*Added simulator_data_request XMLRPC method to request data from the grid server about a sim instead of faking its login
*Login is progressing, now just getting an XML error (http://pastebin.com/942515) -- if you can fix this, throw MingChen in IRC a Private Message
* Updated SimpleApp with various introduced dependencies
* Extracted ScenePrescence creation in Scene
* removed try-catchall from UserManagerBase (that actually hid a bug)
* Refactored RegionInfo
* handle is calculated
* it will explode upon accessing x,y,ip,port,externalip if not explicitly initialized
* Removed superfluous 'ref' keywords
* Removed a shitload of 'catch Exception e' that causes build warnings
* Lots of small refactorings, renames et c
* Ignored some bins
Included OpenGrid.Framework.Data in the OpenSim solution (and OpenGrid.Framework.Data.DB4O).
Changed OpenSim.LocalCommunications.LocalUserServices so that it inherits from the UserManagement Base class. (still not finished implementing the CustomiseResponse() method)
* cleaned away suo and user files.
* added handy string chat variety to the API
* Moved LockPhysicsEngine on World to SyncRoot on IWorld
* Introduced NextLocalId instead of World fuggliness.
* Transformed GetRegionInfo to Property on IWorld for great justice
* Extracted default wearables (good to have)
* Deleted unused BaseServer
* Used IWorld instead of World wherever possible
* The client constructor's not getting unused port any longer.
* Extracted ClientView factoring so PacketServer can be tweaked.
* Added SendLayerData to World
* Made WorldBase abstract and cleaned it up a bit
* added OpenGrid.Framework.Communications.dll.build and OpenSim.World.dll.build to svn
* Added code for two examples (but not in prebuild yet)