Fix security so it correctly checks the OwnerUUID of an object which contains the script issuing a command

Jak Daniels 2015-10-17 12:56:50 +01:00
parent 1bdb12c558
commit 81b353c53c
2 changed files with 16 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -311,8 +311,19 @@ namespace Flocking
protected void SimChatSent (Object x, OSChatMessage msg)
if (msg.Channel != m_chatChannel) return; // not for us
if (m_allowedControllers.Count > 0)
bool reject = true;
if (msg.SenderObject != null)
UUID ooUUID = ((SceneObjectPart)msg.SenderObject).OwnerID;
//m_log.InfoFormat("[{0}]: Message from object {1} with OwnerID: {2}", m_name, msg.SenderUUID, ooUUID);
if (m_allowedControllers.Contains(ooUUID)) reject = false;
if (m_allowedControllers.Contains(msg.SenderUUID)) reject = false;
if (m_allowedControllers.Count>0 & !m_allowedControllers.Contains(msg.SenderUUID)) return; // not for us
if (reject) return; //not for us
// try and parse a valid cmd from this msg
string cmd = msg.Message; //.ToLower ();

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@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ which users are allowed to control the module using the 'BirdsAllowedControllers
but it may also contain one of the pre-defined constants ESTATE_OWNER (evaluates to the UUID of the estate owner) and ESTATE_MANAGER
(evaluates to a list of estate manager UUIDS).
* For commands sent from in-world chat, it is the UUID of the avatar sending the command that is checked against the list.
* For commands sent from a script it is the UUID of the owner of the prim in which the script resides that is checked against the list.
Bird prims:
Any currently rezzed in-scene-object can be used as the bird prim. However fps is very much affected by the