This allows a closed grid to delete asset types other than maptile remotely.
Only operational if AllowRemoteDelete = true also.
Defaults to false - do not enable if anybody other than you can make asset service requests.
This is because macosx mono is 32-bit and this can't p/invoke 64-bit binaries.
However, the reverse is also true.
If OpenSimulator stops working for you then please complain! Long term alternative is probably to build a fat binary with both architectures.
This retrieves and caches information from the PresenceService to only send messages to online users.
This is reported to much improve performance for large groups where most users are offline.
Cache is 20 seconds to balance requests against users not receiving messages until cache updates.
This is an alternative to an approach where login/logout notification is sent directly from simulator to groups service.
However, I'm not convinced that this PresenceService approach is actually better. Needs more thought.
Even when an avatar is standing still, it's sending in a constant stream of AgentUpdate packets that the client creates new UDPPacketBuffer objects to handle.
This option pools those objects. This reduces memory churn.
Currently off by default. Works but the scope can be expanded.
Rearrangement and cleanup of shape collection code. Much more readable.
Enabling and use of collision filters and masks.
Addition of ID to body creation BulletSimAPI calls so always set in
shape for collision reporting.
Change default of ShouldSplitSimulationIslands and ShouldRandomizeSolverOrder
from 'false' to 'true'. When 'false', this suppresses NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE
which makes volume detect fail.
This controls how many undo steps the simulator will store for each prim.
Default is now 20 rather than 5 as it briefly was.
The default number could be increased through this is a memory tradeoff which will scale with the number of prims in the sim and level of activity.
This resends appearance uuids to avatars in the scene once a minute.
I have seen this help in the past resolve grey appearance problems where viewers have for unknown reasons sometimes ignored the packet.
The overhead is very small since only the UUIDs are sent - the viewer then requests the texture only if it does not have it cached.
This setting will not help with cloudy avatars which are usually due to the viewer not uploading baked texture data or uploading something that isn't valid JPEG2000
This is because libopenjpeg 1.5 appears to require a minimum of glibc 2.14, whereas at least one fairly recent distro (openSUSE 11.4 from 2011-03-10) only has glibc
Further investigation pending.