From: Alan M Webb <>
This patch is intended to implement the following functions: llIntegerToBase64 llBase64ToInteger llParseStringKeepNulls None of these functions are dependent upon state elsewhere in the SIM, so they are appropriately self-contained. I've tested them out of context, and from a script attached to an object in my test region.0.6.0-stable
@ -3244,18 +3244,259 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Common
// <remarks>
// <para>
// The .NET definition of base 64 is:
// <list>
// <item>
// Significant: A-Z a-z 0-9 + -
// </item>
// <item>
// Whitespace: \t \n \r ' '
// </item>
// <item>
// Valueless: =
// </item>
// <item>
// End-of-string: \0 or '=='
// </item>
// </list>
// </para>
// <para>
// Each point in a base-64 string represents
// a 6 bit value. A 32-bit integer can be
// represented using 6 characters (with some
// redundancy).
// </para>
// <para>
// LSL requires a base64 string to be 8
// characters in length. LSL also uses '/'
// rather than '-' (MIME compliant).
// </para>
// <para>
// RFC 1341 used as a reference (as specified
// by the SecondLife Wiki).
// </para>
// <para>
// SL do not record any kind of exception for
// these functions, so the string to integer
// conversion returns '0' if an invalid
// character is encountered during conversion.
// </para>
// <para>
// References
// <list>
// <item>
// </item>
// <item>
// </item>
// </list>
// </para>
// </remarks>
// <summary>
// Table for converting 6-bit integers into
// base-64 characters
// </summary>
private static readonly char[] i2ctable =
// <summary>
// Table for converting base-64 characters
// into 6-bit integers.
// </summary>
private static readonly int[] c2itable =
-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, // 0x
-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, // 1x
-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, // 2x
53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60, // 3x
-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, // 4x
16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23, // 5x
-1,27,28,29,30,31,32,33, // 6x
42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49, // 7x
-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, // 8x
-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, // 9x
-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, // Ax
-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, // Bx
-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, // Cx
-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, // Dx
-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, // Ex
-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, // Fx
// <summary>
// Converts a 32-bit integer into a Base64
// character string. Base64 character strings
// are always 8 characters long. All iinteger
// values are acceptable.
// </summary>
// <param name="number">
// 32-bit integer to be converted.
// </param>
// <returns>
// 8 character string. The 1st six characters
// contain the encoded number, the last two
// characters are padded with "=".
// </returns>
public string llIntegerToBase64(int number)
// uninitialized string
char[] imdt = new char[8];
return String.Empty;
// Manually unroll the loop
imdt[7] = '=';
imdt[6] = '=';
imdt[5] = i2ctable[number<<4 & 0x3F];
imdt[4] = i2ctable[number>>2 & 0x3F];
imdt[3] = i2ctable[number>>8 & 0x3F];
imdt[2] = i2ctable[number>>14 & 0x3F];
imdt[1] = i2ctable[number>>20 & 0x3F];
imdt[0] = i2ctable[number>>26 & 0x3F];
return new string(imdt);
// <summary>
// Converts an eight character base-64 string
// into a 32-bit integer.
// </summary>
// <param name="str">
// 8 characters string to be converted. Other
// length strings return zero.
// </param>
// <returns>
// Returns an integer representing the
// encoded value providedint he 1st 6
// characters of the string.
// </returns>
// <remarks>
// This is coded to behave like LSL's
// implementation (I think), based upon the
// information available at the Wiki.
// If more than 8 characters are supplied,
// zero is returned.
// If a NULL string is supplied, zero will
// be returned.
// If fewer than 6 characters are supplied, then
// the answer will reflect a partial
// accumulation.
// <para>
// The 6-bit segments are
// extracted left-to-right in big-endian mode,
// which means that segment 6 only contains the
// two low-order bits of the 32 bit integer as
// its high order 2 bits. A short string therefore
// means loss of low-order information. E.g.
// |<---------------------- 32-bit integer ----------------------->|<-Pad->|
// |<--Byte 0----->|<--Byte 1----->|<--Byte 2----->|<--Byte 3----->|<-Pad->|
// |3|3|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1| | | | | | | | | | |P|P|P|P|
// |1|0|9|8|7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0|9|8|7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0|9|8|7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0|P|P|P|P|
// | str[0] | str[1] | str[2] | str[3] | str[4] | str[6] |
// </para>
// </remarks>
public int llBase64ToInteger(string str)
int number = 0;
int digit;
int baddigit = 0;
// Require a well-fromed base64 string
if(str.Length > 8)
return 0;
// The loop is unrolled in the interests
// of performance and simple necessity.
