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2007-11-11 09:19:21 +00:00
; Set this to true if you want to log crashes to disk
; this can be useful when submitting bug reports.
save_crashes = false
; Directory to save crashes to if above is enabled
; (eg default is /opensimdir/crashes/*.txt or C:\opensim\crashes\*.txt)
crash_dir = "crashes"
; Place to create a PID file
; PIDFile = "/tmp/"
; Http proxy support for llHTTPRequest and dynamic texture loading
; Set HttpProxy to the URL for your proxy server if you would like
; to proxy llHTTPRequests through a firewall
; HttpProxy = ""
; Set HttpProxyExceptions to a list of regular expressions for
; URLs that you don't want going through the proxy such as servers
; inside your firewall, separate patterns with a ';'
; HttpProxyExceptions = ";localhost"
; Set this to true if you are connecting your OpenSimulator regions to a grid
; Set this to false if you are running OpenSimulator in standalone mode
gridmode = false
; Set this to true if you want this OpenSimulator to run the Hypergrid functionality
hypergrid = false
startup_console_commands_file = "startup_commands.txt"
shutdown_console_commands_file = "shutdown_commands.txt"
; To run a script every few minutes, set the script filename here
; timer_Script = "filename"
; ##
; ##
; Enables EventQueueGet Service.
EventQueue = true
; Set this to the DLL containig the client stack to use.
; ##
; ##
; Determine where OpenSimulator looks for the files which tell it which regions to server
; Defaults to "filesystem" if this setting isn't present
region_info_source = "filesystem"
; region_info_source = "web"
; Determines where the region XML files are stored if you are loading these from the filesystem.
; Defaults to bin/Regions in your OpenSimulator installation directory
; regionload_regionsdir="C:\somewhere\xmlfiles\"
; Determines the page from which regions xml is retrieved if you are loading these from the web
; The XML here has the same format as it does on the filesystem (including the <Root> tag),
; except that everything is also enclosed in a <Regions> tag.
; regionload_webserver_url = "";
; Draw objects on maptile. This step might take a long time if you've got a huge amount of
; objects, so you can turn it off here if you'd like.
DrawPrimOnMapTile = true
; Use terrain texture for maptiles if true, use shaded green if false
TextureOnMapTile = false
; Maximum total size, and maximum size where a prim can be physical
NonPhysicalPrimMax = 256
PhysicalPrimMax = 10
ClampPrimSize = false
; Region crossing
AllowScriptCrossing = false
; If you set this to "true", any region that can teleport to you can
; inject ARBITRARY BINARY CODE into your system. Use at your own risk.
TrustBinaries = false
; How many prims to send to each avatar in the scene on each Update()
; MaxPrimsPerFrame = 200
; ##
; ##
; *** Prim Storage - only leave one storage_plugin uncommented ***
; --- Null stores nothing - effectively disabling persistence:
;storage_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.Null.dll"
; --- To use sqlite as region storage:
storage_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"
; --- To use MySQL storage, supply your own connectionstring (this is only an example):
; note that the supplied account needs create privilegies if you want it to auto-create needed tables.
; storage_plugin="OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
; storage_connection_string="Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=*****;";
; If you want to use a different database/server for estate data, then
; uncomment and change this connect string. Defaults to the above if not set
; estate_connection_string="Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=*****;";
; Select whether you want to use local or grid asset storage.
; If you're running in standalone, you definitely want local, since there is no grid (hence this is redundant, and should
; really be eliminated). The database itself is defined in asset_plugin below
; If you're running a region server connecting to a grid, you probably want grid mode, since this will use the
; grid asset server. If you select local in grid mode, then you will use a database as specified in asset_plugin to store assets
; locally. This will mean you won't be able to take items using your assets to other people's regions.
; Persistence of changed objects happens during regular sweeps. The following control that behaviour to
; prevent frequently changing objects from heavily loading the region data store.
; If both of these values are set to zero then persistence of all changed objects will happen on every sweep.
; Objects will be considered for persistance in the next sweep when they have not changed for this number of seconds
MinimumTimeBeforePersistenceConsidered = 60
; Objects will always be considered for persistance in the next sweep if the first change occurred this number of seconds ago
MaximumTimeBeforePersistenceConsidered = 600
; Should avatars in neighbor sims see objects in this sim?
see_into_this_sim_from_neighbor = True
; ##
; ##
; if you would like to allow prims to be physical and move by physics with the physical checkbox in the client set this to true.
physical_prim = true
; Select a mesher here. ZeroMesher is save and fast.
; ZeroMesher also means that the physics engine models the physics of prims
; sticking to the basic shapes the engine does support. Usually this is only a box.
; Meshmerizer gives a better handling of complex prims by using triangle meshes.
; Note, that only ODE physics currently deals with meshed prims in a satisfactoring way
meshing = ZeroMesher
;meshing = Meshmerizer
; Choose one of the physics engines below
physics = basicphysics
;physics = POS
;physics = OpenDynamicsEngine
;physics = modified_BulletX
; ##
; ##
;permissionmodules = "DefaultPermissionsModule"
; If set to false, then, in theory, the server never carries out permission checks (allowing anybody to copy
; any item, etc. This may not yet be implemented uniformally.
