Replace our patched up, broken an rebroken sit code with the code from

core which has now matured beyond what we had.
Melanie 2011-11-05 19:28:16 +01:00
parent 03f5bbcaf2
commit bda7b3dffe
1 changed files with 104 additions and 301 deletions

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@ -1942,7 +1942,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
Velocity = Vector3.Zero;
HandleAgentSit(ControllingClient, m_requestedSitTargetUUID); //KF ??
//HandleAgentSit(ControllingClient, m_requestedSitTargetUUID);
//ControllingClient.SendSitResponse(m_requestedSitTargetID, m_requestedSitOffset, Quaternion.Identity, false, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, false);
m_requestedSitTargetUUID = UUID.Zero;
@ -1979,12 +1979,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
if (ParentID != 0)
SceneObjectPart part = m_scene.GetSceneObjectPart(m_requestedSitTargetID);
m_log.Debug("StandupCode Executed");
SceneObjectPart part = m_scene.GetSceneObjectPart(ParentID);
if (part != null)
TaskInventoryDictionary taskIDict = part.TaskInventory;
if (taskIDict != null)
lock (taskIDict)
foreach (UUID taskID in taskIDict.Keys)
@ -1994,7 +1996,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
// Reset sit target.
if (part.SitTargetAvatar == UUID)
@ -2003,54 +2005,16 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
ParentPosition = part.GetWorldPosition();
// part.GetWorldRotation() is the rotation of the object being sat on
// Rotation is the sittiing Av's rotation
Quaternion partRot;
// if (part.LinkNum == 1)
// { // Root prim of linkset
// partRot = part.ParentGroup.RootPart.RotationOffset;
// }
// else
// { // single or child prim
// }
if (part == null) //CW: Part may be gone. llDie() for example.
partRot = new Quaternion(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
partRot = part.GetWorldRotation();
Quaternion partIRot = Quaternion.Inverse(partRot);
Quaternion avatarRot = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.Inverse(Rotation) * partIRot); // world or. of the av
Vector3 avStandUp = new Vector3(0.3f, 0f, 0f) * avatarRot; // 0.3M infront of av
if (m_physicsActor == null)
if (PhysicsActor == null)
//CW: If the part isn't null then we can set the current position
if (part != null)
Vector3 avWorldStandUp = avStandUp + part.GetWorldPosition() + ((m_pos - part.OffsetPosition) * partRot); // + av sit offset!
AbsolutePosition = avWorldStandUp; //KF: Fix stand up.
part.IsOccupied = false;
//CW: Since the part doesn't exist, a coarse standup position isn't an issue
AbsolutePosition = m_lastWorldPosition;
m_parentPosition = Vector3.Zero;
m_parentID = 0;
m_offsetRotation = new Quaternion(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
m_pos += ParentPosition + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f * m_sitAvatarHeight);
ParentPosition = Vector3.Zero;
ParentID = 0;
m_requestedSitTargetID = 0;
@ -2058,7 +2022,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
private SceneObjectPart FindNextAvailableSitTarget(UUID targetID)
@ -2089,8 +2053,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
Quaternion avSitOrientation = part.SitTargetOrientation;
UUID avOnTargetAlready = part.SitTargetAvatar;
bool SitTargetUnOccupied = (!(avOnTargetAlready != UUID.Zero));
bool SitTargetisSet = (Vector3.Zero != avSitOffset); //NB Latest SL Spec shows Sit Rotation setting is ignored.
bool SitTargetUnOccupied = avOnTargetAlready == UUID.Zero;
bool SitTargetisSet = avSitOffset != Vector3.Zero || avSitOrientation != Quaternion.Identity;
if (SitTargetisSet && SitTargetUnOccupied)
@ -2106,167 +2070,87 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
private void SendSitResponse(IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID targetID, Vector3 offset, Quaternion pSitOrientation)
bool autopilot = true;
Vector3 autopilotTarget = new Vector3();
Quaternion sitOrientation = Quaternion.Identity;
Vector3 pos = new Vector3();
Quaternion sitOrientation = pSitOrientation;
Vector3 cameraEyeOffset = Vector3.Zero;
Vector3 cameraAtOffset = Vector3.Zero;
bool forceMouselook = false;
SceneObjectPart part = FindNextAvailableSitTarget(targetID);
if (part == null) return;
if (part != null)
// TODO: determine position to sit at based on scene geometry; don't trust offset from client
// see for details on how LL does it
// part is the prim to sit on
// offset is the world-ref vector distance from that prim center to the click-spot
// UUID is the UUID of the Avatar doing the clicking
m_avInitialPos = AbsolutePosition; // saved to calculate unscripted sit rotation
// Is a sit target available?
