9516 lines
417 KiB
9516 lines
417 KiB
!function(C, k, S) {
}(_jq, x5engine, window),
function(r, h) {
}(_jq, x5engine),
function(t, a) {
}(_jq, x5engine),
function(z, j, H) {
}(_jq, x5engine, window),
function(g, m) {
"use strict";
g.extend(!0, m.cart.search, {
cartSearchContainer: g("#im-cartsearch-container"),
jsonFilter: {
start: 0,
length: 10,
sortOrderBy: "relevance",
custom: "",
rootCategory: "",
rootCategoryCategories: [],
rootCategoryFilterIgnore: !1,
categories: [],
priceStart: -1,
priceEnd: -1,
onlyNew: 0,
onlyDiscounted: 0,
onlyAvailable: 0
jsonFilterCache: {},
currentUrl: window.location.href + (-1 < window.location.href.indexOf("?") ? "" : "?"),
dataSource: "",
checkedNodes: [],
hiddenNodes: {},
numTotCategories: 0,
buildInProgress: !1,
istanceRangeSlider: "",
initRangeSlider: function() {
var t = void 0 === g(".js-range-slider").data().from ? 0 : g(".js-range-slider").data().from
, e = void 0 === g(".js-range-slider").data().to ? 1e12 : g(".js-range-slider").data().to
, i = g("#im-cartsearch-container .range-slider-container .js-range-slider");
type: "double",
min: t,
max: e,
from: t,
to: e,
grid: !0,
hide_min_max: !0,
hide_from_to: !1,
force_edges: !0,
decorate_both: !0,
skin: "round",
grid_num: 2,
prettify_enabled: !0,
prettify: function(t) {
return m.cart.formatCurrency(t, void 0, void 0, !0)
onChange: function(t) {
m.cart.search.istanceRangeSlider.userFrom = t.from,
m.cart.search.istanceRangeSlider.userTo = t.to
onFinish: function(t) {
m.cart.search.istanceRangeSlider = i.data("ionRangeSlider")
updateRangeSlider: function(t, e, i, n) {
var r, a;
x5CartData.searchPage.searchFieldVisibility.price && (r = null != (r = m.cart.search.istanceRangeSlider.userFrom) && t <= r ? r : t,
a = null != (a = m.cart.search.istanceRangeSlider.userTo) && a <= e ? a : e,
i = {
from: i || r,
to: n || a
m.cart.search.istanceRangeSlider.result.min != t && (i.min = t),
m.cart.search.istanceRangeSlider.result.max != e && (i.max = e),
clickPagination: function(t, e) {
m.cart.search.jsonFilter.start = t,
paginate: function() {
var t = m.cart.htmlProducts.getCounterProducts()
, e = m.cart.search.jsonFilter.start
, i = m.cart.search.jsonFilter.length
, n = '<div id="im-cartsearch-pagination" class="im-cartsearch-pagination pagination-container">'
, r = (m.l10n.get,
Math.ceil(t / i))
, a = e / i + 1;
if (r < 2)
return "";
0 < e && (n += '<a class="page page-prev" onclick="x5engine.cart.search.clickPagination(' + (e - i) + ', this); return false;" data-history="start=' + (e - i) + "&length=" + i + '"></a>');
for (var s = !1, o = !1, c = 1; c <= r; c++)
r < 7 || 1 == c || c == r || a - 1 <= c && c <= 1 + a ? n += '<a onclick="x5engine.cart.search.clickPagination(' + i * (c - 1) + ', this); return false;" class="page' + (c == a ? " current" : "") + '" data-history="start=' + i * (c - 1) + "&length=" + i + '">' + c + "</a>" : c < a - 1 && !s ? (n += '<span class="dots-page">...</span>',
s = !0) : 1 + a < c && !o && (n += '<span class="dots-page">...</span>',
o = !0);
return e + i < t && (n += '<a class="page page-next" onclick="x5engine.cart.search.clickPagination(' + (e + i) + ', this); return false;" data-history="start=' + (e + i) + "&length=" + i + '"></a>'),
n += "</div>"
paginateCheckOverflow: function() {
var t, e, i, n = g("#im-cartsearch-pagination");
n.length && (i = g("#im-cartsearch-container .items-container"),
t = g("#im-cartsearch-pagination .page-prev"),
e = g("#im-cartsearch-pagination .page-next"),
n.css("display", "none"),
i = i.width(),
n.css("visibility", "hidden"),
n.css("display", "block"),
n.width() > i && (t.text("<"),
n.css("visibility", "visible"))
init: function() {
var t, e, i, n, r = x5CartData.searchPage.searchFieldVisibility, s = (m.cart.ecommerce(x5CartData),
function a(t) {
m.cart.search.cartSearchContainer.hasClass("filter-sidebar-open") && m.cart.search.closeSidebarCSS(),
m.cart.search.jsonFilter.length = x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.cardsPerRow * x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.rowsPerPage,
m.cart.search.cartSearchContainer.click(function(t) {
"main" == t.target.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() && m.cart.search.cartSearchContainer.hasClass("cart-overlay") && m.cart.search.closeSidebarCSS()
0 != g("#im-cartsearch-container .btn-sidebar").length && (t = Math.floor(g("#im-cartsearch-container .bar-order .sort-by").height()),
g("#im-cartsearch-container .btn-sidebar").css({
height: t,
width: t
g("#im-cartsearch-container .btn-sidebar").click(function(t) {
m.cart.search.cartSearchContainer.hasClass("filter-sidebar-open") ? m.cart.search.closeSidebarCSS() : m.cart.search.openSidebarCSS()
g("#im-cartsearch-container .to-close-sidebar").click(function(t) {
r.custom && (g("#im-cartsearch-container .search").val(m.cart.search.jsonFilter.custom || ""),
g("#im-cartsearch-container .search-button").click(a),
g("#im-cartsearch-container .search").keydown(function(t) {
if (13 == t.which || 13 == t.keyCode)
return a(t),
r.sortOrderBy && (e = g("#im-cartsearch-container .items-container .bar-order .sort-by .c-order > ul.dropdown-sort .icon-arrow"),
i = g("#im-cartsearch-container .items-container .bar-order .sort-by .c-order > ul.dropdown-sort .dropdown-sort-inside"),
g("#im-cartsearch-container .items-container .bar-order .sort-by .c-order > ul.dropdown-sort").click(function() {
(i.hasClass("show") ? d : l)()
g("#im-cartsearch-container .items-container .bar-order .sort-by .c-order > ul.dropdown-sort .dropdown-sort-inside li").click(function(t) {
t = m.l10n.get("cart_search_page_sort_by") + " " + g(this).text();
g("#im-cartsearch-container .items-container .bar-order .sort-by .c-order > ul.dropdown-sort li .order-selected").text(t),
r.price && m.cart.search.initRangeSlider(),
f(r.discounted, g('input[type="checkbox"][data-id="discounted-products"]'), m.cart.search.jsonFilter.onlyDiscounted),
f(r.available, g('input[type="checkbox"][data-id="available-products"]'), m.cart.search.jsonFilter.onlyAvailable),
f(r.new, g('input[type="checkbox"][data-id="new-products"]'), m.cart.search.jsonFilter.onlyNew),
g('#im-cartsearch-container .filter-sidebar .filter-container[data-id^="property-"]').each(function() {
var t = g(this)
, e = m.cart.search.jsonFilter.properties && m.cart.search.jsonFilter.properties[t.attr("data-id").slice(9)] || [];
t.find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function() {
var t = g(this);
f(!0, t, e.includes(t.attr("data-id")) ? 1 : 0)
"Mozilla Firefox" == m.utils.getCurrentBrowser() && g("body").append("<style>#im-cartsearch-container .filter-sidebar .checkbox-list .k-checkbox-label:before { left: 0; }</style>");
var o = !1
, c = !1;
checkboxes: {
checkChildren: !1
loadOnDemand: !0,
check: function(t) {
p(t, this)
collapse: function(t) {
o || (o = !0,
o = !1)
expand: function(t) {
c || (c = !0,
c = !1)
dataBound: function(t) {
this.expandRoot && this.expand(t.node.find(".k-item"))
select: function(t) {
this.dataItem(t.node).set("checked", !this.dataItem(t.node).checked),
p(t, this)
dataSource: function() {
if (null == x5CartData.categories || null == x5CartData.categories.dataSource || 0 == x5CartData.categories.dataSource.length)
return m.cart.search.dataSource;
0 < m.cart.search.jsonFilter.rootCategory.length ? function(t, e) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
if (0 < m.cart.search.dataSource.length)
if (e[i].id == t)
return m.cart.search.dataSource = e[i].items,
g('#im-cartsearch-container [data-id="categories"] .lbl-title').html("").html(e[i].text);
!function t(e, i) {
if (null == e)
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
if (0 < m.cart.search.dataSource.length)
if ("category" == e[n].type && null != e[n].items && 0 < e[n].items.length) {
if (i == e[n].id)
return m.cart.search.dataSource = e[n].items,
void g('#im-cartsearch-container [data-id="categories"] .lbl-title').html("").html(e[n].text);
t(e[n].items, i)
}(e[i].items, t)
}(m.cart.search.jsonFilter.rootCategory, x5CartData.categories.dataSource) : m.cart.search.dataSource = x5CartData.categories.dataSource;
for (var t = [], e = 0; e < m.cart.search.dataSource.length; e++) {
var i, n = m.cart.search.dataSource[e];
"category" == n.type && (m.cart.search.numTotCategories++,
(i = {}).id = n.id,
i.text = n.text,
i.type = n.type,
i.items = [],
i.expanded = !1,
i.checked = -1 < m.cart.search.jsonFilter.categories.indexOf(i.id),
function t(e, i, n) {
if (null == n)
for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++) {
var a;
"category" == n[r].type && null != n[r].items && 0 < n[r].items.length && (m.cart.search.numTotCategories++,
(a = {}).id = n[r].id,
a.text = n[r].text,
a.type = n[r].type,
a.items = [],
a.checked = -1 < m.cart.search.jsonFilter.categories.indexOf(a.id),
e < s ? t(e + 1, a, n[r].items) : h(a, n[r].items),
0 != m.cart.search.jsonFilter.categories.length && !i.checked || m.cart.search.checkedNodes.push(a.id))
}(2, i, n.items),
0 != m.cart.search.jsonFilter.categories.length && !i.checked || m.cart.search.checkedNodes.push(n.id))
0 < m.cart.search.jsonFilter.rootCategory.length && (m.cart.search.jsonFilter.rootCategoryCategories = m.cart.search.checkedNodes);
return t
0 == m.cart.search.jsonFilter.categories.length && (m.cart.search.jsonFilter.categories = m.cart.search.checkedNodes),
r.categories && 0 < g("#treeview").data("kendoTreeView").options.dataSource.length && (0 == g("#im-cartsearch-container #treeview .k-item div .k-icon").length && g("#im-cartsearch-container #treeview .k-item").css("padding", "0px"),
5 < g("#treeview").data("kendoTreeView").options.dataSource.length && (g("#im-cartsearch-container #treeview > ul.k-treeview-lines > li.k-item:nth-child(1n+6)").css("display", "none"),
(n = g('#im-cartsearch-container [data-id="categories"] .show-all-categories')).css("display", "block"),
n.click(function(t) {
g("#im-cartsearch-container #treeview > ul.k-treeview-lines > li.k-item:nth-child(1n+6)").css("display", "block"),
n.css("display", "none")
g('#im-cartsearch-container [data-id="categories"]').removeClass("hidden"));
g("#im-cartsearch-container .filter-sidebar .filter-container").each(function() {
var e = g(this);
e.find(".lbl-title").click(function(t) {
var l = function() {
, d = function() {
function u(t, e) {
for (var i, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
(t[n].checked || (i = t[n],
0 < g("#im-cartsearch-container #treeview .k-item input#_" + i.uid + "[type=checkbox]:indeterminate").length)) && e.push(t[n].id),
t[n].hasChildren && u(t[n].children.view(), e)
function p(i, t) {
t.expandRoot = i.node,
var n = g(i.node).find("input[type=checkbox]").filter(":first").is(":checked")
, t = (g(i.node).find(".k-group input").prop("checked", n),
g(i.node).find(".k-group li.k-item").each(function(t, e) {
i.sender.dataSource.getByUid(g(e).attr("data-uid")).checked = n
u(i.sender.dataSource.view(), t),
m.cart.search.checkedNodes = t,
m.cart.search.jsonFilter.rootCategoryFilterIgnore = "" != m.cart.search.jsonFilter.rootCategory && 0 < t.length,
m.cart.search.refreshProducts(!0, !0)
function h(t, e) {
if (null != e)
for (var i, n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
"category" == e[n].type && null != e[n].items && 0 < e[n].items.length && ((i = {}).id = e[n].id,
i.type = e[n].type,
i.items = [],
null == m.cart.search.hiddenNodes[t.id] && (m.cart.search.hiddenNodes[t.id] = []),
h(t, e[n].items))
function f(t, e, i) {
var n;
t && (i && 1 == i && e.prop("checked", !0),
(n = e.parent().parent()).on("click", function() {
n.find(".k-checkbox-wrapper").find(e).prop("checked", !e.prop("checked")),
updateFiltersVisibilityAfterSearchExecution: function(i) {
var t = g('#im-cartsearch-container .filter-sidebar .filter-container[data-id="price"]');
i.minPrice || i.maxPrice ? (t.show(),
m.cart.search.updateRangeSlider(i.minPrice, i.maxPrice, i.priceStart, i.priceEnd)) : t.hide(),
g('#im-cartsearch-container .filter-sidebar .filter-container[data-id^="property-"]').each(function() {
var t = g(this)
, e = i.properties[t.attr("data-id").slice(9)];
e && e.length ? (t.show(),
t.find("li").each(function() {
var t = g(this);
})) : t.hide()
urlToJsonFilter: function() {
var t = m.cart.search.jsonFilter
, e = window.location.search.substring(1);
if ("" != e) {
var i, e = function(t) {
for (var e = t.split("&"), i = {}, n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var r = e[n].split("=")
, a = decodeURIComponent(r[0])
, r = decodeURIComponent(r[1]);
void 0 === i[a] ? i[a] = r : "string" == typeof i[a] ? i[a] = [i[a], r] : i[a].push(r)
return i
if (null != e.start && null != e.length && (t.start = e.start,
t.length = e.length),
null != e.sortOrderBy && (t.sortOrderBy = e.sortOrderBy),
null != e.q && (t.custom = e.q.replace(/\+/g, " ").trim()),
e.rootCategory && (t.rootCategory = e.rootCategory),
e.categories) {
var n = e.categories.split("|");
if (0 < n.length) {
t.categories = [];
for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++)
e.prc && (i = e.prc.split("-"),
t.priceStart = i[0],
t.priceEnd = i[1]),
null != e.new && (t.onlyNew = e.new),
null != e.discounted && (t.onlyDiscounted = e.discounted),
null != e.available && (t.onlyAvailable = e.available),
e.properties && (t.properties = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(decodeURIComponent(e.properties))))))
fieldsToJsonFilter: function() {
var t, e = x5CartData.searchPage.searchFieldVisibility, i = m.cart.search.jsonFilter;
if (e.sortOrderBy && (t = (t = g(".order-selected").text().replace(m.l10n.get("cart_search_page_sort_by"), "").trim()) == m.l10n.get("cart_search_page_sort_price_asc") ? "price_asc" : t == m.l10n.get("cart_search_page_sort_price_desc") ? "price_desc" : "relevance",
i.sortOrderBy = t),
e.custom && (t = g("#im-cartsearch-container .filter-sidebar .search").val(),
i.custom = t.replace(/\+/g, " ").trim()),
e.categories) {
var n = m.cart.search.checkedNodes;
if (i.categories = [],
0 < n.length)
for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++)
else if (0 < m.cart.search.jsonFilter.rootCategory.length)
for (r = 0; r < m.cart.search.jsonFilter.rootCategoryCategories.length; r++)
e.price && (i.priceStart = null != m.cart.search.istanceRangeSlider.userFrom ? m.cart.search.istanceRangeSlider.userFrom : -1,
i.priceEnd = null != m.cart.search.istanceRangeSlider.userTo ? m.cart.search.istanceRangeSlider.userTo : -1),
e.new && (t = g('input[type="checkbox"][data-id="new-products"]'),
i.onlyNew = t.is(":checked") ? 1 : 0),
e.discounted && (t = g('input[type="checkbox"][data-id="discounted-products"]'),
i.onlyDiscounted = t.is(":checked") ? 1 : 0),
e.available && (t = g('input[type="checkbox"][data-id="available-products"]'),
i.onlyAvailable = t.is(":checked") ? 1 : 0),
delete i.properties,
g('#im-cartsearch-container .filter-sidebar [data-id^="property-"]').each(function() {
var t = [];
g(this).find('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').each(function() {
0 < t.length && (i.properties = i.properties || {},
i.properties[g(this).attr("data-id").slice(9)] = t)
jsonFilterToUrl: function() {
var t = m.cart.search.jsonFilter
, e = "";
if (0 !== Object.keys(t).length) {
if (t.start && t.length && (e += "&start=" + t.start + "&length=" + t.length),
t.sortOrderBy && (e += "&sortOrderBy=" + t.sortOrderBy),
t.custom && "" != t.custom && (e += "&q=" + t.custom.trim().replace(/ /g, "+")),
t.rootCategory && "" != t.rootCategory && (e += "&rootCategory=" + t.rootCategory),
t.categories) {
var i = m.cart.search.checkedNodes;
if (0 < i.length) {
e += "&categories=";
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
e += i[n] + "|";
e = e.substring(0, e.length - 1)
null != t.priceStart && -1 < t.priceStart && (e += "&prc=" + t.priceStart + "-" + t.priceEnd),
t.onlyNew && (e += "&new=" + t.onlyNew),
t.onlyDiscounted && (e += "&discounted=" + t.onlyDiscounted),
t.onlyAvailable && (e += "&available=" + t.onlyAvailable),
t.properties && (e += "&properties=" + encodeURIComponent(window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(t.properties)))))),
"" != e && (e = "?" + e),
m.cart.search.currentUrl = (x5CartData.settings.searchpage_url + e).replace("?&", "?"),
window.history.pushState("", "", m.cart.search.currentUrl)
refreshProducts: function(t, e) {
m.cart.search.buildInProgress = !0,
t && (m.cart.search.jsonFilter.start = 0),
e && (m.cart.search.jsonFilterCache = {}),
fastRefreshProducts: function() {
m.cart.search.buildInProgress = !0,
loadProducts: function() {
m.cart.search.deepCompare(m.cart.search.jsonFilter, m.cart.search.jsonFilterCache) ? m.cart.search.hideLoading() : (m.cart.search.jsonFilterCache = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(m.cart.search.jsonFilter)),
draw: function(t) {
"" == (t += m.cart.search.paginate()) && (t = '<p class="search-empty">' + m.l10n.get("search_empty") + "</p>"),
g("#im-cartsearch-container .bar-order .total-results .total_product_found").html("").html(m.cart.htmlProducts.getCounterProducts()),
1 == m.cart.htmlProducts.getCounterProducts() ? g("#im-cartsearch-container .bar-order .total-results .label-products-found").html("").html(" " + m.l10n.get("cart_search_page_product_found")) : g("#im-cartsearch-container .bar-order .total-results .label-products-found").html("").html(" " + m.l10n.get("cart_search_page_products_found")),
m.cart.search.buildInProgress = !1,
deepCompare: function(t, e) {
var r, a;
return r = [],
a = [],
!!function t(e, i) {
if (isNaN(e) && isNaN(i) && "number" == typeof e && "number" == typeof i)
return 1;
if (e === i)
return 1;
if ("function" == typeof e && "function" == typeof i || e instanceof Date && i instanceof Date || e instanceof RegExp && i instanceof RegExp || e instanceof String && i instanceof String || e instanceof Number && i instanceof Number)
return e.toString() === i.toString();
if (e instanceof Object && i instanceof Object && !e.isPrototypeOf(i) && !i.isPrototypeOf(e) && e.constructor === i.constructor && e.prototype === i.prototype && !(-1 < r.indexOf(e) || -1 < a.indexOf(i))) {
for (var n in i) {
if (i.hasOwnProperty(n) !== e.hasOwnProperty(n))
if (typeof i[n] != typeof e[n])
for (n in e) {
if (i.hasOwnProperty(n) !== e.hasOwnProperty(n))
if (typeof i[n] != typeof e[n])
switch (typeof e[n]) {
case "object":
case "function":
if (r.push(e),
!t(e[n], i[n]))
if (e[n] !== i[n])
return 1
}(t, e)
closeSidebarCSS: function() {
openSidebarCSS: function() {
cleanOverlay: function() {
"fixed" != g("#im-cartsearch-container .filter-sidebar").css("position") && m.cart.search.cartSearchContainer.hasClass("cart-overlay") && m.cart.search.closeSidebarCSS();
var t = Math.floor(g("#im-cartsearch-container .bar-order .sort-by").height());
g("#im-cartsearch-container .btn-sidebar").css({
height: t,
width: t
showSidebarLoading: function() {
m.cart.search.cartSearchContainer.hasClass("filter-sidebar-open") && (g("#im-cartsearch-container .search-button").hide(),
g("#im-cartsearch-container .search-spinner").show())
showLoading: function() {
m.cart.search.buildInProgress && g("#im-spinner-overlay").length < 1 && (g("#im-cartsearch-container").prepend('<div id="im-spinner-overlay" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; bottom: 0px; right: 0px; z-index: 10703;"></div>'),
g("#im-cartsearch-container .items-container .content #im-spinner-wrapper").css("display", "flex"))
hideLoading: function() {
g("#im-cartsearch-container .search-button").show(),
g("#im-cartsearch-container .search-spinner").hide(),
0 < g("#im-spinner-overlay").length && g("#im-spinner-overlay").fadeOut(500, function() {
g("#im-cartsearch-container .items-container .content #im-spinner-wrapper").css("display", "none"),
}(_jq, x5engine, window),
function(t, e) {
"use strict";
t.extend(!0, e.cart, {
productsDataSettings: {
getSearchPageCardLinks: function(t) {
var e = x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.card.image.isLink && t.showboxLink;
return {
image: e || t.link,
title: t.link || e
showAvailability: function() {
return x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.card.txtBlock.details.showAvailability
showOptions: function() {
return x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.card.txtBlock.details.showOptions
showCategory: function() {
return x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.card.txtBlock.details.showCategory
showPrice: function() {
return x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.card.txtBlock.details.showPrice
showQuantity: function() {
return x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.card.txtBlock.details.showQuantity
showVat: function() {
return x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.card.txtBlock.details.showVat
showName: function() {
return x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.card.txtBlock.name.show
showDescription: function() {
return x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.card.txtBlock.description.show
showButton: function() {
return x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.card.txtBlock.button.show
buttonType: function() {
return x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.card.txtBlock.button.useAddToCartImage
goToCartAfterProductAdding: function() {
return x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.card.goCartAfterProductAdding
availabilityImage: function() {
return "../" + x5CartData.settings.availabilityImage
noPreviewImage: function() {
return x5CartData.settings.noPreviewImage
cockadesNewImage: function() {
return x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.card.cockades.new
cockadesDiscountImage: function() {
return x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.card.cockades.discount
addToCartImage: function() {
return x5CartData.searchPage.cardStyle.card.txtBlock.button.image_obj
}(_jq, x5engine),
function(n, G) {
"use strict";
n.extend(!0, G.cart, {
htmlProducts: {
counterProducts: 0,
getCounterProducts: function() {
return G.cart.htmlProducts.counterProducts
setCounterProducts: function(t) {
G.cart.htmlProducts.counterProducts = t
prodCache: {},
build: function(t) {
function e() {
var t, e = ("relevance" == v.sortOrderBy ? (t = x5CartData.products,
Object.keys(t)) : (t = x5CartData.products_ordered_by_price.slice(0),
x5CartData.products_ordered_by_price)).length, i = "", n = [], r = 0, a = (G.cart.htmlProducts.setCounterProducts(r),
"price_desc" == v.sortOrderBy ? e - 1 : 0), s = v.start, o = e < s + v.length ? e : s + v.length;
if (!(e <= s || o <= s)) {
for (var c = new Date, l = !1, d = function(t) {
var e, i = {
properties: {}
for (e in t.priceStart && -1 != t.priceStart && (i.priceStart = t.priceStart),
t.priceEnd && -1 != t.priceEnd && (i.priceEnd = t.priceEnd),
t.properties) {
i.properties[e] = [];
for (var n = 0; n < t.properties[e].length; n++)
return i
}(v), u = function(t, e) {
function i(t, e) {
e && (d.properties[t] = d.properties[t] || [],
d.properties[t].includes(e) || d.properties[t].push(e))
var n;
e && "price" != e || (n = _(t).singlePrice(void 0, !0),
(null == d.minPrice || d.minPrice > n) && (d.minPrice = n),
(null == d.maxPrice || d.maxPrice < n) && (d.maxPrice = n));
if (e)
e.startsWith("property-") && i(r = e.slice(9), t.properties[r]);
for (var r in t.properties)
i(r, t.properties[r])
}, p = function(c) {
var t = [];
if (c.custom != "")
id: "custom",
check: function(t) {
var e = t.name != "" ? t.name.toLowerCase().trim() : "";
var i = t.description != "" ? t.description.toLowerCase().trim() : "";
var n = t.sku != "" ? t.sku.toLowerCase().trim() : "";
var r = c.custom.toLowerCase();
var a = '"';
var s = G.utils.splitWordByText(r, " ", a);
for (var o = 0; o < s.length; o++)
if (e.indexOf(s[o]) > -1 || i.indexOf(s[o]) > -1 || n.indexOf(s[o]) > -1)
return true;
return false
if (c.rootCategory || c.categories.length && c.categories.length != G.cart.search.numTotCategories)
id: "category",
check: function(r) {
var t = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
if (t[e] == r.category)
return true;
if (t[e]in G.cart.search.hiddenNodes) {
var i = G.cart.search.hiddenNodes[t[e]];
for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
if (i[n] == r.category)
return true
return false
if (!c.rootCategoryFilterIgnore && c.rootCategory == r.category)
return true;
else if (c.categories.length <= G.cart.search.numTotCategories)
return t(c.categories);
return false
if (c.onlyNew == 1)
id: "only-new",
check: function(t) {
return t.isNew
if (c.onlyDiscounted == 1)
id: "only-discounted",
check: V
if (c.onlyAvailable == 1)
id: "only-available",
check: function(t) {
if (t.availabilityType != "unset")
if (t.availabilityType == "fixed") {
if (t.staticAvailValue == "notavailable" || t.staticAvailValue == "unknown")
return false
} else if (!G.utils.isOnline()) {
if (t.staticAvailValue == "notavailable" || t.staticAvailValue == "unknown")
return false
} else if (S[t.id])
if (S[t.id].availability == "notavailable")
return false;
return true
var e = function(e, i) {
return {
id: "property-" + e,
check: function(t) {
return t.properties && t.properties[e] && i.includes(t.properties[e])
if (c.properties)
for (var i in c.properties)
t.push(e(i, c.properties[i]));
if (c.priceStart >= 0 || c.priceEnd >= 0)
id: "price",
check: function(t) {
var e = _(t).singlePrice(undefined, true);
return e >= c.priceStart && (c.priceEnd < 0 || e <= c.priceEnd)
return t
}(v); "price_desc" == v.sortOrderBy ? -1 < a : a < e; ) {
var h, f = new Date, f = (!l && 1 <= (f - c) / 1e3 && (G.cart.search.showLoading(),
l = !0),
f = ("relevance" == v.sortOrderBy ? Object.keys(t) : t)[a],
x5CartData.products[f]), g = function(t, e) {
for (var i = [], n = 0; n < t.length && i.length < 2; n++)
if (!t[n].check(e))
return i
}(p, f);
0 == g.length ? (u(f),
s <= r && r < o && (null != (h = function(t) {
var e = '\t<div id="' + P + "_" + t.id + '" class="im-products-card' + (N && t.availabilityType != "unset" ? " im-products-card-with-availability" : "") + (M && t.options != undefined ? " im-products-card-with-options" : "") + '">\n', i = D.getSearchPageCardLinks(t), n = "", r = "im-products-image", a, s, o;
if (t.media != null && t.media.length > 0 && t.media[0] != null)
n = "../" + (t.media[0].type === "video" ? "res/video_thumb.svg" : t.media[0].url);
else {
n = "../" + D.noPreviewImage();
r += " contain"
if (e = (e += '\t\t<div class="im-wrapper-products-image">') + ('\t\t\t<img class="' + r + '"' + (n != "" ? ' src="' + n + '"' : "") + ' alt="' + t.name + '" ' + G.utils.linkJs(i.image, {
baseUrl: "../"
}) + "/>") + "\t\t</div>",
e += '\t\t<div class="im-products-name">' + G.utils.linkHtml(i.title, {
content: t.name,
baseUrl: "../"
}) + "</div>\n";
if (I) {
var c = null;
if (x5CartData.categories != undefined && x5CartData.categories.dataSource != undefined) {
var l = function(t, e) {
if (e == undefined || e == null)
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
if (e[i].type == "category")
if (e[i].id == t)
return e[i].text;
else if (e[i].items != undefined && e[i].items.length > 0) {
var n = l(t, e[i].items);
if (n)
return n
return null
c = l(t.category, x5CartData.categories.dataSource);
if (c != null)
e += '\t\t<div class="im-products-category">' + c + "</div>\n"
if (O) {
var d = t.description.replace("\n", "<br />").replace("\r", "").replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "'");
e += '\t\t<div class="im-products-description">' + d + '<div class="im-products-description-fade"></div></div>\n'
if (M || N || E || q)
e += '\t\t<div class="im-products-separator"></div>\n';
if (N && t.availabilityType != "unset") {
e += '\t\t<div class="im-products-availability">';
if (t.availabilityType == "fixed") {
if (!G.utils.isNullOrEmpty($) && t.staticAvailValue != "unknown")
e += U(t.staticAvailValue) + j(t.staticAvailValue)
} else if (!T) {
e += "<table><tr>" + '<td style="vertical-align: middle">' + U(t.staticAvailValue) + "</td>";
e += '<td style="vertical-align: middle">' + H(t.staticAvailValue, t.offlineAvailableItems) + "</td>";
e += "</tr></table>"
} else if (S[t.id]) {
var u = S[t.id].availability;
e += "<table><tr>";
e += '<td style="vertical-align: middle">';
e += U(u);
e += "</td>";
e += '<td style="vertical-align: middle">';
e += H(u, S[t.id].quantity);
e += "</td></tr></table>"
e += "</div>\n"
if (t.quantityDiscounts && F) {
e += "\t\t<div class=\"im-products-qty-discount\" onmouseover=\"x5engine.imTip.Show(this, {target: $(this).find('img'), text: '<div>" + G.l10n.get("cart_discount") + ":</div><ul>";
for (var p in t.quantityDiscounts) {
var h = p;
var f = (t.quantityDiscounts[p] * 100).toFixed(2);
var g = f % 1 == 0 ? parseInt(f) : f;
e += "<li>" + G.l10n.get("cart_discount_per_qty").replace("[QUANTITY]", h).replace("[DISCOUNT]", g) + "</li>"
e += "</ul>'})\">\n" + '\t\t\t<img alt="' + G.l10n.get("cart_qty_discount") + '" width="16" height="16" src="../res/info.gif" />\n' + "\t\t\t" + G.l10n.get("cart_qty_discount") + "\n" + "\t\t</div>\n"
if (M && t.options) {
var m = 0;
var v = '\t\t<div class="im-products-options">\n';
for (o in t.options)
if (t.options[o].suboptions != undefined && t.options[o].suboptions.length > 0)
m = m + t.options[o].suboptions.length;
if (m == 0) {
v += '\t\t\t<select id="product_' + t.id + '_opt" onchange="x5engine.cart.ui.updateProductListOptions(\'' + t.id + "', this, 'product_" + t.id + "', " + (R ? "true" : "false") + ');" style="' + (t.options[Object.keys(t.options)[0]].suboptions == undefined || t.options[Object.keys(t.options)[0]].suboptions.length == 0 ? "width: 99%; " : "width: 47%;") + '">\n';
for (o in t.options) {
a = o;
s = t.options[o];
v += '\t\t\t\t<option value="' + a + '">' + s.name + "</option>\n"
v += "\t\t\t</select>\n"
} else {
v += '\t\t\t<select id="product_' + t.id + '_opt" onchange="x5engine.cart.ui.updateProductListOptions(\'' + t.id + "', this, 'product_" + t.id + "', " + (R ? "true" : "false") + ');" style="' + (t.options[Object.keys(t.options)[0]].suboptions == undefined || t.options[Object.keys(t.options)[0]].suboptions.length == 0 ? "width: 99%; " : "width: 47%;") + '">\n';
for (o in t.options) {
a = o;
s = t.options[o];
v += '\t\t\t\t<option value="' + a + '">' + G.utils.htmlDecode(s.name) + "</option>\n"
v += "\t\t\t</select>\n";
var _ = t.options[Object.keys(t.options)[0]];
if (_.suboptions != undefined && _.suboptions.length > 0) {
v += '\t\t\t<select id="product_' + t.id + '_subopt" style="width: 47%;">\n';
for (var y = 0; y < _.suboptions.length; y++)
v += '\t\t\t\t<option value="' + y + '">' + G.utils.htmlDecode(_.suboptions[y]) + "</option>\n";
v += "\t\t\t</select>\n"
v += "\t\t</div>\n";
e += v
if (E) {
e += '\t\t<div class="im-products-price">\n';
e += L(t, P);
e += "</div>"
if (q && F)
e += '\t\t<input type="number" id="product_' + t.id + '_qty" class="im-products-qty" value="1" min="1" />\n';
if (q) {
var b = G.l10n.get("cart_add");
if (D.buttonType() == "image") {
var x = D.addToCartImage();
if (x) {
var w = "../" + x.image;
b = '<img width="' + x.width + '" height="' + x.height + '" src="' + w + '" alt="' + b + '" title="' + b + '" />'
e += '\t\t<div class="im-products-button" onclick="x5engine.cart.ui.addToCart(\'' + t.id + "', $('#product_" + t.id + "_qty').val(), $('#product_" + t.id + "_opt').val(), $('#product_" + t.id + "_subopt').val(), " + (D.goToCartAfterProductAdding() ? "true" : "false") + ", '" + "../" + "');\">" + b + "</div>\n"
if (t.isNew)
e += B(D.cockadesNewImage(), "New!");
if (V(t))
e += B(D.cockadesDiscountImage(), "Discount!");
e += "\t</div>\n";
var C = null;
if (t.schemaOrg) {
var k = G.cart.search.currentUrl + "#" + P + "_" + t.id;
t.schemaOrg.url = k;
if (t.schemaOrg.offers) {
t.schemaOrg.offers.url = k;
if (t.availabilityType == "dynamic" && T && S[t.id])
t.schemaOrg.offers.availability = z(S[t.id].availability)
C = t.schemaOrg
return {
html: e,
schemaOrg: C
}(f)).schemaOrg && n.push(h.schemaOrg),
i += h.html),
r++) : 1 == g.length && u(f, g[0]),
a = "price_desc" == v.sortOrderBy ? a - 1 : a + 1
if (G.cart.htmlProducts.setCounterProducts(r),
0 < n.length) {
for (var m = [], a = 0; a < n.length; a++)
"@type": "ListItem",
position: a + 1,
item: n[a]
i = '<script type="application/ld+json">' + JSON.stringify({
"@context": "https://schema.org",
"@type": "ItemList",
numberOfItems: n.length,
itemListElement: m
}) + "<\/script>" + i
return i
function r(t) {
return -1 < i.regardlessOfCouponAndQuantity.indexOf(t.id)
var S, i, v = n.extend(!0, {
start: "0",