; If set to true, then all permissions checks are carried out
; Default is false
serverside_object_permissions = false
allow_grid_gods = false
; This allows somne control over permissions
; please note that this still doesn't duplicate SL, and is not intended to
;region_owner_is_god = true
;parcel_owner_is_god = true
; Control user types that are allowed to create new scripts
; Only enforced if serviceside_object_permissions is true
; Current possible values are
; all - anyone can create scripts (subject to normal permissions)
; gods - only administrators can create scripts (as long as allow_grid_gods is true)
; Default value is all
; allowed_script_creators = all
; Control user types that are allowed to edit (save) scripts
; Only enforced if serviceside_object_permissions is true
; Current possible values are
; all - anyone can edit scripts (subject to normal permissions)
; gods - only administrators can edit scripts (as long as allow_grid_gods is true)
; Default value is all
; allowed_script_editors = all
; ##
; ##
;DefaultScriptEngine = "ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine"
DefaultScriptEngine = "XEngine"
; ##
; ##
;WorldMapModule = "WorldMap"
;MapImageModule = "MapImageModule"
; ##
; ## Scripting XMLRPC mapper
; ##
; If enabled, this will post an event, "xmlrpc_uri(string)" to the
; script concurrently with the first remote_data event.
; This will contain the fully qualified URI an external site needs
; to use to send XMLRPC requests to that script
;XmlRpcRouterModule = "XmlRpcRouterModule"
; ##
; ##
;emailmodule = DefaultEmailModule
; ##
; ##
; If enabled, enableFlySlow will change the primary fly state to
; FLYSLOW, and the "always run" state will be the regular fly.
enableflyslow = false
; PreJump is an additional animation state, but it probably
; won't look right until the physics engine supports it
; (i.e delays takeoff for a moment)
; This is commented so it will come on automatically once it's
; supported.
; enableprejump = true
; Simulator Stats URI
; Enable JSON simulator data by setting a URI name (case sensitive)
; Stats_URI = "jsonSimStats"
;InterregionComms = "LocalComms"
InterregionComms = "RESTComms"
2008-09-24 21:51:00 +00:00
2007-11-11 09:19:21 +00:00
accounts_authenticate = true
welcome_message = "Welcome to OpenSimulator"
; Inventory database provider
inventory_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"
; inventory_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
; inventory_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.NHibernate.dll" ; for nhibernate
; Inventory source SQLite example
inventory_source = "URI=file:inventoryStore.db,version=3"
; Inventory Source NHibernate example (DIALECT;DRIVER;CONNECTSTRING)
; inventory_source = "SQLiteDialect;SqliteClientDriver;URI=file:Inventory.db,version=3"
; Inventory Source MySQL example
;inventory_source = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=****;"
; User Data Database provider
; Multiple providers can be specified by separating them with commas (whitespace is unimportant)
; If multiple providers are specified then if a profile is requested, each is queried until one
; provides a valid profile, or until all providers have been queried.
; Unfortunately the order of querying is currently undefined (it may not be the order in which
; providers are specified here). This needs to be fixed
userDatabase_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"
; userDatabase_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll"
; userDatabase_plugin = "OpenSim.Data.NHibernate.dll" ; for nhibernate
; User source SQLite example
user_source = "URI=file:userprofiles.db,version=3"
; User Source NHibernate Example (DIALECT;DRIVER;CONNECTSTRING)
; user_source = "SQLiteDialect;SqliteClientDriver;URI=file:User.db,version=3"
; User Source MySQL example
;user_source = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=****;"
; Specifies the location and filename of the default inventory library control file. The path can be relative or absolute
; Default is ./inventory/Libraries.xml
http_listener_port = 9000
default_location_x = 1000
default_location_y = 1000
; ssl config: Experimental! The auto https config only really works definately on windows XP now
; you need a Cert Request/Signed pair installed in the MY store with the CN specified below
; you can use https on other platforms, but you'll need to configure the httpapi yourself for now
http_listener_ssl = false ; Also create a SSL server
http_listener_cn = "localhost" ; Use the cert with the common name
http_listener_sslport = 9001 ; Use this port for SSL connections
http_listener_ssl_cert = "" ; Currently unused, but will be used for OSHttpServer
; Uncomment below to enable llRemoteData/remote channels
; remoteDataPort = 20800
grid_server_url = ""
grid_send_key = "null"
grid_recv_key = "null"
user_server_url = ""
user_send_key = "null"
user_recv_key = "null"
asset_server_url = ""
inventory_server_url = ""
; The MessagingServer is a companion of the UserServer. It uses
; user_send_key and user_recv_key, too
messaging_server_url = ""
; What is reported as the "X-Secondlife-Shard"
; Defaults to the user server url if not set
; The old default is "OpenSim", set here fro compatibility
shard = "OpenSim"
; What is reported as the "User-Agent" when using llHTTPRequest
; Defaults to not sent if not set here. See the notes section in the wiki at
; for comments on adding
; " (Mozilla Compatible)" to the text where there are problems with a web server
;user_agent = "OpenSim LSL (Mozilla Compatible)"
; This is the multiplier applied to all client throttles for outgoing UDP network data
; If it is set to 1, then we obey the throttle settings as given to us by the client. If it is set to 3, for example, then we
; multiply that setting by 3 (e.g. if the client gives us a setting of 250 kilobits per second then we
; will actually push down data at a maximum rate of 750 kilobits per second).
; In principle, setting a multiplier greater than 1 will allow data to be pushed down to a client much faster
; than its UI allows the setting to go. This may be okay in some situations, such as standalone OpenSim
; applications on a LAN. However, the greater the multipler, the higher the risk of packet drop, resulting
; in symptoms such as missing terrain or objects. A much better solution is to change the client UI to allow
; higher network bandwidth settings directly, though this isn't always possible.
; Currently this setting is 2 by default because we currently send much more texture data than is strictly
; necessary. A setting of 1 could result in slow texture transfer. This will be fixed when the transfer
; of textures at different levels of quality is improved.
; Pre r7113, this setting was not exposed but was effectively 8. You may want to try this if you encounter
; unexpected difficulties
client_throttle_multiplier = 2;
; the client socket receive buffer size determines how many
; incoming requests we can process; the default on .NET is 8192
; which is about 2 4k-sized UDP datagrams. On mono this is
; whatever the underlying operating system has as default; for
; example, ubuntu 8.04 or SLES11 have about 111k, which is about
; 27 4k-sized UDP datagrams (on linux platforms you can [as root]
; do "sysctl net.core.rmem_default" to find out what your system
; uses a default socket receive buffer size.
