, TokenName name, TokenType[] argsig)
return FindThisMember(sdtType.decl, name, argsig);
public TokenDeclVar FindThisMember(TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtDecl, TokenName name, TokenType[] argsig)
for(TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtd = sdtDecl; sdtd != null; sdtd = sdtd.extends)
TokenDeclVar declVar = FindSingleMember(sdtd.members, name, argsig);
if(declVar != null)
return declVar;
return null;
* @brief Look for a single member that matches the given name and argument signature
* @param where = which dictionary to look in
* @param name = basic name of the field or method, eg, "Printable"
* @param argsig = argument types the method is being called with, eg, "(string)"
* or null to find a field
* @returns null: no member found
* else: the member found
public TokenDeclVar FindSingleMember(VarDict where, TokenName name, TokenType[] argsig)
TokenDeclVar[] members = where.FindCallables(name.val, argsig);
if(members == null)
return null;
if(members.Length > 1)
ErrorMsg(name, "more than one matching member");
for(int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++)
ErrorMsg(members[i], " " + members[i].argDecl.GetArgSig());
return members[0];
* @brief Find an exact function name and argument signature match.
* Also verify that the return value type is an exact match.
* @param where = which method dictionary to look in
* @param name = basic name of the method, eg, "Printable"
* @param ret = expected return value type
* @param argsig = argument types the method is being called with, eg, "(string)"
* @returns null: no exact match found
* else: the matching function
private TokenDeclVar FindExactWithRet(VarDict where, TokenName name, TokenType ret, TokenType[] argsig)
TokenDeclVar func = where.FindExact(name.val, argsig);
if((func != null) && (func.retType.ToString() != ret.ToString()))
ErrorMsg(name, "return type mismatch, have " + func.retType.ToString() + ", expect " + ret.ToString());
if(func != null)
CheckAccess(func, name);
return func;
* @brief Check the private/protected/public access flags of a member.
private void CheckAccess(TokenDeclVar var, Token errorAt)
TokenDeclSDType nested;
TokenDeclSDType definedBy = var.sdtClass;
TokenDeclSDType accessedBy = curDeclFunc.sdtClass;
// Check member-level access
// Note that if accessedBy is null, ie, accessing from global function (or event handlers),
// anything tagged as SDT_PRIVATE or SDT_PROTECTED will fail.
// Private means accessed by the class that defined the member or accessed by a nested class
// of the class that defined the member.
if((var.sdtFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_PRIVATE) != 0)
for(nested = accessedBy; nested != null; nested = nested.outerSDType)
if(nested == definedBy)
goto acc1ok;
ErrorMsg(errorAt, "private member " + var.fullName + " cannot be accessed by " + curDeclFunc.fullName);
// Protected means:
// If being accessed by an inner class, the inner class has access to it if the inner class derives
// from the declaring class. It also has access to it if an outer class derives from the declaring
// class.
if((var.sdtFlags & ScriptReduce.SDT_PROTECTED) != 0)
for(nested = accessedBy; nested != null; nested = nested.outerSDType)
for(TokenDeclSDType rootward = nested; rootward != null; rootward = rootward.extends)
if(rootward == definedBy)
goto acc1ok;
ErrorMsg(errorAt, "protected member " + var.fullName + " cannot be accessed by " + curDeclFunc.fullName);
// Check class-level access
// If being accessed by same or inner class than where defined, it is ok.
// class DefiningClass {
// varBeingAccessed;
// .
// .
// .
// class AccessingClass {
// functionDoingAccess() { }
// }
// .
// .
// .
// }
nested = accessedBy;
if(nested == definedBy)
if(nested == null)
nested = (TokenDeclSDTypeClass)nested.outerSDType;
// It is being accessed by an outer class than where defined,
// check for a 'private' or 'protected' class tag that blocks.
// If the field's class is defined directly inside the accessing class,
// access is allowed regardless of class-level private or protected tags.
// class AccessingClass {
// functionDoingAccess() { }
// class DefiningClass {
// varBeingAccessed;
// }
// }
if(definedBy.outerSDType == accessedBy)
// If the field's class is defined two or more levels inside the accessing class,
// access is denied if the defining class is tagged private.
// class AccessingClass {
// functionDoingAccess() { }
// .
// .
// .
// class IntermediateClass {
// private class DefiningClass {
// varBeingAccessed;
// }
// }
// .
// .
// .