length: "10",
sortOrderBy: "relevance",
custom: "",
categories: [],
priceStart: -1,
priceEnd: -1,
onlyNew: 0,
onlyDiscounted: 0,
onlyAvailable: 0
}, t), P = "im-products", t = G.cart.settings(), T = G.utils.isOnline(), D = G.cart.productsDataSettings, N = D.showAvailability(), M = D.showOptions(), A = D.showName(), O = D.showDescription(), I = D.showCategory(), E = D.showPrice(), F = D.showQuantity(), R = "included" === t.vattype, q = D.showButton(), $ = D.availabilityImage(), _ = function(t) {
return G.cart.htmlProducts.prodCache[t.id] || (G.cart.htmlProducts.prodCache[t.id] = new G.cart.product(x5CartData.products[t.id],{
quiet: !0
}, U = function(t) {
var e = ""
, i = "../" + x5CartData.settings.availabilityImage;
if (null != i)
switch (t) {
case "available":
e += "\t\t\t\t<span style=\"vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; width: 22px; height: 22px; background-image: url('" + i + "'); background-position: 0 0;\"></span>\n";
case "lacking":
e += "\t\t\t\t<span style=\"vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; width: 22px; height: 22px; background-image: url('" + i + "'); background-position: -22px 0;\"></span>\n";
case "notavailable":
e += "\t\t\t\t<span style=\"vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; width: 22px; height: 22px; background-image: url('" + i + "'); background-position: -44px 0;\"></span>\n"
return e
}, z = function(t) {
switch (t) {
case "available":
return "http://schema.org/InStock";
case "lacking":
return "http://schema.org/LimitedAvailability";
return "http://schema.org/OutOfStock"
}, j = function(t) {
switch (t) {
case "available":
return G.l10n.get("cart_fixedproduct_available");
case "lacking":
return G.l10n.get("cart_fixedproduct_lack");
case "notavailable":
return G.l10n.get("cart_fixedproduct_unavailable")
return ""
}, H = function(t, e) {
switch (t) {
case "available":
return G.l10n.get("cart_dynamicproduct_available").replace("[QUANTITY]", e);
case "lacking":
return G.l10n.get("cart_dynamicproduct_lack").replace("[QUANTITY]", e);
case "notavailable":
return G.l10n.get("cart_dynamicproduct_unavailable").replace("[QUANTITY]", e)
return ""
}, B = function(t, e) {
return t && t.image_obj ? '\t\t<img src="../' + t.image_obj.image + '" style="position: absolute; max-height: ' + t.image_obj.height + "px; max-width: " + t.image_obj.width + "px; width: " + t.size + "%; z-index: 2; " + function(t) {
switch (t) {
case "topleft":
return "top: 0; left: 0;";
case "topright":
return "top: 0; right: 0;";
case "bottomright":
return "bottom: 0; right: 0;";
case "bottomleft":
return "bottom: 0; left: 0;"
return ""
}(t.align) + '" alt="' + e + '" />\n' : ""
}, L = function(t) {
var e, i = G.cart.productsDataSettings.showVat() && "none" != x5CartData.settings.vattype ? '<span style="margin: 3px; font-size: 0.85em;">' + G.l10n.get(R ? "cart_showvat_included" : "cart_showvat_excluded").replace("[FIELD]", t.vat).replace("[NAME]", t.vatName) + "</span>" : "", n = _(t).singleFullPrice(void 0, R), n = G.cart.formatCurrency(n);
return r(t) ? (e = _(t).singlePrice(void 0, R),
e = G.cart.formatCurrency(e),
'\t\t\t<span id="product_' + t.id + '_price">' + e + "</span>" + i + '\n\t\t\t<span style="text-decoration: line-through; margin-left: 2px;" id="product_' + t.id + '_fullprice">' + n + "</span>\n") : '\t\t\t<span id="product_' + t.id + '_fullprice">' + n + "</span>" + i + "\n"
}, V = function(t) {
return r(t) || -1 < i.becauseOfQuantity.indexOf(t.id)
G.cart.manager.callWithSearchPageAdditionalInfos(function(t) {
S = t.availabilityData,
i = t.discountedProducts,
}(_jq, x5engine),
function(C, k) {
"use strict";
C.extend(!0, k.cart.productDetails, {
init: function(t) {
function e(t) {
var r, i, n;
if (t.name && C("#" + b + " .product-title").text(t.name).attr("title", t.name),
t.category && (m = "",
null != x5CartData.categories && null != x5CartData.categories.dataSource && null != (m = (r = function(t, e) {
if (null != e) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
if ("category" == e[i].type) {
if (e[i].id == t)
return e[i].text;
if (null != e[i].items && 0 < e[i].items.length) {
var n = r(t, e[i].items);
if (n)
return n
return null
)(t.category, x5CartData.categories.dataSource)) && C("#" + b + " .product-category").text(m)),
k.utils.isNullOrEmpty(y.averageRating) || k.utils.isNullOrEmpty(y.totalComments) ? C("#" + b + " .product-stars").css("display", "none") : (m = '<span class="topic-star-container-small" title="' + y.averageRating + '/5"><span class="topic-star-fixer-small" style="width: ' + Math.round(y.averageRating / 5 * 100) + '%;"></span></span>',
m += "<span>" + y.averageRating + " (" + y.totalComments + " " + k.l10n.get("comments_and_ratings_label_reviews") + ")</span>",
C("#" + b + " .product-stars").append(m)),
t.description && (m = k.utils.replaceAll(t.description, "\n", "<br />"),
m = k.utils.replaceAll(m, "\\", "\\\\"),
m = k.utils.replaceAll(m, "'", "'"),
C("#" + b + " .product-description").append(m + '<div class="im-products-description-fade"></div>')),
"unset" != t.availabilityType && (i = function(t) {
var e = ""
, i = "../" + x5CartData.settings.availabilityImage;
if (null != i)
switch (t) {
case "available":
e += "\t\t\t\t<span style=\"vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; width: 22px; height: 22px; background-image: url('" + i + "'); background-position: 0 0;\"></span>\n";
case "lack":
e += "\t\t\t\t<span style=\"vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; width: 22px; height: 22px; background-image: url('" + i + "'); background-position: -22px 0;\"></span>\n";
case "notavailable":
e += "\t\t\t\t<span style=\"vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; width: 22px; height: 22px; background-image: url('" + i + "'); background-position: -44px 0;\"></span>\n"
return e
m = function(t, e) {
return '<table><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle">' + i(t) + '</td><td style="vertical-align: middle">' + function(t, e) {
switch (t) {
case "available":
return k.l10n.get("cart_dynamicproduct_available").replace("[QUANTITY]", e);
case "lack":
return k.l10n.get("cart_dynamicproduct_lack").replace("[QUANTITY]", e);
case "notavailable":
return k.l10n.get("cart_dynamicproduct_unavailable").replace("[QUANTITY]", e)
return ""
}(t, e) + "</td></tr></table>"
d = "",
"fixed" == t.availabilityType ? k.utils.isNullOrEmpty(x5CartData.settings.availabilityImage) || "unknown" == t.staticAvailValue || (d += i(t.staticAvailValue) + function(t) {
switch (t) {
case "available":
return k.l10n.get("cart_fixedproduct_available");
case "lack":
return k.l10n.get("cart_fixedproduct_lack");
case "notavailable":
return k.l10n.get("cart_fixedproduct_unavailable")
return ""
}(t.staticAvailValue)) : k.utils.isOnline() ? "dynamic" == t.availabilityType && t.dynamicAvailValue && (d += m(t.dynamicAvailValue, t.availableItems)) : d += m(t.staticAvailValue, t.offlineAvailableItems),
C("#" + b + " .product-available").html(d)),
t.quantityDiscounts && (n = "\t\t<div class=\"im-products-qty-discount\" onmouseover=\"x5engine.imTip.Show(this, {target: $(this).find('img'), text: '<div>" + k.l10n.get("cart_discount") + ":</div><ul>",
t.quantityDiscounts.forEach(function(t) {
var e = t.minimum
, t = t.value.toFixed(2)
, t = t % 1 == 0 ? parseInt(t) : t;
n += "<li>" + k.l10n.get("cart_discount_per_qty").replace("[QUANTITY]", e).replace("[DISCOUNT]", t) + "</li>"
n += '</ul>\'})">\n\t\t\t<img alt="' + k.l10n.get("cart_qty_discount") + '" width="16" height="16" src="../res/info.gif" />\n\t\t\t' + k.l10n.get("cart_qty_discount") + "\n\t\t</div>\n",
C("#" + b + " .product-qty-discount").append(n)),
t.options && 0 < t.options.length) {
var e = 0
, a = "";
if (t.options.forEach(function(t) {
null != t.suboptions && 0 < t.suboptions.length && (e += t.suboptions.length)
0 == e)
a += '\t\t\t<select id="product_' + t.id + '_opt" onchange="x5engine.cart.ui.updateProductListOptions(\'' + t.id + "', this, 'product_" + t.id + "', " + (w ? "true" : "false") + ');" class="opt">\n',
t.options.forEach(function(t) {
a += '\t\t\t\t<option value="' + t.id + '">' + t.name + "</option>\n"
a += "\t\t\t</select>\n";
else {
a += '\t\t\t<select id="product_' + t.id + '_opt" class="opt" onchange="x5engine.cart.ui.updateProductListOptions(\'' + t.id + "', this, 'product_" + t.id + "', " + (w ? "true" : "false") + ', true);">\n',
t.options.forEach(function(t) {
a += '\t\t\t\t<option value="' + t.id + '">' + t.name + "</option>\n"
a += "\t\t\t</select>\n";
var s = t.options[0];
if (null != s.suboptions && 0 < s.suboptions.length) {
a += '\t\t\t<select id="product_' + t.id + '_subopt" class="subopt">\n';
for (var o = 0; o < s.suboptions.length; o++)
a += '\t\t\t\t<option value="' + o + '">' + s.suboptions[o] + "</option>\n";
a += "\t\t\t</select>\n"
C("#" + b + " .product-options").append(a)
var c, l = !1;
for (c in x5CartData.payments)
x5CartData.payments[c] && x5CartData.payments[c].extra && !0 === x5CartData.payments[c].extra.ppcpPayLater && (l = !0);
l && paypal && paypal.Messages && (m = {
amount: k.cart.productDetails.getProdClass(t).singlePrice(void 0, w),
placement: "product"
C("#" + b + " .im-products-qty").attr("id", "product_" + t.id + "_qty");
var d = k.l10n.get("cart_add");
if (C("#" + b + " .product-add").append('<input type="button" value="' + d + '" class="im-products-button" onclick="x5engine.cart.ui.addToCart(\'' + t.id + "', $('#product_" + t.id + "_qty').val(), $('#product_" + t.id + "_opt').val(), $('#product_" + t.id + "_subopt').val(), false, '../');\"/>"),
C("#" + b + " .product-price").append(k.cart.productDetails.getPriceBoxCode(t, w, !0)),
k.cart.productDetails.initGallery(b, t, y, 0),
k.utils.isNullOrEmpty(t.productPageDetailsRichText) || (C("#" + b + " .container-details").append(k.utils.isOnline() ? t.productPageDetailsRichText.html.online : t.productPageDetailsRichText.html.preview),
C('<style type="text/css">' + t.productPageDetailsRichText.css + "</style>").appendTo(C("head")),
C("#" + b + " .container-details").removeClass("hidden")),
y.showRelatedProducts) {
var u, p = {};
if (0 < k.settings.breakPoints.length)
for (o = 0; o < y.innerWidths.length; o++) {
var h = "Desktop" == k.responsive.getCurrentBreakPoint().name && 1 == y.innerWidths.length ? 1 : k.settings.breakPoints[o].end;
0 != h && (u = Math.floor(y.innerWidths[o] / 260),
p[h] = {},
p[h].slidesPerView = Math.max(1, u))
var f = function() {
var t = y.offsetFromRelatedProducts
, e = y.offsetToRelatedProducts;
k.cart.api.getRelatedProducts(_, t, e).then(function(t) {
0 < t.length ? (C("#" + b + " .container-related-products").removeClass("d-none"),
t = Object.values(t),
y.offsetFromRelatedProducts += y.offsetToRelatedProducts) : y.offsetFromRelatedProducts = y.offsetMaxRelatedProducts
, g = function(t) {
for (var e = [], i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var n = t[i]
, r = "../" + x5CartData.settings.noPreviewImage
, a = (0 < n.media.length && (r = "../" + ("video" === (a = n.media[0]).type || "youtube" === a.type || "vimeo" === a.type ? "res/video_thumb.svg" : k.utils.isNullOrEmpty(a.url) ? x5CartData.settings.noPreviewImage : a.url)),
, r = (a.push('<div class="swiper-slide" ' + k.utils.linkJs(n.link, {
baseUrl: "../"
}) + ' data-product-id="' + n.id + '">'),
a.push('<div class="swiper-slide-wrapper-image"><img class="swiper-slide-image" src="' + r + '" alt="' + n.name + '"></div>'),
a.push('<div class="product-title three-lines lines-ellipsis" title="' + n.name + '">' + n.name + "</div>"),
a.push('<div class="product-price">'),
a.push(k.cart.productDetails.getPriceBoxCode(n, w, !1)),
return e
(x = new Swiper("#" + b + " .container-related-products .swiper-container",{
slidesPerView: 1,
centeredSlides: !1,
spaceBetween: 10,
loop: !1,
allowTouchMove: !1,
preventClicks: !0,
preventClicksPropagation: !0,
freeMode: !1,
pagination: {
el: ".container-related-products .swiper-pagination",
type: "null"
navigation: {
nextEl: "#" + b + " .container-related-products .swiper-button-next",
prevEl: "#" + b + " .container-related-products .swiper-button-prev"
breakpoints: p
})).on("slideNextTransitionEnd", function() {
y.offsetFromRelatedProducts < y.offsetMaxRelatedProducts && f()
var m = t.schemaOrg;
function v(t, e) {
var i = C('meta[content*="[' + t + '-placeholder]"]');
i && i.attr("content") && (e ? (t = i.attr("content").replace("[" + t + "-placeholder]", e),
i.attr("content", t)) : i.remove())
m && (m["@context"] = "https://schema.org",
C('<script type="application/ld+json">' + JSON.stringify(m) + "<\/script>").appendTo(C("head"))),
C("title").html(C("title").html().replace("[title-placeholder]", t.name).replace("[tag-title-placeholder]", t.seo.tagTitle)),
v("title", t.name),
v("tag-title", t.seo.tagTitle),
v("tag-description", t.seo.tagDescription),
v("tag-keywords", t.seo.tagKeywords),
v("slug", t.slug),
v("og-image", t.thumb.url),
v("og-image-type", t.thumb.type),
v("og-image-width", t.thumb.width),
v("og-image-height", t.thumb.height)
var _, y = C.extend({
target: null,
galleryHeightPx: 400,
galleryWidthPerc: 50,
galleryThumbnailHeightPx: 64,
showRelatedProducts: !1,
innerWidths: [],
averageRating: null,
totalComments: null,
minWidthCategoryBox: 250,
offsetFromRelatedProducts: 0,
offsetToRelatedProducts: 10,
offsetMaxRelatedProducts: 50,
minThumbSize: 48,
videoHiresWidth: 2560,
videoHiresHeight: 1440
}, t), b = y.target, x = null, w = "included" == x5CartData.settings.vattype;
k.cart.productDetails.getIdFromQueryString().then(function(t) {
_ = t,
k.utils.isNullOrEmpty(_) || k.cart.api.getProductData(_).then(function(i) {
var n, r, a;
0 < i.length && (e(i[0]),
C("#" + b).removeClass("hidden"),
n = null,
a = !(r = 0),
k.utils.onElementResize(document.getElementById(b), function(t, e) {
r != t.width && (r = t.width,
n && clearTimeout(n),
n = setTimeout(function() {
var t;
a ? a = !1 : (t = C(".swiper-container.gallery-top .swiper-slide-active").attr("data-position"),
document.querySelector("#" + y.target + " .swiper-container.gallery-top").swiper.destroy(!0, !0),
C("#" + y.target + " .swiper-container.gallery-top .swiper-wrapper").empty(),
1 < i[0].media.length && (document.querySelector("#" + y.target + " .swiper-container.gallery-thumbs").swiper.destroy(!0, !0),
C("#" + y.target + " .swiper-container.gallery-thumbs .swiper-wrapper").empty()),
k.cart.productDetails.initGallery(y.target, i[0], y, t))
}, 50))
getProdClass: function(t) {
return new k.cart.product(x5CartData.products[t.id],{
quiet: !0
getPriceBoxCode: function(t, e, i) {
var n = ""
, i = i && "none" != x5CartData.settings.vattype ? '<span class="vat-info small-font">' + k.l10n.get(e ? "cart_showvat_included" : "cart_showvat_excluded").replace("[FIELD]", t.vat).replace("[NAME]", t.vatName) + "</span>" : ""
, r = k.cart.productDetails.getProdClass(t).singleFullPrice(void 0, e)
, r = k.cart.formatCurrency(r);
return t.isDiscountedRegardlessOfCouponAndQuantity ? (e = k.cart.productDetails.getProdClass(t).singlePrice(void 0, e),
e = k.cart.formatCurrency(e),
n = (n += '<div class="product-price-full-price" id="product_' + t.id + '_fullprice">' + r + "</div>") + '<span class="big-font bold product-price-price" id="product_' + t.id + '_price">' + e + "</span>" + i) : n += '<span class="big-font bold product-price-price" id="product_' + t.id + '_fullprice">' + r + "</span>" + i,
initGallery: function(p, h, f, t) {
function e(r, a) {
function s(i, n, t, e, r, a, s) {
var o, c, l, d, u = '<div class="swiper-slide" data-position="' + n + '"';
"galleryTop" == e && r ? (u += "></div>",
"video" == s.type && (s.url = "../" + s.url),
o = f.videoHiresWidth,
c = f.videoHiresHeight,
(l = C("#" + f.target + " .swiper-container.gallery-top").width()) < o && (c *= l / o,
o = l),
(d = C("#" + f.target + " .swiper-container.gallery-top").height()) < c && (o *= d / c,
c = d),
new k.mediaObject(C.extend(s, {
showControls: !1,
touchDevice: C("html").hasClass("touchevents"),
contentWidth: l,
contentHeight: d,
width: o,
height: c,
load: function(t) {
var e = i.find(".swiper-slide[data-position='" + n + "']");
t.AnimateIn(e, function() {})
error: function(t, e) {}
}))) : ("galleryTop" == e ? u += '><img class="swiper-slide-image" ' + k.utils.linkJs(h.showboxLinks[n], {
baseUrl: "../"
}) + ' src="' + t + '" alt="' + h.name + '">' : (u += '><img src="' + t + '"',
r && (s = C("#" + p + " .swiper-container.gallery-thumbs .swiper-wrapper").height(),
u += "style='width: " + s + "px;'"),
u += ' alt="">'),
u += "</div>",
0 < h.media.length ? h.media.forEach(function(t, e) {
var i, n;
null != t && ((i = "video" === t.type || "youtube" === t.type || "vimeo" === t.type) || "galleryTop" != a || t.width < r.width() && (t.height,
n = "../" + (i ? "res/video_thumb.svg" : k.utils.isNullOrEmpty(t.url) ? x5CartData.settings.noPreviewImage : t.url),
s(r, e, n, a, i, 0, t))
}) : s(r, 0, "../" + x5CartData.settings.noPreviewImage, a, !1)
var i = 1 < h.media.length
, n = (e(C("#" + p + " .swiper-container.gallery-top .swiper-wrapper"), "galleryTop"),
C("#" + p + " .swiper-container.gallery-thumbs .swiper-wrapper"))
, n = (1 < h.media.length ? e(n, "galleryThumbs") : C("#" + p + " .container-gallery").addClass("one-image"),
, r = (i && (n = new Swiper("#" + p + " .swiper-container.gallery-thumbs",{
spaceBetween: 5,
slidesPerView: "auto",
loop: !1,
freeMode: !1,
centerInsufficientSlides: !1,
centeredSlides: !0,
slideToClickedSlide: !0,
observer: !0,
observeParents: !0,
navigation: {
nextEl: "#" + p + " .container-gallery .swiper-button-next.thumbs",
prevEl: "#" + p + " .container-gallery .swiper-button-prev.thumbs"
on: {
init: function() {},
imagesReady: function() {
var t, e;
i && (t = C("#" + p + " .swiper-container.gallery-thumbs").width(),
e = 0,
C("#" + p + " .swiper-container.gallery-thumbs .swiper-wrapper .swiper-slide").each(function() {
e += C(this).width() + 5
e < t && (C("#" + p + " .container-gallery .swiper-button-next.thumbs").css("display", "none"),
C("#" + p + " .container-gallery .swiper-button-prev.thumbs").css("display", "none")))
, r = new Swiper("#" + p + " .swiper-container.gallery-top",{
navigation: {
nextEl: "#" + p + " .container-gallery .swiper-button-next.top",
prevEl: "#" + p + " .container-gallery .swiper-button-prev.top"
spaceBetween: 5,
loop: !1,
allowTouchMove: i,
observer: !0,
observeParents: !0,
thumbs: {
swiper: n
0 < t && (n.slideTo(parseInt(t)),
getIdFromQueryString: function() {
if (!k.utils.isNullOrEmpty(window.location.search) && 1 < window.location.search.length) {
var t, e = [];
for (t in window.location.search.substring(1).split("&").forEach(function(t) {
e) {
var i = e[t];
if (1 == i.length)
return k.cart.api.getIdBySlug(i[0]);
if (2 == i.length && "id" == i[0])
return Promise.resolve(i[1])
return Promise.resolve(null)
}(_jq, x5engine, window),
function(a, r, s) {
"use strict";
var t = new Promise(function(t) {
r.boot.push(function() {
, n = t.then(function(n) {
if (n.islocal)
return {
getVersion: function() {
return Promise.resolve(Date.now())
getProducts: function(e) {
return new Promise(function(t) {
var i = {};
e.forEach(function(t) {
var e = n.imCart.localProductsData[t];
e && (i[t] = e)
getProductsDynamicData: function(i) {
return new Promise(function(t) {
var e = {};
i.forEach(function(t) {
e[t] = {}
getIdBySlug: function(t) {
return Promise.resolve(r.settings.imCart.slugToProductIdMap[t])
if ("undefined" != typeof x5CartData) {
const i = n.currentPath + "cart/x5cart.php";
var t = e({
url: i + "?action=crtvrs",
type: "GET"
return {
getVersion: function() {
return t
getProducts: function(t) {
return e({
url: i + "?action=prdinfo",
type: "POST",
data: {
products: t
getProductsDynamicData: function(t) {
return e({
url: i + "?action=prddyna",
type: "POST",
data: {
products: t
getIdBySlug: function(t) {
return e({
url: i + "?action=prdid",
type: "POST",
data: {
slug: t
function e(t) {
return new Promise(function(e, i) {
a.ajax(t).always(function(t) {
t.status && "ok" === t.status ? e(t.data) : i(t)
, e = n.then(function(t) {
return t.getVersion()
, i = new Promise(function(t) {
try {
var e, i, n;
"localStorage"in s && s.localStorage && (e = "test",
(i = s.localStorage).setItem(e, "asd"),
n = "asd" == i.getItem(e),
n && t(s.localStorage))
} catch (t) {}
_data: {},
setItem: function(t, e) {
return this._data[t] = String(e)
getItem: function(t) {
return this._data.hasOwnProperty(t) ? this._data[t] : void 0
removeItem: function(t) {
return delete this._data[t]
clear: function() {
return this._data = {}
, i = Promise.all([i, t]).then(function(t) {
var e = t[0];
const i = t[1].siteId + "_cart_api_cache";
return {
loadCache: function() {
try {
return JSON.parse(e.getItem(i))
} catch (t) {}
saveCache: function(t) {
try {
e.setItem(i, JSON.stringify(t))
} catch (t) {
, o = Promise.all([i, e]).then(function(t) {
var n = t[0]
, r = t[1]
, t = n.loadCache();
return t && t.version && r == t.version || n.saveCache({
version: r,
products: {},
slugToIdMap: {}
getProductData: function(t) {
var e = n.loadCache();
return e && e.products ? e.products[t] : void 0
getIdBySlug: function(t) {
var e = n.loadCache();
return e && e.slugToIdMap ? e.slugToIdMap[t] : void 0
addProduct: function(t) {
var e = n.loadCache();
if (e) {
if (e.products || (e.products = {}),
for (var i in e.slugToIdMap = {},
e.slugToIdMap[e.products[i].slug] = i
} else
e = {
version: r,
products: {},
slugToIdMap: {}
e.products[t.id] = t,
e.slugToIdMap[t.slug] = t.id,
}).catch(function(t) {});
function c(n, r) {
return o.then(function(e) {
var t, i = {
ids: null == (t = n) ? [] : Array.isArray(t) ? t : [t],
cached: [],
uncached: []
return i.ids.forEach(function(t) {
e.getProductData(t) ? r || i.cached.push(t) : i.uncached.push(t)
function l(i) {
return i.ids.length ? n.then(function(t) {
var e = 0 < i.cached.length ? t.getProductsDynamicData(i.cached) : Promise.resolve([])
, t = 0 < i.uncached.length ? t.getProducts(i.uncached) : Promise.resolve([]);
return Promise.all([t, e])
}).then(function(t) {
return {
ids: i.ids,
uncached: t[0],
cached: t[1]
}) : Promise.resolve({})
function d(t, e) {
t = c(t, e).then(l);
return Promise.all([o, t]).then(function(t) {
var e = t[0]
, i = t[1];
if (i.uncached)
for (var n in i.uncached)
if (i.cached)
for (var n in i.cached)
e.addProduct(a.extend(!0, e.getProductData(n), i.cached[n]));
var r = [];
return i.ids && i.ids.forEach(function(t) {
a.extend(!0, r.cart, {
api: {
getIdBySlug: function(e) {
return o.then(function(t) {
t = t.getIdBySlug(e);
return t || n.then(function(t) {
return t.getIdBySlug(e)
getProductData: d,
getRelatedProducts: function(t, e, i) {
return d(t, !0).then(function(t) {
if (0 < t.length)
return e = e || 0,
(t = t[0]).relatedProducts && t.relatedProducts.length && t.relatedProducts.length > e ? d(t.relatedProducts.slice(e, e + i || t.relatedProducts.length), !0) : [];
throw "there's no product with requested id"
}(_jq, x5engine, window),
function() {
"use strict";
var e;
e = function(s, o, c, t, l) {
function e(t, e, i) {
this.VERSION = "2.3.0",
this.input = t,
this.plugin_count = i,
this.current_plugin = 0,
this.calc_count = 0,
this.update_tm = 0,
this.old_from = 0,
this.old_to = 0,
this.old_min_interval = null,
this.raf_id = null,
this.dragging = !1,
this.force_redraw = !1,
this.no_diapason = !1,
this.has_tab_index = !0,
this.is_key = !1,
this.is_update = !1,
this.is_start = !0,
this.is_finish = !1,
this.is_active = !1,
this.is_resize = !1,
this.is_click = !1,
e = e || {},
this.$cache = {
win: s(c),
body: s(o.body),
input: s(t),
cont: null,
rs: null,
min: null,
max: null,
from: null,
to: null,
single: null,
bar: null,
line: null,
s_single: null,
s_from: null,
s_to: null,
shad_single: null,
shad_from: null,
shad_to: null,
edge: null,
grid: null,
grid_labels: []
this.coords = {
x_gap: 0,
x_pointer: 0,
w_rs: 0,
w_rs_old: 0,
w_handle: 0,
p_gap: 0,
p_gap_left: 0,
p_gap_right: 0,
p_step: 0,
p_pointer: 0,
p_handle: 0,
p_single_fake: 0,
p_single_real: 0,
p_from_fake: 0,
p_from_real: 0,
p_to_fake: 0,
p_to_real: 0,
p_bar_x: 0,
p_bar_w: 0,
grid_gap: 0,
big_num: 0,
big: [],
big_w: [],
big_p: [],
big_x: []
this.labels = {
w_min: 0,
w_max: 0,
w_from: 0,
w_to: 0,
w_single: 0,
p_min: 0,
p_max: 0,
p_from_fake: 0,
p_from_left: 0,
p_to_fake: 0,
p_to_left: 0,
p_single_fake: 0,
p_single_left: 0
var n, r, t = (i = this.$cache.input).prop("value"), a = {
skin: "flat",
type: "single",
min: 10,
max: 100,
from: null,
to: null,
step: 1,
min_interval: 0,
max_interval: 0,
drag_interval: !1,
values: [],
p_values: [],
from_fixed: !1,
from_min: null,
from_max: null,
from_shadow: !1,
to_fixed: !1,
to_min: null,
to_max: null,
to_shadow: !1,
prettify_enabled: !0,
prettify_separator: " ",
prettify: null,
force_edges: !1,
keyboard: !0,
grid: !1,
grid_margin: !0,
grid_num: 4,
grid_snap: !1,
hide_min_max: !1,
hide_from_to: !1,
prefix: "",
postfix: "",
max_postfix: "",
decorate_both: !0,
values_separator: " — ",
input_values_separator: ";",
disable: !1,
block: !1,
extra_classes: "",
scope: null,
onStart: null,
onChange: null,
onFinish: null,
onUpdate: null
for (r in "INPUT" !== i[0].nodeName && console && console.warn && console.warn("Base element should be <input>!", i[0]),
(n = {
skin: i.data("skin"),
type: i.data("type"),
min: i.data("min"),
max: i.data("max"),
from: i.data("from"),
to: i.data("to"),
step: i.data("step"),
min_interval: i.data("minInterval"),
max_interval: i.data("maxInterval"),
drag_interval: i.data("dragInterval"),
values: i.data("values"),
from_fixed: i.data("fromFixed"),
from_min: i.data("fromMin"),
from_max: i.data("fromMax"),
from_shadow: i.data("fromShadow"),
to_fixed: i.data("toFixed"),
to_min: i.data("toMin"),
to_max: i.data("toMax"),
to_shadow: i.data("toShadow"),
prettify_enabled: i.data("prettifyEnabled"),
prettify_separator: i.data("prettifySeparator"),
force_edges: i.data("forceEdges"),
keyboard: i.data("keyboard"),
grid: i.data("grid"),
grid_margin: i.data("gridMargin"),
grid_num: i.data("gridNum"),
grid_snap: i.data("gridSnap"),
hide_min_max: i.data("hideMinMax"),
hide_from_to: i.data("hideFromTo"),
prefix: i.data("prefix"),
postfix: i.data("postfix"),
max_postfix: i.data("maxPostfix"),
decorate_both: i.data("decorateBoth"),
values_separator: i.data("valuesSeparator"),
input_values_separator: i.data("inputValuesSeparator"),
disable: i.data("disable"),
block: i.data("block"),
extra_classes: i.data("extraClasses")
}).values = n.values && n.values.split(","),
!n.hasOwnProperty(r) || n[r] !== l && "" !== n[r] || delete n[r];
t !== l && "" !== t && ((t = t.split(n.input_values_separator || e.input_values_separator || ";"))[0] && t[0] == +t[0] && (t[0] = +t[0]),
t[1] && t[1] == +t[1] && (t[1] = +t[1]),
e && e.values && e.values.length ? (a.from = t[0] && e.values.indexOf(t[0]),
a.to = t[1] && e.values.indexOf(t[1])) : (a.from = t[0] && +t[0],
a.to = t[1] && +t[1])),
s.extend(a, e),
s.extend(a, n),
this.options = a,
this.update_check = {},
this.result = {
input: this.$cache.input,
slider: null,
min: this.options.min,
max: this.options.max,
from: this.options.from,
from_percent: 0,
from_value: null,
to: this.options.to,
to_percent: 0,
to_value: null
var i, n = 0, r = 0 < (t = t.userAgent).search(i = /msie\s\d+/i) && i.exec(t).toString().split(" ")[1] < 9 && (s("html").addClass("lt-ie9"),
Function.prototype.bind || (Function.prototype.bind = function(i) {
var n = this
, r = [].slice;
if ("function" != typeof n)
throw new TypeError;
var a = r.call(arguments, 1)
, s = function() {
var t, e;
return this instanceof s ? ((t = function() {}
).prototype = n.prototype,
t = new t,
e = n.apply(t, a.concat(r.call(arguments))),
Object(e) === e ? e : t) : n.apply(i, a.concat(r.call(arguments)))
return s
Array.prototype.indexOf || (Array.prototype.indexOf = function(t, e) {
var i;
if (null == this)
throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined');
var n = Object(this)
, r = n.length >>> 0;
if (0 != r) {
e = +e || 0;
if (!(r <= (e = Math.abs(e) === 1 / 0 ? 0 : e)))
for (i = Math.max(0 <= e ? e : r - Math.abs(e), 0); i < r; ) {
if (i in n && n[i] === t)
return i;
return -1
e.prototype = {
init: function(t) {
this.no_diapason = !1,
this.coords.p_step = this.convertToPercent(this.options.step, !0),
this.target = "base",
t ? (this.force_redraw = !0,
this.callOnUpdate()) : (this.force_redraw = !0,
append: function() {
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this.$cache.input.prop("readonly", !0),
this.$cache.cont = this.$cache.input.prev(),
this.result.slider = this.$cache.cont,
this.$cache.cont.html('<span class="irs"><span class="irs-line" tabindex="0"></span><span class="irs-min">0</span><span class="irs-max">1</span><span class="irs-from">0</span><span class="irs-to">0</span><span class="irs-single">0</span></span><span class="irs-grid"></span>'),
this.$cache.rs = this.$cache.cont.find(".irs"),
this.$cache.min = this.$cache.cont.find(".irs-min"),
this.$cache.max = this.$cache.cont.find(".irs-max"),
this.$cache.from = this.$cache.cont.find(".irs-from"),
this.$cache.to = this.$cache.cont.find(".irs-to"),
this.$cache.single = this.$cache.cont.find(".irs-single"),
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"single" === this.options.type ? (this.$cache.cont.append('<span class="irs-bar irs-bar--single"></span><span class="irs-shadow shadow-single"></span><span class="irs-handle single"><i></i><i></i><i></i></span>'),
this.$cache.bar = this.$cache.cont.find(".irs-bar"),
this.$cache.edge = this.$cache.cont.find(".irs-bar-edge"),
this.$cache.s_single = this.$cache.cont.find(".single"),
this.$cache.from[0].style.visibility = "hidden",
this.$cache.to[0].style.visibility = "hidden",
this.$cache.shad_single = this.$cache.cont.find(".shadow-single")) : (this.$cache.cont.append('<span class="irs-bar"></span><span class="irs-shadow shadow-from"></span><span class="irs-shadow shadow-to"></span><span class="irs-handle from"><i></i><i></i><i></i></span><span class="irs-handle to"><i></i><i></i><i></i></span>'),
this.$cache.bar = this.$cache.cont.find(".irs-bar"),
this.$cache.s_from = this.$cache.cont.find(".from"),
this.$cache.s_to = this.$cache.cont.find(".to"),
this.$cache.shad_from = this.$cache.cont.find(".shadow-from"),
this.$cache.shad_to = this.$cache.cont.find(".shadow-to"),
this.options.hide_from_to && (this.$cache.from[0].style.display = "none",
this.$cache.to[0].style.display = "none",
this.$cache.single[0].style.display = "none"),
this.options.disable ? (this.appendDisableMask(),
this.$cache.input[0].disabled = !0) : (this.$cache.input[0].disabled = !1,
this.options.disable || (this.options.block ? this.appendDisableMask() : this.removeDisableMask()),
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setTopHandler: function() {
var t = this.options.min
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, i = this.options.from
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t < i && n === e ? this.$cache.s_from.addClass("type_last") : n < e && this.$cache.s_to.addClass("type_last")
changeLevel: function(t) {
switch (t) {
case "single":
this.coords.p_gap = this.toFixed(this.coords.p_pointer - this.coords.p_single_fake),
case "from":
this.coords.p_gap = this.toFixed(this.coords.p_pointer - this.coords.p_from_fake),
case "to":
this.coords.p_gap = this.toFixed(this.coords.p_pointer - this.coords.p_to_fake),
case "both":
this.coords.p_gap_left = this.toFixed(this.coords.p_pointer - this.coords.p_from_fake),
this.coords.p_gap_right = this.toFixed(this.coords.p_to_fake - this.coords.p_pointer),
appendDisableMask: function() {
this.$cache.cont.append('<span class="irs-disable-mask"></span>'),
removeDisableMask: function() {
remove: function() {
this.$cache.cont = null,
this.$cache.line.off("keydown.irs_" + this.plugin_count),
this.$cache.body.off("touchmove.irs_" + this.plugin_count),
this.$cache.body.off("mousemove.irs_" + this.plugin_count),
this.$cache.win.off("touchend.irs_" + this.plugin_count),
this.$cache.win.off("mouseup.irs_" + this.plugin_count),
r && (this.$cache.body.off("mouseup.irs_" + this.plugin_count),
this.$cache.body.off("mouseleave.irs_" + this.plugin_count)),
this.$cache.grid_labels = [],
this.coords.big = [],
this.coords.big_w = [],
this.coords.big_p = [],
this.coords.big_x = [],
bindEvents: function() {
this.no_diapason || (this.$cache.body.on("touchmove.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerMove.bind(this)),
this.$cache.body.on("mousemove.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerMove.bind(this)),