; client_socket_rcvbuf_size allows you to specify the receive
; buffer size LLUDPServer should use. NOTE: this will be limited
; by the system's settings for the maximum client receive buffer
; size (on linux systems you can set that with "sysctl -w
; net.core.rmem_max=X")
; client_socket_rcvbuf_size = 8388608
; Controls whether the chat module is enabled. Default is true.
enabled = true;
; Distance in meters that whispers should travel. Default is 10m
whisper_distance = 10
; Distance in meters that ordinary chat should travel. Default is 30m
say_distance = 30
; Distance in meters that shouts should travel. Default is 100m
shout_distance = 100
; Control which region module is used for instant messaging.
; Default is InstantMessageModule (this is the name of the core IM module as well as the setting)
InstantMessageModule = InstantMessageModule
; MessageTransferModule = MessageTransferModule
; OfflineMessageModule = OfflineMessageModule
; OfflineMessageURL = http://yourserver/Offline.php
; MuteListModule = MuteListModule
; MuteListURL = http://yourserver/Mute.php
;## World Settings
;Gravity. Feel like falling up? change world_gravityz to 9.8 instead of -9.8. m/s
world_gravityx = 0
world_gravityy = 0
world_gravityz = -9.8
; World Step size. (warning these are dangerous. Changing these will probably cause your scene to explode dramatically)
; reference: fps = (0.09375/ODE_STEPSIZE) * 1000;
world_stepsize = 0.020
world_internal_steps_without_collisions = 10
;World Space settings. Affects memory consumption vs Collider CPU time for avatar and physical prim
world_hashspace_size_low = -4
world_hashSpace_size_high = 128
;Dynamic space settings Affects memory consumption vs Collider CPU time for static prim
meters_in_small_space = 29.9
small_hashspace_size_low = -4
small_hashspace_size_high = 66
; ##
; ## Contact properties. (the stuff that happens when things come in contact with each other)
; ##
; surface layer around geometries other geometries can sink into before generating a contact
world_contact_surface_layer = 0.001
; Filtering Collisions helps keep things stable physics wise, but sometimes
; it can be over zealous. If you notice bouncing, chances are it's being just
; that
filter_collisions = false
; Non Moving Terrain Contact (avatar isn't moving)
nm_terraincontact_friction = 255.0
nm_terraincontact_bounce = 0.1
nm_terraincontact_erp = 0.1025
; Moving Terrain Contact (avatar is moving)
m_terraincontact_friction = 75.0
m_terraincontact_bounce = 0.05
m_terrainContact_erp = 0.05025
; Moving Avatar to object Contact
m_avatarobjectcontact_friction = 75.0
m_avatarobjectcontact_bounce = 0.1
; Object to Object Contact and Non-Moving Avatar to object
objectcontact_friction = 250.0
objectcontact_bounce = 0.2
; ##
; ## Avatar Control
; ##
; PID Controller Settings. These affect the math that causes the avatar to reach the
; desired velocity
; See
av_pid_derivative_linux = 2200.0
av_pid_proportional_linux = 900.0;
av_pid_derivative_win = 2200.0
av_pid_proportional_win = 900.0;
;girth of the avatar. Adds radius to the height also
av_capsule_radius = 0.37
; Max force permissible to use to keep the avatar standing up straight
av_capsule_standup_tensor_win = 550000
av_capsule_standup_tensor_linux = 550000
; specifies if the capsule should be tilted (=true; old compatibility mode)
; or straight up-and-down (=false; better and more consistent physics behavior)
av_capsule_tilted = true
; used to calculate mass of avatar.
; float AVvolume = (float) (Math.PI*Math.Pow(CAPSULE_RADIUS, 2)*CAPSULE_LENGTH);
; av_density * AVvolume;
av_density = 80
; use this value to cut 52% of the height the sim gives us
av_height_fudge_factor = 0.52
; Movement. Smaller is faster.
; speed of movement with Always Run off
av_movement_divisor_walk = 1.3
; speed of movement with Always Run on
av_movement_divisor_run = 0.8
; When the avatar flies, it will be moved up by this amount off the ground (in meters)
minimum_ground_flight_offset = 3.0
; ##
; ## Object options
; ##
; used in the mass calculation.
geometry_default_density = 10.000006836
; amount of ODE steps where object is non moving for ODE to automatically put it to sleep
body_frames_auto_disable = 20
; used to control llMove2Target
body_pid_derivative = 35
body_pid_gain = 25
; amount of time a geom/body will try to cross a region border before it gets disabled
geom_crossing_failures_before_outofbounds = 5
; start throttling the object updates if object comes in contact with 3 or more other objects
geom_contactpoints_start_throttling = 3
; send 1 update for every x updates below when throttled
geom_updates_before_throttled_update = 15
; Used for llSetStatus. How rigid the object rotation is held on the axis specified
body_motor_joint_maxforce_tensor_linux = 5
body_motor_joint_maxforce_tensor_win = 5
; ##
; ## Sculpted Prim settings
; ##
; Do we want to mesh sculpted prim to collide like they look?
mesh_sculpted_prim = true
; number^2 non-physical level of detail of the sculpt texture. 32x32 - 1024 verticies
mesh_lod = 32
; number^2 physical level of detail of the sculpt texture. 16x16 - 256 verticies
mesh_physical_lod = 16
; ##
; ## Physics logging settings - logfiles are saved to *.DIF files
; ##
; default is false
;physics_logging = true
;; every n simulation iterations, the physics snapshot file is updated
;physics_logging_interval = 50
;; append to existing physics logfile, or overwrite existing logfiles?