Vector3 avSitOffSet = part.SitTargetPosition;
Quaternion avSitOrientation = part.SitTargetOrientation;
UUID avOnTargetAlready = part.SitTargetAvatar;
bool SitTargetisSet = (Vector3.Zero != avSitOffSet); //NB Latest SL Spec shows Sit Rotation setting is ignored.
// Quaternion partIRot = Quaternion.Inverse(part.GetWorldRotation());
Quaternion partRot;
// if (part.LinkNum == 1)
// { // Root prim of linkset
// partRot = part.ParentGroup.RootPart.RotationOffset;
// }
// else
// { // single or child prim
partRot = part.GetWorldRotation();
// }
Quaternion partIRot = Quaternion.Inverse(partRot);
//Console.WriteLine("SendSitResponse offset=" + offset + " Occup=" + part.IsOccupied + " TargSet=" + SitTargetisSet);
// Sit analysis rewritten by KF 091125
if (SitTargetisSet) // scipted sit
if (!part.IsOccupied)
//Console.WriteLine("Scripted, unoccupied");
part.SitTargetAvatar = UUID; // set that Av will be on it
offset = new Vector3(avSitOffSet.X, avSitOffSet.Y, avSitOffSet.Z); // change ofset to the scripted one
bool SitTargetUnOccupied = (!(avOnTargetAlready != UUID.Zero));
bool SitTargetisSet =
(!(avSitOffSet == Vector3.Zero &&
avSitOrientation == Quaternion.Identity // Valid Zero Rotation quaternion
|| avSitOrientation.X == 0f && avSitOrientation.Y == 0f && avSitOrientation.Z == 1f && avSitOrientation.W == 0f // W-Z Mapping was invalid at one point
|| avSitOrientation.X == 0f && avSitOrientation.Y == 0f && avSitOrientation.Z == 0f && avSitOrientation.W == 0f // Invalid Quaternion
Quaternion nrot = avSitOrientation;
if (!part.IsRoot)
// m_log.DebugFormat("[SCENE PRESENCE]: {0} {1}", SitTargetisSet, SitTargetUnOccupied);
if (SitTargetisSet && SitTargetUnOccupied)
nrot = part.RotationOffset * avSitOrientation;
part.SitTargetAvatar = UUID;
offset = new Vector3(avSitOffSet.X, avSitOffSet.Y, avSitOffSet.Z);
sitOrientation = avSitOrientation;
autopilot = false;
pos = part.AbsolutePosition + offset;
//if (Math.Abs(part.AbsolutePosition.Z - AbsolutePosition.Z) > 1)
// offset = pos;
//autopilot = false;
if (PhysicsActor != null)
// If we're not using the client autopilot, we're immediately warping the avatar to the location
// We can remove the physicsActor until they stand up.
m_sitAvatarHeight = PhysicsActor.Size.Z;
if (autopilot)
if (Util.GetDistanceTo(AbsolutePosition, pos) < 4.5)
autopilot = false;
AbsolutePosition = pos + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, m_sitAvatarHeight);
sitOrientation = nrot; // Change rotatione to the scripted one
OffsetRotation = nrot;
autopilot = false; // Jump direct to scripted llSitPos()
//Console.WriteLine("Scripted, occupied");
else // Not Scripted
if ( (Math.Abs(offset.X) > 0.1f) || (Math.Abs(offset.Y) > 0.1f) ) // Changed 0.5M to 0.1M as they want to be able to sit close together
// large prim & offset, ignore if other Avs sitting
// offset.Z -= 0.05f;
m_avUnscriptedSitPos = offset * partIRot; // (non-zero) sit where clicked
autopilotTarget = part.AbsolutePosition + offset; // World location of clicked point
//Console.WriteLine(" offset ={0}", offset);
//Console.WriteLine(" UnscriptedSitPos={0}", m_avUnscriptedSitPos);
//Console.WriteLine(" autopilotTarget={0}", autopilotTarget);
else // small offset
//Console.WriteLine("Small offset");
if (!part.IsOccupied)
m_avUnscriptedSitPos = Vector3.Zero; // Zero = Sit on prim center
autopilotTarget = part.AbsolutePosition;
//Console.WriteLine("UsSmall autopilotTarget={0}", autopilotTarget);
else return; // occupied small
} // end large/small
} // end Scripted/not
cameraAtOffset = part.GetCameraAtOffset();
cameraEyeOffset = part.GetCameraEyeOffset();
forceMouselook = part.GetForceMouselook();
if(cameraAtOffset == Vector3.Zero) cameraAtOffset = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.1f); //
if(cameraEyeOffset == Vector3.Zero) cameraEyeOffset = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.1f); //
if (m_physicsActor != null)
// If we're not using the client autopilot, we're immediately warping the avatar to the location
// We can remove the physicsActor until they stand up.
m_sitAvatarHeight = m_physicsActor.Size.Z;
if (autopilot)
{ // its not a scripted sit
// if (Util.GetDistanceTo(AbsolutePosition, autopilotTarget) < 4.5)
if( (Math.Abs(AbsolutePosition.X - autopilotTarget.X) < 256.0f) && (Math.Abs(AbsolutePosition.Y - autopilotTarget.Y) < 256.0f) )
autopilot = false; // close enough
m_lastWorldPosition = m_pos; /* CW - This give us a position to return the avatar to if the part is killed before standup.
