to mysql regions that should help on performance of some of the
selects. We should start capturing more data on performance bits
to figure out where else we are missing indexes and add them via
migrations as well.
* Implemented a hack so regions beyond the 10,000m range will show the map without having to click on the map before they'll start to show. The hack shows regions around the one you're in, but it won't show the one you're in.. you still need to click on the map to get that (not sure why yet). Additionally, the map still only shows pictures for regions that are hosted on the same instance (no change).
* Adding to a scene is now parameterized such that one can choose not to actually persist that group
* This is to support a use case where a module wants a scene which consists of both objects which are persisted, and ones which are just temporary for the lifetime of that server instance
* It isn't perfect since the blocks are square, however it's pretty good.
* Performance is also pretty good, however, if it takes too long for you, you can disable it in the OpenSim.ini
* You can see how long it takes in milliseconds on the console when it finishes.
[MAPIMAGE]: Your terrain is corrupted in region {0}, it might take a few minutes to generate the map image depending on the corruption level
And, I've also kept it from crashing...
* Please feel free to comment if the periodic logging is causing you problems in some way - I'm loathe to add yet another switch to OpenSim.ini but will if it proves necessary
* If we detected an illegal position (x, y outside region bounds or z < 0), then print out the illegal position and substitute an emergency <128, 128, 128> instead
* This is the GC.GetTotalMemory() method, which I'm guessing does not include memory used by the VM (hence the memory usage reported in top on linux would be much higher)
Currently LSL code such as below does not compile on OpenSim, but compiles fine in Second Life:
list mylist = [];
mylist += [1, 2, 3];
mylist += "four";
list newlist = mylist + 5.0;
The problem is that the LSL_Types.list class does not have an operator for adding a string to a list.
I am including a patch which implements adding a string, integer or float to a list.
I am also including tests. The file LSL_TypesTestList.cs belongs in
The attatched patch makes the changed() event fire properly and
lets scripts run properly.
NOTE: All existing state files must be deleted:
rm ScriptEngines/*/*.state
was incorrectly sending the command along with the args to the CommandDelegate
help was getting lost on top of normal help & help was getting missed except
in an exact match (and only returning the first)
Adds full implementation of all llDetected* functions for sensors,
collisions and touches. Adds changed(CHANGED_REGION_RESTART) event
to allow restarting of eye-candy functionality not currently
persisted with the prim.
I'm getting an unhandled exception in openxmlrpcchannel during simulator initialization.
I have two objects in different regions that open remote data channels in the state_entry event.
It appears that the state_entry call is executing before the postinitialize method is called in
xmlrpcmodule (the exception occurs because m_openChannels is not initialized).
the function that reports errors in event handling is not computing the
line numbers correctly for windows paths (and probably linux paths).
As a result, the conversion to int throws an exception.
note... i'm not sure why we extract the line number, convert it to an int,
then convert it back to a string... but hey... :-)
I have detected a bug of conversion data type in OpenSim.Data.MSSQL.MSSQLInventoryData.addInventoryItem(InventoryItemBase item)
in the GroupOwned field.
My sollution is to change the flield to bit in the table. In the
readInventoryItem(IDataReader reader) change too item.Flags =
(uint) reader["flags"]; to item.Flags = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["flags"]);
Now Inventory runs fine.
LSL scripts in which a float type is cast to a string or a string type
is cast to a float do not compile. When the script is translated from
LSL to C#, the LSL float type is translated into double. There is no
string <-> double cast in C#, so compilation fails.
There is a LSLFloat type, however it seems unfinished and is not used.
I am attaching a patch that implements the LSLFloat type. I have also
added two methods to the LSLString type to facilitate float <-> string casts.
* Unfortunately, there's some kludges with the Async manager and the llDetected functions that I have yet to decipher... so llDetected functions don't work with collision events at the moment....
having reached the intermediate level of .NET's XmlSudoku, i've
now figured out how to do deserialization using different
XmlSerializers (this stuff begins to grow on me, sigh).
[still not used code, work-in-progress]
* adding convenience property on OSHttpRequest.cs (from awebb)
llKey2Name fix to show avatar name instead of "Basic Entity"
One line fix. Replaces "presence.Name" =>
"presence.ControllingClient.Name" to return avatar's name.
This patch adds the prolog interperter helper object ONLY for YP code,
and not every script compiled.
Mirrors the other languages like JS and VB more closely.
having spent the last couple of days wrestling with .NET XmlSerializer
and trying to get it to do what is required by XMPP (RFC 3920 & 3921)
this is the preliminary result of that wrestling (you should see the
other guy!): XmppSerializer allows us to serialize Xmpp stanza (and
theoretically deserialize [or reify] them), XmppWriter helps avoiding
various gratuitous crap added in by off-the-shelf XmlSerializer.
this is currently not used anywhere but the plan is to use it for
at least an XMPPBridgeModule.
* Committing : 0001449: Patch implements X and Y Top Shear parameters for torus prim physical mesh generation (PATCH attached)
* The included patch implements the X and Y Top Shear parameter adjustments to the mesh generator for the torus prim physical mesh. These are approximations as I was unable to determine their exact function but they appear to generate meshes which quite closely duplicate their counterparts in the viewer.
* Thanks Dahlia!!!!
to every script in most environments). This will break prolog
support. Prolog code needs to generate it's template script more like
how javascript does.
* You'll need to start-up the MessageingServer and set it up. It sets up like any of the other grid servers.
