function animatedimage_pluginAppObj_122() { //WXPA-897. Control variable if i clicked on mobile the side div var hoverEvent_pluginAppObj_122; $(document).ready(function(){ //Triggering the back side visibility switch("mouseover"){ case "click": $('#iandt_pluginAppObj_122 .wrapper').click( function(){ $(this).toggleClass('back-visible'); }); break; case "timer": setInterval(function() { $('#iandt_pluginAppObj_122 .wrapper').toggleClass('back-visible'); },2000); break; case "mouseover": $('#iandt_pluginAppObj_122 .wrapper').hover(function(e){ hoverEvent_pluginAppObj_122 = true; $(this).addClass('back-visible'); setTimeout(function(){ hoverEvent_pluginAppObj_122 = false; }, 100); }, function(){ hoverEvent_pluginAppObj_122 = false; $(this).removeClass('back-visible'); }); break; } var isMobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent); if(isMobile && "move-bottom" == "none"){ //WXPA-897. Fix mobile hover/click. I need to manage click only for "none" effect $('#iandt_pluginAppObj_122 .wrapper a').each(function(){ // Cache event var existing_event = this.onclick; // Remove the event from the link this.onclick = null; // Add a check in for the class wrapper if present back-visible $(this).click(function(){ if(!hoverEvent_pluginAppObj_122 && $('#iandt_pluginAppObj_122 .wrapper').hasClass('back-visible')) { // Reattach your original onclick if(existing_event) $(this).click(existing_event); } else{ hoverEvent_pluginAppObj_122 = false; return false; } }); }); } }); }