216 lines
5.3 KiB
216 lines
5.3 KiB
class OpenSim
public function isLoginValid($name, $password)
global $RUNTIME;
$statementUser = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT PrincipalID FROM UserAccounts WHERE FirstName = ? AND LastName = ? LIMIT 1");
$statementUser->execute(explode(" ", trim($name)));
while($rowUser = $statementUser->fetch())
$statementAuth = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT passwordHash,passwordSalt FROM auth WHERE UUID = ? LIMIT 1");
while($rowAuth = $statementAuth->fetch())
return md5(md5($_POST['password']).":".$rowAuth['passwordSalt']) == $rowAuth['passwordHash'];
return false;
public function getUserName($userID)
global $RUNTIME;
if($userID == "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
return "Unknown User";
return $RUNTIME['CACHE']['USERNAME'][$userID];
$statementUser = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT FirstName,LastName FROM UserAccounts WHERE PrincipalID = ?");
while($rowUser = $statementUser->fetch())
$RUNTIME['CACHE']['USERNAME'][$userID] = $rowUser['FirstName']." ".$rowUser['LastName'];
return $rowUser['FirstName']." ".$rowUser['LastName'];
$statementGridUser = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT UserID FROM GridUser");
while($rowGridUser = $statementGridUser->fetch())
$UserData = explode(";", $rowGridUser['UserID']);
if(count($UserData) >= 3)
$DBUserID = $UserData[0];
$DBUserName = $UserData[2];
$RUNTIME['CACHE']['USERNAME'][$userID] = $DBUserName;
if($DBUserID == $userID)
return $DBUserName;
$statementFriends = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT PrincipalID FROM Friends");
while($rowFriends = $statementFriends->fetch())
$UserData = explode(";", $rowFriends['PrincipalID']);
if(count($UserData) == 4)
$DBUserID = $UserData[0];
$DBUserName = $UserData[2];
$RUNTIME['CACHE']['USERNAME'][$userID] = $DBUserName;
if($DBUserID == $userID)
return $DBUserName;
return "Unknown User";
public function getUserUUID($UserName)
global $RUNTIME;
$statementUser = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT PrincipalID,FirstName,LastName FROM UserAccounts");
while($rowUser = $statementUser->fetch())
$SQLUserName = $rowUser['FirstName']." ".$rowUser['LastName'];
if($SQLUserName == $UserName)
return $rowUser['PrincipalID'];
return null;
public function getRegionName($regionID)
global $RUNTIME;
$statementRegion = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT regionName FROM regions WHERE uuid = ?");
while($rowRegion = $statementRegion->fetch())
return $rowRegion['regionName'];
return "Unknown Region";
public function getPartner($userID)
global $RUNTIME;
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT profilePartner FROM userprofile WHERE useruuid = ?");
while($row = $statement->fetch())
if($row['profilePartner'] != "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
return $row['profilePartner'];
return null;
public function allowOfflineIM($userID)
global $RUNTIME;
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT imviaemail FROM usersettings WHERE useruuid = ?");
while($row = $statement->fetch())
return strtoupper($row['imviaemail']);
return "FALSE";
public function getUserMail($userID)
global $RUNTIME;
$statement = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT Email FROM UserAccounts WHERE PrincipalID = ?");
while($row = $statement->fetch())
return $row['Email'];
return "";
public function getUserCount()
global $RUNTIME;
$statementUser = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM UserAccounts");
return $statementUser->fetchColumn();
public function getRegionCount()
global $RUNTIME;
$statementUser = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM regions");
return $statementUser->fetchColumn();
public function getOnlineCount()
global $RUNTIME;
$statementUser = $RUNTIME['PDO']->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Presence");
return $statementUser->fetchColumn();
public function gen_uuid()
return sprintf( '%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x',
// 32 bits for "time_low"
mt_rand( 0, 0xffff ), mt_rand( 0, 0xffff ),
// 16 bits for "time_mid"
mt_rand( 0, 0xffff ),
// 16 bits for "time_hi_and_version",
// four most significant bits holds version number 4
mt_rand( 0, 0x0fff ) | 0x4000,
// 16 bits, 8 bits for "clk_seq_hi_res",
// 8 bits for "clk_seq_low",
// two most significant bits holds zero and one for variant DCE1.1
mt_rand( 0, 0x3fff ) | 0x8000,
// 48 bits for "node"
mt_rand( 0, 0xffff ), mt_rand( 0, 0xffff ), mt_rand( 0, 0xffff )