;physics_logging_append_existing_logfile = true
; ##
; ## Joint support
; ##
; if you would like physics joints to be enabled through a special naming convention in the client, set this to true.
; (see NINJA Physics documentation,
; default is false
;use_NINJA_physics_joints = true
; ##
; ## additional meshing options
; ##
; physical collision mesh proxies are normally created for complex prim shapes, and collisions for simple boxes and
; spheres are computed algorithmically. If you would rather have mesh proxies for simple prims, you can set this to
; true. Note that this will increase memory usage and region startup time. Default is false.
;force_simple_prim_meshing = true
enabled = false
access_password = unknown
; set this variable to true if you want the create_region XmlRpc
; call to unconditionally enable voice on all parcels for a newly
; created region [default: false]
create_region_enable_voice = false
; set this variable to false if you want the create_region XmlRpc
; call to create all regions as private per default (can be
; overridden in the XmlRpc call) [default: true]
create_region_public = false
; the create_region XmlRpc call uses region_file_template to generate
; the file name of newly create regions (if they are created
; persistent). the parameter available are:
; {0} - X location
; {1} - Y location
; {2} - region UUID
; {3} - region port
; {4} - region name with " ", ":", "/" mapped to "_"
region_file_template = "{0}x{1}-{2}.xml"
; we can limit the number of regions that XmlRpcCreateRegion will
; allow by setting this to a positive, non-0 number: as long as the
; number of regions is below region_limits, XmlRpcCreateRegion will
; succeed. setting region_limit to 0 disables the check.
; default is 0
;region_limit = 0
; enable only those methods you deem to be appropriate using a | delimited whitelist
; for example, enabled_methods = admin_broadcast|admin_region_query|admin_save_oar|admin_save_xml
; if this parameter is not specified but enabled = true, all methods will be available
enabled_methods = all
; Change this to true to enable REST Plugins. This must be true if you wish to use
; REST Region or REST Asset and Inventory Plugins
enabled = false
god_key = SECRET
prefix = /admin
; Change this to true to enable the REST Region Plugin
enabled = false
; Change this to true to enable the REST Asset and Inventory Plugin
enabled = false
authenticate = true
secured = true
extended-escape = true
realm = OpenSim REST
dump-asset = false
path-fill = true
dump-line-size = 32
flush-on-error = true
; Uncomment the following for IRC bridge
; experimental, so if it breaks... keep both parts... yada yada
; also, not good error detection when it fails
;enabled = true ; you need to set this otherwise it won't connect
;server =
;; user password - only use this if the server requires one
;password = mypass
;nick = OpenSimBotNameProbablyMakeThisShorter
;channel = #the_irc_channel_you_want_to_connect_to
;user = "USER OpenSimBot 8 * :I'm an OpenSim to IRC bot"
;port = 6667
;; channel to listen for configuration commands
;commands_enabled = false
;command_channel = 2777
;report_clients = true
;; relay private chat connections
;; relay_private_channels = true: will relay IRC chat from/to private in-world channels
;; relay_private_channel_out -- channel to send messages out to the IRC bridge
;; relay_private_channel_in -- channel to receive message from the IRC bridge
;; relay_chat = false: IRC bridge will not relay normal chat
;; access_password -- simple security device
;; so, to just relay chat from an IRC channel to in-world region and vice versa:
;; relay_private_channels = false
;; relay_chat = true
;; to relay chat only to/from private in-world channels:
;; relay_chat = false
;; relay_private_channels = true
;; relay_private_channel_in = 2226
;; relay_private_channel_out = 2225
;; in this example, all chat coming in from IRC will be send out via
;; in-world channel 2226, and all chat from in-world channel 2225 will
;; be relayed to the IRC channel.
;relay_private_channels = false
;relay_private_channel_in = 2226
;relay_private_channel_out = 2225
;relay_chat = true
;access_password = foobar
;fallback_region = name of "default" region
;MSGformat fields : 0=botnick, 1=user, 2=region, 3=message
; must start with "PRIVMSG {0} : " or irc server will get upset
;for <bot>:<user in region> :<message>
;msgformat = "PRIVMSG {0} :<{1} in {2}>: {3}"
;for <bot>:<message> - <user of region> :
msgformat = "PRIVMSG {0} : {3} - {1} of {2}"
;for <bot>:<message> - from <user> :
;msgformat = "PRIVMSG {0} : {3} - from {1}"
;enabled = true
;channel = 345
; Uncomment the following to control the progression of daytime
; in the Sim. The defaults are what is shown below
; number of wall clock hours for an opensim day. 24.0 would mean realtime
;day_length = 4
; Year length in days
;year_length = 60
; Day to Night Ratio
;day_night_offset = 0.45
; send a Sun update every update_interval # of frames. A lower number will
; make for smoother sun transition at the cost of network
;update_interval = 100
; Enables the wind module. Default is true
enabled = true
; How often should wind be updated, as a function of world frames. Approximately 50 frames a second
wind_update_rate = 150
; The Default Wind Plugin to load
wind_plugin = SimpleRandomWind
; These settings are specific to the ConfigurableWind plugin
; To use ConfigurableWind as the default, simply change wind_plugin to ConfigurableWind and uncomment the following.
; avg_strength = 5.0
; avg_direction = 0.0
; var_strength = 0.0
; var_direction = 0.0
; rate_change = 1.0
; This setting is specific to the SimpleRandomWind plugin
; Adjusts wind strength. 0.0 = no wind, 1.0 = normal wind. Default is 1.0
strength = 1.0
; Enable this to generate classic particle clouds above the sim.
