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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html prefix="og:" lang="{{ html_lang }}" dir="ltr" {% if theme.assetprotection == 1 %}data-copyright-msg="{{ theme.copyrightmessage }}"{% endif %}>
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<title>{% if header.title %}{{ header.title|e }} | {% endif %}{{ site.title|e }}</title>
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<link rel="canonical" href="{{ page.canonical(true)|e }}" />
{% endblock head %}
{% block stylesheets %}
{% do assets.addCss('theme://css/reset.css', 90) %}
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{% do assets.addCss('theme://css/animated-image.css', 50) %}
{% if theme.cookiebanner.enabled == 1 %} {% do assets.addCss('theme://css/cookiebanner.css', 50) %} {% endif %}
{% do assets.addCss('theme://css/print.css', {'priority': 10, 'group': 'print'}) %}
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{% block custom_stylesheets %}{% endblock %}
{% block javascripts %}
{% do assets.addJs('theme://js/jquery-3.7.1.min.js', 100) %}
{% do assets.addJs('theme://js/base.js', 100) %}
{% if theme.cookiebanner.enabled == 1 %} {% do assets.addJs('theme://js/cookiebanner.js', 90) %} {% endif %}
{% if theme.assetprotection == 1 %} {% do assets.addJs('theme://js/asset-protection.js', 90) %} {% endif %}
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{% block custom_scripts %}{% endblock %}
{% block assets deferred %}
{{ assets.css()|raw }}
{{ assets.css('print', {'media': 'print'})|raw }}
{{ assets.js()|raw }}
{% endblock %}
{% if theme.cookiebanner.enabled == 1 and get_cookie('cookieBannerDismiss') != 'true' %}
<div id="cookie-law-message" class="alertbox hidden" data-position="top" data-priority="1" style="position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; z-index: 10801;">
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{% block header %}
{% include 'partials/header.html.twig' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<main id="imContent">
<a id="imGoToCont"></a>
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% block footer %}
<footer id="imFooter">
<div id="imFooterObjects">
<div class="template-object-wrapper animated-image">
<img class="over-720" loading="lazy" alt="4Creative Discord Button" style="position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px; user-select: none" draggable="false" unselectable="on" src="/{{ theme.footer.dcbutton|first.path|e }}">
<img class="under-720" loading="lazy" alt="4Creative Discord Button" style="position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px; user-select: none" draggable="false" unselectable="on" src="/{{ theme.footer.dcbuttonsmall|first.path|e }}">
<a href="{{ theme.dcurl }}" data-description="Link zu unserem Discord Kanal (Einladung)">Unser Discord Kanal</a>
<div id="imFooter_imTextObject_02_wrapper" class="template-object-wrapper">
<div id="imFooter_imTextObject_02">
<div data-index="0" class="text-tab-content grid-prop current-tab" id="imFooter_imTextObject_02_tab0" style="opacity: 1">
<div class="text-inner">
<div class="imTARight">(c) 2020-{{ "now"|date('Y') }} &nbsp;by <b>4Creative</b></div>
<div id="imFooter_imObjectImage_04_wrapper" class="template-object-wrapper">
<div id="imFooter_imObjectImage_04">
<img loading="lazy" alt="4Creative Logo" style="position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px; user-select: none;" draggable="false" unselectable="on" src="/{{ theme.footer.logo|first.path|e }}">
{% endblock %}
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<noscript class="imNoScript">
<div class="alert alert-red">Um diese Website nutzen zu können, aktivieren Sie bitte JavaScript.</div>
{% block bottom %}
{{ assets.js('bottom')|raw }}
{% endblock %}
<div id="to-top" class="page-to-top-visible" style="display: block;"><a id="to-top-link" href="#imGoToCont"><img src="{{ media['theme://images/page-to-top.png'].url|e }}" alt="scroll to top" id="to-top-img"></a></div>