* refactor: Remove duplication in UserLoginService where most of the emergency region login code is a cut and paste job of the preceding normal region login code

* also, properly tell the user if no region can be contacted, rather than letting the login proceed only to fail later when authentication fails on the region side
* copying and pasting code... it makes me cry inside... so sad...
Justin Clarke Casey 2008-09-07 04:20:47 +00:00
parent 94195c4927
commit 260b141306
1 changed files with 169 additions and 259 deletions

View File

@ -138,173 +138,192 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer
public override void CustomiseResponse(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser,
string startLocationRequest)
bool tryDefault = false;
//CFK: Since the try is always "tried", the "Home Location" message should always appear, so comment this one.
//CFK: m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: Load information from the gridserver");
RegionProfileData SimInfo;
RegionProfileData HomeInfo;
int start_x = -1;
int start_y = -1;
int start_z = -1;
// use the homeRegionID if it is stored already. If not, use the regionHandle as before
if (theUser.HomeRegionID != UUID.Zero)
RegionProfileData SimInfo;
RegionProfileData HomeInfo;
int start_x = -1;
int start_y = -1;
int start_z = -1;
HomeInfo =
theUser.HomeRegionID, m_config.GridServerURL,
m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
HomeInfo =
theUser.HomeRegion, m_config.GridServerURL,
m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
// use the homeRegionID if it is stored already. If not, use the regionHandle as before
if (theUser.HomeRegionID != UUID.Zero)
HomeInfo =
theUser.HomeRegionID, m_config.GridServerURL,
m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
HomeInfo =
theUser.HomeRegion, m_config.GridServerURL,
m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
if (startLocationRequest == "last")
if (startLocationRequest == "last")
SimInfo =
theUser.CurrentAgent.Handle, m_config.GridServerURL,
m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
else if (startLocationRequest == "home")
SimInfo = HomeInfo;
string[] startLocationRequestParsed = Util.ParseStartLocationRequest(startLocationRequest);
m_log.Info("[DEBUGLOGINPARSE]: 1:" + startLocationRequestParsed[0] + ", 2:" +
startLocationRequestParsed[1] + ", 3:" + startLocationRequestParsed[2] + ", 4:" +
if (startLocationRequestParsed[0] == "last")
SimInfo =
theUser.CurrentAgent.Handle, m_config.GridServerURL,
m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
else if (startLocationRequest == "home")
SimInfo = HomeInfo;
string[] startLocationRequestParsed = Util.ParseStartLocationRequest(startLocationRequest);
m_log.Info("[DEBUGLOGINPARSE]: 1:" + startLocationRequestParsed[0] + ", 2:" +
startLocationRequestParsed[1] + ", 3:" + startLocationRequestParsed[2] + ", 4:" +
if (startLocationRequestParsed[0] == "last")
m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: Looking up Sim: " + startLocationRequestParsed[0]);
SimInfo =
startLocationRequestParsed[0], m_config.GridServerURL,
m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
if (SimInfo == null)
SimInfo =
theUser.CurrentAgent.Handle, m_config.GridServerURL,
m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: Didn't find region with a close name match sending to home location");
SimInfo = HomeInfo;
m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: Looking up Sim: " + startLocationRequestParsed[0]);
SimInfo =
startLocationRequestParsed[0], m_config.GridServerURL,
m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
if (SimInfo == null)
start_x = Convert.ToInt32(startLocationRequestParsed[1]);
start_y = Convert.ToInt32(startLocationRequestParsed[2]);
start_z = Convert.ToInt32(startLocationRequestParsed[3]);
if (start_x >= 0 && start_y >= 0 && start_z >= 0)
m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: Didn't find region with a close name match sending to home location");
SimInfo = HomeInfo;
start_x = Convert.ToInt32(startLocationRequestParsed[1]);
start_y = Convert.ToInt32(startLocationRequestParsed[2]);
start_z = Convert.ToInt32(startLocationRequestParsed[3]);
Vector3 tmp_v = new Vector3(start_x, start_y, start_z);
theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = tmp_v;
// Customise the response
//CFK: This is redundant and the next message should always appear.