; default is disabled - turn it on here
enabled = false
; Density of cloud cover 0.0 to 1.0 Defult 0.5
density = 0.5
; update interval for the cloud cover data returned by llCloud().
; default is 1000
cloud_update_rate = 1000
; Enable this to allow the tree module to manage your sim trees, including growing, reproducing and dying
; default is false
active_trees = false
; Density of tree population
tree_density = 1000.0
Enabled = true
ScriptDelayFactor = 1.0
ScriptDistanceLimitFactor = 1.0
; Maximum length of notecard line read
; Increasing this to large values potentially opens
; up the system to malicious scripters
; NotecardLineReadCharsMax = 255
; These settings are specific to DotNetEngine script engine
; Other script engines based on OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Common.dll will have almost identical settings, but in another section of this config file.
; When a script receives an event the event is queued.
; Any free thread will start executing this event. One script can only have one event executed simultaneously.
; If you have only one thread, and one script has a loop or does a lot of work, then no other scripts can run at the same time.
; Same if you have 10 threads, then only 10 scripts can be run simultaneously.
; But because most scripts exit after their task, the threads are free to go on to the next script.
; Refresh ScriptEngine config options (these settings) every xx seconds
; 0 = Do not refresh
; Set it to number of seconds between refresh, for example 30.
; Will allow you to change ScriptEngine settings while server is running just by using "CONFIG SET" on console
; For example to increase or decrease number of threads: CONFIG SET NumberOfScriptThreads 10
; NOTE! Disabled for now. Feature does not work.
; Number of threads to use for script event execution
; Threads are shared across all regions
; Script event execution thread priority inside application.
; Valid values: Lowest, BelowNormal, Normal, AboveNormal, Highest
; How long MAX should a script event be allowed to run (per event execution)?
; Do not set this too low (like 50ms) as there are some time wasted in simply executing a function
; There is also a small speed penalty for every kill that is made
; Should we enable the max script event execution thread to look for scripts that exceed their timeslice?
; Should we stop the script completely when time exceeds?
; This is useful if you have a high <MaxEventExecutionTimeMs> and want to deactivate scripts that go wrong
; Note that for example physics engine can slow down the system and make scripts spend more time
; If no scripts have executed in this pass how long should we sleep before checking again
; Impact:
; Too low and you will waste lots of CPU
; Too high and people touching object or similar will have to wait up to this amount of time before script responding
; AppDomains are used for two things:
; * Security: Scripts inside AppDomains are limited in permissions.
; * Script unloading: When a script is deactivated it can not be unloaded. Only whole AppDomains can be unloaded.
; AppDomains are therefore only unloaded once ALL active scripts inside it has been deactivated (removed from prims).
; Each AppDomain has some memory overhead. But leaving dead scripts in memory also has memory overhead.
; MaintenanceLoop
; How often to run maintenance loop
; Maintenance loop is doing: script compile/load, script unload, reload config, adjust running config and enforce max execution time
; How many maintenanceloops between each of these.
; (if 2 then function will be executed every MaintenanceLoopms*2 ms)
; Script loading/unloading
; How long load/unload thread should sleep if there is nothing to do
; Higher value makes it respond slower when scripts are added/removed from prims
; But once active it will process all in queue before sleeping again
; Other tasks
; check if we need to reload config, adjust running config and enforce max execution time
; Allow the use of os* functions (some are dangerous)
; Default is false
AllowOSFunctions = false
; Threat level to allow if os functions are enabled
; One of None, VeryLow, Low, Moderate, High, VeryHigh, Severe
; Default is VeryLow
OSFunctionThreatLevel = VeryLow
; Maximum number of items in load/unload queue before we start rejecting loads
; Note that we will only be rejecting load. Unloads will still be able to queue.
; Maximum number of (LSL) events that can be queued before new events are ignored.
; Async LL command sleep
; If no async LL commands are waiting, how long should thread sleep before checking again
; Async LL commands are LSL-commands that causes an event to be fired back with result
; currently unused
; AsyncLLCommandLoopms=50
; When script is converted from LSL to C#, or just plain compiled, a copy of the script source will be put in the ScriptEngine folder
; Specify default script compiler
; If you do not specify //cs, //vb, //js or //lsl tag as the first characters of your script then the default compiler will be chosen
; Valid languages are: lsl, cs, js and vb
; Specify what compilers are allowed to be used
; Note vb only works on Windows for now (Mono lacks VB compile support)
; Valid languages are: lsl, cs, js and vb
; AllowedCompilers=lsl,cs,js,vb. *warning*, non lsl languages have access to static methods such as System.IO.File. Enable at your own risk.
; Compile scripts with debugging
; Probably a thousand times slower, but gives you a line number when something goes wrong.
; Remove old scripts on next startup
; currently unused
; Set the following to true to allow administrator owned scripts to execute console commands
; currently unused
; AllowosConsoleCommand=false
AllowGodFunctions = false
; Maximum number of llListen events we allow per script
; Set this to 0 to have no limit imposed.
max_listens_per_script = 64
; The following set of configs pertains to search.
; Set index_sims to true to enable search engines to index your searchable data
; If false, no data will be exposed, DataSnapshot module will be off, and you can ignore the rest of these search-related configs
; default is false
index_sims = false
; The variable data_exposure controls what the regions expose:
; minimum: exposes only things explicitly marked for search
; all: exposes everything
data_exposure = minimum
; If search is on, change this to your grid name; will be ignored for standalones
gridname = "OSGrid"
; Period between data snapshots, in seconds. 20 minutes, for starters, so that you see the initial changes fast.
; Later, you may want to increase this to 3600 (1 hour) or more
default_snapshot_period = 1200
; This will be created in bin, if it doesn't exist already. It will hold the data snapshots.
snapshot_cache_directory = "DataSnapshot"
; This semicolon-separated string serves to notify specific data services about the existence
; of this sim. Uncomment if you want to index your data with this and/or other search providers.