this.$cache.win.on("touchend.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerUp.bind(this)),
this.$cache.win.on("mouseup.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerUp.bind(this)),
this.$cache.line.on("touchstart.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerClick.bind(this, "click")),
this.$cache.line.on("mousedown.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerClick.bind(this, "click")),
this.$cache.line.on("focus.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerFocus.bind(this)),
this.options.drag_interval && "double" === this.options.type ? (this.$cache.bar.on("touchstart.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, "both")),
this.$cache.bar.on("mousedown.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, "both"))) : (this.$cache.bar.on("touchstart.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerClick.bind(this, "click")),
this.$cache.bar.on("mousedown.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerClick.bind(this, "click"))),
("single" === this.options.type ? (this.$cache.single.on("touchstart.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, "single")),
this.$cache.s_single.on("touchstart.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, "single")),
this.$cache.shad_single.on("touchstart.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerClick.bind(this, "click")),
this.$cache.single.on("mousedown.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, "single")),
this.$cache.s_single.on("mousedown.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, "single")),
this.$cache.edge.on("mousedown.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerClick.bind(this, "click")),
this.$cache.shad_single) : (this.$cache.single.on("touchstart.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, null)),
this.$cache.single.on("mousedown.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, null)),
this.$cache.from.on("touchstart.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, "from")),
this.$cache.s_from.on("touchstart.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, "from")),
this.$cache.to.on("touchstart.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, "to")),
this.$cache.s_to.on("touchstart.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, "to")),
this.$cache.shad_from.on("touchstart.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerClick.bind(this, "click")),
this.$cache.shad_to.on("touchstart.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerClick.bind(this, "click")),
this.$cache.from.on("mousedown.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, "from")),
this.$cache.s_from.on("mousedown.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, "from")),
this.$cache.to.on("mousedown.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, "to")),
this.$cache.s_to.on("mousedown.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerDown.bind(this, "to")),
this.$cache.shad_from.on("mousedown.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerClick.bind(this, "click")),
this.$cache.shad_to)).on("mousedown.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerClick.bind(this, "click")),
this.options.keyboard && this.$cache.line.on("keydown.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.key.bind(this, "keyboard")),
r && (this.$cache.body.on("mouseup.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerUp.bind(this)),
this.$cache.body.on("mouseleave.irs_" + this.plugin_count, this.pointerUp.bind(this))))
pointerFocus: function(t) {
var e, i;
this.target || (e = (i = "single" === this.options.type ? this.$cache.single : this.$cache.from).offset().left,
e += i.width() / 2 - 1,
this.pointerClick("single", {
preventDefault: function() {},
pageX: e
pointerMove: function(t) {
this.dragging && (t = t.pageX || t.originalEvent.touches && t.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX,
this.coords.x_pointer = t - this.coords.x_gap,
pointerUp: function(t) {
this.current_plugin === this.plugin_count && this.is_active && (this.is_active = !1,
this.force_redraw = !0,
r && s("*").prop("unselectable", !1),
(s.contains(this.$cache.cont[0], t.target) || this.dragging) && this.callOnFinish(),
this.dragging = !1)
pointerDown: function(t, e) {
var i = e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches && e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
2 !== e.button && ("both" === t && this.setTempMinInterval(),
t = t || this.target || "from",
this.current_plugin = this.plugin_count,
this.target = t,
this.is_active = !0,
this.dragging = !0,
this.coords.x_gap = this.$cache.rs.offset().left,
this.coords.x_pointer = i - this.coords.x_gap,
r && s("*").prop("unselectable", !0),
pointerClick: function(t, e) {
var i = e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches && e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;
2 !== e.button && (this.current_plugin = this.plugin_count,
this.target = t,
this.is_click = !0,
this.coords.x_gap = this.$cache.rs.offset().left,
this.coords.x_pointer = +(i - this.coords.x_gap).toFixed(),
this.force_redraw = !0,
key: function(t, e) {
if (!(this.current_plugin !== this.plugin_count || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.metaKey)) {
switch (e.which) {
case 83:
case 65:
case 40:
case 37:
case 87:
case 68:
case 38:
case 39:
return !0
moveByKey: function(t) {
var e = this.coords.p_pointer
, i = (this.options.max - this.options.min) / 100
, i = this.options.step / i;
t ? e += i : e -= i,
this.coords.x_pointer = this.toFixed(this.coords.w_rs / 100 * e),
this.is_key = !0,
setMinMax: function() {
var t, e;
this.options && (this.options.hide_min_max ? (this.$cache.min[0].style.display = "none",
this.$cache.max[0].style.display = "none") : (this.options.values.length ? (this.$cache.min.html(this.decorate(this.options.p_values[this.options.min])),
this.$cache.max.html(this.decorate(this.options.p_values[this.options.max]))) : (t = this._prettify(this.options.min),
e = this._prettify(this.options.max),
this.result.min_pretty = t,
this.result.max_pretty = e,
this.$cache.min.html(this.decorate(t, this.options.min)),
this.$cache.max.html(this.decorate(e, this.options.max))),
this.labels.w_min = this.$cache.min.outerWidth(!1),
this.labels.w_max = this.$cache.max.outerWidth(!1)))
setTempMinInterval: function() {
var t = this.result.to - this.result.from;
null === this.old_min_interval && (this.old_min_interval = this.options.min_interval),
this.options.min_interval = t
restoreOriginalMinInterval: function() {
null !== this.old_min_interval && (this.options.min_interval = this.old_min_interval,
this.old_min_interval = null)
calc: function(t) {
if (this.options && (this.calc_count++,
10 !== this.calc_count && !t || (this.calc_count = 0,
this.coords.w_rs = this.$cache.rs.outerWidth(!1),
this.coords.w_rs)) {
var e, i, n = this.getHandleX();
switch ("both" === this.target && (this.coords.p_gap = 0,
n = this.getHandleX()),
"click" === this.target && (this.coords.p_gap = this.coords.p_handle / 2,
n = this.getHandleX(),
this.options.drag_interval ? this.target = "both_one" : this.target = this.chooseHandle(n)),
this.target) {
case "base":
var r = (this.options.max - this.options.min) / 100
, a = (this.result.from - this.options.min) / r
, r = (this.result.to - this.options.min) / r;
this.coords.p_single_real = this.toFixed(a),
this.coords.p_from_real = this.toFixed(a),
this.coords.p_to_real = this.toFixed(r),
this.coords.p_single_real = this.checkDiapason(this.coords.p_single_real, this.options.from_min, this.options.from_max),
this.coords.p_from_real = this.checkDiapason(this.coords.p_from_real, this.options.from_min, this.options.from_max),
this.coords.p_to_real = this.checkDiapason(this.coords.p_to_real, this.options.to_min, this.options.to_max),
this.coords.p_single_fake = this.convertToFakePercent(this.coords.p_single_real),
this.coords.p_from_fake = this.convertToFakePercent(this.coords.p_from_real),
this.coords.p_to_fake = this.convertToFakePercent(this.coords.p_to_real),
this.target = null;
case "single":
this.options.from_fixed || (this.coords.p_single_real = this.convertToRealPercent(n),
this.coords.p_single_real = this.calcWithStep(this.coords.p_single_real),
this.coords.p_single_real = this.checkDiapason(this.coords.p_single_real, this.options.from_min, this.options.from_max),
this.coords.p_single_fake = this.convertToFakePercent(this.coords.p_single_real));
case "from":
this.options.from_fixed || (this.coords.p_from_real = this.convertToRealPercent(n),
this.coords.p_from_real = this.calcWithStep(this.coords.p_from_real),
this.coords.p_from_real > this.coords.p_to_real && (this.coords.p_from_real = this.coords.p_to_real),
this.coords.p_from_real = this.checkDiapason(this.coords.p_from_real, this.options.from_min, this.options.from_max),
this.coords.p_from_real = this.checkMinInterval(this.coords.p_from_real, this.coords.p_to_real, "from"),
this.coords.p_from_real = this.checkMaxInterval(this.coords.p_from_real, this.coords.p_to_real, "from"),
this.coords.p_from_fake = this.convertToFakePercent(this.coords.p_from_real));
case "to":
this.options.to_fixed || (this.coords.p_to_real = this.convertToRealPercent(n),
this.coords.p_to_real = this.calcWithStep(this.coords.p_to_real),
this.coords.p_to_real < this.coords.p_from_real && (this.coords.p_to_real = this.coords.p_from_real),
this.coords.p_to_real = this.checkDiapason(this.coords.p_to_real, this.options.to_min, this.options.to_max),
this.coords.p_to_real = this.checkMinInterval(this.coords.p_to_real, this.coords.p_from_real, "to"),
this.coords.p_to_real = this.checkMaxInterval(this.coords.p_to_real, this.coords.p_from_real, "to"),
this.coords.p_to_fake = this.convertToFakePercent(this.coords.p_to_real));
case "both":
this.options.from_fixed || this.options.to_fixed || (n = this.toFixed(n + .001 * this.coords.p_handle),
this.coords.p_from_real = this.convertToRealPercent(n) - this.coords.p_gap_left,
this.coords.p_from_real = this.calcWithStep(this.coords.p_from_real),
this.coords.p_from_real = this.checkDiapason(this.coords.p_from_real, this.options.from_min, this.options.from_max),
this.coords.p_from_real = this.checkMinInterval(this.coords.p_from_real, this.coords.p_to_real, "from"),
this.coords.p_from_fake = this.convertToFakePercent(this.coords.p_from_real),
this.coords.p_to_real = this.convertToRealPercent(n) + this.coords.p_gap_right,
this.coords.p_to_real = this.calcWithStep(this.coords.p_to_real),
this.coords.p_to_real = this.checkDiapason(this.coords.p_to_real, this.options.to_min, this.options.to_max),
this.coords.p_to_real = this.checkMinInterval(this.coords.p_to_real, this.coords.p_from_real, "to"),
this.coords.p_to_fake = this.convertToFakePercent(this.coords.p_to_real));
case "both_one":
this.options.from_fixed || this.options.to_fixed || (a = this.convertToRealPercent(n),
r = this.result.from_percent,
i = a + (e = (r = this.result.to_percent - r) / 2),
100 < (i = (a = a - e) < 0 ? (a = 0) + r : i) && (a = (i = 100) - r),
this.coords.p_from_real = this.calcWithStep(a),
this.coords.p_from_real = this.checkDiapason(this.coords.p_from_real, this.options.from_min, this.options.from_max),
this.coords.p_from_fake = this.convertToFakePercent(this.coords.p_from_real),
this.coords.p_to_real = this.calcWithStep(i),
this.coords.p_to_real = this.checkDiapason(this.coords.p_to_real, this.options.to_min, this.options.to_max),
this.coords.p_to_fake = this.convertToFakePercent(this.coords.p_to_real))
"single" === this.options.type ? (this.coords.p_bar_x = this.coords.p_handle / 2,
this.coords.p_bar_w = this.coords.p_single_fake,
this.result.from_percent = this.coords.p_single_real,
this.result.from = this.convertToValue(this.coords.p_single_real),
this.result.from_pretty = this._prettify(this.result.from),
this.options.values.length && (this.result.from_value = this.options.values[this.result.from])) : (this.coords.p_bar_x = this.toFixed(this.coords.p_from_fake + this.coords.p_handle / 2),
this.coords.p_bar_w = this.toFixed(this.coords.p_to_fake - this.coords.p_from_fake),
this.result.from_percent = this.coords.p_from_real,
this.result.from = this.convertToValue(this.coords.p_from_real),
this.result.from_pretty = this._prettify(this.result.from),
this.result.to_percent = this.coords.p_to_real,
this.result.to = this.convertToValue(this.coords.p_to_real),
this.result.to_pretty = this._prettify(this.result.to),
this.options.values.length && (this.result.from_value = this.options.values[this.result.from],
this.result.to_value = this.options.values[this.result.to])),
calcPointerPercent: function() {
this.coords.w_rs ? (this.coords.x_pointer < 0 || isNaN(this.coords.x_pointer) ? this.coords.x_pointer = 0 : this.coords.x_pointer > this.coords.w_rs && (this.coords.x_pointer = this.coords.w_rs),
this.coords.p_pointer = this.toFixed(this.coords.x_pointer / this.coords.w_rs * 100)) : this.coords.p_pointer = 0
convertToRealPercent: function(t) {
return t / (100 - this.coords.p_handle) * 100
convertToFakePercent: function(t) {
return t / 100 * (100 - this.coords.p_handle)
getHandleX: function() {
var t = 100 - this.coords.p_handle
, e = this.toFixed(this.coords.p_pointer - this.coords.p_gap);
return e < 0 ? e = 0 : t < e && (e = t),
calcHandlePercent: function() {
"single" === this.options.type ? this.coords.w_handle = this.$cache.s_single.outerWidth(!1) : this.coords.w_handle = this.$cache.s_from.outerWidth(!1),
this.coords.p_handle = this.toFixed(this.coords.w_handle / this.coords.w_rs * 100)
chooseHandle: function(t) {
return "single" === this.options.type ? "single" : this.coords.p_from_real + (this.coords.p_to_real - this.coords.p_from_real) / 2 <= t ? this.options.to_fixed ? "from" : "to" : this.options.from_fixed ? "to" : "from"
calcMinMax: function() {
this.coords.w_rs && (this.labels.p_min = this.labels.w_min / this.coords.w_rs * 100,
this.labels.p_max = this.labels.w_max / this.coords.w_rs * 100)
calcLabels: function() {
this.coords.w_rs && !this.options.hide_from_to && ("single" === this.options.type ? (this.labels.w_single = this.$cache.single.outerWidth(!1),
this.labels.p_single_fake = this.labels.w_single / this.coords.w_rs * 100,
this.labels.p_single_left = this.coords.p_single_fake + this.coords.p_handle / 2 - this.labels.p_single_fake / 2) : (this.labels.w_from = this.$cache.from.outerWidth(!1),
this.labels.p_from_fake = this.labels.w_from / this.coords.w_rs * 100,
this.labels.p_from_left = this.coords.p_from_fake + this.coords.p_handle / 2 - this.labels.p_from_fake / 2,
this.labels.p_from_left = this.toFixed(this.labels.p_from_left),
this.labels.p_from_left = this.checkEdges(this.labels.p_from_left, this.labels.p_from_fake),
this.labels.w_to = this.$cache.to.outerWidth(!1),
this.labels.p_to_fake = this.labels.w_to / this.coords.w_rs * 100,
this.labels.p_to_left = this.coords.p_to_fake + this.coords.p_handle / 2 - this.labels.p_to_fake / 2,
this.labels.p_to_left = this.toFixed(this.labels.p_to_left),
this.labels.p_to_left = this.checkEdges(this.labels.p_to_left, this.labels.p_to_fake),
this.labels.w_single = this.$cache.single.outerWidth(!1),
this.labels.p_single_fake = this.labels.w_single / this.coords.w_rs * 100,
this.labels.p_single_left = (this.labels.p_from_left + this.labels.p_to_left + this.labels.p_to_fake) / 2 - this.labels.p_single_fake / 2,
this.labels.p_single_left = this.toFixed(this.labels.p_single_left)),
this.labels.p_single_left = this.checkEdges(this.labels.p_single_left, this.labels.p_single_fake))
updateScene: function() {
this.raf_id && (cancelAnimationFrame(this.raf_id),
this.raf_id = null),
this.update_tm = null,
this.options && (this.drawHandles(),
this.is_active ? this.raf_id = requestAnimationFrame(this.updateScene.bind(this)) : this.update_tm = setTimeout(this.updateScene.bind(this), 300))
drawHandles: function() {
this.coords.w_rs = this.$cache.rs.outerWidth(!1),
this.coords.w_rs && (this.coords.w_rs !== this.coords.w_rs_old && (this.target = "base",
this.is_resize = !0),
this.coords.w_rs === this.coords.w_rs_old && !this.force_redraw || (this.setMinMax(),
this.options.grid && (this.calcGridMargin(),
this.force_redraw = !0,
this.coords.w_rs_old = this.coords.w_rs,
this.coords.w_rs && (this.dragging || this.force_redraw || this.is_key) && ((this.old_from !== this.result.from || this.old_to !== this.result.to || this.force_redraw || this.is_key) && (this.drawLabels(),
this.$cache.bar[0].style.left = this.coords.p_bar_x + "%",
this.$cache.bar[0].style.width = this.coords.p_bar_w + "%",
"single" === this.options.type ? (this.$cache.bar[0].style.left = 0,
this.$cache.bar[0].style.width = this.coords.p_bar_w + this.coords.p_bar_x + "%",
this.$cache.s_single[0].style.left = this.coords.p_single_fake + "%") : (this.$cache.s_from[0].style.left = this.coords.p_from_fake + "%",
this.$cache.s_to[0].style.left = this.coords.p_to_fake + "%",
this.old_from === this.result.from && !this.force_redraw || (this.$cache.from[0].style.left = this.labels.p_from_left + "%"),
this.old_to === this.result.to && !this.force_redraw || (this.$cache.to[0].style.left = this.labels.p_to_left + "%")),
this.$cache.single[0].style.left = this.labels.p_single_left + "%",
this.old_from === this.result.from && this.old_to === this.result.to || this.is_start || (this.$cache.input.trigger("change"),
this.old_from = this.result.from,
this.old_to = this.result.to,
this.is_resize || this.is_update || this.is_start || this.is_finish || this.callOnChange(),
(this.is_key || this.is_click) && (this.is_key = !1,
this.is_click = !1,
this.is_update = !1,
this.is_resize = !1,
this.is_finish = !1),
this.is_start = !1,
this.is_key = !1,
this.is_click = !1,
this.force_redraw = !1))
drawLabels: function() {
var t, e, i, n, r;
this.options && (i = this.options.values.length,
t = this.options.p_values,
this.options.hide_from_to || ("single" === this.options.type ? (n = i ? this.decorate(t[this.result.from]) : (e = this._prettify(this.result.from),
this.decorate(e, this.result.from)),
this.labels.p_single_left < this.labels.p_min + 1 ? this.$cache.min[0].style.visibility = "hidden" : this.$cache.min[0].style.visibility = "visible",
this.labels.p_single_left + this.labels.p_single_fake > 100 - this.labels.p_max - 1 ? this.$cache.max[0].style.visibility = "hidden" : this.$cache.max[0].style.visibility = "visible") : (t = i ? (this.options.decorate_both ? (n = this.decorate(t[this.result.from]),
n = (n += this.options.values_separator) + this.decorate(t[this.result.to])) : n = this.decorate(t[this.result.from] + this.options.values_separator + t[this.result.to]),
r = this.decorate(t[this.result.from]),
this.decorate(t[this.result.to])) : (e = this._prettify(this.result.from),
i = this._prettify(this.result.to),
this.options.decorate_both ? (n = this.decorate(e, this.result.from),
n = (n += this.options.values_separator) + this.decorate(i, this.result.to)) : n = this.decorate(e + this.options.values_separator + i, this.result.to),
r = this.decorate(e, this.result.from),
this.decorate(i, this.result.to)),
e = Math.min(this.labels.p_single_left, this.labels.p_from_left),
i = this.labels.p_single_left + this.labels.p_single_fake,
n = this.labels.p_to_left + this.labels.p_to_fake,
r = Math.max(i, n),
this.labels.p_from_left + this.labels.p_from_fake >= this.labels.p_to_left ? (this.$cache.from[0].style.visibility = "hidden",
this.$cache.to[0].style.visibility = "hidden",
this.$cache.single[0].style.visibility = "visible",
r = this.result.from === this.result.to ? ("from" === this.target ? this.$cache.from[0].style.visibility = "visible" : "to" === this.target ? this.$cache.to[0].style.visibility = "visible" : this.target || (this.$cache.from[0].style.visibility = "visible"),
this.$cache.single[0].style.visibility = "hidden",
n) : (this.$cache.from[0].style.visibility = "hidden",
this.$cache.to[0].style.visibility = "hidden",
this.$cache.single[0].style.visibility = "visible",
Math.max(i, n))) : (this.$cache.from[0].style.visibility = "visible",
this.$cache.to[0].style.visibility = "visible",
this.$cache.single[0].style.visibility = "hidden"),
e < this.labels.p_min + 1 ? this.$cache.min[0].style.visibility = "hidden" : this.$cache.min[0].style.visibility = "visible",
r > 100 - this.labels.p_max - 1 ? this.$cache.max[0].style.visibility = "hidden" : this.$cache.max[0].style.visibility = "visible")))
drawShadow: function() {
var t, e, i = this.options, n = this.$cache, r = "number" == typeof i.from_min && !isNaN(i.from_min), a = "number" == typeof i.from_max && !isNaN(i.from_max), s = "number" == typeof i.to_min && !isNaN(i.to_min), o = "number" == typeof i.to_max && !isNaN(i.to_max);
"single" === i.type ? i.from_shadow && (r || a) ? (t = this.convertToPercent(r ? i.from_min : i.min),
e = this.convertToPercent(a ? i.from_max : i.max) - t,
t = this.toFixed(t - this.coords.p_handle / 100 * t),
e = this.toFixed(e - this.coords.p_handle / 100 * e),
t += this.coords.p_handle / 2,
n.shad_single[0].style.display = "block",
n.shad_single[0].style.left = t + "%",
n.shad_single[0].style.width = e + "%") : n.shad_single[0].style.display = "none" : (i.from_shadow && (r || a) ? (t = this.convertToPercent(r ? i.from_min : i.min),
e = this.convertToPercent(a ? i.from_max : i.max) - t,
t = this.toFixed(t - this.coords.p_handle / 100 * t),
e = this.toFixed(e - this.coords.p_handle / 100 * e),
t += this.coords.p_handle / 2,
n.shad_from[0].style.display = "block",
n.shad_from[0].style.left = t + "%",
n.shad_from[0].style.width = e + "%") : n.shad_from[0].style.display = "none",
i.to_shadow && (s || o) ? (r = this.convertToPercent(s ? i.to_min : i.min),
a = this.convertToPercent(o ? i.to_max : i.max) - r,
r = this.toFixed(r - this.coords.p_handle / 100 * r),
a = this.toFixed(a - this.coords.p_handle / 100 * a),
r += this.coords.p_handle / 2,
n.shad_to[0].style.display = "block",
n.shad_to[0].style.left = r + "%",
n.shad_to[0].style.width = a + "%") : n.shad_to[0].style.display = "none")
writeToInput: function() {
"single" === this.options.type ? (this.options.values.length ? this.$cache.input.prop("value", this.result.from_value) : this.$cache.input.prop("value", this.result.from),
this.$cache.input.data("from", this.result.from)) : (this.options.values.length ? this.$cache.input.prop("value", this.result.from_value + this.options.input_values_separator + this.result.to_value) : this.$cache.input.prop("value", this.result.from + this.options.input_values_separator + this.result.to),
this.$cache.input.data("from", this.result.from),
this.$cache.input.data("to", this.result.to))
callOnStart: function() {
this.options.onStart && "function" == typeof this.options.onStart && (this.options.scope ? this.options.onStart.call(this.options.scope, this.result) : this.options.onStart(this.result))
callOnChange: function() {
this.options.onChange && "function" == typeof this.options.onChange && (this.options.scope ? this.options.onChange.call(this.options.scope, this.result) : this.options.onChange(this.result))
callOnFinish: function() {
this.options.onFinish && "function" == typeof this.options.onFinish && (this.options.scope ? this.options.onFinish.call(this.options.scope, this.result) : this.options.onFinish(this.result))
callOnUpdate: function() {
this.options.onUpdate && "function" == typeof this.options.onUpdate && (this.options.scope ? this.options.onUpdate.call(this.options.scope, this.result) : this.options.onUpdate(this.result))
toggleInput: function() {
this.has_tab_index ? this.$cache.input.prop("tabindex", -1) : this.$cache.input.removeProp("tabindex"),
this.has_tab_index = !this.has_tab_index
convertToPercent: function(t, e) {
var i = this.options.max - this.options.min;
return i ? (e = (e ? t : t - this.options.min) / (i / 100),
this.toFixed(e)) : (this.no_diapason = !0,
convertToValue: function(t) {
var e, i = this.options.min, n = this.options.max, r = i.toString().split(".")[1], a = n.toString().split(".")[1], s = 0, o = 0;
if (0 === t)
return this.options.min;
if (100 === t)
return this.options.max;
r && (s = c = r.length),
a && (s = e = a.length),
c && e && (s = e <= c ? c : e),
i < 0 && (i = +(i + (o = Math.abs(i))).toFixed(s),
n = +(n + o).toFixed(s));
var c, r = (n - i) / 100 * t + i, a = this.options.step.toString().split(".")[1], r = a ? +r.toFixed(a.length) : +(r = (r /= this.options.step) * this.options.step).toFixed(0);
return o && (r -= o),
(c = a ? +r.toFixed(a.length) : this.toFixed(r)) < this.options.min ? c = this.options.min : c > this.options.max && (c = this.options.max),
calcWithStep: function(t) {
var e = Math.round(t / this.coords.p_step) * this.coords.p_step;
return 100 < e && (e = 100),
this.toFixed(e = 100 === t ? 100 : e)
checkMinInterval: function(t, e, i) {
var n, r = this.options;
return r.min_interval ? (n = this.convertToValue(t),
e = this.convertToValue(e),
"from" === i ? e - n < r.min_interval && (n = e - r.min_interval) : n - e < r.min_interval && (n = e + r.min_interval),
this.convertToPercent(n)) : t
checkMaxInterval: function(t, e, i) {
var n, r = this.options;
return r.max_interval ? (n = this.convertToValue(t),
e = this.convertToValue(e),
"from" === i ? e - n > r.max_interval && (n = e - r.max_interval) : n - e > r.max_interval && (n = e + r.max_interval),
this.convertToPercent(n)) : t
checkDiapason: function(t, e, i) {
var t = this.convertToValue(t)
, n = this.options;
return "number" != typeof e && (e = n.min),
(i = "number" != typeof i ? n.max : i) < (t = t < e ? e : t) && (t = i),
toFixed: function(t) {
return +t.toFixed(20)
_prettify: function(t) {
return this.options.prettify_enabled ? (this.options.prettify && "function" == typeof this.options.prettify ? this.options : this).prettify(t) : t
prettify: function(t) {
return t.toString().replace(/(\d{1,3}(?=(?:\d\d\d)+(?!\d)))/g, "$1" + this.options.prettify_separator)
checkEdges: function(t, e) {
return this.options.force_edges && (t < 0 ? t = 0 : 100 - e < t && (t = 100 - e)),
validate: function() {
var t, e, i = this.options, n = this.result, r = i.values, a = r.length;
if ("string" == typeof i.min && (i.min = +i.min),
"string" == typeof i.max && (i.max = +i.max),
"string" == typeof i.from && (i.from = +i.from),
"string" == typeof i.to && (i.to = +i.to),
"string" == typeof i.step && (i.step = +i.step),
"string" == typeof i.from_min && (i.from_min = +i.from_min),
"string" == typeof i.from_max && (i.from_max = +i.from_max),
"string" == typeof i.to_min && (i.to_min = +i.to_min),
"string" == typeof i.to_max && (i.to_max = +i.to_max),
"string" == typeof i.grid_num && (i.grid_num = +i.grid_num),
i.max < i.min && (i.max = i.min),
for (i.p_values = [],
i.min = 0,
i.max = a - 1,
i.step = 1,
i.grid_num = i.max,
i.grid_snap = !0,
e = 0; e < a; e++)
t = +r[e],
t = isNaN(t) ? r[e] : (r[e] = t,
"number" == typeof i.from && !isNaN(i.from) || (i.from = i.min),
"number" == typeof i.to && !isNaN(i.to) || (i.to = i.max),
"single" === i.type ? (i.from < i.min && (i.from = i.min),
i.from > i.max && (i.from = i.max)) : (i.from < i.min && (i.from = i.min),
i.from > i.max && (i.from = i.max),
i.to < i.min && (i.to = i.min),
i.to > i.max && (i.to = i.max),
this.update_check.from && (this.update_check.from !== i.from && i.from > i.to && (i.from = i.to),
this.update_check.to !== i.to && i.to < i.from && (i.to = i.from)),
i.from > i.to && (i.from = i.to),
i.to < i.from && (i.to = i.from)),
("number" != typeof i.step || isNaN(i.step) || !i.step || i.step < 0) && (i.step = 1),
"number" == typeof i.from_min && i.from < i.from_min && (i.from = i.from_min),
"number" == typeof i.from_max && i.from > i.from_max && (i.from = i.from_max),
"number" == typeof i.to_min && i.to < i.to_min && (i.to = i.to_min),
"number" == typeof i.to_max && i.from > i.to_max && (i.to = i.to_max),
n && (n.min !== i.min && (n.min = i.min),
n.max !== i.max && (n.max = i.max),
(n.from < n.min || n.from > n.max) && (n.from = i.from),
(n.to < n.min || n.to > n.max) && (n.to = i.to)),
("number" != typeof i.min_interval || isNaN(i.min_interval) || !i.min_interval || i.min_interval < 0) && (i.min_interval = 0),
("number" != typeof i.max_interval || isNaN(i.max_interval) || !i.max_interval || i.max_interval < 0) && (i.max_interval = 0),
i.min_interval && i.min_interval > i.max - i.min && (i.min_interval = i.max - i.min),
i.max_interval && i.max_interval > i.max - i.min && (i.max_interval = i.max - i.min)
decorate: function(t, e) {
var i = ""
, n = this.options;
return n.prefix && (i += n.prefix),
i += t,
n.max_postfix && (n.values.length && t === n.p_values[n.max] || e === n.max) && (i += n.max_postfix,
n.postfix && (i += " ")),
n.postfix && (i += n.postfix),
updateFrom: function() {
this.result.from = this.options.from,
this.result.from_percent = this.convertToPercent(this.result.from),
this.result.from_pretty = this._prettify(this.result.from),
this.options.values && (this.result.from_value = this.options.values[this.result.from])
updateTo: function() {
this.result.to = this.options.to,
this.result.to_percent = this.convertToPercent(this.result.to),
this.result.to_pretty = this._prettify(this.result.to),
this.options.values && (this.result.to_value = this.options.values[this.result.to])
updateResult: function() {
this.result.min = this.options.min,
this.result.max = this.options.max,
appendGrid: function() {
if (this.options.grid) {
var t, e, i, n, r, a, s = this.options, o = s.max - s.min, c = s.grid_num, l = 0, d = 4, u = "";
for (this.calcGridMargin(),
s.grid_snap && (c = o / s.step),
i = this.toFixed(100 / (c = 50 < c ? 50 : c)),
4 < c && (d = 3),
7 < c && (d = 2),
14 < c && (d = 1),
28 < c && (d = 0),
t = 0; t < c + 1; t++) {
for (n = d,
100 < (l = this.toFixed(i * t)) && (l = 100),
r = ((this.coords.big[t] = l) - i * (t - 1)) / (n + 1),
e = 1; e <= n && 0 !== l; e++)
u += '<span class="irs-grid-pol small" style="left: ' + this.toFixed(l - r * e) + '%"></span>';
u += '<span class="irs-grid-pol" style="left: ' + l + '%"></span>',
a = this.convertToValue(l),
u += '<span class="irs-grid-text js-grid-text-' + t + '" style="left: ' + l + '%">' + (s.values.length ? s.p_values[a] : this._prettify(a)) + "</span>"
this.coords.big_num = Math.ceil(c + 1),
cacheGridLabels: function() {
for (var t, e = this.coords.big_num, i = 0; i < e; i++)
t = this.$cache.grid.find(".js-grid-text-" + i),
calcGridLabels: function() {
for (var t, e = [], i = [], n = this.coords.big_num, r = 0; r < n; r++)
this.coords.big_w[r] = this.$cache.grid_labels[r].outerWidth(!1),
this.coords.big_p[r] = this.toFixed(this.coords.big_w[r] / this.coords.w_rs * 100),
this.coords.big_x[r] = this.toFixed(this.coords.big_p[r] / 2),
e[r] = this.toFixed(this.coords.big[r] - this.coords.big_x[r]),
i[r] = this.toFixed(e[r] + this.coords.big_p[r]);
for (this.options.force_edges && (e[0] < -this.coords.grid_gap && (e[0] = -this.coords.grid_gap,
i[0] = this.toFixed(e[0] + this.coords.big_p[0]),
this.coords.big_x[0] = this.coords.grid_gap),
i[n - 1] > 100 + this.coords.grid_gap && (i[n - 1] = 100 + this.coords.grid_gap,
e[n - 1] = this.toFixed(i[n - 1] - this.coords.big_p[n - 1]),
this.coords.big_x[n - 1] = this.toFixed(this.coords.big_p[n - 1] - this.coords.grid_gap))),
this.calcGridCollision(2, e, i),
this.calcGridCollision(4, e, i),
r = 0; r < n; r++)
t = this.$cache.grid_labels[r][0],
this.coords.big_x[r] !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY && (t.style.marginLeft = -this.coords.big_x[r] + "%")
calcGridCollision: function(t, e, i) {
for (var n, r, a = this.coords.big_num, s = 0; s < a && !(a <= (n = s + t / 2)); s += t)
r = this.$cache.grid_labels[n][0],
i[s] <= e[n] ? r.style.visibility = "visible" : r.style.visibility = "hidden"
calcGridMargin: function() {
this.options.grid_margin && (this.coords.w_rs = this.$cache.rs.outerWidth(!1),
this.coords.w_rs && ("single" === this.options.type ? this.coords.w_handle = this.$cache.s_single.outerWidth(!1) : this.coords.w_handle = this.$cache.s_from.outerWidth(!1),
this.coords.p_handle = this.toFixed(this.coords.w_handle / this.coords.w_rs * 100),
this.coords.grid_gap = this.toFixed(this.coords.p_handle / 2 - .1),
this.$cache.grid[0].style.width = this.toFixed(100 - this.coords.p_handle) + "%",
this.$cache.grid[0].style.left = this.coords.grid_gap + "%"))
update: function(t) {
this.input && (this.is_update = !0,
this.options.from = this.result.from,
this.options.to = this.result.to,
this.update_check.from = this.result.from,