//CFK: m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: Home Location");
if (HomeInfo != null)
response.Home =
"{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
// Emergency mode: Home-region isn't available, so we can't request the region info.
// Use the stored home regionHandle instead.
// NOTE: If the home-region moves, this will be wrong until the users update their user-profile again
ulong regionX = theUser.HomeRegion >> 32;
ulong regionY = theUser.HomeRegion & 0xffffffff;
response.Home =
"{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
regionX, regionY,
theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN] Home region of user {0} {1} is not available; using computed region position {2} {3}",
theUser.FirstName, theUser.SurName,
regionX, regionY);
if (!PrepareLoginToRegion(SimInfo, theUser, response))
// Send him to default region instead
// Load information from the gridserver
ulong defaultHandle = (((ulong) m_config.DefaultX * Constants.RegionSize) << 32) |
((ulong) m_config.DefaultY * Constants.RegionSize);
"[LOGIN]: Sending user to default region " + defaultHandle + " instead");
SimInfo = RegionProfileData.RequestSimProfileData(
defaultHandle, m_config.GridServerURL,
m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
// Customise the response
//CFK: This is redundant and the next message should always appear.
//CFK: m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: Home Location");
if (HomeInfo != null)
response.Home =
"{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
// Emergency mode: Home-region isn't available, so we can't request the region info.
// Use the stored home regionHandle instead.
// NOTE: If the home-region moves, this will be wrong until the users update their user-profile again
ulong regionX = theUser.HomeRegion >> 32;
ulong regionY = theUser.HomeRegion & 0xffffffff;
response.Home =
"{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
regionX, regionY,
theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN] Home region of user {0} {1} is not available; using computed region position {2} {3}",
theUser.FirstName, theUser.SurName,
regionX, regionY);
response.Home =
"{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
(SimInfo.regionLocX * Constants.RegionSize),
theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
if (!PrepareLoginToRegion(SimInfo, theUser, response))
/// <summary>
/// Prepare a login to the given region. This involves both telling the region to expect a connection
/// and appropriately customising the response to the user.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sim"></param>
/// <param name="user"></param>
/// <param name="response"></param>
/// <returns>true if the region was successfully contacted, false otherwise</returns>
private bool PrepareLoginToRegion(RegionProfileData sim, UserProfileData user, LoginResponse response)
// Destination
//CFK: The "Notifying" message always seems to appear, so subsume the data from this message into
//CFK: the next one for X & Y and comment this one.
//CFK: m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: CUSTOMISERESPONSE: Region X: " + SimInfo.regionLocX +
//CFK: "; Region Y: " + SimInfo.regionLocY);
response.SimAddress = Util.GetHostFromURL(SimInfo.serverURI).ToString();
response.SimPort = uint.Parse(SimInfo.serverURI.Split(new char[] {'/', ':'})[4]);
response.RegionX = SimInfo.regionLocX;
response.RegionY = SimInfo.regionLocY;
m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: CUSTOMISERESPONSE: Region X: " + sim.regionLocX + "; Region Y: " + sim.regionLocY);
response.SimAddress = Util.GetHostFromURL(sim.serverURI).ToString();
response.SimPort = uint.Parse(sim.serverURI.Split(new char[] {'/', ':'})[4]);
response.RegionX = sim.regionLocX;
response.RegionY = sim.regionLocY;
//Not sure if the + "/CAPS/" should in fact be +"CAPS/" depending if there is already a / as part of httpServerURI
string capsPath = Util.GetRandomCapsPath();
response.SeedCapability = SimInfo.httpServerURI + "CAPS/" + capsPath + "0000/";
"[LOGIN]: Sending new CAPS seed url {0} to client {1}",
response.SeedCapability, response.AgentID);
response.SeedCapability = sim.httpServerURI + "CAPS/" + capsPath + "0000/";
// Notify the target of an incoming user
//CFK: The "Notifying" message always seems to appear, so subsume the data from this message into
//CFK: the next one for X & Y and comment this one.