; These economy values get used in the BetaGridLikeMoneyModule. - This module is for demonstration only -
; Enables selling things for $0
SellEnabled = "false"
; 45000 is the highest value that the sim could possibly report because of protocol constraints
ObjectCapacity = 45000
; Money Unit fee to upload textures, animations etc
PriceUpload = 0
; Money Unit fee to create groups
PriceGroupCreate = 0
; We don't really know what the rest of these values do. These get sent to the client
; These taken from Agni at a Public Telehub. Change at your own risk.
ObjectCount = 0
PriceEnergyUnit = 100
PriceObjectClaim = 10
PricePublicObjectDecay = 4
PricePublicObjectDelete = 4
PriceParcelClaim = 1
PriceParcelClaimFactor = 1
PriceRentLight = 5
TeleportMinPrice = 2
TeleportPriceExponent = 2
EnergyEfficiency = 1
PriceObjectRent = 1
PriceObjectScaleFactor = 10
PriceParcelRent = 1
Enabled = false
Directory = SVNmodule\repo
URL = "svn://"
Username = "user"
Password = "password"
ImportOnStartup = false
Autosave = false
AutoSavePeriod = 15 ; Number of minutes between autosave backups
; Enable this engine in this OpenSim instance
Enabled = true
; How many threads to keep alive even if nothing is happening
MinThreads = 2
; How many threads to start at maximum load
MaxThreads = 100
; Time a thread must be idle (in seconds) before it dies
IdleTimeout = 60
; Thread priority ("Lowest", "BelowNormal", "Normal", "AboveNormal", "Highest")
Priority = "BelowNormal"
; Maximum number of events to queue for a script (excluding timers)
MaxScriptEventQueue = 300
; Stack size per thread created
ThreadStackSize = 262144
; Rate to poll for asynchronous command replies (ms)
; currently unused
;AsyncLLCommandLoopms = 50
; Save the source of all compiled scripts
WriteScriptSourceToDebugFile = false
; Default language for scripts
DefaultCompileLanguage = lsl
; List of allowed languages (lsl,vb,js,cs)
; AllowedCompilers=lsl,cs,js,vb.
; *warning*, non lsl languages have access to static methods such as System.IO.File. Enable at your own risk.
; Compile debug info (line numbers) into the script assemblies
CompileWithDebugInformation = true
; Allow the use of os* functions (some are dangerous)
AllowOSFunctions = false
; Threat level to allow, one of None, VeryLow, Low, Moderate, High, VeryHigh, Severe
OSFunctionThreatLevel = VeryLow
; Interval (s) between background save of script states
SaveInterval = 120
; Interval (s) between maintenance runs (0 = disable)
MaintenanceInterval = 10
; Time a script can spend in an event handler before it is interrupted
EventLimit = 30
; If a script overruns it's event limit, kill the script?
KillTimedOutScripts = false
; Sets the multiplier for the scripting delays
ScriptDelayFactor = 1.0
; The factor the 10 m distances llimits are multiplied by
ScriptDistanceLimitFactor = 1.0
; Maximum length of notecard line read
; Increasing this to large values potentially opens
; up the system to malicious scripters
; NotecardLineReadCharsMax = 255
; Sensor settings
SensorMaxRange = 96.0
SensorMaxResults = 16
; OS Functions enable/disable
; For each function, you can add one line, as shown
; The default for all functions allows them if below threat level
; true allows the use of the function unconditionally
; Allow_osSetRegionWaterHeight = true
; false disables the function completely
; Allow_osSetRegionWaterHeight = false
; Comma separated list of UUIDS allows the function for that list of UUIDS
; Allow_osSetRegionWaterHeight = 888760cb-a3cf-43ac-8ea4-8732fd3ee2bb
; Allow for llCreateLink and llBreakLink to work without asking for permission
; only enable this in a trusted environment otherwise you may be subject to hijacking
; AutomaticLinkPermission = false
; Disable underground movement of prims (default true); set to
; false to allow script controlled underground positioning of
; prims
; DisableUndergroundMovement = true
; These settings are used to return information on a get_grid_info call.
; Client launcher scripts and third-party clients make use of this to
; autoconfigure the client and to provide a nice user experience. If you
; want to facilitate that, you should configure the settings here according
; to your grid or standalone setup.
; See
; login uri: for grid this is the user server URI
login =
; long grid name: the long name of your grid
gridname = "the lost continent of hippo"
; short grid name: the short name of your grid
gridnick = "hippogrid"
; login page: optional: if it exists it will be used to tell the client to use
; this as splash page
; currently unused
;welcome =
; helper uri: optional: if it exists if will be used to tell the client to use
; this for all economy related things
; currently unused
;economy =
; web page of grid: optional: page providing further information about your grid
; currently unused
;about =
; account creation: optional: page providing further information about obtaining
; a user account on your grid
; currently unused
;register =
; help: optional: page providing further assistance for users of your grid
; currently unused
;help =
; password help: optional: page providing password assistance for users of your grid
; currently unused
;password =
;These are the settings for the Open Grid Protocol.. the Agent Domain, Region Domain, you know..