Not using the part's position because returning the AV to the last known standing
position is likely to be more friendly, isn't it? */
Velocity = Vector3.Zero;
AbsolutePosition = autopilotTarget + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, (m_sitAvatarHeight / 2.0f)); // Warp av to over sit target
} // else the autopilot will get us close
{ // its a scripted sit
m_lastWorldPosition = part.AbsolutePosition; /* CW - This give us a position to return the avatar to if the part is killed before standup.
I *am* using the part's position this time because we have no real idea how far away
the avatar is from the sit target. */
Velocity = Vector3.Zero;
else return; // physactor is null!
Vector3 offsetr; // = offset * partIRot;
// KF: In a linkset, offsetr needs to be relative to the group root! 091208
// offsetr = (part.OffsetPosition * Quaternion.Inverse(part.ParentGroup.RootPart.RotationOffset)) + (offset * partIRot);
// if (part.LinkNum < 2) 091216 All this was necessary because of the GetWorldRotation error.
// { // Single, or Root prim of linkset, target is ClickOffset * RootRot
//offsetr = offset * partIRot;
// }
// else
// { // Child prim, offset is (ChildOffset * RootRot) + (ClickOffset * ChildRot)
// offsetr = //(part.OffsetPosition * Quaternion.Inverse(part.ParentGroup.RootPart.RotationOffset)) +
// (offset * partRot);
// }
ControllingClient.SendSitResponse(targetID, offset, sitOrientation, autopilot, cameraAtOffset, cameraEyeOffset, forceMouselook);
m_requestedSitTargetUUID = targetID;
//Console.WriteLine(" ");
//Console.WriteLine("link number ={0}", part.LinkNum);
//Console.WriteLine("Prim offset ={0}", part.OffsetPosition );
//Console.WriteLine("Root Rotate ={0}", part.ParentGroup.RootPart.RotationOffset);
//Console.WriteLine("Click offst ={0}", offset);
//Console.WriteLine("Prim Rotate ={0}", part.GetWorldRotation());
//Console.WriteLine("offsetr ={0}", offsetr);
//Console.WriteLine("Camera At ={0}", cameraAtOffset);
//Console.WriteLine("Camera Eye ={0}", cameraEyeOffset);
//NOTE: SendSitResponse should be relative to the GROUP *NOT* THE PRIM if we're sitting on a child
ControllingClient.SendSitResponse(part.ParentGroup.UUID, ((offset * part.RotationOffset) + part.OffsetPosition), sitOrientation, autopilot, cameraAtOffset, cameraEyeOffset, forceMouselook);
m_requestedSitTargetUUID = part.UUID; //KF: Correct autopilot target
// This calls HandleAgentSit twice, once from here, and the client calls
// HandleAgentSit itself after it gets to the location
// It doesn't get to the location until we've moved them there though
// which happens in HandleAgentSit :P
m_autopilotMoving = autopilot;
m_autoPilotTarget = autopilotTarget;
m_autoPilotTarget = pos;
m_sitAtAutoTarget = autopilot;
m_initialSitTarget = autopilotTarget;
if (!autopilot)
HandleAgentSit(remoteClient, UUID);
@ -2532,68 +2416,33 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
if (part.SitTargetAvatar == UUID)
//Console.WriteLine("Scripted Sit");
// Scripted sit
Vector3 sitTargetPos = part.SitTargetPosition;
Quaternion sitTargetOrient = part.SitTargetOrientation;
m_pos = new Vector3(sitTargetPos.X, sitTargetPos.Y, sitTargetPos.Z);
if (!part.IsRoot)
m_pos *= part.RotationOffset;
m_bodyRot = sitTargetOrient;
m_parentPosition = part.AbsolutePosition;
part.IsOccupied = true;
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE PRESENCE]: Sitting {0} at sit target {1}, {2} on {3} {4}",
// Name, sitTargetPos, sitTargetOrient, part.Name, part.LocalId);
//Quaternion vq = new Quaternion(sitTargetPos.X, sitTargetPos.Y+0.2f, sitTargetPos.Z+0.2f, 0);
//Quaternion nq = new Quaternion(-sitTargetOrient.X, -sitTargetOrient.Y, -sitTargetOrient.Z, sitTargetOrient.w);
//Quaternion result = (sitTargetOrient * vq) * nq;
m_pos = sitTargetPos + SIT_TARGET_ADJUSTMENT;
Rotation = sitTargetOrient;
ParentPosition = part.AbsolutePosition;
// if m_avUnscriptedSitPos is zero then Av sits above center
// Else Av sits at m_avUnscriptedSitPos