this.update_check.to = this.result.to,
this.options = s.extend(this.options, t),
reset: function() {
this.input && (this.updateResult(),
destroy: function() {
this.input && (this.toggleInput(),
this.$cache.input.prop("readonly", !1),
s.data(this.input, "ionRangeSlider", null),
this.input = null,
this.options = null)
s.fn.ionRangeSlider = function(t) {
return this.each(function() {
s.data(this, "ionRangeSlider") || s.data(this, "ionRangeSlider", new e(this,t,n++))
for (var a = 0, d = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"], u = 0; u < d.length && !c.requestAnimationFrame; ++u)
c.requestAnimationFrame = c[d[u] + "RequestAnimationFrame"],
c.cancelAnimationFrame = c[d[u] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || c[d[u] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"];
c.requestAnimationFrame || (c.requestAnimationFrame = function(t, e) {
var i = (new Date).getTime()
, n = Math.max(0, 16 - (i - a))
, r = c.setTimeout(function() {
t(i + n)
}, n);
return a = i + n,
c.cancelAnimationFrame || (c.cancelAnimationFrame = function(t) {
!jQuery && "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function(t) {
return e(t, document, window, navigator)
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function() {
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("function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define : function(t, e, i) {
(i || e)()
)("kendo.core.min", ["jquery"], function() {
var m = jQuery
, v = window
, q = void 0;
function D() {}
function N(t, e) {
if (e)
return "'" + t.split("'").join("\\'").split('\\"').join('\\\\\\"').replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/\r/g, "\\r").replace(/\t/g, "\\t") + "'";
var i = t.charAt(0)
, n = t.substring(1);
return "=" === i ? "+(" + n + ")+" : ":" === i ? "+$kendoHtmlEncode(" + n + ")+" : ";" + t + ";$kendoOutput+="
function c(t, e, i) {
return t += "",
e = e || 2,
i = e - t.length,
i ? vt[e].substring(0, i) + t : t
function M(t) {
var e = t.css(F.support.transitions.css + "box-shadow") || t.css("box-shadow")
, i = e ? e.match(Qt) || [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] : [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
, n = h.max(+i[3], +(i[4] || 0));
return {
left: -i[1] + n,
right: +i[1] + n,
bottom: +i[2] + n
function A(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s, o, c, l, d = f.browser, u = F._outerWidth, p = F._outerHeight;
return t.parent().hasClass("k-animation-container") ? (c = t.parent(".k-animation-container"),
l = c[0].style,
c.is(":hidden") && c.css({
display: "",
position: ""
i = Gt.test(l.width) || Gt.test(l.height),
i || c.css({
width: e ? u(t) + 1 : u(t),
height: p(t),
boxSizing: "content-box",
mozBoxSizing: "content-box",
webkitBoxSizing: "content-box"
})) : (n = t[0].style.width,
r = t[0].style.height,
a = Gt.test(n),
s = Gt.test(r),
o = t.hasClass("k-tooltip") || t.is(".k-menu-horizontal.k-context-menu"),
i = a || s,
!a && (!e || e && n || o) && (n = e ? u(t) + 1 : u(t)),
!s && (!e || e && r) && (r = p(t)),
width: n,
height: r
i && t.css({
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
boxSizing: "border-box",
mozBoxSizing: "border-box",
webkitBoxSizing: "border-box"
d.msie && h.floor(d.version) <= 7 && (t.css({
zoom: 1
function O(t) {
var e = 1
, i = arguments.length;
for (e = 1; e < i; e++)
I(t, arguments[e]);
return t
function I(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s, o = F.data.ObservableArray, c = F.data.LazyObservableArray, l = F.data.DataSource, d = F.data.HierarchicalDataSource;
for (i in e)
n = e[i],
r = typeof n,
a = r === b && null !== n ? n.constructor : null,
a && a !== Array && a !== o && a !== c && a !== l && a !== d && a !== RegExp ? n instanceof Date ? t[i] = new Date(n.getTime()) : u(n.clone) ? t[i] = n.clone() : (s = t[i],
t[i] = typeof s === b ? s || {} : {},
I(t[i], n)) : r !== Kt && (t[i] = n);
return t
function E(t, e, i) {
for (var n in e)
if (e.hasOwnProperty(n) && e[n].test(t))
return n;
return i !== q ? i : t
function B(t) {
return t.replace(/([a-z][A-Z])/g, function(t) {
return t.charAt(0) + "-" + t.charAt(1).toLowerCase()
function L(t) {
return t.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(t, e) {
return e.toUpperCase()
function V(t, e) {
var i, n = {};
return document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? (i = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(t, ""),
e && m.each(e, function(t, e) {
n[e] = i.getPropertyValue(e)
})) : (i = t.currentStyle,
e && m.each(e, function(t, e) {
n[e] = i[L(e)]
F.size(n) || (n = i),
function G(t) {
if (t && t.className && "string" == typeof t.className && t.className.indexOf("k-auto-scrollable") > -1)
return !0;
var e = V(t, ["overflow"]).overflow;
return "auto" == e || "scroll" == e
function W(t, e) {
var i, n = f.browser.webkit, r = f.browser.mozilla, a = t instanceof m ? t[0] : t;
if (t)
return i = f.isRtl(t),
e === q ? i && n ? a.scrollWidth - a.clientWidth - a.scrollLeft : Math.abs(a.scrollLeft) : (a.scrollLeft = i && n ? a.scrollWidth - a.clientWidth - e : i && r ? -e : e,
function Q(t) {
var e, i = 0;
for (e in t)
t.hasOwnProperty(e) && "toJSON" != e && i++;
return i
function J(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a;
return e || (e = "offset"),
n = t[e](),
r = {
top: n.top,
right: n.right,
bottom: n.bottom,
left: n.left
f.browser.msie && (f.pointers || f.msPointers) && !i && (a = f.isRtl(t) ? 1 : -1,
r.top -= v.pageYOffset - document.documentElement.scrollTop,
r.left -= v.pageXOffset + a * document.documentElement.scrollLeft),
function Y(t) {
var e = {};
return jt("string" == typeof t ? t.split(" ") : t, function(t) {
e[t] = this
function Z(t) {
return new F.effects.Element(t)
function K(t, e, i, n) {
return typeof t === _ && (u(e) && (n = e,
e = 400,
i = !1),
u(i) && (n = i,
i = !1),
typeof e === Zt && (i = e,
e = 400),
t = {
effects: t,
duration: e,
reverse: i,
complete: n
effects: {},
duration: 400,
reverse: !1,
init: Lt,
teardown: Lt,
hide: !1
}, t, {
completeCallback: t.complete,
complete: Lt
function X(t, e, i, n, r) {
for (var a, s = 0, o = t.length; s < o; s++)
a = m(t[s]),
a.queue(function() {
l.promise(a, K(e, i, n, r))
return t
function tt(i, t, e, n) {
return t && (t = t.split(" "),
jt(t, function(t, e) {
i.toggleClass(e, n)
function et(t) {
return ("" + t).replace(yt, "&").replace(bt, "<").replace(Ct, ">").replace(xt, """).replace(wt, "'")
function it(t, e) {
var i;
return 0 === e.indexOf("data") && (e = e.substring(4),
e = e.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + e.substring(1)),
e = e.replace(At, "-$1"),
i = t.getAttribute("data-" + F.ns + e),
null === i ? i = q : "null" === i ? i = null : "true" === i ? i = !0 : "false" === i ? i = !1 : Jt.test(i) && "mask" != e ? i = parseFloat(i) : Nt.test(i) && !Mt.test(i) && (i = Function("return (" + i + ")")()),
function nt(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a = {};
for (n in e)
r = it(t, n),
r !== q && (Dt.test(n) && ("string" == typeof r ? m("#" + r).length ? r = F.template(m("#" + r).html()) : i && (r = F.template(i[r])) : r = t.getAttribute(n)),
a[n] = r);
return a
function rt(t, e) {
return m.contains(t, e) ? -1 : 1
function at() {
var t = m(this);
return m.inArray(t.attr("data-" + F.ns + "role"), ["slider", "rangeslider"]) > -1 || t.is(":visible")
function st(t, e) {
var i = t.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return (/input|select|textarea|button|object/.test(i) ? !t.disabled : "a" === i ? t.href || e : e) && ot(t)
function ot(t) {
return m.expr.filters.visible(t) && !m(t).parents().addBack().filter(function() {
return "hidden" === m.css(this, "visibility")
function i(t, e) {
return new i.fn.init(t,e)
var t, u, ct, lt, dt, ut, pt, ht, ft, gt, mt, vt, _t, l, yt, bt, xt, wt, Ct, kt, St, Pt, n, Tt, Dt, Nt, Mt, At, Ot, It, Et, Ft, d, e, Rt, qt, $t, Ut, zt, r, F = v.kendo = v.kendo || {
cultures: {}
}, p = m.extend, jt = m.each, Ht = m.isArray, Bt = m.proxy, Lt = m.noop, h = Math, Vt = v.JSON || {}, f = {}, Gt = /%/, Wt = /\{(\d+)(:[^\}]+)?\}/g, Qt = /(\d+(?:\.?)\d*)px\s*(\d+(?:\.?)\d*)px\s*(\d+(?:\.?)\d*)px\s*(\d+)?/i, Jt = /^(\+|-?)\d+(\.?)\d*$/, g = "function", _ = "string", y = "number", b = "object", Yt = "null", Zt = "boolean", Kt = "undefined", Xt = {}, te = {}, ee = [].slice, a, s, o, ie, x, w, C, ne, re, ae;
function se(t) {
return le.lastIndex = 0,
le.test(t) ? '"' + t.replace(le, function(t) {
var e = de[t];
return typeof e === _ ? e : "\\u" + ("0000" + t.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
}) + '"' : '"' + t + '"'
function oe(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s, o, c = k, l = e[t];
if (l && typeof l === b && typeof l.toJSON === g && (l = l.toJSON(t)),
typeof S === g && (l = S.call(e, t, l)),
o = typeof l,
o === _)
return se(l);
if (o === y)
return isFinite(l) ? l + "" : Yt;
if (o === Zt || o === Yt)
return l + "";
if (o === b) {
if (!l)
return Yt;
if (k += ce,
s = [],
"[object Array]" === ue.apply(l)) {
for (a = l.length,
i = 0; i < a; i++)
s[i] = oe(i, l) || Yt;
return r = 0 === s.length ? "[]" : k ? "[\n" + k + s.join(",\n" + k) + "\n" + c + "]" : "[" + s.join(",") + "]",
k = c,
if (S && typeof S === b)
for (a = S.length,
i = 0; i < a; i++)
typeof S[i] === _ && (n = S[i],
r = oe(n, l),
r && s.push(se(n) + (k ? ": " : ":") + r));
for (n in l)
Object.hasOwnProperty.call(l, n) && (r = oe(n, l),
r && s.push(se(n) + (k ? ": " : ":") + r));
return r = 0 === s.length ? "{}" : k ? "{\n" + k + s.join(",\n" + k) + "\n" + c + "}" : "{" + s.join(",") + "}",
k = c,
F.version = "2019.1.220".replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""),
D.extend = function(t) {
var e, i, n = function() {}, r = this, a = t && t.init ? t.init : function() {
r.apply(this, arguments)
n.prototype = r.prototype,
i = a.fn = a.prototype = new n;
for (e in t)
i[e] = null != t[e] && t[e].constructor === Object ? p(!0, {}, n.prototype[e], t[e]) : t[e];
return i.constructor = a,
a.extend = r.extend,
D.prototype._initOptions = function(t) {
this.options = O({}, this.options, t)
u = F.isFunction = function(t) {
return "function" == typeof t
ct = function() {
this._defaultPrevented = !0
lt = function() {
return this._defaultPrevented === !0
dt = D.extend({
init: function() {
this._events = {}
bind: function(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a, s, o, c = this, l = typeof t === _ ? [t] : t, d = typeof e === g;
if (e === q) {
for (n in t)
c.bind(n, t[n]);
return c
for (n = 0,
r = l.length; n < r; n++)
t = l[n],
s = d ? e : e[t],
s && (i && (a = s,
s = function() {
c.unbind(t, s),
a.apply(c, arguments)
s.original = a),
o = c._events[t] = c._events[t] || [],
return c
one: function(t, e) {
return this.bind(t, e, !0)
first: function(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s = this, o = typeof t === _ ? [t] : t, c = typeof e === g;
for (i = 0,
n = o.length; i < n; i++)
t = o[i],
r = c ? e : e[t],
r && (a = s._events[t] = s._events[t] || [],
return s
trigger: function(t, e) {
var i, n, r = this, a = r._events[t];
if (a) {
for (e = e || {},
e.sender = r,
e._defaultPrevented = !1,
e.preventDefault = ct,
e.isDefaultPrevented = lt,
a = a.slice(),
i = 0,
n = a.length; i < n; i++)
a[i].call(r, e);
return e._defaultPrevented === !0
return !1
unbind: function(t, e) {
var i, n = this, r = n._events[t];
if (t === q)
n._events = {};
else if (r)
if (e)
for (i = r.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
r[i] !== e && r[i].original !== e || r.splice(i, 1);
n._events[t] = [];
return n
ut = /^\w+/,
pt = /\$\{([^}]*)\}/g,
ht = /\\\}/g,
ft = /__CURLY__/g,
gt = /\\#/g,
mt = /__SHARP__/g,
vt = ["", "0", "00", "000", "0000"],
t = {
paramName: "data",
useWithBlock: !0,
render: function(t, e) {
var i, n, r = "";
for (i = 0,
n = e.length; i < n; i++)
r += t(e[i]);
return r
compile: function(e, t) {
var i, n, r, a = p({}, this, t), s = a.paramName, o = s.match(ut)[0], c = a.useWithBlock, l = "var $kendoOutput, $kendoHtmlEncode = kendo.htmlEncode;";
if (u(e))
return e;
for (l += c ? "with(" + s + "){" : "",
l += "$kendoOutput=",
n = e.replace(ht, "__CURLY__").replace(pt, "#=$kendoHtmlEncode($1)#").replace(ft, "}").replace(gt, "__SHARP__").split("#"),
r = 0; r < n.length; r++)
l += N(n[r], r % 2 === 0);
l += c ? ";}" : ";",
l += "return $kendoOutput;",
l = l.replace(mt, "#");
try {
return i = Function(o, l),
i._slotCount = Math.floor(n.length / 2),
} catch (t) {
throw Error(F.format("Invalid template:'{0}' Generated code:'{1}'", e, l))
var k, ce, S, le = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g, de = {
"\b": "\\b",
"\t": "\\t",
"\n": "\\n",
"\f": "\\f",
"\r": "\\r",
'"': '\\"',
"\\": "\\\\"
}, ue = {}.toString;
function pe(t) {
if (t) {
if (t.numberFormat)
return t;
if (typeof t === _) {
var e = F.cultures;
return e[t] || e[t.split("-")[0]] || null
return null
return null
function he(t) {
return t && (t = pe(t)),
t || F.cultures.current
function fe(r, t, e) {
e = he(e);
var a = e.calendars.standard
, s = a.days
, o = a.months;
return t = a.patterns[t] || t,
t.replace(_e, function(t) {
var e, i, n;
return "d" === t ? i = r.getDate() : "dd" === t ? i = c(r.getDate()) : "ddd" === t ? i = s.namesAbbr[r.getDay()] : "dddd" === t ? i = s.names[r.getDay()] : "M" === t ? i = r.getMonth() + 1 : "MM" === t ? i = c(r.getMonth() + 1) : "MMM" === t ? i = o.namesAbbr[r.getMonth()] : "MMMM" === t ? i = o.names[r.getMonth()] : "yy" === t ? i = c(r.getFullYear() % 100) : "yyyy" === t ? i = c(r.getFullYear(), 4) : "h" === t ? i = r.getHours() % 12 || 12 : "hh" === t ? i = c(r.getHours() % 12 || 12) : "H" === t ? i = r.getHours() : "HH" === t ? i = c(r.getHours()) : "m" === t ? i = r.getMinutes() : "mm" === t ? i = c(r.getMinutes()) : "s" === t ? i = r.getSeconds() : "ss" === t ? i = c(r.getSeconds()) : "f" === t ? i = h.floor(r.getMilliseconds() / 100) : "ff" === t ? (i = r.getMilliseconds(),
i > 99 && (i = h.floor(i / 10)),
i = c(i)) : "fff" === t ? i = c(r.getMilliseconds(), 3) : "tt" === t ? i = r.getHours() < 12 ? a.AM[0] : a.PM[0] : "zzz" === t ? (e = r.getTimezoneOffset(),
n = e < 0,
i = ("" + h.abs(e / 60)).split(".")[0],
e = h.abs(e) - 60 * i,
i = (n ? "+" : "-") + c(i),
i += ":" + c(e)) : "zz" !== t && "z" !== t || (i = r.getTimezoneOffset() / 60,
n = i < 0,
i = ("" + h.abs(i)).split(".")[0],
i = (n ? "+" : "-") + ("zz" === t ? c(i) : i)),
i !== q ? i : t.slice(1, t.length - 1)
function ge(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a, s, o, c, l, d, u, p, h, f, g, m, v, _, y, b, x, w, C, k, S, P, T, D, N, M, A, R, O, I, E, F;
if (i = he(i),
n = i.numberFormat,
r = n[z],
a = n.decimals,
s = n.pattern[0],
o = [],
h = t < 0,
_ = U,
y = U,
O = -1,
t === q)
return U;
if (!isFinite(t))
return t;
if (!e)
return i.name.length ? t.toLocaleString() : "" + t;
if (p = ye.exec(e)) {
if (e = p[1].toLowerCase(),
l = "c" === e,
d = "p" === e,
(l || d) && (n = l ? n.currency : n.percent,
r = n[z],
a = n.decimals,
c = n.symbol,
s = n.pattern[h ? 0 : 1]),
u = p[2],
u && (a = +u),
"e" === e)
return E = u ? t.toExponential(a) : t.toExponential(),
E.replace(z, n[z]);
if (d && (t *= 100),
t = $(t, a),
h = t < 0,
t = t.split(z),
f = t[0],
g = t[1],
h && (f = f.substring(1)),
y = me(f, 0, f.length, n),
g && (y += r + g),
"n" === e && !h)
return y;
for (t = U,
b = 0,
x = s.length; b < x; b++)
w = s.charAt(b),
t += "n" === w ? y : "$" === w || "%" === w ? c : w;
return t
if ((e.indexOf("'") > -1 || e.indexOf('"') > -1 || e.indexOf("\\") > -1) && (e = e.replace(be, function(t) {
var e = t.charAt(0).replace("\\", "")
, i = t.slice(1).replace(e, "");
return o.push(i),
e = e.split(";"),
h && e[1])
e = e[1],
k = !0;
else if (0 === t && e[2]) {
if (e = e[2],
e.indexOf(j) == -1 && e.indexOf(H) == -1)
return e
} else
e = e[0];
if (M = e.indexOf("%"),
A = e.indexOf("$"),
d = M != -1,
l = A != -1,
d && (t *= 100),
l && "\\" === e[A - 1] && (e = e.split("\\").join(""),
l = !1),
(l || d) && (n = l ? n.currency : n.percent,
r = n[z],
a = n.decimals,
c = n.symbol),
C = e.indexOf(we) > -1,
C && (e = e.replace(xe, U)),
S = e.indexOf(z),
x = e.length,
S != -1)
if (g = ("" + t).split("e"),
g = g[1] ? $(t, Math.abs(g[1])) : g[0],
g = g.split(z)[1] || U,
T = e.lastIndexOf(H) - S,
P = e.lastIndexOf(j) - S,
D = T > -1,
N = P > -1,
b = g.length,
D || N || (e = e.substring(0, S) + e.substring(S + 1),
x = e.length,
S = -1,
b = 0),
D && T > P)
b = T;
else if (P > T)
if (N && b > P) {
for (F = $(t, P, h); F.charAt(F.length - 1) === H && P > 0 && P > T; )
F = $(t, P, h);
b = P
} else
D && b < T && (b = T);
if (t = $(t, b, h),
P = e.indexOf(j),
R = T = e.indexOf(H),
O = P == -1 && T != -1 ? T : P != -1 && T == -1 ? P : P > T ? T : P,
P = e.lastIndexOf(j),
T = e.lastIndexOf(H),
I = P == -1 && T != -1 ? T : P != -1 && T == -1 ? P : P > T ? P : T,
O == x && (I = O),
O != -1) {
for (y = ("" + t).split(z),
f = y[0],
g = y[1] || U,
m = f.length,
v = g.length,
h && t * -1 >= 0 && (h = !1),
t = e.substring(0, O),
h && !k && (t += "-"),
b = O; b < x; b++) {
if (w = e.charAt(b),
S == -1) {
if (I - b < m) {
t += f;
} else if (T != -1 && T < b && (_ = U),
S - b <= m && S - b > -1 && (t += f,
b = S),
S === b) {
t += (g ? r : U) + g,
b += I - S + 1;
w === H ? (t += w,
_ = w) : w === j && (t += _)
if (C && (t = me(t, O + (h && !k ? 1 : 0), Math.max(I, m + O), n)),
I >= O && (t += e.substring(I + 1)),
l || d) {
for (y = U,
b = 0,
x = t.length; b < x; b++)
w = t.charAt(b),
y += "$" === w || "%" === w ? c : w;
t = y
if (x = o.length)
for (b = 0; b < x; b++)
t = t.replace(Ce, o[b])
return t
typeof Date.prototype.toJSON !== g && (Date.prototype.toJSON = function() {
var t = this;
return isFinite(t.valueOf()) ? c(t.getUTCFullYear(), 4) + "-" + c(t.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + c(t.getUTCDate()) + "T" + c(t.getUTCHours()) + ":" + c(t.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + c(t.getUTCSeconds()) + "Z" : null
String.prototype.toJSON = Number.prototype.toJSON = Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this.valueOf()
typeof Vt.stringify !== g && (Vt.stringify = function(t, e, i) {
var n;
if (k = "",
ce = "",
typeof i === y)
for (n = 0; n < i; n += 1)
ce += " ";
typeof i === _ && (ce = i);
if (S = e,
e && typeof e !== g && (typeof e !== b || typeof e.length !== y))
throw Error("JSON.stringify");
return oe("", {
"": t
var me, $, ve, _e = /dddd|ddd|dd|d|MMMM|MMM|MM|M|yyyy|yy|HH|H|hh|h|mm|m|fff|ff|f|tt|ss|s|zzz|zz|z|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g, ye = /^(n|c|p|e)(\d*)$/i, be = /(\\.)|(['][^']*[']?)|(["][^"]*["]?)/g, xe = /\,/g, U = "", z = ".", we = ",", j = "#", H = "0", Ce = "??", ke = "en-US", Se = {}.toString;
function R(t, e, i) {
return !(t >= e && t <= i)
function Pe(t) {
return t.charAt(0)
function Te(t) {
return m.map(t, Pe)
function De(t, e) {
e || 23 !== t.getHours() || t.setHours(t.getHours() + 2)
function Ne(t) {
for (var e = 0, i = t.length, n = []; e < i; e++)
n[e] = (t[e] + "").toLowerCase();
return n
function Me(t) {
var e, i = {};
for (e in t)
i[e] = Ne(t[e]);
return i
function Ae(l, i, t, e) {
if (!l)
return null;
var n, r, a, s, o, c, d, u, p, h, f, g, m, v = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; i[N] === t; )
return e > 0 && (N -= 1),
}, _ = function(t) {
var e = Be[t] || RegExp("^\\d{1," + t + "}")
, i = l.substr(M, t).match(e);
return i ? (i = i[0],
M += i.length,
parseInt(i, 10)) : null
}, y = function(t, e) {
for (var i, n, r, a = 0, s = t.length, o = 0, c = 0; a < s; a++)
i = t[a],
n = i.length,
r = l.substr(M, n),
e && (r = r.toLowerCase()),
r == i && n > o && (o = n,
c = a);
return o ? (M += o,
c + 1) : null
}, b = function() {
var t = !1;
return l.charAt(M) === i[N] && (M++,
t = !0),
}, x = t.calendars.standard, w = null, C = null, k = null, S = null, P = null, T = null, D = null, N = 0, M = 0, A = !1, O = new Date, I = x.twoDigitYearMax || 2029, E = O.getFullYear();
for (i || (i = "d"),
s = x.patterns[i],
s && (i = s),
i = i.split(""),
a = i.length; N < a; N++)
if (n = i[N],
"'" === n ? A = !1 : b();
else if ("d" === n) {
if (r = v("d"),
x._lowerDays || (x._lowerDays = Me(x.days)),
null !== k && r > 2)
if (k = r < 3 ? _(2) : y(x._lowerDays[3 == r ? "namesAbbr" : "names"], !0),
null === k || R(k, 1, 31))
return null
} else if ("M" === n) {
if (r = v("M"),
x._lowerMonths || (x._lowerMonths = Me(x.months)),
C = r < 3 ? _(2) : y(x._lowerMonths[3 == r ? "namesAbbr" : "names"], !0),
null === C || R(C, 1, 12))
return null;
C -= 1
} else if ("y" === n) {
if (r = v("y"),
w = _(r),
null === w)
return null;
2 == r && ("string" == typeof I && (I = E + parseInt(I, 10)),
w = E - E % 100 + w,
w > I && (w -= 100))
} else if ("h" === n) {
if (v("h"),
S = _(2),
12 == S && (S = 0),
null === S || R(S, 0, 11))
return null
} else if ("H" === n) {
if (v("H"),
S = _(2),
null === S || R(S, 0, 23))
return null
} else if ("m" === n) {
if (v("m"),
P = _(2),
null === P || R(P, 0, 59))
return null
} else if ("s" === n) {
if (v("s"),
T = _(2),
null === T || R(T, 0, 59))
return null
} else if ("f" === n) {
if (r = v("f"),
m = l.substr(M, r).match(Be[3]),
D = _(r),
null !== D && (D = parseFloat("0." + m[0], 10),
D = F._round(D, 3),
D *= 1e3),
null === D || R(D, 0, 999))
return null
} else if ("t" === n) {
if (r = v("t"),
u = x.AM,
p = x.PM,
1 === r && (u = Te(u),
p = Te(p)),
o = y(p),
!o && !y(u))
return null
} else if ("z" === n) {
if (c = !0,
r = v("z"),
"Z" === l.substr(M, 1)) {
if (d = l.substr(M, 6).match(r > 2 ? $e : qe),
return null;
if (d = d[0].split(":"),
h = d[0],
f = d[1],
!f && h.length > 3 && (M = h.length - 2,
f = h.substring(M),
h = h.substring(0, M)),
h = parseInt(h, 10),
R(h, -12, 13))
return null;
if (r > 2 && (f = d[0][0] + f,
f = parseInt(f, 10),
isNaN(f) || R(f, -59, 59)))
return null
} else if ("'" === n)
A = !0,
else if (!b())
return null;
return e && !/^\s*$/.test(l.substr(M)) ? null : (g = null !== S || null !== P || T || null,
null === w && null === C && null === k && g ? (w = E,
C = O.getMonth(),
k = O.getDate()) : (null === w && (w = E),
null === k && (k = 1)),
o && S < 12 && (S += 12),
c ? (h && (S += -h),
f && (P += -f),
l = new Date(Date.UTC(w, C, k, S, P, T, D))) : (l = new Date(w,C,k,S,P,T,D),
De(l, S)),
w < 100 && l.setFullYear(w),
l.getDate() !== k && c === q ? null : l)
function Oe(t) {
var e = "-" === t.substr(0, 1) ? -1 : 1;
return t = t.substring(1),
t = 60 * parseInt(t.substr(0, 2), 10) + parseInt(t.substring(2), 10),
e * t
function Ie(t) {
var e, i, n, r = h.max(je.length, He.length), a = t.calendar || t.calendars.standard, s = a.patterns, o = [];
for (n = 0; n < r; n++) {
for (e = je[n],
i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
o = o.concat(He[n])
return o
function Ee(t, e, i, n) {
var r, a, s, o;
if ("[object Date]" === Le.call(t))
return t;
if (r = 0,
a = null,
t && 0 === t.indexOf("/D") && (a = Ue.exec(t)))
return a = a[1],
o = ze.exec(a.substring(1)),
a = new Date(parseInt(a, 10)),
o && (o = Oe(o[0]),
a = F.timezone.apply(a, 0),
a = F.timezone.convert(a, 0, -1 * o)),
for (i = F.getCulture(i),
e || (e = Ie(i)),
e = Ht(e) ? e : [e],
s = e.length; r < s; r++)
if (a = Ae(t, e[r], i, n))
return a;
return a
F.cultures["en-US"] = {
name: ke,
numberFormat: {
pattern: ["-n"],
decimals: 2,
",": ",",
".": ".",
groupSize: [3],
percent: {
pattern: ["-n %", "n %"],
decimals: 2,
",": ",",
".": ".",
groupSize: [3],
symbol: "%"
currency: {
name: "US Dollar",
abbr: "USD",
pattern: ["($n)", "$n"],
decimals: 2,
",": ",",
".": ".",
groupSize: [3],
symbol: "$"
calendars: {
standard: {
days: {
names: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
namesAbbr: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
namesShort: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"]
months: {
names: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
namesAbbr: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
AM: ["AM", "am", "AM"],
PM: ["PM", "pm", "PM"],
patterns: {
d: "M/d/yyyy",
D: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt",
g: "M/d/yyyy h:mm tt",
G: "M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss tt",
m: "MMMM dd",
M: "MMMM dd",
s: "yyyy'-'MM'-'ddTHH':'mm':'ss",
t: "h:mm tt",
T: "h:mm:ss tt",
u: "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'",
y: "MMMM, yyyy",
Y: "MMMM, yyyy"
"/": "/",
":": ":",
firstDay: 0,
twoDigitYearMax: 2029
F.culture = function(t) {
var e, i = F.cultures;
return t === q ? i.current : (e = pe(t) || i[ke],
e.calendar = e.calendars.standard,
i.current = e,
F.findCulture = pe,
F.getCulture = he,
me = function(t, e, i, n) {
var r, a, s, o, c, l, d = t.indexOf(n[z]), u = n.groupSize.slice(), p = u.shift();
if (i = d !== -1 ? d : i + 1,
r = t.substring(e, i),
a = r.length,
a >= p) {
for (s = a,
o = []; s > -1; )
if (c = r.substring(s - p, s),
c && o.push(c),
s -= p,
l = u.shift(),
p = l !== q ? l : p,
0 === p) {
s > 0 && o.push(r.substring(0, s));
r = o.reverse().join(n[we]),
t = t.substring(0, e) + r + t.substring(i)
return t
$ = function(t, e, i) {
return e = e || 0,
t = ("" + t).split("e"),
t = Math.round(+(t[0] + "e" + (t[1] ? +t[1] + e : e))),
i && (t = -t),
t = ("" + t).split("e"),
t = +(t[0] + "e" + (t[1] ? +t[1] - e : -e)),
t.toFixed(Math.min(e, 20))
ve = function(t, e, i) {
if (e) {
if ("[object Date]" === Se.call(t))
return fe(t, e, i);
if (typeof t === y)
return ge(t, e, i)
return t !== q ? t : ""
F.format = function(t) {
var r = arguments;
return t.replace(Wt, function(t, e, i) {
var n = r[parseInt(e, 10) + 1];
return ve(n, i ? i.substring(1) : "")
F._extractFormat = function(t) {
return "{0:" === t.slice(0, 3) && (t = t.slice(3, t.length - 1)),
F._activeElement = function() {
try {
return document.activeElement
} catch (t) {
return document.documentElement.activeElement
F._round = $,
F._outerWidth = function(t, e) {
return m(t).outerWidth(e || !1) || 0
F._outerHeight = function(t, e) {
return m(t).outerHeight(e || !1) || 0
F.toString = ve;
var Fe = /\u00A0/g
, Re = /[eE][\-+]?[0-9]+/
, qe = /[+|\-]\d{1,2}/
, $e = /[+|\-]\d{1,2}:?\d{2}/
, Ue = /^\/Date\((.*?)\)\/$/
, ze = /[+-]\d*/
, je = [[], ["G", "g", "F"], ["D", "d", "y", "m", "T", "t"]]
, He = [["yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffffzzz", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffff", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffzzz", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff", "ddd MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmzzz", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmzz", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"], ["yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"], ["yyyy/MM/dd", "yyyy-MM-dd", "HH:mm:ss", "HH:mm"]]
, Be = {
2: /^\d{1,2}/,
3: /^\d{1,3}/,
4: /^\d{4}/
, Le = {}.toString;
F.parseDate = function(t, e, i) {
return Ee(t, e, i, !1)
F.parseExactDate = function(t, e, i) {
return Ee(t, e, i, !0)
F.parseInt = function(t, e) {
var i = F.parseFloat(t, e);
return i && (i = 0 | i),
F.parseFloat = function(t, e, i) {
if (!t && 0 !== t)
return null;
if (typeof t === y)
return t;
t = "" + t,
e = F.getCulture(e);
var n, r, a = e.numberFormat, s = a.percent, o = a.currency, c = o.symbol, l = s.symbol, d = t.indexOf("-");
return Re.test(t) ? (t = parseFloat(t.replace(a["."], ".")),
isNaN(t) && (t = null),
t) : d > 0 ? null : (d = d > -1,
t.indexOf(c) > -1 || i && i.toLowerCase().indexOf("c") > -1 ? (a = o,
n = a.pattern[0].replace("$", c).split("n"),
t.indexOf(n[0]) > -1 && t.indexOf(n[1]) > -1 && (t = t.replace(n[0], "").replace(n[1], ""),
d = !0)) : t.indexOf(l) > -1 && (r = !0,
a = s,
c = l),
t = t.replace("-", "").replace(c, "").replace(Fe, " ").split(a[","].replace(Fe, " ")).join("").replace(a["."], "."),
t = parseFloat(t),
isNaN(t) ? t = null : d && (t *= -1),
t && r && (t /= 100),
f._scrollbar = q,
f.scrollbar = function(t) {
if (isNaN(f._scrollbar) || t) {
var e, i = document.createElement("div");
return i.style.cssText = "overflow:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;zoom:1;clear:both;display:block",
i.innerHTML = " ",
f._scrollbar = e = i.offsetWidth - i.scrollWidth,
return f._scrollbar
f.isRtl = function(t) {
return m(t).closest(".k-rtl").length > 0
a = document.createElement("table");
try {
a.innerHTML = "<tr><td></td></tr>",
f.tbodyInnerHtml = !0
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f.tbodyInnerHtml = !1
f.touch = "ontouchstart"in v,
s = document.documentElement.style,
o = f.transitions = !1,
ie = f.transforms = !1,
x = "HTMLElement"in v ? HTMLElement.prototype : [],
f.hasHW3D = "WebKitCSSMatrix"in v && "m11"in new v.WebKitCSSMatrix || "MozPerspective"in s || "msPerspective"in s,
f.cssFlexbox = "flexWrap"in s || "WebkitFlexWrap"in s || "msFlexWrap"in s,
jt(["Moz", "webkit", "O", "ms"], function() {
var t, e = "" + this, i = typeof a.style[e + "Transition"] === _;
if (i || typeof a.style[e + "Transform"] === _)
return t = e.toLowerCase(),
ie = {
css: "ms" != t ? "-" + t + "-" : "",
prefix: e,
event: "o" === t || "webkit" === t ? t : ""
i && (o = ie,
o.event = o.event ? o.event + "TransitionEnd" : "transitionend"),
a = null,
f.transforms = ie,
f.transitions = o,
f.devicePixelRatio = v.devicePixelRatio === q ? 1 : v.devicePixelRatio;
try {
f.screenWidth = v.outerWidth || v.screen ? v.screen.availWidth : v.innerWidth,
f.screenHeight = v.outerHeight || v.screen ? v.screen.availHeight : v.innerHeight
} catch (t) {
f.screenWidth = v.screen.availWidth,
f.screenHeight = v.screen.availHeight
f.detectOS = function(t) {
var e, i, n = !1, r = [], a = !/mobile safari/i.test(t), s = {
wp: /(Windows Phone(?: OS)?)\s(\d+)\.(\d+(\.\d+)?)/,
fire: /(Silk)\/(\d+)\.(\d+(\.\d+)?)/,
android: /(Android|Android.*(?:Opera|Firefox).*?\/)\s*(\d+)\.?(\d+(\.\d+)?)?/,
iphone: /(iPhone|iPod).*OS\s+(\d+)[\._]([\d\._]+)/,
ipad: /(iPad).*OS\s+(\d+)[\._]([\d_]+)/,
meego: /(MeeGo).+NokiaBrowser\/(\d+)\.([\d\._]+)/,
webos: /(webOS)\/(\d+)\.(\d+(\.\d+)?)/,
blackberry: /(BlackBerry|BB10).*?Version\/(\d+)\.(\d+(\.\d+)?)/,
playbook: /(PlayBook).*?Tablet\s*OS\s*(\d+)\.(\d+(\.\d+)?)/,
windows: /(MSIE)\s+(\d+)\.(\d+(\.\d+)?)/,
tizen: /(tizen).*?Version\/(\d+)\.(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i,
sailfish: /(sailfish).*rv:(\d+)\.(\d+(\.\d+)?).*firefox/i,
ffos: /(Mobile).*rv:(\d+)\.(\d+(\.\d+)?).*Firefox/
}, o = {
ios: /^i(phone|pad|pod)$/i,
android: /^android|fire$/i,
blackberry: /^blackberry|playbook/i,
windows: /windows/,
wp: /wp/,
flat: /sailfish|ffos|tizen/i,
meego: /meego/
}, c = {
tablet: /playbook|ipad|fire/i
}, l = {
omini: /Opera\sMini/i,
omobile: /Opera\sMobi/i,
firefox: /Firefox|Fennec/i,
mobilesafari: /version\/.*safari/i,
ie: /MSIE|Windows\sPhone/i,
chrome: /chrome|crios/i,
webkit: /webkit/i
for (i in s)
if (s.hasOwnProperty(i) && (r = t.match(s[i]))) {
if ("windows" == i && "plugins"in navigator)
return !1;
n = {},
n.device = i,
n.tablet = E(i, c, !1),
n.browser = E(t, l, "default"),
n.name = E(i, o),
n[n.name] = !0,
n.majorVersion = r[2],
n.minorVersion = (r[3] || "0").replace("_", "."),
e = n.minorVersion.replace(".", "").substr(0, 2),
n.flatVersion = n.majorVersion + e + Array(3 - (e.length < 3 ? e.length : 2)).join("0"),
n.cordova = typeof v.PhoneGap !== Kt || typeof v.cordova !== Kt,
n.appMode = v.navigator.standalone || /file|local|wmapp/.test(v.location.protocol) || n.cordova,
n.android && (f.devicePixelRatio < 1.5 && n.flatVersion < 400 || a) && (f.screenWidth > 800 || f.screenHeight > 800) && (n.tablet = i);
return n
w = f.mobileOS = f.detectOS(navigator.userAgent),
f.wpDevicePixelRatio = w.wp ? screen.width / 320 : 0,
f.hasNativeScrolling = !1,
(w.ios || w.android && w.majorVersion > 2 || w.wp) && (f.hasNativeScrolling = w),
f.delayedClick = function() {
if (f.touch) {
if (w.ios)
return !0;
if (w.android)
return !f.browser.chrome || !(f.browser.version < 32) && !(m("meta[name=viewport]").attr("content") || "").match(/user-scalable=no/i)
return !1
f.mouseAndTouchPresent = f.touch && !(f.mobileOS.ios || f.mobileOS.android),
f.detectBrowser = function(t) {
var e, i = !1, n = [], r = {
edge: /(edge)[ \/]([\w.]+)/i,
webkit: /(chrome|crios)[ \/]([\w.]+)/i,
safari: /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/i,
opera: /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/i,
msie: /(msie\s|trident.*? rv:)([\w.]+)/i,
mozilla: /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/i
for (e in r)
if (r.hasOwnProperty(e) && (n = t.match(r[e]))) {
i = {},
i[e] = !0,
i[n[1].toLowerCase().split(" ")[0].split("/")[0]] = !0,
i.version = parseInt(document.documentMode || n[2], 10);
