* Patch 1 stops OpenSim.32BitLaunch.exe and ScriptEngines/Default.lsl being deleted on nant clean
* Patch 2 resolves a building problem with pCampBot
* This will require a prebuild rerun
Nant files now obey the target out of prebuild.xml, so Linux users will be able to build as Debug
Nant clean target now does the right thing (doesn't wipe out all of bin/)
Prebuild's own prebuild system is broken due to the .exe workaround added a while ago, will
register a bug for that seperately.
*Added simulator_data_request XMLRPC method to request data from the grid server about a sim instead of faking its login
*Login is progressing, now just getting an XML error (http://pastebin.com/942515) -- if you can fix this, throw MingChen in IRC a Private Message
* Updated SimpleApp with various introduced dependencies
* Extracted ScenePrescence creation in Scene
* removed try-catchall from UserManagerBase (that actually hid a bug)
* Refactored RegionInfo
* handle is calculated
* it will explode upon accessing x,y,ip,port,externalip if not explicitly initialized
* Removed superfluous 'ref' keywords
* Removed a shitload of 'catch Exception e' that causes build warnings
* Lots of small refactorings, renames et c
* Ignored some bins
Included OpenGrid.Framework.Data in the OpenSim solution (and OpenGrid.Framework.Data.DB4O).
Changed OpenSim.LocalCommunications.LocalUserServices so that it inherits from the UserManagement Base class. (still not finished implementing the CustomiseResponse() method)
* cleaned away suo and user files.
* added handy string chat variety to the API
* Moved LockPhysicsEngine on World to SyncRoot on IWorld
* Introduced NextLocalId instead of World fuggliness.
* Transformed GetRegionInfo to Property on IWorld for great justice
* Extracted default wearables (good to have)
* Deleted unused BaseServer
* Used IWorld instead of World wherever possible
* The client constructor's not getting unused port any longer.
* Extracted ClientView factoring so PacketServer can be tweaked.
* Added SendLayerData to World
* Made WorldBase abstract and cleaned it up a bit
* added OpenGrid.Framework.Communications.dll.build and OpenSim.World.dll.build to svn
* Added code for two examples (but not in prebuild yet)