// MUST find 6 digits to be well formed
// -1 == invalid
// 0 == padding
return digit<0?(int)0:number;
number += --digit<<26;
return digit<0?(int)0:number;
number += --digit<<20;
return digit<0?(int)0:number;
number += --digit<<14;
return digit<0?(int)0:number;
number += --digit<<8;
return digit<0?(int)0:number;
number += --digit<<2;
return digit<0?(int)0:number;
number += --digit>>4;
// ignore trailing padding
return number;
public double llGetGMTclock()
@ -3276,11 +3517,179 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Common
m_host.RotationOffset = new LLQuaternion((float)rot.x, (float)rot.y, (float)rot.z, (float)rot.s);
public LSL_Types.list llParseStringKeepNulls(string src, LSL_Types.list seperators, LSL_Types.list spacers)
// <summary>
// Scan the string supplied in 'src' and
// tokenize it based upon two sets of
// tokenizers provided in two lists,
// separators and spacers.
// </summary>
// <remarks>
// Separators demarcate tokens and are
// elided as they are encountered. Spacers
// also demarcate tokens, but are themselves
// retained as tokens.
// Both separators and spacers may be arbitrarily
// long strings. i.e. ":::".
// The function returns an ordered list
// representing the tokens found in the supplied
// sources string. If two successive tokenizers
// are encountered, then a NULL entry is added
// to the list.
// It is a precondition that the source and
// toekizer lisst are non-null. If they are null,
// then a null pointer exception will be thrown
// while their lengths are being determined.
// A small amount of working memoryis required
// of approximately 8*#tokenizers.
// There are many ways in which this function
// can be implemented, this implementation is
// fairly naive and assumes that when the
// function is invooked with a short source
// string and/or short lists of tokenizers, then
// performance will not be an issue.
// In order to minimize the perofrmance
// effects of long strings, or large numbers
// of tokeizers, the function skips as far as
// possible whenever a toekenizer is found,
// and eliminates redundant tokenizers as soon
// as is possible.
// The implementation tries to avoid any copying
// of arrays or other objects.
// </remarks>
public LSL_Types.list llParseStringKeepNulls(string src, LSL_Types.list separators, LSL_Types.list spacers)
int beginning = 0;
int srclen = src.Length;
int seplen = separators.Length;
object[] separray = separators.Data;
int spclen = spacers.Length;
object[] spcarray = spacers.Data;
int mlen = seplen+spclen;
int[] offset = new int[mlen+1];
bool[] active = new bool[mlen];
int best;
int j;
// Initial capacity reduces resize cost
LSL_Types.list tokens = new LSL_Types.list();
return new LSL_Types.list();
// All entries are initially valid
for(int i=0; i<mlen; i++) active[i] = true;
offset[mlen] = srclen;
best = mlen; // as bad as it gets
// Scan for separators
for(j=0; j<seplen; j++)
// scan all of the markers
if((offset[j] = src.IndexOf((string)separray[j],beginning)) == -1)
// not present at all
active[j] = false;
} else
// present and correct
if(offset[j] < offset[best])
// closest so far
best = j;
if(offset[best] == beginning)
// Scan for spacers
if(offset[best] != beginning)
for(j=seplen; (j<mlen) && (offset[best] > beginning); j++)
// scan all of the markers
if((offset[j] = src.IndexOf((string)spcarray[j-seplen],beginning)) == -1)
// not present at all
active[j] = false;
} else
// present and correct
if(offset[j] < offset[best])
// closest so far
best = j;
// This is the normal exit from the scanning loop
if(best == mlen)
// no markers were found on this pass
// so we're pretty much done
tokens.Add(src.Substring(beginning, srclen-beginning));
// Otherwise we just add the newly delimited token
// and recalculate where the search should continue.
beginning = offset[best]+((string)separray[best]).Length;
} else
beginning = offset[best]+((string)spcarray[best-seplen]).Length;
// This an awkward an not very intuitive boundary case. If the
// last substring is a tokenizer, then there is an implied trailing
// null list entry. Hopefully the single comparison will not be too
// arduous. Alternatively the 'break' could be replced with a return
// but that's shabby programming.
if(beginning == srclen)
if(srclen != 0)
return tokens;
public void llRezAtRoot(string inventory, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 velocity,
Reference in New Issue