* Added a Logout message with a name on the console
* Added a *fixme* message to figure out why the current agent session is null
* After updating you may notice that there's a login <user> and also a logout<user>
* You can add and remove a friend in grid mode now within the same simulator. It doesn't save yet.
* I got rid of Mr. OpenSim as a friend.. he bothers me /:b...
To use , both the user server and Inventory server need to be running this latest revision. (older regions should be able to still be used, just the user won't have inventory on them). Also and HERE IS THE BIG BREAK ISSUE, currently, so that the initial inventory details for a user are added to the inventory db , you need to recreate the accounts using the user server "create user" feature. It should be quite easy to manual populate the inventory database instead but I someone else will need to look into that) Also I've only tested using SQLite as the database provider, there is a Mysql inventory provider but I don't know if it works (SQLite is set as default, so you will need to change it in the inventory server config.xml)