// }
if((definedBy.accessLevel & ScriptReduce.SDT_PRIVATE) != 0)
ErrorMsg(errorAt, "member " + var.fullName + " cannot be accessed by " + curDeclFunc.fullName +
" because of private class " + definedBy.longName.val);
// Likewise, if DefiningClass is tagged protected, the AccessingClass must derive from the
// IntermediateClass or access is denied.
if((definedBy.accessLevel & ScriptReduce.SDT_PROTECTED) != 0)
for(TokenDeclSDType extends = accessedBy; extends != definedBy.outerSDType; extends = extends.extends)
if(extends == null)
ErrorMsg(errorAt, "member " + var.fullName + " cannot be accessed by " + curDeclFunc.fullName +
" because of protected class " + definedBy.longName.val);
// Check next outer level.
definedBy = definedBy.outerSDType;
} while(definedBy != null);
* @brief Convert a list of argument types to printable string, eg, "(list,string,float,integer)"
* If given a null, return "" indicating it is a field not a method
public static string ArgSigString(TokenType[] argsig)
if(argsig == null)
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("(");
for(int i = 0; i < argsig.Length; i++)
if(i > 0)
return sb.ToString();
* @brief output error message and remember that we did
public void ErrorMsg(Token token, string message)
if((token == null) || (token.emsg == null))
token = errorMessageToken;
if(!youveAnError || (token.file != lastErrorFile) || (token.line > lastErrorLine))
youveAnError = true;
lastErrorFile = token.file;
lastErrorLine = token.line;
* @brief Find a private static method.
* @param owner = class the method is part of
* @param name = name of method to find
* @param args = array of argument types
* @returns pointer to method
public static MethodInfo GetStaticMethod(Type owner, string name, Type[] args)
MethodInfo mi = owner.GetMethod(name, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, args, null);
if(mi == null)
throw new Exception("undefined method " + owner.ToString() + "." + name);
return mi;
// 'negate a rotation' says just negate .s component
// but (lslangtest1.lsl) says negate all 4 values
public static LSL_Rotation LSLRotationNegate(LSL_Rotation r)
return new LSL_Rotation(-r.x, -r.y, -r.z, -r.s);
public static LSL_Vector LSLVectorNegate(LSL_Vector v)
return -v;
public static string CatchExcToStr(Exception exc)
return exc.ToString();
//public static void ConsoleWrite (string str) { Console.Write(str); }
* @brief Defines an internal label that is used as a target for 'break' and 'continue' statements.
private class BreakContTarg
public bool used;
public ScriptMyLabel label;
public TokenStmtBlock block;
public BreakContTarg(ScriptCodeGen scg, string name)
used = false; // assume it isn't referenced at all
label = scg.ilGen.DefineLabel(name); // label that the break/continue jumps to
block = scg.curStmtBlock; // { ... } that the break/continue label is in
* @brief Marker interface indicates an exception that can't be caught by a script-level try/catch.
public interface IXMRUncatchable
* @brief Thrown by a script when it attempts to change to an undefined state.
* These can be detected at compile time but the moron XEngine compiles
* such things, so we compile them as runtime errors.
public class ScriptUndefinedStateException: Exception, ISerializable
public string stateName;
public ScriptUndefinedStateException(string stateName) : base("undefined state " + stateName)
this.stateName = stateName;
protected ScriptUndefinedStateException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context)
* @brief Created by a throw statement.
public class ScriptThrownException: Exception, ISerializable
public object thrown;
* @brief Called by a throw statement to wrap the object in a unique
* tag that capable of capturing a stack trace. Script can
* unwrap it by calling xmrExceptionThrownValue().
public static Exception Wrap(object thrown)
return new ScriptThrownException(thrown);
private ScriptThrownException(object thrown) : base(thrown.ToString())
this.thrown = thrown;
* @brief Used by serialization/deserialization.
protected ScriptThrownException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context)
* @brief Thrown by a script when it attempts to change to a defined state.
public class ScriptChangeStateException: Exception, ISerializable, IXMRUncatchable
public int newState;
public ScriptChangeStateException(int newState)
this.newState = newState;
protected ScriptChangeStateException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context)
* @brief We are restoring to the body of a catch { } so we need to
* wrap the original exception in an outer exception, so the
* system won't try to refill the stack trace.
* We don't mark this one serializable as it should never get
* serialized out. It only lives from the throw to the very
* beginning of the catch handler where it is promptly unwrapped.
* No CheckRun() call can possibly intervene.
public class ScriptRestoreCatchException: Exception
// old code uses these
private object e;
public ScriptRestoreCatchException(object e)
this.e = e;
public static object Unwrap(object o)
if(o is IXMRUncatchable)
return null;
if(o is ScriptRestoreCatchException)
return ((ScriptRestoreCatchException)o).e;
return o;
// new code uses these
private Exception ee;
public ScriptRestoreCatchException(Exception ee)
{ = ee;
public static Exception Unwrap(Exception oo)
if(oo is IXMRUncatchable)
return null;
if(oo is ScriptRestoreCatchException)
return ((ScriptRestoreCatchException)oo).ee;
return oo;
public class ScriptBadCallNoException: Exception
public ScriptBadCallNoException(int callNo) : base("bad callNo " + callNo) { }
protected ScriptBadCallNoException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context)
public class CVVMismatchException: Exception
public CVVMismatchException(string msg) : base(msg)