m_pos -= part.AbsolutePosition;
ParentPosition = part.AbsolutePosition;
// Non-scripted sit by Kitto Flora 21Nov09
// Calculate angle of line from prim to Av
Quaternion partIRot;
// if (part.LinkNum == 1)
// { // Root prim of linkset
// partIRot = Quaternion.Inverse(part.ParentGroup.RootPart.RotationOffset);
// }
// else
// { // single or child prim
partIRot = Quaternion.Inverse(part.GetWorldRotation());
// }
Vector3 sitTargetPos= part.AbsolutePosition + m_avUnscriptedSitPos;
float y_diff = (m_avInitialPos.Y - sitTargetPos.Y);
float x_diff = ( m_avInitialPos.X - sitTargetPos.X);
if(Math.Abs(x_diff) < 0.001f) x_diff = 0.001f; // avoid div by 0
if(Math.Abs(y_diff) < 0.001f) y_diff = 0.001f; // avoid pol flip at 0
float sit_angle = (float)Math.Atan2( (double)y_diff, (double)x_diff);
// NOTE: when sitting m_ pos and m_bodyRot are *relative* to the prim location/rotation, not 'World'.
// Av sits at world euler <0,0, z>, translated by part rotation
m_bodyRot = partIRot * Quaternion.CreateFromEulers(0f, 0f, sit_angle); // sit at 0,0,inv-click
m_parentPosition = part.AbsolutePosition;
part.IsOccupied = true;
m_pos = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.05f) + // corrections to get Sit Animation
(new Vector3(0.0f, 0f, 0.61f) * partIRot) + // located on center
(new Vector3(0.34f, 0f, 0.0f) * m_bodyRot) +
m_avUnscriptedSitPos; // adds click offset, if any
//Set up raytrace to find top surface of prim
Vector3 size = part.Scale;
float mag = 2.0f; // 0.1f + (float)Math.Sqrt((size.X * size.X) + (size.Y * size.Y) + (size.Z * size.Z));
Vector3 start = part.AbsolutePosition + new Vector3(0f, 0f, mag);
Vector3 down = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f);
//Console.WriteLine("st={0} do={1} ma={2}", start, down, mag);
start, // Vector3 position,
down, // Vector3 direction,
mag, // float length,
SitAltitudeCallback); // retMethod
} // end scripted/not
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE PRESENCE]: Sitting {0} at position {1} ({2} + {3}) on part {4} {5} without sit target",
// Name, part.AbsolutePosition, m_pos, ParentPosition, part.Name, part.LocalId);
else // no Av
@ -2601,59 +2450,13 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
ParentID = m_requestedSitTargetID;
//We want our offsets to reference the root prim, not the child we may have sat on
if (!part.IsRoot)
m_parentID = part.ParentGroup.RootPart.LocalId;
m_pos += part.OffsetPosition;
m_parentID = m_requestedSitTargetID;
if (part.SitTargetAvatar != UUID)
m_offsetRotation = m_offsetRotation / part.RotationOffset;
Velocity = Vector3.Zero;
public void SitAltitudeCallback(bool hitYN, Vector3 collisionPoint, uint localid, float distance, Vector3 normal)
// KF: 091202 There appears to be a bug in Prim Edit Size - the process sometimes make a prim that RayTrace no longer
// sees. Take/re-rez, or sim restart corrects the condition. Result of bug is incorrect sit height.
// m_pos = Av offset from prim center to make look like on center
// m_parentPosition = Actual center pos of prim
// collisionPoint = spot on prim where we want to sit
// collisionPoint.Z = global sit surface height
SceneObjectPart part = m_scene.GetSceneObjectPart(localid);
Quaternion partIRot;
// if (part.LinkNum == 1)
/// { // Root prim of linkset
// partIRot = Quaternion.Inverse(part.ParentGroup.RootPart.RotationOffset);
// }
// else
// { // single or child prim
partIRot = Quaternion.Inverse(part.GetWorldRotation());
// }
if (m_initialSitTarget != null)
float offZ = collisionPoint.Z - m_initialSitTarget.Z;
Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, offZ) * partIRot; // Altitude correction
//Console.WriteLine("sitPoint={0}, offset={1}", sitPoint, offset);
m_pos += offset;
// ControllingClient.SendClearFollowCamProperties(part.UUID);
} // End SitAltitudeCallback KF.
/// <summary>
/// Event handler for the 'Always run' setting on the client
/// Tells the physics plugin to increase speed of movement.