return i
f.browser = f.detectBrowser(navigator.userAgent),
f.detectClipboardAccess = function() {
var t = {
copy: !!document.queryCommandSupported && document.queryCommandSupported("copy"),
cut: !!document.queryCommandSupported && document.queryCommandSupported("cut"),
paste: !!document.queryCommandSupported && document.queryCommandSupported("paste")
return f.browser.chrome && (t.paste = !1,
f.browser.version >= 43 && (t.copy = !0,
t.cut = !0)),
f.clipboard = f.detectClipboardAccess(),
f.zoomLevel = function() {
var t, e, i;
try {
return t = f.browser,
e = 0,
i = document.documentElement,
t.msie && 11 == t.version && i.scrollHeight > i.clientHeight && !f.touch && (e = f.scrollbar()),
f.touch ? i.clientWidth / v.innerWidth : t.msie && t.version >= 10 ? ((top || v).document.documentElement.offsetWidth + e) / (top || v).innerWidth : 1
} catch (t) {
return 1
f.cssBorderSpacing = q !== s.borderSpacing && !(f.browser.msie && f.browser.version < 8);
var P = f.browser
, T = ""
, Ve = m(document.documentElement)
, Ge = parseInt(P.version, 10);
function We(t, e, i, n) {
var r, a, s = m("<form>").attr({
action: i,
method: "POST",
target: n
}), o = F.antiForgeryTokens();
o.fileName = e,
r = t.split(";base64,"),
o.contentType = r[0].replace("data:", ""),
o.base64 = r[1];
for (a in o)
o.hasOwnProperty(a) && m("<input>").attr({
value: o[a],
name: a,
type: "hidden"
function Qe(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s, o = t;
if ("string" == typeof t) {
for (i = t.split(";base64,"),
n = i[0],
r = atob(i[1]),
a = new Uint8Array(r.length),
s = 0; s < r.length; s++)
a[s] = r.charCodeAt(s);
o = new Blob([a.buffer],{
type: n
navigator.msSaveBlob(o, e)
function Je(t, e) {
v.Blob && t instanceof Blob && (t = URL.createObjectURL(t)),
Ye.download = e,
Ye.href = t;
var i = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
i.initMouseEvent("click", !0, !1, v, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null),
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P.msie ? T = "ie" : P.mozilla ? T = "ff" : P.safari ? T = "safari" : P.webkit ? T = "webkit" : P.opera ? T = "opera" : P.edge && (T = "edge"),
T && (T = "k-" + T + " k-" + T + Ge),
f.mobileOS && (T += " k-mobile"),
f.cssFlexbox || (T += " k-no-flexbox"),
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C = document.createElement("input"),
f.placeholder = "placeholder"in C,
f.propertyChangeEvent = "onpropertychange"in C,
f.input = function() {
for (var t, e = ["number", "date", "time", "month", "week", "datetime", "datetime-local"], i = e.length, n = "test", r = {}, a = 0; a < i; a++)
t = e[a],
C.setAttribute("type", t),
C.value = n,
r[t.replace("-", "")] = "text" !== C.type && C.value !== n;
return r
C.style.cssText = "float:left;",
f.cssFloat = !!C.style.cssFloat,
C = null,
f.stableSort = function() {
var t, e = 513, i = [{
index: 0,
field: "b"
for (t = 1; t < e; t++)
index: t,
field: "a"
return i.sort(function(t, e) {
return t.field > e.field ? 1 : t.field < e.field ? -1 : 0
1 === i[0].index
f.matchesSelector = x.webkitMatchesSelector || x.mozMatchesSelector || x.msMatchesSelector || x.oMatchesSelector || x.matchesSelector || x.matches || function(t) {
for (var e = document.querySelectorAll ? (this.parentNode || document).querySelectorAll(t) || [] : m(t), i = e.length; i--; )
if (e[i] == this)
return !0;
return !1
f.matchMedia = "matchMedia"in v,
f.pushState = v.history && v.history.pushState,
ne = document.documentMode,
f.hashChange = "onhashchange"in v && !(f.browser.msie && (!ne || ne <= 8)),
f.customElements = "registerElement"in v.document,
re = f.browser.chrome,
ae = f.browser.mozilla,
f.msPointers = !re && v.MSPointerEvent,
f.pointers = !re && !ae && v.PointerEvent,
f.kineticScrollNeeded = w && (f.touch || f.msPointers || f.pointers),
_t = {
left: {
reverse: "right"
right: {
reverse: "left"
down: {
reverse: "up"
up: {
reverse: "down"
top: {
reverse: "bottom"
bottom: {
reverse: "top"
in: {
reverse: "out"
out: {
reverse: "in"
l = {},
m.extend(l, {
enabled: !0,
Element: function(t) {
this.element = m(t)
promise: function(t, e) {
t.is(":visible") || t.css({
display: t.data("olddisplay") || "block"
e.hide && t.data("olddisplay", t.css("display")).hide(),
e.init && e.init(),
e.completeCallback && e.completeCallback(t),
disable: function() {
this.enabled = !1,
this.promise = this.promiseShim
enable: function() {
this.enabled = !0,
this.promise = this.animatedPromise
l.promiseShim = l.promise,
"kendoAnimate"in m.fn || p(m.fn, {
kendoStop: function(t, e) {
return this.stop(t, e)
kendoAnimate: function(t, e, i, n) {
return X(this, t, e, i, n)
kendoAddClass: function(t, e) {
return F.toggleClass(this, t, e, !0)
kendoRemoveClass: function(t, e) {
return F.toggleClass(this, t, e, !1)
kendoToggleClass: function(t, e, i) {
return F.toggleClass(this, t, e, i)
yt = /&/g,
bt = /</g,
xt = /"/g,
wt = /'/g,
Ct = />/g,
kt = function(t) {
return t.target
f.touch && (kt = function(t) {
var e = "originalEvent"in t ? t.originalEvent.changedTouches : "changedTouches"in t ? t.changedTouches : null;
return e ? document.elementFromPoint(e[0].clientX, e[0].clientY) : t.target
jt(["swipe", "swipeLeft", "swipeRight", "swipeUp", "swipeDown", "doubleTap", "tap"], function(t, e) {
m.fn[e] = function(t) {
return this.bind(e, t)
f.touch ? f.mobileOS ? (f.mousedown = "touchstart",
f.mouseup = "touchend",
f.mousemove = "touchmove",
f.mousecancel = "touchcancel",
f.click = "touchend",
f.resize = "orientationchange") : (f.mousedown = "mousedown touchstart",
f.mouseup = "mouseup touchend",
f.mousemove = "mousemove touchmove",
f.mousecancel = "mouseleave touchcancel",
f.click = "click",
f.resize = "resize") : f.pointers ? (f.mousemove = "pointermove",
f.mousedown = "pointerdown",
f.mouseup = "pointerup",
f.mousecancel = "pointercancel",
f.click = "pointerup",
f.resize = "orientationchange resize") : f.msPointers ? (f.mousemove = "MSPointerMove",
f.mousedown = "MSPointerDown",
f.mouseup = "MSPointerUp",
f.mousecancel = "MSPointerCancel",
f.click = "MSPointerUp",
f.resize = "orientationchange resize") : (f.mousemove = "mousemove",
f.mousedown = "mousedown",
f.mouseup = "mouseup",
f.mousecancel = "mouseleave",
f.click = "click",
f.resize = "resize"),
St = function(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s = e || "d", o = 1;
for (n = 0,
r = t.length; n < r; n++)
a = t[n],
"" !== a && (i = a.indexOf("["),
0 !== i && (i == -1 ? a = "." + a : (o++,
a = "." + a.substring(0, i) + " || {})" + a.substring(i))),
s += a + (n < r - 1 ? " || {})" : ")"));
return Array(o).join("(") + s
Pt = /^([a-z]+:)?\/\//i,
p(F, {
widgets: [],
_widgetRegisteredCallbacks: [],
ui: F.ui || {},
fx: F.fx || Z,
effects: F.effects || l,
mobile: F.mobile || {},
data: F.data || {},
dataviz: F.dataviz || {},
drawing: F.drawing || {},
spreadsheet: {
messages: {}
keys: {
TAB: 9,
ENTER: 13,
ESC: 27,
LEFT: 37,
UP: 38,
RIGHT: 39,
DOWN: 40,
END: 35,
HOME: 36,
F2: 113,
F10: 121,
F12: 123,
support: F.support || f,
animate: F.animate || X,
ns: "",
attr: function(t) {
return "data-" + F.ns + t
getShadows: M,
wrap: A,
deepExtend: O,
getComputedStyles: V,
isScrollable: G,
scrollLeft: W,
size: Q,
toCamelCase: L,
toHyphens: B,
getOffset: F.getOffset || J,
parseEffects: F.parseEffects || Y,
toggleClass: F.toggleClass || tt,
directions: F.directions || _t,
Observable: dt,
Class: D,
Template: t,
template: Bt(t.compile, t),
render: Bt(t.render, t),
stringify: Bt(Vt.stringify, Vt),
eventTarget: kt,
htmlEncode: et,
isLocalUrl: function(t) {
return t && !Pt.test(t)
expr: function(t, e, i) {
return t = t || "",
typeof e == _ && (i = e,
e = !1),
i = i || "d",
t && "[" !== t.charAt(0) && (t = "." + t),
e ? (t = t.replace(/"([^.]*)\.([^"]*)"/g, '"$1_$DOT$_$2"'),
t = t.replace(/'([^.]*)\.([^']*)'/g, "'$1_$DOT$_$2'"),
t = St(t.split("."), i),
t = t.replace(/_\$DOT\$_/g, ".")) : t = i + t,
getter: function(t, e) {
var i = t + e;
return Xt[i] = Xt[i] || Function("d", "return " + F.expr(t, e))
setter: function(t) {
return te[t] = te[t] || Function("d,value", F.expr(t) + "=value")
accessor: function(t) {
return {
get: F.getter(t),
set: F.setter(t)
guid: function() {
var t, e, i = "";
for (t = 0; t < 32; t++)
e = 16 * h.random() | 0,
8 != t && 12 != t && 16 != t && 20 != t || (i += "-"),
i += (12 == t ? 4 : 16 == t ? 3 & e | 8 : e).toString(16);
return i
roleSelector: function(t) {
return t.replace(/(\S+)/g, "[" + F.attr("role") + "=$1],").slice(0, -1)
directiveSelector: function(t) {
var e, i = t.split(" ");
if (i)
for (e = 0; e < i.length; e++)
"view" != i[e] && (i[e] = i[e].replace(/(\w*)(view|bar|strip|over)$/, "$1-$2"));
return i.join(" ").replace(/(\S+)/g, "kendo-mobile-$1,").slice(0, -1)
triggeredByInput: function(t) {
return /^(label|input|textarea|select)$/i.test(t.target.tagName)
onWidgetRegistered: function(t) {
for (var e = 0, i = F.widgets.length; e < i; e++)
logToConsole: function(t, e) {
var i = v.console;
!F.suppressLog && q !== i && i.log && i[e || "log"](t)
n = dt.extend({
init: function(t, e) {
var i, n = this;
n.element = F.jQuery(t).handler(n),
n.angular("init", e),
i = e ? e.dataSource : null,
i && (e = p({}, e, {
dataSource: {}
e = n.options = p(!0, {}, n.options, e),
i && (e.dataSource = i),
n.element.attr(F.attr("role")) || n.element.attr(F.attr("role"), (e.name || "").toLowerCase()),
n.element.data("kendo" + e.prefix + e.name, n),
n.bind(n.events, e)
events: [],
options: {
prefix: ""
_hasBindingTarget: function() {
return !!this.element[0].kendoBindingTarget
_tabindex: function(t) {
t = t || this.wrapper;
var e = this.element
, i = "tabindex"
, n = t.attr(i) || e.attr(i);
t.attr(i, isNaN(n) ? 0 : n)
setOptions: function(t) {
m.extend(this.options, t)
_setEvents: function(t) {
for (var e, i = this, n = 0, r = i.events.length; n < r; n++)
e = i.events[n],
i.options[e] && t[e] && i.unbind(e, i.options[e]);
i.bind(i.events, t)
resize: function(t) {
var e = this.getSize()
, i = this._size;
(t || (e.width > 0 || e.height > 0) && (!i || e.width !== i.width || e.height !== i.height)) && (this._size = e,
this._resize(e, t),
this.trigger("resize", e))
getSize: function() {
return F.dimensions(this.element)
size: function(t) {
return t ? (this.setSize(t),
q) : this.getSize()
setSize: m.noop,
_resize: m.noop,
destroy: function() {
var t = this;
t.element.removeData("kendo" + t.options.prefix + t.options.name),
_destroy: function() {
angular: function() {},
_muteAngularRebind: function(t) {
this._muteRebind = !0,
this._muteRebind = !1
Tt = n.extend({
dataItems: function() {
return this.dataSource.flatView()
_angularItems: function(t) {
var e = this;
e.angular(t, function() {
return {
elements: e.items(),
data: m.map(e.dataItems(), function(t) {
return {
dataItem: t
F.dimensions = function(t, e) {
var i = t[0];
return e && t.css(e),
width: i.offsetWidth,
height: i.offsetHeight
F.notify = Lt,
Dt = /template$/i,
Nt = /^\s*(?:\{(?:.|\r\n|\n)*\}|\[(?:.|\r\n|\n)*\])\s*$/,
Mt = /^\{(\d+)(:[^\}]+)?\}|^\[[A-Za-z_]+\]$/,
At = /([A-Z])/g,
F.initWidget = function(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a, s, o, c, l, d, u, p, h, f, g;
if (i ? i.roles && (i = i.roles) : i = F.ui.roles,
t = t.nodeType ? t : t[0],
c = t.getAttribute("data-" + F.ns + "role")) {
u = c.indexOf(".") === -1,
a = u ? i[c] : F.getter(c)(v),
h = m(t).data(),
f = a ? "kendo" + a.fn.options.prefix + a.fn.options.name : "",
p = u ? RegExp("^kendo.*" + c + "$", "i") : RegExp("^" + f + "$", "i");
for (g in h)
if (g.match(p)) {
if (g !== f)
return h[g];
n = h[g]
if (a) {
for (d = it(t, "dataSource"),
e = m.extend({}, nt(t, a.fn.options), e),
d && (e.dataSource = typeof d === _ ? F.getter(d)(v) : d),
s = 0,
o = a.fn.events.length; s < o; s++)
r = a.fn.events[s],
l = it(t, r),
l !== q && (e[r] = F.getter(l)(v));
return n ? m.isEmptyObject(e) || n.setOptions(e) : n = new a(t,e),
F.rolesFromNamespaces = function(t) {
var e, i, n = [];
for (t[0] || (t = [F.ui, F.dataviz.ui]),
e = 0,
i = t.length; e < i; e++)
n[e] = t[e].roles;
return p.apply(null, [{}].concat(n.reverse()))
F.init = function(t) {
var e = F.rolesFromNamespaces(ee.call(arguments, 1));
m(t).find("[data-" + F.ns + "role]").addBack().each(function() {
F.initWidget(this, {}, e)
F.destroy = function(t) {
m(t).find("[data-" + F.ns + "role]").addBack().each(function() {
var t, e = m(this).data();
for (t in e)
0 === t.indexOf("kendo") && typeof e[t].destroy === g && e[t].destroy()
F.resize = function(t, e) {
var i, n = m(t).find("[data-" + F.ns + "role]").addBack().filter(at);
n.length && (i = m.makeArray(n),
m.each(i, function() {
var t = F.widgetInstance(m(this));
t && t.resize(e)
F.parseOptions = nt,
p(F.ui, {
Widget: n,
DataBoundWidget: Tt,
roles: {},
progress: function(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a, s, o, c = t.find(".k-loading-mask"), l = F.support, d = l.browser;
i = m.extend({}, {
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
top: t.scrollTop(),
opacity: !1
}, i),
o = i.opacity ? "k-loading-mask k-opaque" : "k-loading-mask",
e ? c.length || (n = l.isRtl(t),
r = n ? "right" : "left",
s = t.scrollLeft(),
a = d.webkit && n ? t[0].scrollWidth - t.width() - 2 * s : 0,
c = m(F.format("<div class='{0}'><span class='k-loading-text'>{1}</span><div class='k-loading-image'/><div class='k-loading-color'/></div>", o, F.ui.progress.messages.loading)).width(i.width).height(i.height).css("top", i.top).css(r, Math.abs(s) + a).prependTo(t)) : c && c.remove()
plugin: function(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a, s, o = t.fn.options.name;
for (e = e || F.ui,
i = i || "",
e[o] = t,
e.roles[o.toLowerCase()] = t,
n = "getKendo" + i + o,
o = "kendo" + i + o,
r = {
name: o,
widget: t,
prefix: i || ""
a = 0,
s = F._widgetRegisteredCallbacks.length; a < s; a++)
m.fn[o] = function(n) {
var r, a = this;
return typeof n === _ ? (r = ee.call(arguments, 1),
this.each(function() {
var t, e, i = m.data(this, o);
if (!i)
throw Error(F.format("Cannot call method '{0}' of {1} before it is initialized", n, o));
if (t = i[n],
typeof t !== g)
throw Error(F.format("Cannot find method '{0}' of {1}", n, o));
if (e = t.apply(i, r),
e !== q)
return a = e,
})) : this.each(function() {
return new t(this,n)
m.fn[o].widget = t,
m.fn[n] = function() {
return this.data(o)
F.ui.progress.messages = {
loading: "Loading..."
Ot = {
bind: function() {
return this
nullObject: !0,
options: {}
It = n.extend({
init: function(t, e) {
n.fn.init.call(this, t, e),
this.wrapper = this.element,
destroy: function() {
options: {
prefix: "Mobile"
events: [],
view: function() {
var t = this.element.closest(F.roleSelector("view splitview modalview drawer"));
return F.widgetInstance(t, F.mobile.ui) || Ot
viewHasNativeScrolling: function() {
var t = this.view();
return t && t.options.useNativeScrolling
container: function() {
var t = this.element.closest(F.roleSelector("view layout modalview drawer splitview"));
return F.widgetInstance(t.eq(0), F.mobile.ui) || Ot
p(F.mobile, {
init: function(t) {
F.init(t, F.mobile.ui, F.ui, F.dataviz.ui)
appLevelNativeScrolling: function() {
return F.mobile.application && F.mobile.application.options && F.mobile.application.options.useNativeScrolling
roles: {},
ui: {
Widget: It,
DataBoundWidget: Tt.extend(It.prototype),
roles: {},
plugin: function(t) {
F.ui.plugin(t, F.mobile.ui, "Mobile")
O(F.dataviz, {
init: function(t) {
F.init(t, F.dataviz.ui)
ui: {
roles: {},
themes: {},
views: [],
plugin: function(t) {
F.ui.plugin(t, F.dataviz.ui)
roles: {}
F.touchScroller = function(t, i) {
return i || (i = {}),
i.useNative = !0,
m(t).map(function(t, e) {
return e = m(e),
!(!f.kineticScrollNeeded || !F.mobile.ui.Scroller || e.data("kendoMobileScroller")) && (e.kendoMobileScroller(i),
F.preventDefault = function(t) {
F.widgetInstance = function(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s, o = t.data(F.ns + "role"), c = [];
if (o) {
if ("content" === o && (o = "scroller"),
"editortoolbar" === o && (r = t.data("kendoEditorToolbar")))
return r;
if (e)
if (e[0])
for (i = 0,
n = e.length; i < n; i++)
c = [F.ui.roles[o], F.dataviz.ui.roles[o], F.mobile.ui.roles[o]];
for (o.indexOf(".") >= 0 && (c = [F.getter(o)(v)]),
i = 0,
n = c.length; i < n; i++)
if (a = c[i],
a && (s = t.data("kendo" + a.fn.options.prefix + a.fn.options.name)))
return s
F.onResize = function(t) {
var e = t;
return f.mobileOS.android && (e = function() {
setTimeout(t, 600)
m(v).on(f.resize, e),
F.unbindResize = function(t) {
m(v).off(f.resize, t)
F.attrValue = function(t, e) {
return t.data(F.ns + e)
F.days = {
Sunday: 0,
Monday: 1,
Tuesday: 2,
Wednesday: 3,
Thursday: 4,
Friday: 5,
Saturday: 6
m.extend(m.expr[":"], {
kendoFocusable: function(t) {
var e = m.attr(t, "tabindex");
return st(t, !isNaN(e) && e > -1)
Et = ["mousedown", "mousemove", "mouseenter", "mouseleave", "mouseover", "mouseout", "mouseup", "click"],
Ft = "label, input, [data-rel=external]",
d = {
setupMouseMute: function() {
var t, e = 0, i = Et.length, n = document.documentElement;
if (!d.mouseTrap && f.eventCapture)
for (d.mouseTrap = !0,
d.bustClick = !1,
d.captureMouse = !1,
t = function(t) {
d.captureMouse && ("click" === t.type ? d.bustClick && !m(t.target).is(Ft) && (t.preventDefault(),
t.stopPropagation()) : t.stopPropagation())
; e < i; e++)
n.addEventListener(Et[e], t, !0)
muteMouse: function(t) {
d.captureMouse = !0,
t.data.bustClick && (d.bustClick = !0),
unMuteMouse: function() {
d.mouseTrapTimeoutID = setTimeout(function() {
d.captureMouse = !1,
d.bustClick = !1
}, 400)
e = {
down: "touchstart mousedown",
move: "mousemove touchmove",
up: "mouseup touchend touchcancel",
cancel: "mouseleave touchcancel"
f.touch && (f.mobileOS.ios || f.mobileOS.android) ? e = {
down: "touchstart",
move: "touchmove",
up: "touchend touchcancel",
cancel: "touchcancel"
} : f.pointers ? e = {
down: "pointerdown",
move: "pointermove",
up: "pointerup",
cancel: "pointercancel pointerleave"
} : f.msPointers && (e = {
down: "MSPointerDown",
move: "MSPointerMove",
up: "MSPointerUp",
cancel: "MSPointerCancel MSPointerLeave"
!f.msPointers || "onmspointerenter"in v || m.each({
MSPointerEnter: "MSPointerOver",
MSPointerLeave: "MSPointerOut"
}, function(t, a) {
m.event.special[t] = {
delegateType: a,
bindType: a,
handle: function(t) {
var e, i = this, n = t.relatedTarget, r = t.handleObj;
return n && (n === i || m.contains(i, n)) || (t.type = r.origType,
e = r.handler.apply(this, arguments),
t.type = a),
Rt = function(t) {
return e[t] || t
qt = /([^ ]+)/g,
F.applyEventMap = function(t, e) {
return t = t.replace(qt, Rt),
e && (t = t.replace(qt, "$1." + e)),
$t = m.fn.on,
p(!0, i, m),
((i.fn = i.prototype = new m).constructor = i).fn.init = function(t, e) {
return e && e instanceof m && !(e instanceof i) && (e = i(e)),
m.fn.init.call(this, t, e, Ut)
i.fn.init.prototype = i.fn,
Ut = i(document),
p(i.fn, {
handler: function(t) {
return this.data("handler", t),
autoApplyNS: function(t) {
return this.data("kendoNS", t || F.guid()),
on: function() {
var e, t, i, n, r, a, s = this, o = s.data("kendoNS");
return 1 === arguments.length ? $t.call(s, arguments[0]) : (e = s,
t = ee.call(arguments),
typeof t[t.length - 1] === Kt && t.pop(),
i = t[t.length - 1],
n = F.applyEventMap(t[0], o),
f.mouseAndTouchPresent && n.search(/mouse|click/) > -1 && this[0] !== document.documentElement && (d.setupMouseMute(),
r = 2 === t.length ? null : t[1],
a = n.indexOf("click") > -1 && n.indexOf("touchend") > -1,
$t.call(this, {
touchstart: d.muteMouse,
touchend: d.unMuteMouse
}, r, {
bustClick: a
typeof i === _ && (e = s.data("handler"),
i = e[i],
t[t.length - 1] = function(t) {
i.call(e, t)
t[0] = n,
$t.apply(s, t),
kendoDestroy: function(t) {
return t = t || this.data("kendoNS"),
t && this.off("." + t),
F.jQuery = i,
F.eventMap = e,
F.timezone = function() {
function o(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a = e[3], s = e[4], o = e[5], c = e[8];
return c || (e[8] = c = {}),
c[t] ? c[t] : (isNaN(s) ? 0 === s.indexOf("last") ? (i = new Date(Date.UTC(t, d[a] + 1, 1, o[0] - 24, o[1], o[2], 0)),
n = u[s.substr(4, 3)],
r = i.getUTCDay(),
i.setUTCDate(i.getUTCDate() + n - r - (n > r ? 7 : 0))) : s.indexOf(">=") >= 0 && (i = new Date(Date.UTC(t, d[a], s.substr(5), o[0], o[1], o[2], 0)),
n = u[s.substr(0, 3)],
r = i.getUTCDay(),
i.setUTCDate(i.getUTCDate() + n - r + (n < r ? 7 : 0))) : i = new Date(Date.UTC(t, d[a], s, o[0], o[1], o[2], 0)),
c[t] = i)
function a(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a, s;
return (e = e[i]) ? (a = new Date(t).getUTCFullYear(),
e = jQuery.grep(e, function(t) {
var e = t[0]
, i = t[1];
return e <= a && (i >= a || e == a && "only" == i || "max" == i)
e.sort(function(t, e) {
return "number" != typeof t && (t = +o(a, t)),
"number" != typeof e && (e = +o(a, e)),
t - e
s = e[jQuery.inArray(t, e) - 1] || e[e.length - 1],
isNaN(s) ? s : null) : (n = i.split(":"),
r = 0,
n.length > 1 && (r = 60 * n[0] + +n[1]),
[-1e6, "max", "-", "Jan", 1, [0, 0, 0], r, "-"])
function s(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a, s = e[i];
if ("string" == typeof s && (s = e[s]),
throw Error('Timezone "' + i + '" is either incorrect, or kendo.timezones.min.js is not included.');
for (n = s.length - 1; n >= 0 && (r = s[n][3],
!(r && t > r)); n--)
if (a = s[n + 1],
throw Error('Timezone "' + i + '" not found on ' + t + ".");
return a
function c(t, e, i, n) {
typeof t != y && (t = Date.UTC(t.getFullYear(), t.getMonth(), t.getDate(), t.getHours(), t.getMinutes(), t.getSeconds(), t.getMilliseconds()));
var r = s(t, e, n);
return {
zone: r,
rule: a(t, i, r[1])
function t(t, e) {
var i, n, r;
return "Etc/UTC" == e || "Etc/GMT" == e ? 0 : (i = c(t, this.zones, this.rules, e),
n = i.zone,
r = i.rule,
F.parseFloat(r ? n[0] - r[6] : n[0]))
function e(t, e) {
var i = c(t, this.zones, this.rules, e)
, n = i.zone
, r = i.rule
, a = n[2];
return a.indexOf("/") >= 0 ? a.split("/")[r && +r[6] ? 1 : 0] : a.indexOf("%s") >= 0 ? a.replace("%s", r && "-" != r[7] ? r[7] : "") : a
function i(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a, s = i;
return typeof e == _ && (e = this.offset(t, e)),
typeof i == _ && (i = this.offset(t, i)),
r = t.getTimezoneOffset(),
t = new Date(t.getTime() + 6e4 * (e - i)),
a = t.getTimezoneOffset(),
typeof s == _ && (s = this.offset(t, s)),
n = a - r + (i - s),
new Date(t.getTime() + 6e4 * n)
function n(t, e) {
return this.convert(t, t.getTimezoneOffset(), e)
function r(t, e) {
return this.convert(t, e, t.getTimezoneOffset())
function l(t) {
return this.apply(new Date(t), "Etc/UTC")
var d = {
Jan: 0,
Feb: 1,
Mar: 2,
Apr: 3,
May: 4,
Jun: 5,
Jul: 6,
Aug: 7,
Sep: 8,
Oct: 9,
Nov: 10,
Dec: 11
, u = {
Sun: 0,
Mon: 1,
Tue: 2,
Wed: 3,
Thu: 4,
Fri: 5,
Sat: 6
return {
zones: {},
rules: {},
offset: t,
convert: i,
apply: n,
remove: r,
abbr: e,
toLocalDate: l
F.date = function() {
function r(t, e) {
return 0 === e && 23 === t.getHours() && (t.setHours(t.getHours() + 2),
function n(t, e, i) {
var n = t.getHours();
i = i || 1,
e = (e - t.getDay() + 7 * i) % 7,
t.setDate(t.getDate() + e),
r(t, n)
function i(t, e, i) {
return t = new Date(t),
n(t, e, i),
function a(t) {
return new Date(t.getFullYear(),t.getMonth(),1)
function t(t) {
var e = new Date(t.getFullYear(),t.getMonth() + 1,0)
, i = a(t)
, n = Math.abs(e.getTimezoneOffset() - i.getTimezoneOffset());
return n && e.setHours(i.getHours() + n / 60),
function s(t, e) {
return 1 !== e ? h(i(t, e, -1), 4) : h(t, 4 - (t.getDay() || 7))
function o(t, e) {
var i = new Date(t.getFullYear(),0,1,-6)
, n = s(t, e)
, r = n.getTime() - i.getTime()
, a = Math.floor(r / b);
return 1 + Math.floor(a / 7)
function e(t, e) {
var i, n, r;
return e === q && (e = F.culture().calendar.firstDay),
i = h(t, -7),
n = h(t, 7),
r = o(t, e),
0 === r ? o(i, e) + 1 : 53 === r && o(n, e) > 1 ? 1 : r
function c(t) {
return t = new Date(t.getFullYear(),t.getMonth(),t.getDate(),0,0,0),
r(t, 0),
function l(t) {
return Date.UTC(t.getFullYear(), t.getMonth(), t.getDate(), t.getHours(), t.getMinutes(), t.getSeconds(), t.getMilliseconds())
function d(t) {
return _(t).getTime() - c(_(t))
function u(t, e, i) {
var n, r = d(e), a = d(i);
return !t || r == a || (e >= i && (i += b),
n = d(t),
r > n && (n += b),
a < r && (a += b),
n >= r && n <= a)
function p(t, e, i) {
var n, r = e.getTime(), a = i.getTime();
return r >= a && (a += b),
n = t.getTime(),
n >= r && n <= a
function h(t, e) {
var i = t.getHours();
return t = new Date(t),
f(t, e * b),
r(t, i),
function f(t, e, i) {
var n, r = t.getTimezoneOffset();
t.setTime(t.getTime() + e),
i || (n = t.getTimezoneOffset() - r,
t.setTime(t.getTime() + n * y))
function g(t, e) {
return t = new Date(F.date.getDate(t).getTime() + F.date.getMilliseconds(e)),
r(t, e.getHours()),
function m() {
return c(new Date)
function v(t) {
return c(t).getTime() == m().getTime()
function _(t) {
var e = new Date(1980,1,1,0,0,0);
return t && e.setHours(t.getHours(), t.getMinutes(), t.getSeconds(), t.getMilliseconds()),
var y = 6e4
, b = 864e5;
return {
adjustDST: r,
dayOfWeek: i,
setDayOfWeek: n,
getDate: c,
isInDateRange: p,
isInTimeRange: u,
isToday: v,
nextDay: function(t) {
return h(t, 1)
previousDay: function(t) {
return h(t, -1)
toUtcTime: l,
MS_PER_HOUR: 60 * y,
setTime: f,
setHours: g,
addDays: h,
today: m,
toInvariantTime: _,
firstDayOfMonth: a,
lastDayOfMonth: t,
weekInYear: e,
getMilliseconds: d
F.stripWhitespace = function(e) {
var t, i, n;
if (document.createNodeIterator)
for (t = document.createNodeIterator(e, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, function(t) {
return t.parentNode == e ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT
}, !1); t.nextNode(); )
t.referenceNode && !t.referenceNode.textContent.trim() && t.referenceNode.parentNode.removeChild(t.referenceNode);
for (i = 0; i < e.childNodes.length; i++)
n = e.childNodes[i],
3 != n.nodeType || /\S/.test(n.nodeValue) || (e.removeChild(n),
1 == n.nodeType && F.stripWhitespace(n)
zt = v.requestAnimationFrame || v.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || v.mozRequestAnimationFrame || v.oRequestAnimationFrame || v.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(t) {
setTimeout(t, 1e3 / 60)
F.animationFrame = function(t) {
zt.call(v, t)
r = [],
F.queueAnimation = function(t) {
r[r.length] = t,
1 === r.length && F.runNextAnimation()
F.runNextAnimation = function() {
F.animationFrame(function() {
r[0] && (r.shift()(),
r[0] && F.runNextAnimation())
F.parseQueryStringParams = function(t) {
for (var e = t.split("?")[1] || "", i = {}, n = e.split(/&|=/), r = n.length, a = 0; a < r; a += 2)
"" !== n[a] && (i[decodeURIComponent(n[a])] = decodeURIComponent(n[a + 1]));
return i
F.elementUnderCursor = function(t) {
if (q !== t.x.client)
return document.elementFromPoint(t.x.client, t.y.client)
F.wheelDeltaY = function(t) {
var e, i = t.originalEvent, n = i.wheelDeltaY;
return i.wheelDelta ? (n === q || n) && (e = i.wheelDelta) : i.detail && i.axis === i.VERTICAL_AXIS && (e = 10 * -i.detail),
F.throttle = function(r, a) {
var s, t, o = 0;
return !a || a <= 0 ? r : (t = function() {
function t() {
r.apply(e, n),
o = +new Date
var e = this
, i = +new Date - o
, n = arguments;
return o ? (s && clearTimeout(s),
i > a ? t() : s = setTimeout(t, a - i),
q) : t()
t.cancel = function() {
F.caret = function(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a, s, o, c = e !== q;
if (i === q && (i = e),
t[0] && (t = t[0]),
!c || !t.disabled) {
try {
t.selectionStart !== q ? c ? (t.focus(),
r = f.mobileOS,
r.wp || r.android ? setTimeout(function() {
t.setSelectionRange(e, i)
}, 0) : t.setSelectionRange(e, i)) : e = [t.selectionStart, t.selectionEnd] : document.selection && (m(t).is(":visible") && t.focus(),
n = t.createTextRange(),
c ? (n.collapse(!0),
n.moveStart("character", e),
n.moveEnd("character", i - e),
n.select()) : (a = n.duplicate(),
a.setEndPoint("EndToStart", n),
s = a.text.length,
o = s + n.text.length,
e = [s, o]))
} catch (t) {
e = []
return e
F.compileMobileDirective = function(e, i) {
var t = v.angular;
return e.attr("data-" + F.ns + "role", e[0].tagName.toLowerCase().replace("kendo-mobile-", "").replace("-", "")),
t.element(e).injector().invoke(["$compile", function(t) {
/^\$(digest|apply)$/.test(i.$$phase) || i.$digest()
F.widgetInstance(e, F.mobile.ui)
F.antiForgeryTokens = function() {
var t = {}
, e = m("meta[name=csrf-token],meta[name=_csrf]").attr("content")
, i = m("meta[name=csrf-param],meta[name=_csrf_header]").attr("content");
return m("input[name^='__RequestVerificationToken']").each(function() {
t[this.name] = this.value
i !== q && e !== q && (t[i] = e),
F.cycleForm = function(t) {
function e(t) {
var e = F.widgetInstance(t);
e && e.focus ? e.focus() : t.focus()
var i = t.find("input, .k-widget").first()
, n = t.find("button, .k-button").last();
n.on("keydown", function(t) {
t.keyCode != F.keys.TAB || t.shiftKey || (t.preventDefault(),
i.on("keydown", function(t) {
t.keyCode == F.keys.TAB && t.shiftKey && (t.preventDefault(),
F.focusElement = function(e) {
var i = []
, t = e.parentsUntil("body").filter(function(t, e) {
var i = F.getComputedStyles(e, ["overflow"]);
return "visible" !== i.overflow
t.each(function(t, e) {
i[t] = m(e).scrollTop()
try {
} catch (t) {
t.each(function(t, e) {
F.matchesMedia = function(t) {
var e = F._bootstrapToMedia(t) || t;
return f.matchMedia && v.matchMedia(e).matches
F._bootstrapToMedia = function(t) {
return {
xs: "(max-width: 576px)",
sm: "(min-width: 576px)",
md: "(min-width: 768px)",
lg: "(min-width: 992px)",
xl: "(min-width: 1200px)"
var Ye = document.createElement("a")
, Ze = "download"in Ye && !F.support.browser.edge;
return F.saveAs = function(t) {
var e = We;
t.forceProxy || (Ze ? e = Je : navigator.msSaveBlob && (e = Qe)),
e(t.dataURI, t.fileName, t.proxyURL, t.proxyTarget)
F.proxyModelSetters = function(i) {
var t = {};
return Object.keys(i || {}).forEach(function(e) {
Object.defineProperty(t, e, {
get: function() {
return i[e]
set: function(t) {
i[e] = t,
i.dirty = !0
("function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define : function(t, e, i) {
(i || e)()
)("kendo.data.min", ["kendo.core.min", "kendo.data.odata.min", "kendo.data.xml.min"], function() {
var v = window.kendo.jQuery
, y = void 0;
function U(n, r, a, s) {
return function(t) {
var e, i = {};
for (e in t)
i[e] = t[e];
i.field = s ? a + "." + t.field : a,
r == M && n._notifyChange && n._notifyChange(i),
n.trigger(r, i)
function z(t, e) {
if (t === e)
return !0;
var i, n = v.type(t), r = v.type(e);
if (n !== r)
return !1;
if ("date" === n)
return t.getTime() === e.getTime();
if ("object" !== n && "array" !== n)
return !1;
for (i in t)
if (!z(t[i], e[i]))
return !1;
return !0
function j(t, e) {
var i, n;
for (n in t) {
if (i = t[n],
C(i) && i.field && i.field === e)
return i;
if (i === e)
return i
return null
function g(t) {
this.data = t || []
function b(t, e) {
if (t) {
var i = typeof t === N ? {
field: t,
dir: e
} : t
, n = k(i) ? i : i !== y ? [i] : [];
return Et(n, function(t) {
return !!t.dir
function H(t) {
var e, i, n, r, a = t.filters;
if (a)
for (e = 0,
i = a.length; e < i; e++)
n = a[e],
r = n.operator,
r && typeof r === N && (n.operator = St[r.toLowerCase()] || r),
function u(t) {
if (t && !f(t))
return !k(t) && t.filters || (t = {
logic: "and",
filters: k(t) ? t : [t]
function B(t, e) {
return !t.logic && !e.logic && (t.field === e.field && t.value === e.value && t.operator === e.operator)
function L(t) {
return t = t || {},
f(t) ? {
logic: "and",
filters: []
} : u(t)
function V(t, e) {
return e.logic || t.field > e.field ? 1 : t.field < e.field ? -1 : 0
function G(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s;
if (t = L(t),
e = L(e),
t.logic !== e.logic)
return !1;
if (r = (t.filters || []).slice(),
a = (e.filters || []).slice(),
r.length !== a.length)
return !1;
for (r = r.sort(V),
a = a.sort(V),
s = 0; s < r.length; s++)
if (i = r[s],
n = a[s],
i.logic && n.logic) {
if (!G(i, n))
return !1
} else if (!B(i, n))
return !1;
return !0
function i(t) {
return k(t) ? t : [t]
function m(t, e, i, n) {
var r = typeof t === N ? {
field: t,
dir: e,
compare: i,
skipItemSorting: n
} : t
, a = k(r) ? r : r !== y ? [r] : [];
return yt(a, function(t) {
return {
field: t.field,
dir: t.dir || "asc",
aggregates: t.aggregates,
compare: t.compare,
skipItemSorting: t.skipItemSorting
function W(t, e, i) {
var n, r = m(t, e, i);
for (n = 0; n < r.length; n++)
delete r[n].compare;
return r
function Q(t) {
var e, i = k(t) ? t : [t];