;On/true or Off/false
;Name Prefix/suffix when using OGP
; Enable concierge module
; Default is false
enabled = false
; name of the concierge
whoami = "jeeves"
; password for updating the welcome message templates via XmlRpc
password = SECRET
; regex specifying for which regions concierge service is desired; if
; empty, then for all
regions = "^MeetingSpace-"
; for each region that matches the regions regexp you can provide
; (optionally) a welcome template using format substitution:
; {0} is replaced with the name of the avatar entering the region
; {1} is replaced with the name of the region
; {2} is replaced with the name of the concierge (whoami variable above)
welcomes = /path/to/welcome/template/directory
; Concierge can send attendee lists to an event broker whenever an
; avatar enters or leaves a concierged region. the URL is subject
; to format substitution:
; {0} is replaced with the region's name
; {1} is replaced with the region's UUID
broker = "{1}"
; Enable this module to get notified once all items and scripts in the region have been completely loaded and compiled
; default is false
enabled = false
; Channel on which to signal region readiness through a message
; formatted as follows: "{server_startup|oar_file_load},{0|1},n,[oar error]"
; - the first field indicating whether this is an initial server startup
; - the second field is a number indicating whether the OAR file loaded ok (1 == ok, 0 == error)
; - the third field is a number indicating how many scripts failed to compile
; - "oar error" if supplied, provides the error message from the OAR load
channel_notify = -800
; Enables the Mini Region Modules Script Engine. WARNING: SECURITY RISK.
; default is false
Enabled = false
2009-06-14 22:00:08 +00:00
; Keep it false for now. Making it true requires the use of a special client in order to access inventory
safemode = false
; The VivoxVoice module will allow you to provide voice on your
; region(s). It uses the same voice technology as the LL grid and
; works with recent LL clients (we have tested, so
; anything later ought to be fine as well).
; For this to work you need to obtain an admin account from Vivox
; that allows you to create voice accounts and region channels.
enabled = false
; vivox voice server
vivox_server =
; vivox SIP URI
vivox_sip_uri =
; vivox admin user name
vivox_admin_user = DeepThroat
; vivox admin password
vivox_admin_password = VoiceG4te
; channel type: "channel" or "positional"
; - positional: spatial sound (default)
; - channel: normal "conference call", no spatial sound
;vivox_channel_type = positional
; channel characteristics (unless you know what you are doing, i'd
; leave them as they are --- now you WILL muck around with them,
; huh? sigh)
; channel distance model:
; 0 - no attenuation
; 1 - inverse distance attenuation
; 2 - linear attenuation (default)
; 3 - exponential attenuation
;vivox_channel_distance_model = 2
; channel mode:
; - "open" (default)
; - "lecture"
; - "presentation"
; - "auditorium"
;vivox_channel_mode = "open"
; channel roll off: rate of attenuation
; - a value between 1.0 and 4.0, default is 2.0
;vivox_channel_roll_off = 2.0
; channel max range: distance at which channel is silent
; - a value between 0 and 160, default is 80
;vivox_channel_max_range = 80
; channel clamping distance: distance before attenuation applies
; - a value between 0 and 160, default is 10
;vivox_channel_clamping_distance = 10
; In order for this to work you need a functioning freeswitch pbx set
; up. Configuration for that will be posted in the wiki soon.
enabled = false
;FreeSwitch server is going to contact us and ask us all
;sorts of things.
freeswitch_server_user = freeswitch
freeswitch_server_pass = password
freeswitch_api_prefix = /api
; this is the IP of your sim
freeswitch_service_server = ip.address.of.your.sim
;freeswitch_service_port = 80
; this should be the same port the region listens on
freeswitch_service_port = 9000
freeswitch_realm = ip.address.of.freeswitch.server
freeswitch_sip_proxy = ip.address.of.freeswitch.server:5060
freeswitch_attempt_stun = false
freeswitch_stun_server = ip.address.of.freeswitch.server
freeswitch_echo_server = ip.address.of.freeswitch.server
freeswitch_echo_port = 50505
freeswitch_well_known_ip = ip.address.of.freeswitch.server
;Type the address of your http server here, hostname is allowed. This is provided so you can specify a hostname
;This is used by client for account verification. By default, it's the same as the freeswitch service server.
;opensim_well_known_http_address = Address_Of_your_SIM_HTTP_Server_Hostname_Allowed
freeswitch_default_timeout = 5000
freeswitch_subscribe_retry = 120
; freeswitch_password_reset_url =
Enabled = false
2009-06-14 22:00:08 +00:00
; This is the current groups stub in Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Groups
Module = Default
; The PHP code for the server is available from the Flotsam project for you to deploy
2009-06-14 22:00:08 +00:00
; to your own server. The Flotsam project is located at
;Module = GroupsModule
; Enable Group Notices
;NoticesEnabled = true
; This makes the Groups modules very chatty on the console.
;DebugEnabled = true
; Specify which messaging module to use for groups messaging and if it's enabled
;MessagingModule = GroupsMessagingModule
;MessagingEnabled = true
; Service connector to Groups Service [Select One]
; XmlRpc Service Connector to the Flotsam XmlRpc Groups Service Implementation
;ServicesConnectorModule = XmlRpcGroupsServicesConnector
;XmlRpcServiceURL =
;XmlRpcServiceReadKey = 1234
;XmlRpcServiceWriteKey = 1234
; Disables HTTP Keep-Alive for XmlRpcGroupsServicesConnector HTTP Requests,
; this is a work around fora problem discovered on some Windows based region servers.
; Only disable keep alive if you see a large number (dozens) of the following Exceptions:
; System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The request was canceled.
2009-06-14 22:00:08 +00:00
; XmlRpcDisableKeepAlive = false
; Enables the experimental packet pool. Yes, we've been here before.