//CFK: m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: " + SimInfo.regionName + " (" + SimInfo.serverURI + ") " +
//CFK: SimInfo.regionLocX + "," + SimInfo.regionLocY);
m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: Telling " + sim.regionName + " (" + sim.serverURI + ") to prepare for client connection");
// Update agent with target sim
user.CurrentAgent.Region = sim.UUID;
user.CurrentAgent.Handle = sim.regionHandle;
theUser.CurrentAgent.Region = SimInfo.UUID;
theUser.CurrentAgent.Handle = SimInfo.regionHandle;
if (start_x >= 0 && start_y >= 0 && start_z >= 0)
Vector3 tmp_v = new Vector3(start_x, start_y, start_z);
theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = tmp_v;
// Prepare notification
Hashtable SimParams = new Hashtable();
SimParams["session_id"] = theUser.CurrentAgent.SessionID.ToString();
SimParams["secure_session_id"] = theUser.CurrentAgent.SecureSessionID.ToString();
SimParams["firstname"] = theUser.FirstName;
SimParams["lastname"] = theUser.SurName;
SimParams["agent_id"] = theUser.ID.ToString();
SimParams["session_id"] = user.CurrentAgent.SessionID.ToString();
SimParams["secure_session_id"] = user.CurrentAgent.SecureSessionID.ToString();
SimParams["firstname"] = user.FirstName;
SimParams["lastname"] = user.SurName;
SimParams["agent_id"] = user.ID.ToString();
SimParams["circuit_code"] = (Int32) Convert.ToUInt32(response.CircuitCode);
SimParams["startpos_x"] = theUser.CurrentAgent.Position.X.ToString();
SimParams["startpos_y"] = theUser.CurrentAgent.Position.Y.ToString();
SimParams["startpos_z"] = theUser.CurrentAgent.Position.Z.ToString();
SimParams["regionhandle"] = theUser.CurrentAgent.Handle.ToString();
SimParams["startpos_x"] = user.CurrentAgent.Position.X.ToString();
SimParams["startpos_y"] = user.CurrentAgent.Position.Y.ToString();
SimParams["startpos_z"] = user.CurrentAgent.Position.Z.ToString();
SimParams["regionhandle"] = user.CurrentAgent.Handle.ToString();
SimParams["caps_path"] = capsPath;
ArrayList SendParams = new ArrayList();
// Update agent with target sim
"[LOGIN]: Telling region {0} @ {1},{2} ({3}) to expect user connection",
SimInfo.regionName, response.RegionX, response.RegionY, SimInfo.httpServerURI);
m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: Informing region at " + sim.httpServerURI);
// Send
XmlRpcRequest GridReq = new XmlRpcRequest("expect_user", SendParams);
XmlRpcResponse GridResp = GridReq.Send(SimInfo.httpServerURI, 6000);
XmlRpcResponse GridResp = GridReq.Send(sim.httpServerURI, 6000);
if (GridResp.IsFault)
"[LOGIN]: XMLRPC request for {0} failed, fault code: {1}, reason: {2}",
SimInfo.httpServerURI, GridResp.FaultCode, GridResp.FaultString);
if (!GridResp.IsFault)
bool responseSuccess = true;
@ -317,7 +336,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer
if ((string) resp["success"] == "FALSE")
responseSuccess = false;
tryDefault = true;
@ -327,141 +345,33 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer
handlerUserLoggedInAtLocation = OnUserLoggedInAtLocation;
if (handlerUserLoggedInAtLocation != null)
//m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: Letting other objects know about login");
handlerUserLoggedInAtLocation(theUser.ID, theUser.CurrentAgent.SessionID,
theUser.CurrentAgent.Handle, theUser.CurrentAgent.Position.X,
theUser.FirstName, theUser.SurName);
catch (Exception e)
m_log.ErrorFormat("[LOGIN]: Requested region for login not available, {0}", e);
tryDefault = true;
if (tryDefault)
// Send him to default region instead