for (e = 0; e < i.length; e++)
if (i[e] && T(i[e].compare))
return !0;
return !1
function J(t, e) {
return t && t.getTime && e && e.getTime ? t.getTime() === e.getTime() : t === e
function Y(t, e, i, n, r, a) {
var s, o, c, l, d;
for (e = e || [],
l = e.length,
s = 0; s < l; s++)
o = e[s],
c = o.aggregate,
d = o.field,
t[d] = t[d] || {},
a[d] = a[d] || {},
a[d][c] = a[d][c] || {},
t[d][c] = Pt[c.toLowerCase()](t[d][c], i, P.accessor(d), n, r, a[d][c])
function o(t) {
return "number" == typeof t && !isNaN(t)
function r(t) {
return t && t.getTime
function c(t) {
var e, i = t.length, n = Array(i);
for (e = 0; e < i; e++)
n[e] = t[e].toJSON();
return n
function Z(t, e, i, n, r) {
var a, s, o, c, l, d = {};
for (c = 0,
l = t.length; c < l; c++) {
a = t[c];
for (s in e)
o = r[s],
o && o !== s && (d[o] || (d[o] = P.setter(o)),
d[o](a, e[s](a)),
delete a[s])
function K(t, e, i, n, r) {
var a, s, o, c, l;
for (c = 0,
l = t.length; c < l; c++) {
a = t[c];
for (s in e)
a[s] = i._parse(s, e[s](a)),
o = r[s],
o && o !== s && delete a[o]
function X(t, e, i, n, r) {
var a, s, o, c;
for (s = 0,
c = t.length; s < c; s++)
a = t[s],
o = n[a.field],
o && o != a.field && (a.field = o),
a.value = i._parse(a.field, a.value),
a.hasSubgroups ? X(a.items, e, i, n, r) : K(a.items, e, i, n, r)
function tt(e, i, n, r, a, s) {
return function(t) {
return t = e(t),
et(i, n, r, a, s)(t)
function et(e, i, n, r, a) {
return function(t) {
return t && !f(n) && ("[object Array]" === te.call(t) || t instanceof $ || (t = [t]),
i(t, n, new e, r, a)),
t || []
function it(t, e) {
var i, n, r;
if (e.items && e.items.length)
for (r = 0; r < e.items.length; r++)
i = t.items[r],
n = e.items[r],
i && n ? i.hasSubgroups ? it(i, n) : i.field && i.value == n.value ? i.items.push.apply(i.items, n.items) : t.items.push.apply(t.items, [n]) : n && t.items.push.apply(t.items, [n])
function nt(t, e, i, n) {
for (var r, a, s, o = 0; e.length && n && (r = e[o],
a = r.items,
s = a.length,
t && t.field === r.field && t.value === r.value ? (t.hasSubgroups && t.items.length ? nt(t.items[t.items.length - 1], r.items, i, n) : (a = a.slice(i, i + n),
t.items = t.items.concat(a)),
e.splice(o--, 1)) : r.hasSubgroups && a.length ? (nt(r, a, i, n),
r.items.length || e.splice(o--, 1)) : (a = a.slice(i, i + n),
r.items = a,
r.items.length || e.splice(o--, 1)),
0 === a.length ? i -= s : (i = 0,
n -= a.length),
!(++o >= e.length)); )
o < e.length && e.splice(o, e.length - o)
function rt(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s = [], o = (t || []).length, c = T(e) ? e : function(t, e) {
return t[e]
for (r = 0; r < o; r++)
if (i = c(t, r),
s = s.concat(rt(i.items));
for (n = i.items,
a = 0; a < n.length; a++)
s.push(c(n, a));
return s
function at(t) {
var e, i, n, r, a, s = [];
for (e = 0,
i = t.length; e < i; e++)
if (a = t.at(e),
s = s.concat(at(a.items));
for (n = a.items,
r = 0; r < n.length; r++)
return s
function st(t, e) {
var i, n, r;
if (e)
for (i = 0,
n = t.length; i < n; i++)
r = t.at(i),
r.hasSubgroups ? st(r.items, e) : r.items = new a(r.items,e,r.items._events)
function n(t, e) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
if (t[i].hasSubgroups) {
if (n(t[i].items, e))
return !0
} else if (e(t[i].items, t[i]))
return !0
function ot(t, e, i, n) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length && t[r].data !== e && !ct(t[r].data, i, n); r++)
function ct(t, e, i) {
for (var n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) {
if (t[n] && t[n].hasSubgroups)
return ct(t[n].items, e, i);
if (t[n] === e || t[n] === i)
return t[n] = i,
function lt(t, e, i, n, r) {
var a, s, o, c;
for (a = 0,
s = t.length; a < s; a++)
if (o = t[a],
o && !(o instanceof n))
if (o.hasSubgroups === y || r) {
for (c = 0; c < e.length; c++)
if (e[c] === o) {
t[a] = e.at(c),
ot(i, e, o, t[a]);
} else
lt(o.items, e, i, n, r)
function dt(t, e) {
var i, n, r = t.length;
for (n = 0; n < r; n++)
if (i = t[n],
i.uid && i.uid == e.uid)
return t.splice(n, 1),
function ut(t, e) {
return e ? ht(t, function(t) {
return t.uid && t.uid == e.uid || t[e.idField] === e.id && e.id !== e._defaultId
}) : -1
function pt(t, e) {
return e ? ht(t, function(t) {
return t.uid == e.uid
}) : -1
function ht(t, e) {
var i, n;
for (i = 0,
n = t.length; i < n; i++)
if (e(t[i]))
return i;
return -1
function ft(t, e) {
var i, n;
return t && !f(t) ? (i = t[e],
n = C(i) ? i.from || i.field || e : t[e] || e,
T(n) ? e : n) : e
function gt(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a = {};
for (r in t)
"filters" !== r && (a[r] = t[r]);
if (t.filters)
for (a.filters = [],
i = 0,
n = t.filters.length; i < n; i++)
a.filters[i] = gt(t.filters[i], e);
a.field = ft(e.fields, a.field);
return a
function l(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s, o = [];
for (i = 0,
n = t.length; i < n; i++) {
r = {},
a = t[i];
for (s in a)
r[s] = a[s];
r.field = ft(e.fields, r.field),
r.aggregates && k(r.aggregates) && (r.aggregates = l(r.aggregates, e)),
return o
function mt(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s, o, c, l, d, u;
for (t = v(t)[0],
i = t.options,
n = e[0],
r = e[1],
a = [],
s = 0,
o = i.length; s < o; s++)
d = {},
l = i[s],
c = l.parentNode,
c === t && (c = null),
l.disabled || c && c.disabled || (c && (d.optgroup = c.label),
d[n.field] = l.text,
u = l.attributes.value,
u = u && u.specified ? l.value : l.text,
d[r.field] = u,
return a
function vt(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s, o, c, l = v(t)[0].tBodies[0], d = l ? l.rows : [], u = e.length, p = [];
for (i = 0,
n = d.length; i < n; i++) {
for (s = {},
c = !0,
a = d[i].cells,
r = 0; r < u; r++)
o = a[r],
"th" !== o.nodeName.toLowerCase() && (c = !1,
s[e[r].field] = o.innerHTML);
c || p.push(s)
return p
function t(i) {
return function() {
var t = this._data
, e = p.fn[i].apply(this, q.call(arguments));
return this._data != t && this._attachBubbleHandlers(),
function _t(t, e) {
function i(t, e) {
return t.filter(e).add(t.find(e))
var n, r, a, s, o, c, l, d, u = v(t).children(), p = [], h = e[0].field, f = e[1] && e[1].field, g = e[2] && e[2].field, m = e[3] && e[3].field;
for (n = 0,
r = u.length; n < r; n++)
a = {
_loaded: !0
s = u.eq(n),
c = s[0].firstChild,
d = s.children(),
t = d.filter("ul"),
d = d.filter(":not(ul)"),
o = s.attr("data-id"),
o && (a.id = o),
c && (a[h] = 3 == c.nodeType ? c.nodeValue : d.text()),
f && (a[f] = i(d, "a").attr("href")),
m && (a[m] = i(d, "img").attr("src")),
g && (l = i(d, ".k-sprite").prop("className"),
a[g] = l && v.trim(l.replace("k-sprite", ""))),
t.length && (a.items = _t(t.eq(0), e)),
"true" == s.attr("data-hasChildren") && (a.hasChildren = !0),
return p
var yt, a, d, bt, xt, _, wt, Ct, kt, St, Pt, Tt, Dt, s, Nt, p, Mt, At, h, Ot, It, x = v.extend, w = v.proxy, C = v.isPlainObject, f = v.isEmptyObject, k = v.isArray, Et = v.grep, Ft = v.ajax, Rt = v.each, S = v.noop, P = window.kendo, T = P.isFunction, D = P.Observable, qt = P.Class, N = "string", $t = "function", Ut = "asc", zt = "create", jt = "read", Ht = "update", Bt = "destroy", M = "change", Lt = "sync", Vt = "get", A = "error", O = "requestStart", I = "progress", E = "requestEnd", Gt = [zt, jt, Ht, Bt], e = function(t) {
return t
}, F = P.getter, Wt = P.stringify, R = Math, Qt = [].push, Jt = [].join, Yt = [].pop, Zt = [].splice, Kt = [].shift, q = [].slice, Xt = [].unshift, te = {}.toString, ee = P.support.stableSort, ie = /^\/Date\((.*?)\)\/$/, $ = D.extend({
init: function(t, e) {
var i = this;
i.type = e || d,
i.length = t.length,
i.wrapAll(t, i)
at: function(t) {
return this[t]
toJSON: function() {
var t, e, i = this.length, n = Array(i);
for (t = 0; t < i; t++)
e = this[t],
e instanceof d && (e = e.toJSON()),
n[t] = e;
return n
parent: S,
wrapAll: function(t, e) {
var i, n, r = this, a = function() {
return r
for (e = e || [],
i = 0,
n = t.length; i < n; i++)
e[i] = r.wrap(t[i], a);
return e
wrap: function(t, e) {
var i, n = this;
return null !== t && "[object Object]" === te.call(t) && (i = t instanceof n.type || t instanceof _,
i || (t = t instanceof d ? t.toJSON() : t,
t = new n.type(t)),
t.parent = e,
t.bind(M, function(t) {
n.trigger(M, {
field: t.field,
node: t.node,
index: t.index,
items: t.items || [this],
action: t.node ? t.action || "itemloaded" : "itemchange"
push: function() {
var t, e = this.length, i = this.wrapAll(arguments);
return t = Qt.apply(this, i),
this.trigger(M, {
action: "add",
index: e,
items: i
slice: q,
sort: [].sort,
join: Jt,
pop: function() {
var t = this.length
, e = Yt.apply(this);
return t && this.trigger(M, {
action: "remove",
index: t - 1,
items: [e]
splice: function(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a, s = this.wrapAll(q.call(arguments, 2));
if (n = Zt.apply(this, [t, e].concat(s)),
for (this.trigger(M, {
action: "remove",
index: t,
items: n
r = 0,
a = n.length; r < a; r++)
n[r] && n[r].children && n[r].unbind(M);
return i && this.trigger(M, {
action: "add",
index: t,
items: s
shift: function() {
var t = this.length
, e = Kt.apply(this);
return t && this.trigger(M, {
action: "remove",
index: 0,
items: [e]
unshift: function() {
var t, e = this.wrapAll(arguments);
return t = Xt.apply(this, e),
this.trigger(M, {
action: "add",
index: 0,
items: e
indexOf: function(t) {
var e, i, n = this;
for (e = 0,
i = n.length; e < i; e++)
if (n[e] === t)
return e;
return -1
forEach: function(t, e) {
for (var i = 0, n = this.length, r = e || window; i < n; i++)
t.call(r, this[i], i, this)
map: function(t, e) {
for (var i = 0, n = [], r = this.length, a = e || window; i < r; i++)
n[i] = t.call(a, this[i], i, this);
return n
reduce: function(t) {
var e, i = 0, n = this.length;
for (2 == arguments.length ? e = arguments[1] : i < n && (e = this[i++]); i < n; i++)
e = t(e, this[i], i, this);
return e
reduceRight: function(t) {
var e, i = this.length - 1;
for (2 == arguments.length ? e = arguments[1] : i > 0 && (e = this[i--]); i >= 0; i--)
e = t(e, this[i], i, this);
return e
filter: function(t, e) {
for (var i, n = 0, r = [], a = this.length, s = e || window; n < a; n++)
i = this[n],
t.call(s, i, n, this) && (r[r.length] = i);
return r
find: function(t, e) {
for (var i, n = 0, r = this.length, a = e || window; n < r; n++)
if (i = this[n],
t.call(a, i, n, this))
return i
every: function(t, e) {
for (var i, n = 0, r = this.length, a = e || window; n < r; n++)
if (i = this[n],
!t.call(a, i, n, this))
return !1;
return !0
some: function(t, e) {
for (var i, n = 0, r = this.length, a = e || window; n < r; n++)
if (i = this[n],
t.call(a, i, n, this))
return !0;
return !1
remove: function(t) {
var e = this.indexOf(t);
e !== -1 && this.splice(e, 1)
empty: function() {
this.splice(0, this.length)
return "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator && !$.prototype[Symbol.iterator] && ($.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = [][Symbol.iterator]),
a = $.extend({
init: function(t, e, i) {
this.type = e || d,
i && (this._events = i);
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
this[n] = t[n];
this.length = n,
this._parent = w(function() {
return this
}, this)
at: function(t) {
var e = this[t];
return e instanceof this.type ? e.parent = this._parent : e = this[t] = this.wrap(e, this._parent),
d = D.extend({
init: function(t) {
var e, i, n = this, r = function() {
return n
this._handlers = {};
for (i in t)
e = t[i],
"object" == typeof e && e && !e.getTime && "_" != i.charAt(0) && (e = n.wrap(e, i, r)),
n[i] = e;
n.uid = P.guid()
shouldSerialize: function(t) {
return this.hasOwnProperty(t) && "_handlers" !== t && "_events" !== t && typeof this[t] !== $t && "uid" !== t
forEach: function(t) {
for (var e in this)
this.shouldSerialize(e) && t(this[e], e)
toJSON: function() {
var t, e, i = {};
for (e in this)
this.shouldSerialize(e) && (t = this[e],
(t instanceof d || t instanceof $) && (t = t.toJSON()),
i[e] = t);
return i
get: function(t) {
var e, i = this;
return i.trigger(Vt, {
field: t
e = "this" === t ? i : P.getter(t, !0)(i)
_set: function(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a = this, s = t.indexOf(".") >= 0;
if (s)
for (i = t.split("."),
n = ""; i.length > 1; ) {
if (n += i.shift(),
r = P.getter(n, !0)(a),
r instanceof d)
return r.set(i.join("."), e),
n += "."
return P.setter(t)(a, e),
set: function(t, e) {
var i = this
, n = !1
, r = t.indexOf(".") >= 0
, a = P.getter(t, !0)(i);
return a !== e && (a instanceof D && this._handlers[t] && (this._handlers[t].get && a.unbind(Vt, this._handlers[t].get),
a.unbind(M, this._handlers[t].change)),
n = i.trigger("set", {
field: t,
value: e
n || (r || (e = i.wrap(e, t, function() {
return i
(!i._set(t, e) || t.indexOf("(") >= 0 || t.indexOf("[") >= 0) && i.trigger(M, {
field: t
parent: S,
wrap: function(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a, s, o = this, c = te.call(t);
return null == t || "[object Object]" !== c && "[object Array]" !== c || (a = t instanceof $,
s = t instanceof p,
"[object Object]" !== c || s || a ? ("[object Array]" === c || a || s) && (a || s || (t = new $(t)),
r = U(o, M, e, !1),
t.bind(M, r),
o._handlers[e] = {
change: r
}) : (t instanceof d || (t = new d(t)),
n = U(o, Vt, e, !0),
t.bind(Vt, n),
r = U(o, M, e, !0),
t.bind(M, r),
o._handlers[e] = {
get: n,
change: r
t.parent = i),
bt = {
number: function(t) {
return typeof t === N && "null" === t.toLowerCase() ? null : P.parseFloat(t)
date: function(t) {
return typeof t === N && "null" === t.toLowerCase() ? null : P.parseDate(t)
boolean: function(t) {
return typeof t === N ? "null" === t.toLowerCase() ? null : "true" === t.toLowerCase() : null != t ? !!t : t
string: function(t) {
return typeof t === N && "null" === t.toLowerCase() ? null : null != t ? t + "" : t
default: function(t) {
return t
xt = {
string: "",
number: 0,
date: new Date,
boolean: !1,
default: ""
(_ = d.extend({
init: function(t) {
var e, i, n = this;
if ((!t || v.isEmptyObject(t)) && (t = v.extend({}, n.defaults, t),
for (e = 0; e < n._initializers.length; e++)
i = n._initializers[e],
t[i] = n.defaults[i]();
d.fn.init.call(n, t),
n.dirty = !1,
n.dirtyFields = {},
n.idField && (n.id = n.get(n.idField),
n.id === y && (n.id = n._defaultId))
shouldSerialize: function(t) {
return d.fn.shouldSerialize.call(this, t) && "uid" !== t && !("id" !== this.idField && "id" === t) && "dirty" !== t && "dirtyFields" !== t && "_accessors" !== t
_parse: function(t, e) {
var i, n = this, r = t, a = n.fields || {};
return t = a[t],
t || (t = j(a, r)),
t && (i = t.parse,
!i && t.type && (i = bt[t.type.toLowerCase()])),
i ? i(e) : e
_notifyChange: function(t) {
var e = t.action;
"add" != e && "remove" != e || (this.dirty = !0,
this.dirtyFields[t.field] = !0)
editable: function(t) {
return t = (this.fields || {})[t],
!t || t.editable !== !1
set: function(t, e, i) {
var n = this
, r = n.dirty;
n.editable(t) && (e = n._parse(t, e),
z(e, n.get(t)) ? n.trigger("equalSet", {
field: t,
value: e
}) : (n.dirty = !0,
n.dirtyFields[t] = !0,
d.fn.set.call(n, t, e, i) && !r && (n.dirty = r,
n.dirty || (n.dirtyFields[t] = !1))))
accept: function(t) {
var e, i, n = this, r = function() {
return n
for (e in t)
i = t[e],
"_" != e.charAt(0) && (i = n.wrap(t[e], e, r)),
n._set(e, i);
n.idField && (n.id = n.get(n.idField)),
n.dirty = !1,
n.dirtyFields = {}
isNew: function() {
return this.id === this._defaultId
})).define = function(t, e) {
e === y && (e = t,
t = _);
var i, n, r, a, s, o, c, l, d = x({
defaults: {}
}, e), u = {}, p = d.id, h = [];
if (p && (d.idField = p),
d.id && delete d.id,
p && (d.defaults[p] = d._defaultId = ""),
"[object Array]" === te.call(d.fields)) {
for (o = 0,
c = d.fields.length; o < c; o++)
r = d.fields[o],
typeof r === N ? u[r] = {} : r.field && (u[r.field] = r);
d.fields = u
for (n in d.fields)
r = d.fields[n],
a = r.type || "default",
s = null,
l = n,
n = typeof r.field === N ? r.field : n,
r.nullable || (s = d.defaults[l !== n ? l : n] = r.defaultValue !== y ? r.defaultValue : xt[a.toLowerCase()],
"function" == typeof s && h.push(n)),
e.id === n && (d._defaultId = s),
d.defaults[l !== n ? l : n] = s,
r.parse = r.parse || bt[a];
return h.length > 0 && (d._initializers = h),
i = t.extend(d),
i.define = function(t) {
return _.define(i, t)
d.fields && (i.fields = d.fields,
i.idField = d.idField),
Ct = x({}, wt = {
selector: function(t) {
return T(t) ? t : F(t)
compare: function(t) {
var i = this.selector(t);
return function(t, e) {
return t = i(t),
e = i(e),
null == t && null == e ? 0 : null == t ? -1 : null == e ? 1 : t.localeCompare ? t.localeCompare(e) : t > e ? 1 : t < e ? -1 : 0
create: function(t) {
var i = t.compare || this.compare(t.field);
return "desc" == t.dir ? function(t, e) {
return i(e, t, !0)
: i
combine: function(a) {
return function(t, e) {
var i, n, r = a[0](t, e);
for (i = 1,
n = a.length; i < n; i++)
r = r || a[i](t, e);
return r
}, {
asc: function(t) {
var r = this.selector(t);
return function(t, e) {
var i = r(t)
, n = r(e);
return i && i.getTime && n && n.getTime && (i = i.getTime(),
n = n.getTime()),
i === n ? t.__position - e.__position : null == i ? -1 : null == n ? 1 : i.localeCompare ? i.localeCompare(n) : i > n ? 1 : -1
desc: function(t) {
var r = this.selector(t);
return function(t, e) {
var i = r(t)
, n = r(e);
return i && i.getTime && n && n.getTime && (i = i.getTime(),
n = n.getTime()),
i === n ? t.__position - e.__position : null == i ? 1 : null == n ? -1 : n.localeCompare ? n.localeCompare(i) : i < n ? 1 : -1
create: function(t) {
return this[t.dir](t.field)
yt = function(t, e) {
var i, n = t.length, r = Array(n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
r[i] = e(t[i], i, t);
return r
kt = function() {
function a(t) {
return "string" == typeof t && (t = t.replace(/[\r\n]+/g, "")),
function t(n) {
return function(t, e, i) {
return e += "",
i && (t = "(" + t + " || '').toString().toLowerCase()",
e = e.toLowerCase()),
n(t, a(e), i)
function n(t, e, i, n) {
if (null != i) {
if (typeof i === N) {
var r = ie.exec(i);
r ? i = new Date(+r[1]) : n ? (i = a(i.toLowerCase()),
e = "((" + e + " || '')+'').toLowerCase()") : i = a(i)
i.getTime && (e = "(" + e + "&&" + e + ".getTime?" + e + ".getTime():" + e + ")",
i = i.getTime())
return e + " " + t + " " + i
function i(t) {
var e, i, n, r;
for (e = "/^",
i = !1,
n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) {
if (r = t.charAt(n),
e += "\\" + r;
else {
if ("~" == r) {
i = !0;
e += "*" == r ? ".*" : "?" == r ? "." : ".+^$()[]{}|\\/\n\r\u2028\u2029 ".indexOf(r) >= 0 ? "\\" + r : r
i = !1
return e + "$/"
return {
quote: function(t) {
return t && t.getTime ? "new Date(" + t.getTime() + ")" : a(t)
eq: function(t, e, i) {
return n("==", t, e, i)
neq: function(t, e, i) {
return n("!=", t, e, i)
gt: function(t, e, i) {
return n(">", t, e, i)
gte: function(t, e, i) {
return n(">=", t, e, i)
lt: function(t, e, i) {
return n("<", t, e, i)
lte: function(t, e, i) {
return n("<=", t, e, i)
startswith: t(function(t, e) {
return t + ".lastIndexOf(" + e + ", 0) == 0"
doesnotstartwith: t(function(t, e) {
return t + ".lastIndexOf(" + e + ", 0) == -1"
endswith: t(function(t, e) {
var i = e ? e.length - 2 : 0;
return t + ".indexOf(" + e + ", " + t + ".length - " + i + ") >= 0"
doesnotendwith: t(function(t, e) {
var i = e ? e.length - 2 : 0;
return t + ".indexOf(" + e + ", " + t + ".length - " + i + ") < 0"
contains: t(function(t, e) {
return t + ".indexOf(" + e + ") >= 0"
doesnotcontain: t(function(t, e) {
return t + ".indexOf(" + e + ") == -1"
matches: t(function(t, e) {
return e = e.substring(1, e.length - 1),
i(e) + ".test(" + t + ")"
doesnotmatch: t(function(t, e) {
return e = e.substring(1, e.length - 1),
"!" + i(e) + ".test(" + t + ")"
isempty: function(t) {
return t + " === ''"
isnotempty: function(t) {
return t + " !== ''"
isnull: function(t) {
return "(" + t + " == null)"
isnotnull: function(t) {
return "(" + t + " != null)"
isnullorempty: function(t) {
return "(" + t + " === null) || (" + t + " === '')"
isnotnullorempty: function(t) {
return "(" + t + " !== null) && (" + t + " !== '')"
g.filterExpr = function(t) {
var e, i, n, r, a, s, o = [], c = {
and: " && ",
or: " || "
}, l = [], d = [], u = t.filters;
for (e = 0,
i = u.length; e < i; e++)
n = u[e],
a = n.field,
s = n.operator,
n.filters ? (r = g.filterExpr(n),
n = r.expression.replace(/__o\[(\d+)\]/g, function(t, e) {
return e = +e,
"__o[" + (d.length + e) + "]"
}).replace(/__f\[(\d+)\]/g, function(t, e) {
return e = +e,
"__f[" + (l.length + e) + "]"
d.push.apply(d, r.operators),
l.push.apply(l, r.fields)) : (typeof a === $t ? (r = "__f[" + l.length + "](d)",
l.push(a)) : r = P.expr(a),
typeof s === $t ? (n = "__o[" + d.length + "](" + r + ", " + kt.quote(n.value) + ")",
d.push(s)) : n = kt[(s || "eq").toLowerCase()](r, n.value, n.ignoreCase === y || n.ignoreCase)),
return {
expression: "(" + o.join(c[t.logic]) + ")",
fields: l,
operators: d
St = {
"==": "eq",
equals: "eq",
isequalto: "eq",
equalto: "eq",
equal: "eq",
"!=": "neq",
ne: "neq",
notequals: "neq",
isnotequalto: "neq",
notequalto: "neq",
notequal: "neq",
"<": "lt",
islessthan: "lt",
lessthan: "lt",
less: "lt",
"<=": "lte",
le: "lte",
islessthanorequalto: "lte",
lessthanequal: "lte",
">": "gt",
isgreaterthan: "gt",
greaterthan: "gt",
greater: "gt",
">=": "gte",
isgreaterthanorequalto: "gte",
greaterthanequal: "gte",
ge: "gte",
notsubstringof: "doesnotcontain",
isnull: "isnull",
isempty: "isempty",
isnotempty: "isnotempty"
g.normalizeFilter = u,
g.compareFilters = G,
g.prototype = {
toArray: function() {
return this.data
range: function(t, e) {
return new g(this.data.slice(t, t + e))
skip: function(t) {
return new g(this.data.slice(t))
take: function(t) {
return new g(this.data.slice(0, t))
select: function(t) {
return new g(yt(this.data, t))
order: function(t, e, i) {
var n = {
dir: e
return t && (t.compare ? n.compare = t.compare : n.field = t),
new g(i ? this.data.sort(wt.create(n)) : this.data.slice(0).sort(wt.create(n)))
orderBy: function(t, e) {
return this.order(t, "asc", e)
orderByDescending: function(t, e) {
return this.order(t, "desc", e)
sort: function(t, e, i, n) {
var r, a, s = b(t, e), o = [];
if (i = i || wt,
s.length) {
for (r = 0,
a = s.length; r < a; r++)
return this.orderBy({
compare: i.combine(o)
}, n)
return this
filter: function(t) {
var e, i, n, r, a, s, o, c, l = this.data, d = [];
if (t = u(t),
!t || 0 === t.filters.length)
return this;
for (r = g.filterExpr(t),
s = r.fields,
o = r.operators,
a = c = Function("d, __f, __o", "return " + r.expression),
(s.length || o.length) && (c = function(t) {
return a(t, s, o)
e = 0,
n = l.length; e < n; e++)
i = l[e],
c(i) && d.push(i);
return new g(d)
group: function(i, n) {
i = m(i || []),
n = n || this.data;
var r, t = this, e = new g(t.data);
return i.length > 0 && (r = i[0],
e = e.groupBy(r).select(function(t) {
var e = new g(n).filter([{
field: t.field,
operator: "eq",
value: t.value,
ignoreCase: !1
return {
field: t.field,
value: t.value,
items: i.length > 1 ? new g(t.items).group(i.slice(1), e.toArray()).toArray() : t.items,
hasSubgroups: i.length > 1,
aggregates: e.aggregate(r.aggregates)
groupBy: function(t) {
var e, i, n, r, a, s, o, c, l, d, u = this;
if (f(t) || !this.data.length)
return new g([]);
for (e = t.field,
i = t.skipItemSorting ? this.data : this._sortForGrouping(e, t.dir || "asc"),
n = P.accessor(e),
a = n.get(i[0], e),
s = {
field: e,
value: a,
items: []
d = [s],
c = 0,
l = i.length; c < l; c++)
r = i[c],
o = n.get(r, e),
J(a, o) || (a = o,
s = {
field: e,
value: a,
items: []
return d = u._sortGroups(d, t),
new g(d)
_sortForGrouping: function(t, e) {
var i, n, r = this.data;
if (!ee) {
for (i = 0,
n = r.length; i < n; i++)
r[i].__position = i;
for (r = new g(r).sort(t, e, Ct).toArray(),
i = 0,
n = r.length; i < n; i++)
delete r[i].__position;
return r
return this.sort(t, e).toArray()
_sortGroups: function(t, e) {
var i = t;
return e && T(e.compare) && (i = new g(i).order({
compare: e.compare
}, e.dir || Ut).toArray()),
aggregate: function(t) {
var e, i, n = {}, r = {};
if (t && t.length)
for (e = 0,
i = this.data.length; e < i; e++)
Y(n, t, this.data[e], e, i, r);
return n
Pt = {
sum: function(t, e, i) {
var n = i.get(e);
return o(t) ? o(n) && (t += n) : t = n,
count: function(t) {
return (t || 0) + 1
average: function(t, e, i, n, r, a) {
var s = i.get(e);
return a.count === y && (a.count = 0),
o(t) ? o(s) && (t += s) : t = s,
o(s) && a.count++,
n == r - 1 && o(t) && (t /= a.count),
max: function(t, e, i) {
var n = i.get(e);
return o(t) || r(t) || (t = n),
t < n && (o(n) || r(n)) && (t = n),
min: function(t, e, i) {
var n = i.get(e);
return o(t) || r(t) || (t = n),
t > n && (o(n) || r(n)) && (t = n),
g.normalizeGroup = m,
g.normalizeSort = b,
g.process = function(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a, s, o, c, l, d, u, p, h, f;
return e = e || {},
n = e.group,
r = Q(m(n || [])),
a = new g(t),
s = W(n || []),
o = b(e.sort || []),
c = r ? o : s.concat(o),
u = e.filterCallback,
p = e.filter,
h = e.skip,
f = e.take,
c && i && (a = a.sort(c, y, y, i)),
p && (a = a.filter(p),
u && (a = u(a)),
d = a.toArray().length),
c && !i && (a = a.sort(c),
n && (t = a.toArray())),
r ? (a = a.group(n, t),
h !== y && f !== y && (a = new g(rt(a.toArray())).range(h, f),
l = yt(s, function(t) {
return x({}, t, {
skipItemSorting: !0
a = a.group(l, t))) : (h !== y && f !== y && (a = a.range(h, f)),
n && (a = a.group(n, t))),
total: d,
data: a.toArray()
Tt = qt.extend({
init: function(t) {
this.data = t.data
read: function(t) {
update: function(t) {
create: function(t) {
destroy: function(t) {
Dt = qt.extend({
init: function(i) {
var n, t = this;
i = t.options = x({}, t.options, i),
Rt(Gt, function(t, e) {
typeof i[e] === N && (i[e] = {
url: i[e]
t.cache = i.cache ? s.create(i.cache) : {
find: S,
add: S
n = i.parameterMap,
i.submit && (t.submit = i.submit),
T(i.push) && (t.push = i.push),
t.push || (t.push = e),
t.parameterMap = T(n) ? n : function(t) {
var i = {};
return Rt(t, function(t, e) {
t in n && (t = n[t],
C(t) && (e = t.value(e),
t = t.key)),
i[t] = e
options: {
parameterMap: e
create: function(t) {
return Ft(this.setup(t, zt))
read: function(e) {
var i, t, n, r = this, a = r.cache;
e = r.setup(e, jt),
i = e.success || S,
t = e.error || S,
n = a.find(e.data),
n !== y ? i(n) : (e.success = function(t) {
a.add(e.data, t),
update: function(t) {
return Ft(this.setup(t, Ht))
destroy: function(t) {
return Ft(this.setup(t, Bt))
setup: function(t, e) {
t = t || {};
var i, n = this, r = n.options[e], a = T(r.data) ? r.data(t.data) : r.data;
return t = x(!0, {}, r, t),
i = x(!0, {}, a, t.data),
t.data = n.parameterMap(i, e),
T(t.url) && (t.url = t.url(i)),
(s = qt.extend({
init: function() {
this._store = {}
add: function(t, e) {
t !== y && (this._store[Wt(t)] = e)
find: function(t) {
return this._store[Wt(t)]
clear: function() {
this._store = {}
remove: function(t) {
delete this._store[Wt(t)]
})).create = function(t) {
var e = {
inmemory: function() {
return new s
return C(t) && T(t.find) ? t : t === !0 ? new s : e[t]()
Nt = qt.extend({
init: function(t) {
var e, i, n, r, a, s, o, c, l, d, u, p, h, f, g = this;
t = t || {};
for (e in t)
i = t[e],
g[e] = typeof i === N ? F(i) : i;
r = t.modelBase || _,
C(g.model) && (g.model = n = r.define(g.model)),
a = w(g.data, g),
g._dataAccessFunction = a,
g.model && (s = w(g.groups, g),
o = w(g.serialize, g),
c = {},
l = {},
d = {},
u = {},
p = !1,
n = g.model,
n.fields && (Rt(n.fields, function(t, e) {
var i;
h = t,
C(e) && e.field ? h = e.field : typeof e === N && (h = e),
C(e) && e.from && (i = e.from),
p = p || i && i !== t || h !== t,
f = i || h,
l[t] = f.indexOf(".") !== -1 ? F(f, !0) : F(f),
d[t] = F(t),
c[i || h] = t,
u[t] = i || h
!t.serialize && p && (g.serialize = tt(o, n, Z, d, c, u))),
g._dataAccessFunction = a,
g._wrapDataAccessBase = et(n, K, l, c, u),
g.data = tt(a, n, K, l, c, u),
g.groups = tt(s, n, X, l, c, u))
errors: function(t) {
return t ? t.errors : null
parse: e,
data: e,
total: function(t) {
return t.length
groups: e,
aggregates: function() {
return {}
serialize: function(t) {
return t
p = D.extend({
init: function(t) {
var e, i, n, r = this;
t && (i = t.data),
t = r.options = x({}, r.options, t),
r._map = {},
r._prefetch = {},
r._data = [],
r._pristineData = [],
r._ranges = [],
r._view = [],
r._pristineTotal = 0,
r._destroyed = [],
r._pageSize = t.pageSize,
r._page = t.page || (t.pageSize ? 1 : y),
r._sort = b(t.sort),
r._filter = u(t.filter),
r._group = m(t.group),
r._aggregate = t.aggregate,
r._total = t.total,
r._shouldDetachObservableParents = !0,
r.transport = Mt.create(t, i, r),
T(r.transport.push) && r.transport.push({
pushCreate: w(r._pushCreate, r),
pushUpdate: w(r._pushUpdate, r),
pushDestroy: w(r._pushDestroy, r)
null != t.offlineStorage && ("string" == typeof t.offlineStorage ? (n = t.offlineStorage,
r._storage = {
getItem: function() {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(n))
setItem: function(t) {
localStorage.setItem(n, Wt(r.reader.serialize(t)))
}) : r._storage = t.offlineStorage),
r.reader = new P.data.readers[t.schema.type || "json"](t.schema),
e = r.reader.model || {},
r._data = r._observe(r._data),
r._online = !0,
r.bind(["push", A, M, O, Lt, E, I], t)
options: {
data: null,
schema: {
modelBase: _
offlineStorage: null,
serverSorting: !1,
serverPaging: !1,
serverFiltering: !1,
serverGrouping: !1,
serverAggregates: !1,
batch: !1,
inPlaceSort: !1
clone: function() {
return this
online: function(t) {
return t !== y ? this._online != t && (this._online = t,
t) ? this.sync() : v.Deferred().resolve().promise() : this._online
offlineData: function(t) {
return null == this.options.offlineStorage ? null : t !== y ? this._storage.setItem(t) : this._storage.getItem() || []
_isServerGrouped: function() {
var t = this.group() || [];
return this.options.serverGrouping && t.length
_pushCreate: function(t) {
this._push(t, "pushCreate")
_pushUpdate: function(t) {
this._push(t, "pushUpdate")
_pushDestroy: function(t) {
this._push(t, "pushDestroy")
_push: function(t, e) {
var i = this._readData(t);
i || (i = t),
_flatData: function(t, e) {
if (t) {
if (this._isServerGrouped())
return at(t);
if (!e)
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
return t
parent: S,
get: function(t) {
var e, i, n = this._flatData(this._data, this.options.useRanges);
for (e = 0,
i = n.length; e < i; e++)
if (n[e].id == t)
return n[e]
getByUid: function(t) {
return this._getByUid(t, this._data)
_getByUid: function(t, e) {
var i, n, r = this._flatData(e, this.options.useRanges);
if (r)
for (i = 0,
n = r.length; i < n; i++)
if (r[i].uid == t)
return r[i]
indexOf: function(t) {
return pt(this._data, t)
at: function(t) {
return this._data.at(t)
data: function(t) {
var e, i = this;
if (t === y) {
if (i._data)
for (e = 0; e < i._data.length; e++)
return i._data
i._data = this._observe(t),
i._pristineData = t.slice(0),
i._ranges = [],
i._total = i._data.length,
i._pristineTotal = i._total,
view: function(t) {
return t === y ? this._view : (this._view = this._observeView(t),
_observeView: function(t) {
var e, i = this;
return lt(t, i._data, i._ranges, i.reader.model || d, i._isServerGrouped()),
e = new a(t,i.reader.model),
e.parent = function() {
return i.parent()
flatView: function() {
var t = this.group() || [];
return t.length ? at(this._view) : this._view
add: function(t) {
return this.insert(this._data.length, t)
_createNewModel: function(t) {
return this.reader.model ? new this.reader.model(t) : t instanceof d ? t : new d(t)
insert: function(t, e) {
return e || (e = t,
t = 0),
e instanceof _ || (e = this._createNewModel(e)),
this._isServerGrouped() ? this._data.splice(t, 0, this._wrapInEmptyGroup(e)) : this._data.splice(t, 0, e),
this._insertModelInRange(t, e),
pushInsert: function(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s, o, c = this, l = c._getCurrentRangeSpan();
e || (e = t,
t = 0),
k(e) || (e = [e]),
i = [],
n = this.options.autoSync,
this.options.autoSync = !1;
try {
for (r = 0; r < e.length; r++)
a = e[r],
s = this.insert(t, a),
o = s.toJSON(),
this._isServerGrouped() && (o = this._wrapInEmptyGroup(o)),
l && l.length && v(l).last()[0].pristineData.push(o),
} finally {
this.options.autoSync = n
i.length && this.trigger("push", {
type: "create",
items: i
pushCreate: function(t) {
this.pushInsert(this._data.length, t)
pushUpdate: function(t) {
var e, i, n, r, a;
for (k(t) || (t = [t]),
e = [],
i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