;RecyclePackets = true;
;RecycleDataBlocks = true;
; Resend packets markes as reliable until they are received
From: Alan Webb <> This change moves texture send processing out of the main packet processing loop and moves it to a timer based processing cycle. Texture packets are sent to the client consistently over time. The timer is discontinued whenever there are no textures to transmit. The behavior of the texture sending mechanism is controlled by three variables in the LLCLient section of the config file: [1] TextureRequestRate (mS) determines how many times per second texture send processing will occur. The default is 100mS. [2] TextureSendLimit determines how many different textures will be considered on each cycle. Textures are selected by priority. The old mechanism specified a value of 10 for this parameter and this is the default [3] TextureDataLimit determines how many packets will be sent for each of the selected textures. The old mechanism specified a value of 5, so this is the default. So the net effect is that TextureSendLimit*TextureDataLimit packets will be sent every TextureRequestRate mS. Once we have gotten a reasonable feeling for how these parameters affect overall processing, it would be nice to autonmically manage these values using information about the current status of the region and network. Note that this also resolves the pathologcal problem that previously existed which was that a seated avatar generated very few in-bound packets (theoretically) and would therefore be the least able to retrieve the images being displayed by a projector script.
2009-06-25 07:42:06 +00:00
;ReliableIsImportant = false
; Maximum number of times to resend packets marked reliable
From: Alan Webb <> This change moves texture send processing out of the main packet processing loop and moves it to a timer based processing cycle. Texture packets are sent to the client consistently over time. The timer is discontinued whenever there are no textures to transmit. The behavior of the texture sending mechanism is controlled by three variables in the LLCLient section of the config file: [1] TextureRequestRate (mS) determines how many times per second texture send processing will occur. The default is 100mS. [2] TextureSendLimit determines how many different textures will be considered on each cycle. Textures are selected by priority. The old mechanism specified a value of 10 for this parameter and this is the default [3] TextureDataLimit determines how many packets will be sent for each of the selected textures. The old mechanism specified a value of 5, so this is the default. So the net effect is that TextureSendLimit*TextureDataLimit packets will be sent every TextureRequestRate mS. Once we have gotten a reasonable feeling for how these parameters affect overall processing, it would be nice to autonmically manage these values using information about the current status of the region and network. Note that this also resolves the pathologcal problem that previously existed which was that a seated avatar generated very few in-bound packets (theoretically) and would therefore be the least able to retrieve the images being displayed by a projector script.
2009-06-25 07:42:06 +00:00
;MaxReliableResends = 3
2009-06-14 22:00:08 +00:00
; Configures how ObjectUpdates are compressed.
From: Alan Webb <> This change moves texture send processing out of the main packet processing loop and moves it to a timer based processing cycle. Texture packets are sent to the client consistently over time. The timer is discontinued whenever there are no textures to transmit. The behavior of the texture sending mechanism is controlled by three variables in the LLCLient section of the config file: [1] TextureRequestRate (mS) determines how many times per second texture send processing will occur. The default is 100mS. [2] TextureSendLimit determines how many different textures will be considered on each cycle. Textures are selected by priority. The old mechanism specified a value of 10 for this parameter and this is the default [3] TextureDataLimit determines how many packets will be sent for each of the selected textures. The old mechanism specified a value of 5, so this is the default. So the net effect is that TextureSendLimit*TextureDataLimit packets will be sent every TextureRequestRate mS. Once we have gotten a reasonable feeling for how these parameters affect overall processing, it would be nice to autonmically manage these values using information about the current status of the region and network. Note that this also resolves the pathologcal problem that previously existed which was that a seated avatar generated very few in-bound packets (theoretically) and would therefore be the least able to retrieve the images being displayed by a projector script.
2009-06-25 07:42:06 +00:00
2009-06-14 22:00:08 +00:00
;PacketMTU = 1400
From: Alan Webb <> This change moves texture send processing out of the main packet processing loop and moves it to a timer based processing cycle. Texture packets are sent to the client consistently over time. The timer is discontinued whenever there are no textures to transmit. The behavior of the texture sending mechanism is controlled by three variables in the LLCLient section of the config file: [1] TextureRequestRate (mS) determines how many times per second texture send processing will occur. The default is 100mS. [2] TextureSendLimit determines how many different textures will be considered on each cycle. Textures are selected by priority. The old mechanism specified a value of 10 for this parameter and this is the default [3] TextureDataLimit determines how many packets will be sent for each of the selected textures. The old mechanism specified a value of 5, so this is the default. So the net effect is that TextureSendLimit*TextureDataLimit packets will be sent every TextureRequestRate mS. Once we have gotten a reasonable feeling for how these parameters affect overall processing, it would be nice to autonmically manage these values using information about the current status of the region and network. Note that this also resolves the pathologcal problem that previously existed which was that a seated avatar generated very few in-bound packets (theoretically) and would therefore be the least able to retrieve the images being displayed by a projector script.
2009-06-25 07:42:06 +00:00
; TextureUpdateRate (mS) determines how many times per second
; texture send processing will occur. The default is 100mS.
;TextureRequestRate = 100
; TextureSendLimit determines how many different textures
; will be considered on each cycle. Textures are selected
; by priority. The old mechanism specified a value of 10 for
; this parameter.
;TextureSendLimit = 10
; TextureDataLimit determines how many packets will be sent for
; each of the selected textures. Default is 5.
;TextureDataLimit = 5
;; These are defaults that are overwritten below in [Architecture].
;; These defaults allow OpenSim to work out of the box with
;; zero configuration
StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"
DefaultAssetLoader = "OpenSim.Framework.AssetLoader.Filesystem.dll"
AssetLoaderArgs = "assets/AssetSets.xml"
;; The following is the configuration section for the new style services
2009-06-14 22:00:08 +00:00
; Choose exactly one and only one of the architectures below.
Include-Standalone = "config-include/Standalone.ini"
;Include-HGStandalone = "config-include/StandaloneHypergrid.ini"
;Include-Grid = "config-include/Grid.ini"
;Include-HGGrid = "config-include/GridHypergrid.ini"
; Then choose
; config-include/StandaloneCommon.ini.example (if you're in standlone) OR
; config-include/GridCommon.ini.example (if you're connected to a grid)
; Copy to your own .ini there (without .example extension) and edit it
; to customize your data