// Load information from the gridserver
ulong defaultHandle = (((ulong) m_config.DefaultX*Constants.RegionSize) << 32) |
((ulong) m_config.DefaultY*Constants.RegionSize);
"[LOGIN]: Sending user to default region " + defaultHandle + " instead");
RegionProfileData SimInfo = RegionProfileData.RequestSimProfileData(
defaultHandle, m_config.GridServerURL,
m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
// Customise the response
m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: Home Location");
response.Home =
"{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
// Destination
m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: " +
"CUSTOMISERESPONSE: Region X: " + SimInfo.regionLocX + "; Region Y: " +
response.SimAddress = Util.GetHostFromURL(SimInfo.serverURI).ToString();
response.SimPort = uint.Parse(SimInfo.serverURI.Split(new char[] {'/', ':'})[4]);
response.RegionX = SimInfo.regionLocX;
response.RegionY = SimInfo.regionLocY;
//Not sure if the + "/CAPS/" should in fact be +"CAPS/" depending if there is already a / as part of httpServerURI
string capsPath = Util.GetRandomCapsPath();
response.SeedCapability = SimInfo.httpServerURI + "CAPS/" + capsPath + "0000/";
// Notify the target of an incoming user
m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: Notifying " + SimInfo.regionName + " (" + SimInfo.serverURI + ")");
// Update agent with target sim
theUser.CurrentAgent.Region = SimInfo.UUID;
theUser.CurrentAgent.Handle = SimInfo.regionHandle;
// Prepare notification
Hashtable SimParams = new Hashtable();
SimParams["session_id"] = theUser.CurrentAgent.SessionID.ToString();
SimParams["secure_session_id"] = theUser.CurrentAgent.SecureSessionID.ToString();
SimParams["firstname"] = theUser.FirstName;
SimParams["lastname"] = theUser.SurName;
SimParams["agent_id"] = theUser.ID.ToString();
SimParams["circuit_code"] = (Int32) Convert.ToUInt32(response.CircuitCode);
SimParams["startpos_x"] = theUser.CurrentAgent.Position.X.ToString();
SimParams["startpos_y"] = theUser.CurrentAgent.Position.Y.ToString();
SimParams["startpos_z"] = theUser.CurrentAgent.Position.Z.ToString();
SimParams["regionhandle"] = theUser.CurrentAgent.Handle.ToString();
SimParams["caps_path"] = capsPath;
ArrayList SendParams = new ArrayList();
m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: Informing region at " + SimInfo.httpServerURI);
// Send
XmlRpcRequest GridReq = new XmlRpcRequest("expect_user", SendParams);
XmlRpcResponse GridResp = GridReq.Send(SimInfo.httpServerURI, 6000);
if (!GridResp.IsFault)
bool responseSuccess = true;
if (GridResp.Value != null)
Hashtable resp = (Hashtable) GridResp.Value;
if (resp.ContainsKey("success"))
if ((string) resp["success"] == "FALSE")
responseSuccess = false;
if (responseSuccess)
handlerUserLoggedInAtLocation = OnUserLoggedInAtLocation;
if (handlerUserLoggedInAtLocation != null)
m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: Letting other objects know about login");
handlerUserLoggedInAtLocation(theUser.ID, theUser.CurrentAgent.SessionID,
theUser.FirstName, theUser.SurName);
m_log.Info("[LOGIN]: Letting listeners know about successful login");
handlerUserLoggedInAtLocation(user.ID, user.CurrentAgent.SessionID,
user.FirstName, user.SurName);
return false;
catch (Exception e)
m_log.Warn("[LOGIN]: Default region also not available");
m_log.Warn("[LOGIN]: " + e);
return false;
catch (Exception e)
m_log.ErrorFormat("[LOGIN]: Region not available for login, {0}", e);
return false;
return true;
// See LoginService