to the fetch URL to return the data in JSON format. Also adds a simple
'sim.html' that uses JavaScript to display the JSON data. Not pretty
but an example.
* Adds a prototype web stats module which is disabled by default. It's functional with one report right now, however, the database structure may change, so I don't recommend enabling this to keep actual stats right now. I'll let you know when it's safe.
* Adds Prototype for ajaxy web content
* removed a warning or two.
* Inserts proper animation state names into data/avataranimations.xml file so that llGetAnimation() works as one would expect.
* Thanks StrawberryFride!
* ODE - Fixed the iscolliding property to report a static true when colliding.
* Added reporting of collisions to call UpdateMovementAnimations
* Added Jump - air animation (with arms outstretched).
* Added Fall Animations
* ODE - Added a small amount of X, Y motion control while jumping or Falling
* ODE - Avatar movement animations are still a bit odd sometimes, and had to get this up there.