n = t[i],
r = this._createNewModel(n),
a = this.get(r.id),
a ? (e.push(a),
this._updatePristineForModel(a, n)) : this.pushCreate(n);
e.length && this.trigger("push", {
type: "update",
items: e
pushDestroy: function(t) {
var e = this._removeItems(t);
e.length && this.trigger("push", {
type: "destroy",
items: e
_removeItems: function(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s, o, c;
k(t) || (t = [t]),
i = y === e || e,
n = [],
r = this.options.autoSync,
this.options.autoSync = !1;
try {
for (a = 0; a < t.length; a++)
s = t[a],
o = this._createNewModel(s),
c = !1,
this._eachItem(this._data, function(t) {
var e, i;
for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
if (i = t.at(e),
i.id === o.id) {
t.splice(e, 1),
c = !0;
c && i && (this._removePristineForModel(o),
} finally {
this.options.autoSync = r
return n
remove: function(e) {
var i, n = this, r = n._isServerGrouped();
return this._eachItem(n._data, function(t) {
if (i = dt(t, e),
i && r)
return i.isNew && i.isNew() || n._destroyed.push(i),
destroyed: function() {
return this._destroyed
created: function() {
var t, e, i = [], n = this._flatData(this._data, this.options.useRanges);
for (t = 0,
e = n.length; t < e; t++)
n[t].isNew && n[t].isNew() && i.push(n[t]);
return i
updated: function() {
var t, e, i = [], n = this._flatData(this._data, this.options.useRanges);
for (t = 0,
e = n.length; t < e; t++)
n[t].isNew && !n[t].isNew() && n[t].dirty && i.push(n[t]);
return i
sync: function() {
var t, i = this, e = [], n = [], r = i._destroyed, a = v.Deferred().resolve().promise();
if (i.online()) {
if (!i.reader.model)
return a;
e = i.created(),
n = i.updated(),
t = [],
i.options.batch && i.transport.submit ? t = i._sendSubmit(e, n, r) : (t.push.apply(t, i._send("create", e)),
t.push.apply(t, i._send("update", n)),
t.push.apply(t, i._send("destroy", r))),
a = v.when.apply(null, t).then(function() {
var t, e;
for (t = 0,
e = arguments.length; t < e; t++)
arguments[t] && i._accept(arguments[t]);
action: "sync"
} else
action: "sync"
return a
_syncEnd: S,
cancelChanges: function(t) {
var e = this;
t instanceof P.data.Model ? e._cancelModel(t) : (e._destroyed = [],
e._data = e._observe(e._pristineData),
e.options.serverPaging && (e._total = e._pristineTotal),
e._ranges = [],
e._addRange(e._data, 0),
_changesCanceled: S,
_markOfflineUpdatesAsDirty: function() {
var t = this;
null != t.options.offlineStorage && t._eachItem(t._data, function(t) {
var e, i;
for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
i = t.at(e),
"update" != i.__state__ && "create" != i.__state__ || (i.dirty = !0)
hasChanges: function() {
var t, e, i = this._flatData(this._data, this.options.useRanges);
if (this._destroyed.length)
return !0;
for (t = 0,
e = i.length; t < e; t++)
if (i[t].isNew && i[t].isNew() || i[t].dirty)
return !0;
return !1
_accept: function(t) {
var e, i = this, n = t.models, r = t.response, a = 0, s = i._isServerGrouped(), o = i._pristineData, c = t.type;
if (i.trigger(E, {
response: r,
type: c
r && !f(r)) {
if (r = i.reader.parse(r),
r = i.reader.data(r),
k(r) || (r = [r])
} else
r = v.map(n, function(t) {
return t.toJSON()
for ("destroy" === c && (i._destroyed = []),
a = 0,
e = n.length; a < e; a++)
"destroy" !== c ? (n[a].accept(r[a]),
"create" === c ? o.push(s ? i._wrapInEmptyGroup(n[a].toJSON()) : r[a]) : "update" === c && i._updatePristineForModel(n[a], r[a])) : i._removePristineForModel(n[a])
_updatePristineForModel: function(t, i) {
this._executeOnPristineForModel(t, function(t, e) {
P.deepExtend(e[t], i)
_executeOnPristineForModel: function(i, n) {
this._eachPristineItem(function(t) {
var e = ut(t, i);
if (e > -1)
return n(e, t),
_removePristineForModel: function(t) {
this._executeOnPristineForModel(t, function(t, e) {
e.splice(t, 1)
_readData: function(t) {
var e = this._isServerGrouped() ? this.reader.groups : this.reader.data;
return e.call(this.reader, t)
_eachPristineItem: function(i) {
var n = this
, t = n.options
, e = n._getCurrentRangeSpan();
n._eachItem(n._pristineData, i),
t.serverPaging && t.useRanges && Rt(e, function(t, e) {
n._eachItem(e.pristineData, i)
_eachItem: function(t, e) {
t && t.length && (this._isServerGrouped() ? n(t, e) : e(t))
_pristineForModel: function(e) {
var i, n, t = function(t) {
if (n = ut(t, e),
n > -1)
return i = t[n],
return this._eachPristineItem(t),
_cancelModel: function(i) {
var n = this
, r = this._pristineForModel(i);
this._eachItem(this._data, function(t) {
var e = pt(t, i);
e >= 0 && (!r || i.isNew() && !r.__state__ ? (n._modelCanceled(i),
t.splice(e, 1),
n._removeModelFromRanges(i)) : (t[e].accept(r),
"update" == r.__state__ && (t[e].dirty = !0)))
_modelCanceled: S,
_submit: function(r, t) {
var a = this;
a.trigger(O, {
type: "submit"
success: function(t, e) {
var i = v.grep(r, function(t) {
return t.type == e
i && i.resolve({
response: t,
models: i.models,
type: e
error: function(t, e, i) {
for (var n = 0; n < r.length; n++)
a.error(t, e, i)
}, t))
_sendSubmit: function(e, i, n) {
var t = this
, r = [];
return t.options.batch && (e.length && r.push(v.Deferred(function(t) {
t.type = "create",
t.models = e
i.length && r.push(v.Deferred(function(t) {
t.type = "update",
t.models = i
n.length && r.push(v.Deferred(function(t) {
t.type = "destroy",
t.models = n
t._submit(r, {
data: {
created: t.reader.serialize(c(e)),
updated: t.reader.serialize(c(i)),
destroyed: t.reader.serialize(c(n))
_promise: function(t, e, i) {
var r = this;
return v.Deferred(function(n) {
r.trigger(O, {
type: i
r.transport[i].call(r.transport, x({
success: function(t) {
response: t,
models: e,
type: i
error: function(t, e, i) {
r.error(t, e, i)
}, t))
_send: function(t, e) {
var i, n, r = this, a = [], s = r.reader.serialize(c(e));
if (r.options.batch)
e.length && a.push(r._promise({
data: {
models: s
}, e, t));
for (i = 0,
n = e.length; i < n; i++)
data: s[i]
}, [e[i]], t));
return a
read: function(t) {
var e = this
, i = e._params(t)
, n = v.Deferred();
return e._queueRequest(i, function() {
var t = e.trigger(O, {
type: "read"
t ? (e._dequeueRequest(),
n.resolve(t)) : (e.trigger(I),
e._ranges = [],
e.online() ? e.transport.read({
data: i,
success: function(t) {
e._ranges = [],
e.success(t, i),
error: function() {
var t = q.call(arguments);
e.error.apply(e, t),
n.reject.apply(n, t)
}) : null != e.options.offlineStorage && (e.success(e.offlineData(), i),
_readAggregates: function(t) {
return this.reader.aggregates(t)
success: function(t) {
var e, i, n, r, a, s, o, c, l, d, u, p = this, h = p.options;
if (p.trigger(E, {
response: t,
type: "read"
p.online()) {
if (t = p.reader.parse(t),
return p._dequeueRequest(),
p._total = p.reader.total(t),
p._pageSize > p._total && (p._pageSize = p._total,
p.options.pageSize && p.options.pageSize > p._pageSize && (p._pageSize = p.options.pageSize)),
p._aggregate && h.serverAggregates && (p._aggregateResult = p._readAggregates(t)),
t = p._readData(t),
p._destroyed = []
} else {
for (t = p._readData(t),
e = [],
n = {},
r = p.reader.model,
a = r ? r.idField : "id",
s = 0; s < this._destroyed.length; s++)
o = this._destroyed[s][a],
n[o] = o;
for (s = 0; s < t.length; s++)
c = t[s],
l = c.__state__,
"destroy" == l ? n[c[a]] || this._destroyed.push(this._createNewModel(c)) : e.push(c);
t = e,
p._total = t.length
if (p._pristineTotal = p._total,
i = p._skip && p._data.length && p._skip < p._data.length,
for (i && p._pristineData.splice(p._skip, p._pristineData.length),
e = t.slice(0),
d = 0; d < e.length; d++)
p._pristineData = t.slice(0);
if (p._detachObservableParents(),
p.options.endless) {
for (p._data.unbind(M, p._changeHandler),
p._isServerGrouped() && p._data[p._data.length - 1].value === t[0].value && (it(p._data[p._data.length - 1], t[0]),
t = p._observe(t),
i && p._data.splice(p._skip, p._data.length),
u = 0; u < t.length; u++)
p._data.bind(M, p._changeHandler)
} else
p._data = p._observe(t);
_detachObservableParents: function() {
if (this._data && this._shouldDetachObservableParents)
for (var t = 0; t < this._data.length; t++)
this._data[t].parent && (this._data[t].parent = S)
_storeData: function(t) {
function a(t) {
var e, i, n, r = [];
for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
i = t.at(e),
n = i.toJSON(),
s && i.items ? n.items = a(i.items) : (n.uid = i.uid,
o && (i.isNew() ? n.__state__ = "create" : i.dirty && (n.__state__ = "update"))),
return r
var e, i, n, r, s = this._isServerGrouped(), o = this.reader.model;
if (null != this.options.offlineStorage) {
for (e = a(this._data),
i = [],
n = 0; n < this._destroyed.length; n++)
r = this._destroyed[n].toJSON(),
r.__state__ = "destroy",
t && (this._pristineData = this.reader.reader ? this.reader.reader._wrapDataAccessBase(e) : this.reader._wrapDataAccessBase(e))
_addRange: function(t, e) {
var i = this
, n = y !== e ? e : i._skip || 0
, r = n + i._flatData(t, !0).length;
start: n,
end: r,
data: t,
pristineData: t.toJSON(),
timestamp: i._timeStamp()
_sortRanges: function() {
this._ranges.sort(function(t, e) {
return t.start - e.start
error: function(t, e, i) {
this.trigger(E, {}),
this.trigger(A, {
xhr: t,
status: e,
errorThrown: i
_params: function(t) {
var e = this
, i = x({
take: e.take(),
skip: e.skip(),
page: e.page(),
pageSize: e.pageSize(),
sort: e._sort,
filter: e._filter,
group: e._group,
aggregate: e._aggregate
}, t);
return e.options.serverPaging || (delete i.take,
delete i.skip,
delete i.page,
delete i.pageSize),
e.options.serverGrouping ? e.reader.model && i.group && (i.group = l(i.group, e.reader.model)) : delete i.group,
e.options.serverFiltering ? e.reader.model && i.filter && (i.filter = gt(i.filter, e.reader.model)) : delete i.filter,
e.options.serverSorting ? e.reader.model && i.sort && (i.sort = l(i.sort, e.reader.model)) : delete i.sort,
e.options.serverAggregates ? e.reader.model && i.aggregate && (i.aggregate = l(i.aggregate, e.reader.model)) : delete i.aggregate,
_queueRequest: function(t, e) {
var i = this;
i._requestInProgress ? i._pending = {
callback: w(e, i),
options: t
} : (i._requestInProgress = !0,
i._pending = y,
_dequeueRequest: function() {
var t = this;
t._requestInProgress = !1,
t._pending && t._queueRequest(t._pending.options, t._pending.callback)
_handleCustomErrors: function(t) {
if (this.reader.errors) {
var e = this.reader.errors(t);
if (e)
return this.trigger(A, {
xhr: null,
status: "customerror",
errorThrown: "custom error",
errors: e
return !1
_shouldWrap: function(t) {
var e = this.reader.model;
return !(!e || !t.length) && !(t[0]instanceof e)
_observe: function(t) {
var e, i = this, n = i.reader.model;
return i._shouldDetachObservableParents = !0,
t instanceof $ ? (i._shouldDetachObservableParents = !1,
i._shouldWrap(t) && (t.type = i.reader.model,
t.wrapAll(t, t))) : (e = i.pageSize() && !i.options.serverPaging ? a : $,
t = new e(t,i.reader.model),
t.parent = function() {
return i.parent()
i._isServerGrouped() && st(t, n),
!(i._changeHandler && i._data && i._data instanceof $) || i.options.useRanges && i.options.serverPaging ? i._changeHandler = w(i._change, i) : i._data.unbind(M, i._changeHandler),
t.bind(M, i._changeHandler)
_updateTotalForAction: function(t, e) {
var i = this
, n = parseInt(i._total, 10);
o(i._total) || (n = parseInt(i._pristineTotal, 10)),
"add" === t ? n += e.length : "remove" === t ? n -= e.length : "itemchange" === t || "sync" === t || i.options.serverPaging ? "sync" === t && (n = i._pristineTotal = parseInt(i._total, 10)) : n = i._pristineTotal,
i._total = n
_change: function(e) {
var t, i, n, r = this, a = e ? e.action : "";
if ("remove" === a)
for (t = 0,
i = e.items.length; t < i; t++)
e.items[t].isNew && e.items[t].isNew() || r._destroyed.push(e.items[t]);
!r.options.autoSync || "add" !== a && "remove" !== a && "itemchange" !== a ? (r._updateTotalForAction(a, e ? e.items : []),
r._process(r._data, e)) : (n = function(t) {
"sync" === t.action && (r.unbind("change", n),
r._updateTotalForAction(a, e.items))
r.first("change", n),
_calculateAggregates: function(t, e) {
e = e || {};
var i = new g(t)
, n = e.aggregate
, r = e.filter;
return r && (i = i.filter(r)),
_process: function(t, e) {
var i, n = this, r = {};
n.options.serverPaging !== !0 && (r.skip = n._skip,
r.take = n._take || n._pageSize,
r.skip === y && n._page !== y && n._pageSize !== y && (r.skip = (n._page - 1) * n._pageSize),
n.options.useRanges && (r.skip = n.currentRangeStart())),
n.options.serverSorting !== !0 && (r.sort = n._sort),
n.options.serverFiltering !== !0 && (r.filter = n._filter),
n.options.serverGrouping !== !0 && (r.group = n._group),
n.options.serverAggregates !== !0 && (r.aggregate = n._aggregate),
n.options.serverGrouping && n._clearEmptyGroups(t),
i = n._queryProcess(t, r),
n.options.serverAggregates !== !0 && (n._aggregateResult = n._calculateAggregates(i.dataToAggregate || t, r)),
n._setFilterTotal(i.total, !1),
e = e || {},
e.items = e.items || n._view,
n.trigger(M, e)
_clearEmptyGroups: function(t) {
var e, i;
for (e = t.length - 1; e >= 0; e--)
i = t[e],
i.hasSubgroups ? this._clearEmptyGroups(i.items) : i.items && !i.items.length && Zt.apply(i.parent(), [e, 1])
_queryProcess: function(t, e) {
return this.options.inPlaceSort ? g.process(t, e, this.options.inPlaceSort) : g.process(t, e)
_mergeState: function(t) {
var e = this;
return t !== y && (e._pageSize = t.pageSize,
e._page = t.page,
e._sort = t.sort,
e._filter = t.filter,
e._group = t.group,
e._aggregate = t.aggregate,
e._skip = e._currentRangeStart = t.skip,
e._take = t.take,
e._skip === y && (e._skip = e._currentRangeStart = e.skip(),
t.skip = e.skip()),
e._take === y && e._pageSize !== y && (e._take = e._pageSize,
t.take = e._take),
t.sort && (e._sort = t.sort = b(t.sort)),
t.filter && (e._filter = t.filter = u(t.filter)),
t.group && (e._group = t.group = m(t.group)),
t.aggregate && (e._aggregate = t.aggregate = i(t.aggregate))),
query: function(t) {
var e, i, n, r = this.options.serverSorting || this.options.serverPaging || this.options.serverFiltering || this.options.serverGrouping || this.options.serverAggregates;
return r || (this._data === y || 0 === this._data.length) && !this._destroyed.length ? (this.options.endless && (i = t.pageSize - this.pageSize(),
i > 0 ? (i = this.pageSize(),
t.page = t.pageSize / i,
t.pageSize = i) : (t.page = 1,
this.options.endless = !1)),
this.read(this._mergeState(t))) : (n = this.trigger(O, {
type: "read"
n || (this.trigger(I),
e = this._queryProcess(this._data, this._mergeState(t)),
this._setFilterTotal(e.total, !0),
this._aggregateResult = this._calculateAggregates(e.dataToAggregate || this._data, t),
this.trigger(E, {
type: "read"
this.trigger(M, {
items: e.data
_setFilterTotal: function(t, e) {
var i = this;
i.options.serverFiltering || (t !== y ? i._total = t : e && (i._total = i._data.length))
fetch: function(e) {
var i = this
, t = function(t) {
t !== !0 && T(e) && e.call(i)
return this._query().done(t)
_query: function(t) {
var e = this;
return e.query(x({}, {
page: e.page(),
pageSize: e.pageSize(),
sort: e.sort(),
filter: e.filter(),
group: e.group(),
aggregate: e.aggregate()
}, t))
next: function(t) {
var e = this
, i = e.page()
, n = e.total();
if (t = t || {},
i && !(n && i + 1 > e.totalPages()))
return e._skip = e._currentRangeStart = i * e.take(),
i += 1,
t.page = i,
prev: function(t) {
var e = this
, i = e.page();
if (t = t || {},
i && 1 !== i)
return e._skip = e._currentRangeStart = e._skip - e.take(),
i -= 1,
t.page = i,
page: function(t) {
var e, i = this;
return t !== y ? (t = R.max(R.min(R.max(t, 1), i.totalPages()), 1),
page: t
y) : (e = i.skip(),
e !== y ? R.round((e || 0) / (i.take() || 1)) + 1 : y)
pageSize: function(t) {
var e = this;
return t !== y ? (e._query(e._pageableQueryOptions({
pageSize: t,
page: 1
y) : e.take()
sort: function(t) {
var e = this;
return t !== y ? (e._query({
sort: t
y) : e._sort
filter: function(t) {
var e = this;
return t === y ? e._filter : (e.trigger("reset"),
filter: t,
page: 1
group: function(t) {
var e = this;
return t !== y ? (e._query({
group: t
y) : e._group
total: function() {
return parseInt(this._total || 0, 10)
aggregate: function(t) {
var e = this;
return t !== y ? (e._query({
aggregate: t
y) : e._aggregate
aggregates: function() {
var t = this._aggregateResult;
return f(t) && (t = this._emptyAggregates(this.aggregate())),
_emptyAggregates: function(t) {
var e, i, n = {};
if (!f(t))
for (e = {},
k(t) || (t = [t]),
i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
e[t[i].aggregate] = 0,
n[t[i].field] = e;
return n
_pageableQueryOptions: function(t) {
return t
_wrapInEmptyGroup: function(t) {
var e, i, n, r, a = this.group();
for (n = a.length - 1,
r = 0; n >= r; n--)
i = a[n],
e = {
value: t.get ? t.get(i.field) : t[i.field],
field: i.field,
items: e ? [e] : [t],
hasSubgroups: !!e,
aggregates: this._emptyAggregates(i.aggregates)
return e
totalPages: function() {
var t = this
, e = t.pageSize() || t.total();
return R.ceil((t.total() || 0) / e)
inRange: function(t, e) {
var i = this
, n = R.min(t + e, i.total());
return !i.options.serverPaging && i._data.length > 0 || i._findRange(t, n).length > 0
lastRange: function() {
var t = this._ranges;
return t[t.length - 1] || {
start: 0,
end: 0,
data: []
firstItemUid: function() {
var t = this._ranges;
return t.length && t[0].data.length && t[0].data[0].uid
enableRequestsInProgress: function() {
this._skipRequestsInProgress = !1
_timeStamp: function() {
return (new Date).getTime()
range: function(t, e, i) {
this._currentRequestTimeStamp = this._timeStamp(),
this._skipRequestsInProgress = !0,
t = R.min(t || 0, this.total()),
i = T(i) ? i : S;
var n, r = this, a = R.max(R.floor(t / e), 0) * e, s = R.min(a + e, r.total());
return n = r._findRange(t, R.min(t + e, r.total())),
n.length || 0 === r.total() ? (r._processRangeData(n, t, e, a, s),
y) : (e !== y && (r._rangeExists(a, s) ? a < t && r.prefetch(s, e, function() {
r.range(t, e, i)
}) : r.prefetch(a, e, function() {
t > a && s < r.total() && !r._rangeExists(s, R.min(s + e, r.total())) ? r.prefetch(s, e, function() {
r.range(t, e, i)
}) : r.range(t, e, i)
_findRange: function(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s, o, c, l, d, u, p, h, f = this, g = f._ranges, m = [], v = f.options, _ = v.serverSorting || v.serverPaging || v.serverFiltering || v.serverGrouping || v.serverAggregates;
for (n = 0,
p = g.length; n < p; n++)
if (i = g[n],
t >= i.start && t <= i.end) {
for (u = 0,
r = n; r < p; r++)
if (i = g[r],
d = f._flatData(i.data, !0),
d.length && t + u >= i.start && (o = i.data,
c = i.end,
_ || (v.inPlaceSort ? l = f._queryProcess(i.data, {
filter: f.filter()
}) : (h = W(f.group() || []).concat(b(f.sort() || [])),
l = f._queryProcess(i.data, {
sort: h,
filter: f.filter()
d = o = l.data,
l.total !== y && (c = l.total)),
a = 0,
t + u > i.start && (a = t + u - i.start),
s = d.length,
c > e && (s -= c - e),
u += s - a,
m = f._mergeGroups(m, o, a, s),
e <= i.end && u == e - t))
return m;
return []
_mergeGroups: function(t, e, i, n) {
if (this._isServerGrouped()) {
var r, a = e.toJSON();
return t.length && (r = t[t.length - 1]),
nt(r, a, i, n),
return t.concat(e.slice(i, n))
_processRangeData: function(t, e, i, n, r) {
var a, s, o, c, l = this;
l._pending = y,
l._skip = e > l.skip() ? R.min(r, (l.totalPages() - 1) * l.take()) : n,
l._currentRangeStart = e,
l._take = i,
a = l.options.serverPaging,
s = l.options.serverSorting,
o = l.options.serverFiltering,
c = l.options.serverAggregates;
try {
l.options.serverPaging = !0,
l._isServerGrouped() || l.group() && l.group().length || (l.options.serverSorting = !0),
l.options.serverFiltering = !0,
l.options.serverPaging = !0,
l.options.serverAggregates = !0,
a && (l._detachObservableParents(),
l._data = t = l._observe(t)),
} finally {
l.options.serverPaging = a,
l.options.serverSorting = s,
l.options.serverFiltering = o,
l.options.serverAggregates = c
skip: function() {
var t = this;
return t._skip === y ? t._page !== y ? (t._page - 1) * (t.take() || 1) : y : t._skip
currentRangeStart: function() {
return this._currentRangeStart || 0
take: function() {
return this._take || this._pageSize
_prefetchSuccessHandler: function(s, o, c, l) {
var d = this
, u = d._timeStamp();
return function(t) {
var e, i, n, r = !1, a = {
start: s,
end: o,
data: [],
timestamp: d._timeStamp()
if (d._dequeueRequest(),
d.trigger(E, {
response: t,
type: "read"
t = d.reader.parse(t),
n = d._readData(t),
n.length) {
for (e = 0,
i = d._ranges.length; e < i; e++)
if (d._ranges[e].start === s) {
r = !0,
a = d._ranges[e],
a.pristineData = n,
a.data = d._observe(n),
a.end = a.start + d._flatData(a.data, !0).length,
r || d._addRange(d._observe(n), s)
d._total = d.reader.total(t),
(l || u >= d._currentRequestTimeStamp || !d._skipRequestsInProgress) && (c && n.length ? c() : d.trigger(M, {}))
prefetch: function(t, e, i) {
var n = this
, r = R.min(t + e, n.total())
, a = {
take: e,
skip: t,
page: t / e + 1,
pageSize: e,
sort: n._sort,
filter: n._filter,
group: n._group,
aggregate: n._aggregate
n._rangeExists(t, r) ? i && i() : (clearTimeout(n._timeout),
n._timeout = setTimeout(function() {
n._queueRequest(a, function() {
n.trigger(O, {
type: "read"
}) ? n._dequeueRequest() : n.transport.read({
data: n._params(a),
success: n._prefetchSuccessHandler(t, r, i),
error: function() {
var t = q.call(arguments);
n.error.apply(n, t)
}, 100))
_multiplePrefetch: function(t, e, i) {
var n = this
, r = R.min(t + e, n.total())
, a = {
take: e,
skip: t,
page: t / e + 1,
pageSize: e,
sort: n._sort,
filter: n._filter,
group: n._group,
aggregate: n._aggregate
n._rangeExists(t, r) ? i && i() : n.trigger(O, {
type: "read"
}) || n.transport.read({
data: n._params(a),
success: n._prefetchSuccessHandler(t, r, i, !0)
_rangeExists: function(t, e) {
var i, n, r = this, a = r._ranges;
for (i = 0,
n = a.length; i < n; i++)
if (a[i].start <= t && a[i].end >= e)
return !0;
return !1
_getCurrentRangeSpan: function() {
var t, e, i = this, n = i._ranges, r = i.currentRangeStart(), a = r + (i.take() || 0), s = [], o = n.length;
for (e = 0; e < o; e++)
t = n[e],
(t.start <= r && t.end >= r || t.start >= r && t.start <= a) && s.push(t);
return s
_removeModelFromRanges: function(t) {
var e, i, n, r = this;
for (i = 0,
n = this._ranges.length; i < n; i++)
e = this._ranges[i],
r._removeModelFromRange(e, t);
_removeModelFromRange: function(t, n) {
this._eachItem(t.data, function(t) {
var e, i;
for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
if (i = t[e],
i.uid && i.uid == n.uid) {
[].splice.call(t, e, 1);
_insertModelInRange: function(t, e) {
var i, n, r = this, a = r._ranges || [], s = a.length;
for (n = 0; n < s; n++)
if (i = a[n],
i.start <= t && i.end >= t) {
r._getByUid(e.uid, i.data) || (r._isServerGrouped() ? i.data.splice(t, 0, r._wrapInEmptyGroup(e)) : i.data.splice(t, 0, e));
_updateRangesLength: function() {
var t, e, i = this, n = i._ranges || [], r = n.length, a = !1, s = 0, o = 0;
for (e = 0; e < r; e++)
t = n[e],
o = i._flatData(t.data, !0).length - R.abs(t.end - t.start),
a || 0 === o ? a && (t.start += s,
t.end += s) : (a = !0,
s = o,
t.end += s)
Mt = {
create: function(t, e, i) {
var n, r = t.transport ? v.extend({}, t.transport) : null;
return r ? (r.read = typeof r.read === N ? {
url: r.read
} : r.read,
"jsdo" === t.type && (r.dataSource = i),
t.type && (P.data.transports = P.data.transports || {},
P.data.schemas = P.data.schemas || {},
P.data.transports[t.type] ? C(P.data.transports[t.type]) ? r = x(!0, {}, P.data.transports[t.type], r) : n = new P.data.transports[t.type](x(r, {
data: e
})) : P.logToConsole("Unknown DataSource transport type '" + t.type + "'.\nVerify that registration scripts for this type are included after Kendo UI on the page.", "warn"),
t.schema = x(!0, {}, P.data.schemas[t.type], t.schema)),
n || (n = T(r.read) ? r : new Dt(r))) : n = new Tt({
data: t.data || []
p.create = function(t) {
(k(t) || t instanceof $) && (t = {
data: t
var e, i, n, r = t || {}, a = r.data, s = r.fields, o = r.table, c = r.select, l = {};
if (a || !s || r.transport || (o ? a = vt(o, s) : c && (a = mt(c, s),
r.group === y && a[0] && a[0].optgroup !== y && (r.group = "optgroup"))),
P.data.Model && s && (!r.schema || !r.schema.model)) {
for (e = 0,
i = s.length; e < i; e++)
n = s[e],
n.type && (l[n.field] = n);
f(l) || (r.schema = x(!0, r.schema, {
model: {
fields: l
return r.data = a,
c = null,
r.select = null,
o = null,
r.table = null,
r instanceof p ? r : new p(r)
At = _.define({
idField: "id",
init: function(t) {
var e, i = this, n = i.hasChildren || t && t.hasChildren, r = "items", a = {};
P.data.Model.fn.init.call(i, t),
typeof i.children === N && (r = i.children),
a = {
schema: {
data: r,
model: {
hasChildren: n,
id: i.idField,
fields: i.fields
typeof i.children !== N && x(a, i.children),
a.data = t,
n || (n = a.schema.data),
typeof n === N && (n = P.getter(n)),
T(n) && (e = n.call(i, i),
i.hasChildren = (!e || 0 !== e.length) && !!e),
i._childrenOptions = a,
i.hasChildren && i._initChildren(),
i._loaded = !(!t || !t._loaded)
_initChildren: function() {
var t, e, i, n = this;
n.children instanceof h || (t = n.children = new h(n._childrenOptions),
e = t.transport,
i = e.parameterMap,
e.parameterMap = function(t, e) {
return t[n.idField || "id"] = n.id,
i && (t = i(t, e)),
t.parent = function() {
return n
t.bind(M, function(t) {
t.node = t.node || n,
n.trigger(M, t)
t.bind(A, function(t) {
var e = n.parent();
e && (t.node = t.node || n,
e.trigger(A, t))
append: function(t) {
hasChildren: !1,
level: function() {
for (var t = this.parentNode(), e = 0; t && t.parentNode; )
t = t.parentNode ? t.parentNode() : null;
return e
_updateChildrenField: function() {
var t = this._childrenOptions.schema.data;
this[t || "items"] = this.children.data()
_childrenLoaded: function() {
this._loaded = !0,
load: function() {
var t, e, i = {}, n = "_query";
return this.hasChildren ? (this._initChildren(),
t = this.children,
i[this.idField || "id"] = this.id,
this._loaded || (t._data = y,
n = "read"),
t.one(M, w(this._childrenLoaded, this)),
this._matchFilter && (i.filter = {
field: "_matchFilter",
operator: "eq",
value: !0
e = t[n](i)) : this.loaded(!0),
e || v.Deferred().resolve().promise()
parentNode: function() {
var t = this.parent();
return t.parent()
loaded: function(t) {
return t === y ? this._loaded : (this._loaded = t,
shouldSerialize: function(t) {
return _.fn.shouldSerialize.call(this, t) && "children" !== t && "_loaded" !== t && "hasChildren" !== t && "_childrenOptions" !== t
(h = p.extend({
init: function(t) {
var e = At.define({
children: t
t.filter && !t.serverFiltering && (this._hierarchicalFilter = t.filter,
t.filter = null),
p.fn.init.call(this, x(!0, {}, {
schema: {
modelBase: e,
model: e
}, t)),
_attachBubbleHandlers: function() {
var e = this;
e._data.bind(A, function(t) {
e.trigger(A, t)
read: function(t) {
var e = p.fn.read.call(this, t);
return this._hierarchicalFilter && (this._data && this._data.length > 0 ? this.filter(this._hierarchicalFilter) : (this.options.filter = this._hierarchicalFilter,
this._filter = u(this.options.filter),
this._hierarchicalFilter = null)),
remove: function(t) {
var e, i = t.parentNode(), n = this;
return i && i._initChildren && (n = i.children),
e = p.fn.remove.call(n, t),
i && !n.data().length && (i.hasChildren = !1),
success: t("success"),
data: t("data"),
insert: function(t, e) {
var i = this.parent();
return i && i._initChildren && (i.hasChildren = !0,
p.fn.insert.call(this, t, e)
filter: function(t) {
return t === y ? this._filter : (!this.options.serverFiltering && this._markHierarchicalQuery(t) && (t = {
logic: "or",
filters: [t, {
field: "_matchFilter",
operator: "equals",
value: !0
filter: t,
page: 1
_markHierarchicalQuery: function(t) {
var e, i, n, r, a;
return t = u(t),
t && 0 !== t.filters.length ? (e = g.filterExpr(t),
n = e.fields,
r = e.operators,
i = a = Function("d, __f, __o", "return " + e.expression),
(n.length || r.length) && (a = function(t) {
return i(t, n, r)
!0) : (this._updateHierarchicalFilter(function() {
return !0
_updateHierarchicalFilter: function(t) {
var e, i, n = this._data, r = !1;
for (i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
e = n[i],
e.hasChildren ? (e._matchFilter = e.children._updateHierarchicalFilter(t),
e._matchFilter || (e._matchFilter = t(e))) : e._matchFilter = t(e),
e._matchFilter && (r = !0);
return r
_find: function(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a, s = this._data;
if (s) {
if (r = p.fn[t].call(this, e))
return r;
for (s = this._flatData(this._data),
i = 0,
n = s.length; i < n; i++)
if (a = s[i].children,
a instanceof h && (r = a[t](e)))
return r
get: function(t) {
return this._find("get", t)
getByUid: function(t) {
return this._find("getByUid", t)
})).create = function(t) {
t = t && t.push ? {
data: t
} : t;
var e = t || {}
, i = e.data
, n = e.fields
, r = e.list;
return i && i._dataSource ? i._dataSource : (i || !n || e.transport || r && (i = _t(r, n)),
e.data = i,
e instanceof h ? e : new h(e))
Ot = P.Observable.extend({
init: function(t, e, i) {
this._prefetching = !1,
this.dataSource = t,
this.prefetch = !i;
var n = this;
t.bind("change", function() {
t.bind("reset", function() {
setViewSize: function(t) {
this.viewSize = t,
at: function(t) {
var e = this.pageSize
, i = !0;
return t >= this.total() ? (this.trigger("endreached", {
index: t
null) : this.useRanges ? this.useRanges ? ((t < this.dataOffset || t >= this.skip + e) && (i = this.range(Math.floor(t / e) * e)),
t === this.prefetchThreshold && this._prefetch(),
t === this.midPageThreshold ? this.range(this.nextMidRange, !0) : t === this.nextPageThreshold ? this.range(this.nextFullRange) : t === this.pullBackThreshold && this.range(this.offset === this.skip ? this.previousMidRange : this.previousFullRange),
i ? this.dataSource.at(t - this.dataOffset) : (this.trigger("endreached", {
index: t
null)) : y : this.dataSource.view()[t]
indexOf: function(t) {
return this.dataSource.data().indexOf(t) + this.dataOffset
total: function() {
return parseInt(this.dataSource.total(), 10)
next: function() {
var t = this
, e = t.pageSize
, i = t.skip - t.viewSize + e
, n = R.max(R.floor(i / e), 0) * e;
this.offset = i,
this.dataSource.prefetch(n, e, function() {
t._goToRange(i, !0)
range: function(t, e) {
if (this.offset === t)
return !0;
var i = this
, n = this.pageSize
, r = R.max(R.floor(t / n), 0) * n
, a = this.dataSource;
return e && (r += n),
a.inRange(t, n) ? (this.offset = t,
!0) : !this.prefetch || (a.prefetch(r, n, function() {
i.offset = t,
i._goToRange(t, !0)
syncDataSource: function() {
var t = this.offset;
this.offset = null,
destroy: function() {
_prefetch: function() {
var t = this
, e = this.pageSize
, i = this.skip + e
, n = this.dataSource;
n.inRange(i, e) || this._prefetching || !this.prefetch || (this._prefetching = !0,
this.trigger("prefetching", {
skip: i,
take: e
n.prefetch(i, e, function() {
t._prefetching = !1,
t.trigger("prefetched", {
skip: i,
take: e
_goToRange: function(t, e) {
this.offset === t && (this.dataOffset = t,
this._expanding = e,
this.dataSource.range(t, this.pageSize),
_reset: function() {
this._syncPending = !0
_change: function() {
var t = this.dataSource;
this.length = this.useRanges ? t.lastRange().end : t.view().length,
this._syncPending && (this._syncWithDataSource(),
this._syncPending = !1,
this.trigger("reset", {
offset: this.offset
this._expanding && this.trigger("expand"),
delete this._expanding
_syncWithDataSource: function() {
var t = this.dataSource;
this._firstItemUid = t.firstItemUid(),
this.dataOffset = this.offset = t.skip() || 0,
this.pageSize = t.pageSize(),
this.useRanges = t.options.serverPaging
_recalculate: function() {
var t = this.pageSize
, e = this.offset
, i = this.viewSize
, n = Math.ceil(e / t) * t;
this.skip = n,
this.midPageThreshold = n + t - 1,
this.nextPageThreshold = n + i - 1,
this.prefetchThreshold = n + Math.floor(t / 3 * 2),
this.pullBackThreshold = this.offset - 1,
this.nextMidRange = n + t - i,
this.nextFullRange = n,
this.previousMidRange = e - i,
this.previousFullRange = n - t
It = P.Observable.extend({
init: function(t, e) {
var i = this;
this.dataSource = t,
this.batchSize = e,
this._total = 0,
this.buffer = new Ot(t,3 * e),
endreached: function(t) {
i.trigger("endreached", {
index: t.index
prefetching: function(t) {
i.trigger("prefetching", {
skip: t.skip,
take: t.take
prefetched: function(t) {
i.trigger("prefetched", {
skip: t.skip,
take: t.take
reset: function() {
i._total = 0,
resize: function() {
i._total = Math.ceil(this.length / i.batchSize),
i.trigger("resize", {
total: i.total(),
offset: this.offset
syncDataSource: function() {
at: function(t) {
var e, i, n = this.buffer, r = t * this.batchSize, a = this.batchSize, s = [];
for (n.offset > r && n.at(n.offset - 1),
i = 0; i < a && (e = n.at(r + i),
null !== e); i++)
return s
total: function() {
return this._total
destroy: function() {
x(!0, P.data, {
readers: {
json: Nt
Query: g,
DataSource: p,
HierarchicalDataSource: h,
Node: At,
ObservableObject: d,
ObservableArray: $,
LazyObservableArray: a,
LocalTransport: Tt,
RemoteTransport: Dt,
Cache: s,
DataReader: Nt,
Model: _,
Buffer: Ot,
BatchBuffer: It
("function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define : function(t, e, i) {
(i || e)()
)("kendo.treeview.min", ["kendo.data.min", "kendo.treeview.draganddrop.min"], function() {
var v = window.kendo.jQuery
, d = void 0;
function t(i) {
return function(t) {
var e = t.children(".k-animation-container");
return e.length || (e = t),
function n(t) {
return b.template(t, {
useWithBlock: !1
function p(t) {
return t.find(".k-checkbox-wrapper:first input[type=checkbox]")
function e(a) {
return function(t, r) {
r = r.closest(M);
var e, i = r.parent();
return i.parent().is("li") && (e = i.parent()),
this._dataSourceMove(t, i, e, function(t, e) {
var i = this.dataItem(r)
, n = i ? i.parent().indexOf(i) : r.index();
return this._insert(t.data(), e, n + a)
function R(t, e) {
for (var i; t && "ul" != t.nodeName.toLowerCase(); )
i = t,
t = t.nextSibling,
3 == i.nodeType && (i.nodeValue = v.trim(i.nodeValue)),
a.test(i.className) ? e.insertBefore(i, e.firstChild) : e.appendChild(i)
function _(t) {
var e = t.children("div")
, i = t.children("ul")
, n = e.children(".k-icon")
, r = t.children("input[type=checkbox]")
, a = e.children(".k-in");
t.hasClass("k-treeview") || (e.length || (e = v("<div />").prependTo(t)),
!n.length && i.length ? n = v("<span class='k-icon' />").prependTo(e) : i.length && i.children().length || (n.remove(),
r.length && v("<span class='k-checkbox-wrapper' />").appendTo(e).append(r),
a.length || (a = t.children("a").eq(0).addClass("k-in k-link"),
a.length || (a = v("<span class='k-in' />")),
e.length && R(e[0].nextSibling, a[0])))
var i, y, h, r, a, b = window.kendo, f = b.ui, q = b.data, o = v.extend, s = b.template, c = v.isArray, l = f.Widget, u = q.HierarchicalDataSource, g = v.proxy, m = b.keys, x = ".kendoTreeView", $ = ".kendoTreeViewTemp", w = "select", U = "check", C = "navigate", z = "expand", k = "change", j = "error", S = "checked", P = "indeterminate", H = "collapse", B = "dragstart", L = "drag", V = "drop", G = "dragend", W = "dataBound", T = "click", D = "undefined", Q = "k-state-hover", N = "k-treeview", J = ":visible", M = ".k-item", A = "string", O = "aria-checked", I = "aria-selected", Y = "aria-disabled", E = "k-state-disabled", F = {
text: "dataTextField",
url: "dataUrlField",
spriteCssClass: "dataSpriteCssClassField",
imageUrl: "dataImageUrlField"
}, Z = function(t) {
return t instanceof b.jQuery || window.jQuery && t instanceof window.jQuery
}, K = function(t) {
return "object" == typeof HTMLElement ? t instanceof HTMLElement : t && "object" == typeof t && 1 === t.nodeType && typeof t.nodeName === A
return y = t(".k-group"),
h = t(".k-group,.k-content"),
r = function(t) {
return t.children("div").children(".k-icon")
a = /k-sprite/,
i = b.ui.DataBoundWidget.extend({
init: function(t, e) {
var i, n = this, r = !1, a = e && !!e.dataSource;
c(e) && (e = {
dataSource: e
e && typeof e.loadOnDemand == D && c(e.dataSource) && (e.loadOnDemand = !1),
l.prototype.init.call(n, t, e),
t = n.element,
e = n.options,
n._dataSourceUids = {},
i = t.is("ul") && t || t.hasClass(N) && t.children("ul"),
r = !a && i.length,
r && (e.dataSource.list = i),
t.hasClass(N) ? (n.wrapper = t,
n.root = t.children("ul").eq(0)) : (n._wrapper(),
i && (n.root = t,
n.wrapper.attr("role", "tree"),
r ? n._syncHtmlAndDataSource() : e.autoBind && (n._progress(!0),
e.checkboxes && e.checkboxes.checkChildren && n.updateIndeterminate(),
n.element[0].id && (n._ariaId = b.format("{0}_tv_active", n.element[0].id)),
_attachEvents: function() {
var e = this
, t = ".k-in:not(.k-state-selected,.k-state-disabled)"
, i = "mouseenter";
e.wrapper.on(i + x, ".k-in.k-state-selected", function(t) {
}).on(i + x, t, function() {
}).on("mouseleave" + x, t, function() {
}).on(T + x, t, g(e._click, e)).on("dblclick" + x, ".k-in:not(.k-state-disabled)", g(e._toggleButtonClick, e)).on(T + x, ".k-i-expand,.k-i-collapse", g(e._toggleButtonClick, e)).on("keydown" + x, g(e._keydown, e)).on("keypress" + x, g(e._keypress, e)).on("focus" + x, g(e._focus, e)).on("blur" + x, g(e._blur, e)).on("mousedown" + x, ".k-in,.k-checkbox-wrapper :checkbox,.k-i-expand,.k-i-collapse", g(e._mousedown, e)).on("change" + x, ".k-checkbox-wrapper :checkbox", g(e._checkboxChange, e)).on("click" + x, ".checkbox-span", g(e._checkboxLabelClick, e)).on("click" + x, ".k-request-retry", g(e._retryRequest, e)).on("click" + x, ".k-link.k-state-disabled", function(t) {
}).on("click" + x, function(t) {
v(t.target).is(":kendoFocusable") || e.focus()
_checkboxLabelClick: function(t) {
var e = v(t.target.previousSibling);
e.is("[disabled]") || (e.prop("checked", !e.prop("checked")),
_syncHtmlAndDataSource: function(t, e) {
t = t || this.root,
e = e || this.dataSource;
var i, n, r, a, s, o = e.view(), c = b.attr("uid"), l = b.attr("expanded"), d = this.options.checkboxes, u = t.children("li");
for (i = 0; i < u.length; i++)
r = o[i],
a = r.uid,
n = u.eq(i),
n.attr("role", "treeitem").attr(c, a).attr(I, n.hasClass("k-state-selected")),
r.expanded = "true" === n.attr(l),
d && (s = p(n),
r.checked = s.prop(S),
s.attr("id", "_" + a),
s.next(".k-checkbox-label").attr("for", "_" + a)),
this._syncHtmlAndDataSource(n.children("ul"), r.children)
_animation: function() {
var t = this.options
, e = t.animation
, i = e.collapse && "effects"in e.collapse
, n = o({}, e.expand, e.collapse);
i || (n = o(n, {
reverse: !0
e === !1 && (e = {
expand: {
effects: {}
collapse: {
hide: !0,
effects: {}
e.collapse = o(n, {
hide: !0
t.animation = e
_dragging: function() {
var a, t = this.options.dragAndDrop, e = this.dragging;
t && !e ? (a = this,
this.dragging = new f.HierarchicalDragAndDrop(this.element,{
reorderable: !0,
$angular: this.options.$angular,
autoScroll: this.options.autoScroll,
filter: "div:not(.k-state-disabled) .k-in",
allowedContainers: ".k-treeview",
itemSelector: ".k-treeview .k-item",
hintText: g(this._hintText, this),
contains: function(t, e) {
return v.contains(t, e)
dropHintContainer: function(t) {
return t
itemFromTarget: function(t) {
var e = t.closest(".k-top,.k-mid,.k-bot");
return {
item: e,
content: t.closest(".k-in"),
first: e.hasClass("k-top"),
last: e.hasClass("k-bot")
dropPositionFrom: function(t) {
return t.prevAll(".k-in").length > 0 ? "after" : "before"
dragstart: function(t) {
return a.trigger(B, {
sourceNode: t[0]
drag: function(t) {
a.trigger(L, {
originalEvent: t.originalEvent,
sourceNode: t.source[0],
dropTarget: t.target[0],
pageY: t.pageY,
pageX: t.pageX,
statusClass: t.status,
setStatusClass: t.setStatus
drop: function(e) {
var t = v(e.dropTarget)
, i = t.closest("a");
return i && i.attr("href") && a._tempPreventNavigation(i),
a.trigger(V, {
originalEvent: e.originalEvent,
sourceNode: e.source,
destinationNode: e.destination,
valid: e.valid,
setValid: function(t) {
this.valid = t,
dropTarget: e.dropTarget,
dropPosition: e.position
dragend: function(e) {
function t(t) {
a.options.checkboxes && a.options.checkboxes.checkChildren && a.updateIndeterminate(),
a.trigger(G, {
originalEvent: e.originalEvent,
sourceNode: t && t[0],
destinationNode: n[0],
dropPosition: r
var i = e.source
, n = e.destination
, r = e.position;
"over" == r ? a.append(i, n, t) : ("before" == r ? i = a.insertBefore(i, n) : "after" == r && (i = a.insertAfter(i, n)),
})) : !t && e && (e.destroy(),
this.dragging = null)
_tempPreventNavigation: function(e) {
e.on(T + x + $, function(t) {
e.off(T + x + $)
_hintText: function(t) {
return this.templates.dragClue({
item: this.dataItem(t),
treeview: this.options
_templates: function() {
var t = this
, e = t.options
, i = g(t._fieldAccessor, t);
e.template && typeof e.template == A ? e.template = s(e.template) : e.template || (e.template = n("# var text = " + i("text") + "(data.item); ## if (typeof data.item.encoded != 'undefined' && data.item.encoded === false) {##= text ## } else { ##: text ## } #")),
t.templates = {
wrapperCssClass: function(t, e) {
var i = "k-item"
, n = e.index;
return t.firstLevel && 0 === n && (i += " k-first"),
n == t.length - 1 && (i += " k-last"),
cssClass: function(t, e) {
var i = ""
, n = e.index
, r = t.length - 1;
return t.firstLevel && 0 === n && (i += "k-top "),
i += 0 === n && n != r ? "k-top" : n == r ? "k-bot" : "k-mid"
textClass: function(t, e) {
var i = "k-in";
return e && (i += " k-link"),
t.enabled === !1 && (i += " k-state-disabled"),
t.selected === !0 && (i += " k-state-selected"),
toggleButtonClass: function(t) {
var e = "k-icon";
return e += t.expanded !== !0 ? " k-i-expand" : " k-i-collapse"
groupAttributes: function(t) {
var e = "";
return t.firstLevel || (e = "role='group'"),
e + (t.expanded !== !0 ? " style='display:none'" : "")
groupCssClass: function(t) {
var e = "k-group";
return t.firstLevel && (e += " k-treeview-lines"),
dragClue: n("#= data.treeview.template(data) #"),
group: n("<ul class='#= data.r.groupCssClass(data.group) #'#= data.r.groupAttributes(data.group) #>#= data.renderItems(data) #</ul>"),
itemContent: n("# var imageUrl = " + i("imageUrl") + "(data.item); ## var spriteCssClass = " + i("spriteCssClass") + "(data.item); ## if (imageUrl) { #<img class='k-image' alt='' src='#= imageUrl #'># } ## if (spriteCssClass) { #<span class='k-sprite #= spriteCssClass #'></span># } ##= data.treeview.template(data) #"),
itemElement: n("# var item = data.item, r = data.r; ## var url = " + i("url") + "(item); #<div class='#= r.cssClass(data.group, item) #'># if (item.hasChildren) { #<span class='#= r.toggleButtonClass(item) #'></span># } ## if (data.treeview.checkboxes) { #<span class='k-checkbox-wrapper' role='presentation'>#= data.treeview.checkboxes.template(data) #</span># } ## var tag = url ? 'a' : 'span'; ## var textAttr = url ? ' href=\\'' + url + '\\'' : ''; #<#=tag# class='#= r.textClass(item, !!url) #'#= textAttr #>#= r.itemContent(data) #</#=tag#></div>"),
item: n("# var item = data.item, r = data.r; #<li role='treeitem' class='#= r.wrapperCssClass(data.group, item) #'" + b.attr("uid") + '=\'#= item.uid #\' # if (data.treeview.checkboxes) { #aria-checked=\'#= item.checked ? "true" : "false" #\' # } #aria-selected=\'#= item.selected ? "true" : "false" #\' #=item.enabled === false ? "aria-disabled=\'true\'" : \'\'#aria-expanded=\'#= item.expanded ? "true" : "false" #\' data-expanded=\'#= item.expanded ? "true" : "false" #\' >#= r.itemElement(data) #</li>'),
loading: n("<div class='k-icon k-i-loading'></div> #: data.messages.loading #"),
retry: n("#: data.messages.requestFailed # <button class='k-button k-request-retry'>#: data.messages.retry #</button>")
items: function() {
return this.element.find(".k-item > div:first-child")
setDataSource: function(t) {
var e = this.options;
e.dataSource = t,
this._dataSourceUids = {},
e.checkboxes && e.checkboxes.checkChildren && this.dataSource.one("change", v.proxy(this.updateIndeterminate, this, null)),
this.options.autoBind && this.dataSource.fetch()
_bindDataSource: function() {
this._refreshHandler = g(this.refresh, this),
this._errorHandler = g(this._error, this),
this.dataSource.bind(k, this._refreshHandler),
this.dataSource.bind(j, this._errorHandler)
_unbindDataSource: function() {
var t = this.dataSource;
t && (t.unbind(k, this._refreshHandler),
t.unbind(j, this._errorHandler))
_dataSource: function(t) {
function i(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
var e = this
, n = e.options
, r = n.dataSource;
r = c(r) ? {
data: r
} : r,
r.fields || (r.fields = [{
field: "text"
}, {
field: "url"
}, {
field: "spriteCssClass"
}, {
field: "imageUrl"
e.dataSource = r = u.create(r),
t && (r.fetch(),
events: [B, L, V, G, W, z, H, w, k, C, U],
options: {
name: "TreeView",
dataSource: {},
animation: {
expand: {
effects: "expand:vertical",
duration: 200
collapse: {
duration: 100
messages: {
loading: "Loading...",
requestFailed: "Request failed.",
retry: "Retry"
dragAndDrop: !1,
checkboxes: !1,
autoBind: !0,
autoScroll: !1,
loadOnDemand: !0,
template: "",
dataTextField: null
_accessors: function() {
var t, e, i, n = this, r = n.options, a = n.element;
for (t in F)
e = r[F[t]],
i = a.attr(b.attr(t + "-field")),
!e && i && (e = i),
e || (e = t),
c(e) || (e = [e]),
r[F[t]] = e
_fieldAccessor: function(t) {
var e = this.options[F[t]]
, i = e.length
, n = "(function(item) {";
return 0 === i ? n += "return item['" + t + "'];" : (n += "var levels = [" + v.map(e, function(t) {
return "function(d){ return " + b.expr(t) + "}"
}).join(",") + "];",
n += "return levels[Math.min(item.level(), " + i + "-1)](item)"),
n += "})"
setOptions: function(t) {
l.fn.setOptions.call(this, t),
_trigger: function(t, e) {
return this.trigger(t, {
node: e.closest(M)[0]
_setChecked: function(t, e) {
if (t && v.isFunction(t.view))
for (var i = 0, n = t.view(); i < n.length; i++)
n[i].enabled !== !1 && this._setCheckedValue(n[i], e),
n[i].children && this._setChecked(n[i].children, e)
_setCheckedValue: function(t, e) {
t[S] = e
_setIndeterminate: function(t) {
var e, i, n, r = y(t), a = !0;
if (r.length && (e = p(r.children()),
i = e.length)) {
if (i > 1) {
for (n = 1; n < i; n++)
if (e[n].checked != e[n - 1].checked || e[n].indeterminate || e[n - 1].indeterminate) {
a = !1;
} else
a = !e[0].indeterminate;
return t.attr(O, a ? e[0].checked : "mixed"),
p(t).data(P, !a).prop(P, !a).prop(S, a && e[0].checked)
updateIndeterminate: function(t) {
var e, i, n, r;
if (t = t || this.wrapper,
e = y(t).children(),
e.length) {
for (i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
if (t.is(".k-treeview"))
n = this._setIndeterminate(t),
r = this.dataItem(t),
n && n.prop(S) ? r.checked = !0 : r && delete r.checked
_bubbleIndeterminate: function(t, e) {
if (t.length) {
e || this.updateIndeterminate(t);
var i, n = this.parent(t);
n.length && (this._setIndeterminate(n),
i = n.children("div").find(".k-checkbox-wrapper input[type=checkbox]"),
this._skip = !0,
i.prop(P) === !1 ? this.dataItem(n).set(S, i.prop(S)) : this.dataItem(n).set(S, !1),
this._skip = !1,
this._bubbleIndeterminate(n, !0))
_checkboxChange: function(t) {
var e = v(t.target)
, i = e.prop(S)
, n = e.closest(M)
, r = this.dataItem(n);
this._preventChange || r.checked != i && (r.set(S, i),
n.attr(O, i),
this._trigger(U, n))
_toggleButtonClick: function(t) {
var e = v(t.currentTarget).closest(M);
e.is("[aria-disabled='true']") || this.toggle(e)
_mousedown: function(t) {
var e = this
, i = v(t.currentTarget)
, n = v(t.currentTarget).closest(M)
, r = b.support.browser;
n.is("[aria-disabled='true']") || ((r.msie || r.edge) && i.is(":checkbox") && (i.prop(P) ? (e._preventChange = !1,
i.prop(S, !i.prop(S)),
i.on(T + x, function(t) {
e._preventChange = !0) : (i.off(T + x),
e._preventChange = !1)),
e._clickTarget = n,
_focusable: function(t) {
return t && t.length && t.is(":visible") && !t.find(".k-in:first").hasClass(E)
_focus: function() {
var t = this.select()
, e = this._clickTarget;
b.support.touch || (e && e.length && (t = e),
this._focusable(t) || (t = this.current()),
this._focusable(t) || (t = this._nextVisible(v())),
focus: function() {
var t, e = this.wrapper, i = e[0], n = [], r = [], a = document.documentElement;
do {
i = i.parentNode,
i.scrollHeight > i.clientHeight && (n.push(i),
} while (i != a);
for (b.focusElement(e),
t = 0; t < n.length; t++)
n[t].scrollTop = r[t]
_blur: function() {
_enabled: function(t) {
return !t.children("div").children(".k-in").hasClass(E)
parent: function(t) {
var e, i, n = /\bk-treeview\b/, r = /\bk-item\b/;
typeof t == A && (t = this.element.find(t)),
K(t) || (t = t[0]),
i = r.test(t.className);
do {
t = t.parentNode,
r.test(t.className) && (i ? e = t : i = !0)
} while (!n.test(t.className) && !e);
return v(e)
_nextVisible: function(t) {
function e(t) {
for (; t.length && !t.next().length; )
t = n.parent(t);
return t.next().length ? t.next() : t
var i, n = this, r = n._expanded(t);
return t.length && t.is(":visible") ? r ? (i = y(t).children().first(),
i.length || (i = e(t))) : i = e(t) : i = n.root.children().eq(0),
_previousVisible: function(t) {
var e, i, n = this;
if (!t.length || t.prev().length)
for (i = t.length ? t.prev() : n.root.children().last(); n._expanded(i) && (e = y(i).children().last(),
e.length); )
i = e;
i = n.parent(t) || t;
return i
_keydown: function(t) {
var e, i = this, n = t.keyCode, r = i.current(), a = i._expanded(r), s = r.find(".k-checkbox-wrapper:first :checkbox"), o = b.support.isRtl(i.element);
t.target == t.currentTarget && (!o && n == m.RIGHT || o && n == m.LEFT ? a ? e = i._nextVisible(r) : r.find(".k-in:first").hasClass(E) || i.expand(r) : !o && n == m.LEFT || o && n == m.RIGHT ? a && !r.find(".k-in:first").hasClass(E) ? i.collapse(r) : (e = i.parent(r),
i._enabled(e) || (e = d)) : n == m.DOWN ? e = i._nextVisible(r) : n == m.UP ? e = i._previousVisible(r) : n == m.HOME ? e = i._nextVisible(v()) : n == m.END ? e = i._previousVisible(v()) : n != m.ENTER || r.find(".k-in:first").hasClass(E) ? n == m.SPACEBAR && s.length && (r.find(".k-in:first").hasClass(E) || (s.prop(S, !s.prop(S)).data(P, !1).prop(P, !1),
target: s
e = r) : r.find(".k-in:first").hasClass("k-state-selected") || i._trigger(w, r) || i.select(r),
e && (t.preventDefault(),
r[0] != e[0] && (i._trigger(C, e),
_keypress: function(t) {
var e, i = this, n = 300, r = i.current().get(0), a = t.key, s = 1 === a.length;
s && (i._match || (i._match = ""),
i._match += a,
i._matchTimer = setTimeout(function() {
i._match = ""
}, n),
e = r && i._matchNextByText(Array.prototype.indexOf.call(i.element.find(".k-item"), r), i._match),
e.length || (e = i._matchNextByText(-1, i._match)),
e.get(0) && e.get(0) !== r && (i._trigger(C, e),
_matchNextByText: function(i, n) {
var t = this.element
, e = t.find(".k-in").filter(function(t, e) {
return t > i && v(e).is(":visible") && 0 === v(e).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(n)
return e.eq(0).closest(M)
_click: function(t) {
var e, i = this, n = v(t.currentTarget), r = h(n.closest(M)), a = n.attr("href");
e = a ? "#" == a || a.indexOf("#" + this.element.id + "-") >= 0 : r.length && !r.children().length,
e && t.preventDefault(),
n.hasClass(".k-state-selected") || i._trigger(w, n) || i.select(n)
_wrapper: function() {
var t, e, i = this, n = i.element, r = "k-widget k-treeview";
n.is("ul") ? (t = n.wrap("<div />").parent(),
e = n) : (t = n,
e = t.children("ul").eq(0)),
i.wrapper = t.addClass(r),
i.root = e
_getSelectedNode: function() {
return this.element.find(".k-state-selected").closest(M)
_group: function(t) {
var e = this
, i = t.hasClass(N)
, n = {
firstLevel: i,
expanded: i || e._expanded(t)
, r = t.children("ul");
r.addClass(e.templates.groupCssClass(n)).css("display", n.expanded ? "" : "none"),
e._nodes(r, n)
_nodes: function(t, i) {
var n, r = this, e = t.children("li");
i = o({
length: e.length
}, i),
e.each(function(t, e) {
e = v(e),
n = {
index: t,
expanded: r._expanded(e)
r._updateNodeClasses(e, i, n),
_checkboxes: function() {
var t, e = this.options, i = e.checkboxes;
i && (t = "<input type='checkbox' tabindex='-1' #= (item.enabled === false) ? 'disabled' : '' # #= item.checked ? 'checked' : '' #",
i.name && (t += " name='" + i.name + "'"),
t += " id='_#= item.uid #' class='k-checkbox' /><span class='k-checkbox-label checkbox-span'></span>",
i = o({
template: t
}, e.checkboxes),
typeof i.template == A && (i.template = s(i.template)),
e.checkboxes = i)
_updateNodeClasses: function(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a = t.children("div"), s = t.children("ul"), o = this.templates;
t.hasClass("k-treeview") || (i = i || {},
i.expanded = typeof i.expanded != D ? i.expanded : this._expanded(t),
i.index = typeof i.index != D ? i.index : t.index(),
i.enabled = typeof i.enabled != D ? i.enabled : !a.children(".k-in").hasClass("k-state-disabled"),
e = e || {},
e.firstLevel = typeof e.firstLevel != D ? e.firstLevel : t.parent().parent().hasClass(N),
e.length = typeof e.length != D ? e.length : t.parent().children().length,
t.removeClass("k-first k-last").addClass(o.wrapperCssClass(e, i)),
a.removeClass("k-top k-mid k-bot").addClass(o.cssClass(e, i)),
n = a.children(".k-in"),
r = n[0] && "a" == n[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(),
n.removeClass("k-in k-link k-state-default k-state-disabled").addClass(o.textClass(i, r)),
(s.length || "true" == t.attr("data-hasChildren")) && (a.children(".k-icon").removeClass("k-i-expand k-i-collapse").addClass(o.toggleButtonClass(i)),
_processNodes: function(t, e) {
var i, n = this, r = n.element.find(t);
for (i = 0; i < r.length; i++)
e.call(n, i, v(r[i]).closest(M))
dataItem: function(t) {
var e = v(t).closest(M).attr(b.attr("uid"))
, i = this.dataSource;
return i && i.getByUid(e)
_dataItem: function(t) {
var e = v(t).closest(M).attr(b.attr("uid"))
, i = this.dataSource;
return i && this._dataSourceUids[e]
_insertNode: function(t, e, i, n, r) {
var a, s, o, c, l, d, u = this, p = y(i), h = p.children().length + 1, f = {
firstLevel: i.hasClass(N),
expanded: !r,
length: h
}, g = "", m = function(t, e) {
for (o = 0; o < t.length; o++)
c = t[o],
c.index = e + o,
g += u._renderItem({
group: f,
item: c
if (s = v(g),
s.length) {
for (u.angular("compile", function() {
return {
elements: s.get(),
data: t.map(function(t) {
return {
dataItem: t
p.length || (p = v(u._renderGroup({
group: f
n(s, p),
i.hasClass("k-item") && (_(i),
u._updateNodeClasses(i, f, {
expanded: !r
l = s.prev().first(),
d = s.next().last(),
u._updateNodeClasses(l, {}, {
expanded: "true" == l.attr(b.attr("expanded"))
u._updateNodeClasses(d, {}, {
expanded: "true" == d.attr(b.attr("expanded"))
o = 0; o < t.length; o++)
c = t[o],
c.hasChildren && (a = c.children.data(),
a.length && u._insertNode(a, c.index, s.eq(o), m, !c.expanded));
return s
_updateNodes: function(t, e) {
function i(t, e) {
t.is(".k-group") && t.find(".k-item:not([aria-disabled])").attr(O, e),
t.find(".k-checkbox-wrapper input[type=checkbox]:not([disabled])").prop(S, e).data(P, !1).prop(P, !1)
var n, r, a, s, o, c, l, d = this, u = {
treeview: d.options,
item: s
}, p = "expanded" != e && "checked" != e;
if ("selected" == e)
s = t[0],
r = d.findByUid(s.uid).find(".k-in:first").removeClass("k-state-hover").toggleClass("k-state-selected", s[e]).end(),
s[e] && d.current(r),
r.attr(I, !!s[e]);
else {
for (l = v.map(t, function(t) {
return d.findByUid(t.uid).children("div")
p && d.angular("cleanup", function() {
return {
elements: l
n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
u.item = s = t[n],
a = l[n],
r = a.parent(),
p && a.children(".k-in").html(d.templates.itemContent(u)),
e == S ? (o = s[e],
i(a, o),
r.attr(O, o),
d.options.checkboxes.checkChildren && (i(r.children(".k-group"), o),
d._setChecked(s.children, o),
d._bubbleIndeterminate(r))) : "expanded" == e ? d._toggle(r, s, s[e]) : "enabled" == e && (r.find(".k-checkbox-wrapper input[type=checkbox]").prop("disabled", !s[e]),
c = !h(r).is(J),
s[e] || (s.selected && s.set("selected", !1),
s.expanded && s.set("expanded", !1),
c = !0,
r.attr(I, !1).attr(Y, !0)),
d._updateNodeClasses(r, {}, {
enabled: s[e],
expanded: !c
a.length && this.trigger("itemChange", {
item: a,
data: s,
ns: f
p && d.angular("compile", function() {
return {
elements: l,
data: v.map(t, function(t) {
return [{
dataItem: t
_appendItems: function(i, t, e) {
var n, r, a, s = y(e), o = s.children(), c = !this._expanded(e);
this.element === e ? (n = this.dataSource.data(),
r = this.dataSource.view(),
a = r.length < n.length ? r : n,
i = a.indexOf(t[0])) : t.length && (i = t[0].parent().indexOf(t[0])),
typeof i == D && (i = o.length),
this._insertNode(t, i, e, function(t, e) {
i >= o.length ? t.appendTo(e) : t.insertBefore(o.eq(i))
}, c),
c || (this._updateNodeClasses(e, {}, {
expanded: !c
y(e).css("display", "block"))
_refreshChildren: function(t, e, i) {
var n, r, a, s = this.options, o = s.loadOnDemand, c = s.checkboxes && s.checkboxes.checkChildren;
if (y(t).empty(),
for (this._appendItems(i, e, t),
r = y(t).children(),
o && c && this._bubbleIndeterminate(r.last()),
n = 0; n < r.length; n++)
a = r.eq(n),
this.trigger("itemChange", {
item: a.children("div"),
data: e[n],
ns: f
_refreshRoot: function(t) {
var e, i, n, r = this._renderGroup({
items: t,
group: {
firstLevel: !0,
expanded: !0
for (this.root.length ? (this._angularItems("cleanup"),
e = v(r),
this.root.attr("class", e.attr("class")).html(e.html())) : this.root = this.wrapper.html(r).children("ul"),
i = this.root.children(".k-item"),
n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
this.trigger("itemChange", {
item: i.eq(n),
data: t[n],
ns: f
refresh: function(t) {
var e, i, n = t.node, r = t.action, a = t.items, s = this.wrapper, o = this.options, c = o.loadOnDemand, l = o.checkboxes && o.checkboxes.checkChildren;
if (!this._skip) {
for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
this._dataSourceUids[a[e].uid] = a[e];
if (t.field) {
if (!a[0] || !a[0].level)
return this._updateNodes(a, t.field)
if (n && (s = this.findByUid(n.uid),
this._progress(s, !1)),
l && "remove" != r) {
for (i = !1,
e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
if ("checked"in a[e]) {
i = !0;
if (!i && n && n.checked)
for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
a[e].checked = !0
if ("add" == r ? this._appendItems(t.index, a, s) : "remove" == r ? this._remove(this.findByUid(a[0].uid), !1) : "itemchange" == r ? this._updateNodes(a) : "itemloaded" == r ? this._refreshChildren(s, a, t.index) : this._refreshRoot(a),
"remove" != r)
for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
(!c || a[e].expanded || a[e]._loaded) && a[e].load();
this.trigger(W, {
node: n ? s : d
this.dataSource.filter() && this.options.checkboxes.checkChildren && this.updateIndeterminate(s)
_error: function(t) {
var e = t.node && this.findByUid(t.node.uid)
, i = this.templates.retry({
messages: this.options.messages
e ? (this._progress(e, !1),
this._expanded(e, !1),
t.node.loaded(!1)) : (this._progress(!1),
_retryRequest: function(t) {
expand: function(t) {
this._processNodes(t, function(t, e) {
this.toggle(e, !0)
collapse: function(t) {
this._processNodes(t, function(t, e) {
this.toggle(e, !1)
enable: function(t, i) {
"boolean" == typeof t ? (i = t,
t = this.items()) : i = 2 != arguments.length || !!i,
this._processNodes(t, function(t, e) {
this.dataItem(e).set("enabled", i)
current: function(t) {
var e = this
, i = e._current
, n = e.element
, r = e._ariaId;
return arguments.length > 0 && t && t.length ? (i && (i[0].id === r && i.removeAttr("id"),
i = e._current = v(t, n).closest(M),
r = i[0].id || r,
r && (e.wrapper.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant"),
i.attr("id", r),
e.wrapper.attr("aria-activedescendant", r)),
d) : (i || (i = e._nextVisible(v())),
select: function(t) {
var e = this
, i = e.element;
return arguments.length ? (t = v(t, i).closest(M),
i.find(".k-state-selected").each(function() {
var t = e.dataItem(this);
t ? (t.set("selected", !1),
delete t.selected) : v(this).removeClass("k-state-selected")
t.length && (e.dataItem(t).set("selected", !0),
e._clickTarget = t),
d) : i.find(".k-state-selected").closest(M)
_toggle: function(t, e, i) {
var n, r = this.options, a = h(t), s = i ? "expand" : "collapse";
a.data("animating") || (n = e && e.loaded(),
i && !n ? (r.loadOnDemand && this._progress(t, !0),
e.load()) : (this._updateNodeClasses(t, {}, {
expanded: i
i || a.css("height", a.height()).css("height"),
a.kendoStop(!0, !0).kendoAnimate(o({
reset: !0
}, r.animation[s], {
complete: function() {
i && a.css("height", "")
toggle: function(t, e) {
t = v(t),
r(t).is(".k-i-expand, .k-i-collapse") && (1 == arguments.length && (e = !this._expanded(t)),
this._expanded(t, e))
destroy: function() {
var t = this;
t.wrapper.find(".k-checkbox-wrapper :checkbox").off(x),
t.dragging && t.dragging.destroy(),
t._dataSourceUids = {},
t.root = t.wrapper = t.element = null
_expanded: function(t, e, i) {
var n, r = b.attr("expanded"), a = e, s = a ? "expand" : "collapse";
return 1 == arguments.length ? (n = this._dataItem(t),
"true" === t.attr(r) || n && n.expanded) : (n = this.dataItem(t),
h(t).data("animating") || !i && this._trigger(s, t) || (a ? (t.attr(r, "true"),
t.attr("aria-expanded", "true")) : (t.removeAttr(r),
t.attr("aria-expanded", "false")),
n && (n.set("expanded", a),
a = n.expanded)),
_progress: function(t, e) {
var i = this.element
, n = this.templates.loading({
messages: this.options.messages
1 == arguments.length ? (e = t,
e ? i.html(n) : i.empty()) : r(t).toggleClass("k-i-loading", e).removeClass("k-i-reload")
text: function(t, e) {
var i = this.dataItem(t)
, n = this.options[F.text]
, r = i.level()
, a = n.length
, s = n[Math.min(r, a - 1)];
return e ? (i.set(s, e),
d) : i[s]
_objectOrSelf: function(t) {
return v(t).closest("[data-role=treeview]").data("kendoTreeView") || this
_dataSourceMove: function(t, e, i, n) {
var r, a = this._objectOrSelf(i || e), s = a.dataSource, o = v.Deferred().resolve().promise();
return i && i[0] != a.element[0] && (r = a.dataItem(i),
r.loaded() || (a._progress(i, !0),
o = r.load()),
i != this.root && (s = r.children,
s && s instanceof u || (r._initChildren(),
s = r.children))),
t = this._toObservableData(t),
n.call(a, s, t, o)
_toObservableData: function(t) {
var e, i, n = t;
return (Z(t) || K(t)) && (e = this._objectOrSelf(t).dataSource,
i = v(t).attr(b.attr("uid")),
n = e.getByUid(i),
n && (n = e.remove(n))),
_insert: function(t, e, i) {
e instanceof b.data.ObservableArray ? e = e.toJSON() : c(e) || (e = [e]);
var n = t.parent();
return n && n._initChildren && (n.hasChildren = !0,
t.splice.apply(t, [i, 0].concat(e)),
insertAfter: e(1),
insertBefore: e(0),
append: function(t, s, o) {
var e = this.root;
if (!(s && t instanceof jQuery && s[0] === t[0]))
return s = s && s.length ? s : null,
s && (e = y(s)),
this._dataSourceMove(t, e, s, function(i, n, t) {
function e() {
s && a._expanded(s, !0, !0);
var t = i.data()
, e = Math.max(t.length, 0);
return a._insert(t, n, e)
var r, a = this;
return t.done(function() {
r = e(),
(o = o || v.noop)(r)
r || null
_remove: function(t, e) {
var i, n, r, a = this;
return t = v(t, a.element),
this.angular("cleanup", function() {
return {
elements: t.get()
i = t.parent().parent(),
n = t.prev(),
r = t.next(),
t[e ? "detach" : "remove"](),
i.hasClass("k-item") && (_(i),
remove: function(t) {
var e = this.dataItem(t);
e && this.dataSource.remove(e)
detach: function(t) {
return this._remove(t, !0)
findByText: function(i) {
return v(this.element).find(".k-in").filter(function(t, e) {
return v(e).text() == i
findByUid: function(t) {
var e, i, n = this.element.find(".k-item"), r = b.attr("uid");
for (i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
if (n[i].getAttribute(r) == t) {
e = n[i];
return v(e)
expandPath: function(t, e) {
function i() {
a.length ? n(a[0]).then(i) : s.call(r)
function n(t) {
var e = v.Deferred()
, i = r.dataSource.get(t);
return i ? i.loaded() ? (i.set("expanded", !0),
e.resolve()) : (r._progress(r.findByUid(i.uid), !0),
i.load().then(function() {
i.set("expanded", !0),
})) : e.resolve(),
var r = this
, a = t.slice(0)
, s = e || v.noop;
_parentIds: function(t) {
for (var e = t && t.parentNode(), i = []; e && e.parentNode; )
e = e.parentNode();
return i
expandTo: function(t) {
t instanceof b.data.Node || (t = this.dataSource.get(t));
var e = this._parentIds(t);
_renderItem: function(t) {
return t.group || (t.group = {}),
t.treeview = this.options,
t.r = this.templates,
_renderGroup: function(t) {
var s = this;
return t.renderItems = function(t) {
var e = ""
, i = 0
, n = t.items
, r = n ? n.length : 0
, a = t.group;
for (a.length = r; i < r; i++)
t.group = a,
t.item = n[i],
t.item.index = i,
e += s._renderItem(t);
return e
t.r = s.templates,
}(); |