* All user presence data is kept in memory for speed, while the agent is online. That means if you shutdown the messaging server or the messaging server crashes, it forgets who's online/offline.
* Occasionally the region-cache will get stale if regions move around a lot. if it gets stale, run clear-cache on the messaging server console to clear the region cache.
--------- From Dahlia! Thanks Dahlia!!!
the attached patch reinstates the default hollow shape of the physics mesh of the torus prim type and corrects the orientation of the effects of taper on the profile along the path.
* Friend status updates are still only local, so you still won't know before instant messaging someone if they're online.
* The server each user is on and the user server must be updated or the instant message won't get to the destination.
* Apparently this fixed a bug in my code that caused PushX to appear to work and pushX didn't appear to work after the patch.. so I fixed that after applying this patch and PushX actually works now.
* Right now, this only saves and reloads textures that have been applied to the entire prim (not ones which have been applied to individual faces).
* This is work in progress - it is currently experimental, hacky, inefficient, completely unsupported and liable to change rapidly at short notice :)
When you copy an item in inventory and paste it, the name gets lost.
Also when you use "Save as" in the Appearance Editing window the
created item in inventory has always the name "New <item-type>",
regardless of what you typed in as name.
I have added everything *except* the patch to
.../LSL/Compiler.cs. The Compiler.cs patch has a
namespace issue. Lets make a second patch to close
the gap.
* User tries to log-in but is already logged in. Userserver will send message to simulator user was in to log the user out there.
* From the UserServer, admin types 'logoff-user firstname lastname message'.
* Some regions may not get the message because they're not updated yet.
- volume doesn't change with a new llLoopSound(same sound, new volume);
- SendFullUpdateToClients sends 0's in all sound related fields when
there's no sound on the prim, thereby improving the amount of data being
sent out on these prims (fixes zeropack)
- Removed some code duplication between llStartSound, llLoopSound and llParticleSystem() calls
noticed that Scene.Close() will only call Close on non-shared region
modules. i've now added code to SceneManager.Close() to collect all
shared region module from each scene before calling Scene.Close()
on it and then, once, all Scenes are closed, go through the list of
collected shared region modules and close them as well. SceneManager.Close()
is only called when we initiate a shutdown --- i've verified that a
Scene restart does not trigger the shutdown of shared modules :-)
also, this adds a couple of bug fixes to the IRCBridgeModule (which
after all didn't take kindly to being closed) as well as a check to
InterregionModule's Close() call.
finally, this fixes the RestPlugin's XmlWriter so that it no longer
includes the "xsd=..." and "xsi=..." junk.
* Added a Non-finite avatar position reset. This will either handle the <0,0,0> avatar gracefully, or send the avatar to 127,127,127 if that also doesn't work. ( I've only been able to reproduce this error once on my development workstation )
* Looks up UUIDNames for script time and colliders in a separate thread.
* Hopefully this'll allow you to look at top scripts on a region that has a lot of scripts without crashing your client thread.
* Some situations do not match the client's render of the tori, we know and are working on it. This is an initial support patch, so expect it to not be exact.
* Some tapers are acting slightly odd. Will fix.
There appears to be a problem with the mapping of scripts when an llHTTPRequest completes.
CheckHttpRequests() looks for a function that maps to the localID associated with the http
request. However, the only context in which it looks is that of the first region. That is,
m_CmdManager.m_ScriptEngine.m_ScriptManager is the same no matter where the script executed
that initiated the llHTTPRequest. Since scripts appear to be loaded into a region specific
scriptmanager on startup, the event handler is only found for requests coming from the first region.
* Linden uses a neutral height channel of 128.0 on their multiplier. OpenSim was using a neutral of 127.0 - this has been changed to 128.0, this may cause files exported to the .RAW format to look slightly different when loaded back in - it is highly recommended to use the R32 format instead which avoids these sorts of issues.
* Made a tweak to the Terrain Plugin loading process.
Attached is an initial implementation of llGetNotecardLine and
llGetNumberOfNotecardLines. I decided to go ahead an send these out for
comment while I continue to work on the second part of the proper
implementation. These functions work and return the values requested, as
initially defined in the code, but should be properly implemented to return
the requested information via a dataserver event. This
event will be added and these functions fixed and included in a second
patch shortly.
llLoopSound sends out one packet to clients in view, so it doesn't work anymore
when clients enter later on, or the prim is modified in any way.
Solution: Stored sound data on prim, send full update instead.
llStartSound and llLoopSound now accept both LLUUIDs to a sound as well as object
inventory sound names. llStopSound clears prim data and sends full update.
* It's verbose currently since this is new. You'll see: [CLIENT]: Warning Duplicate packet detected X Dropping. After this is sufficiently tested we'll remove that line.
If a script updates an object to the same position or rotation offset,
the object triggers an update and storage of the object. This become
more prevalent in sensor and timer events which may be firing frequently.
This patch proposes a new function : osOpenRemoteDataChannel(key channeID)
that allow to open an XMLRPC channel for remote_data event. The difference
is that the channelID can be customized instead of being randomly generated.
If a request is made for an asset which is not in the cache yet,
but has already been requested by something else, queue up the
callbacks on that requester instead of swamping the asset server
with multiple requests for the same asset.
replaced by EventManager events.
also, i've added instructions to README.txt about running and on how to report bugs.
plus some minor fixes (dropping m_log statement left over
from debugging llOwnerSay, nicer catch of exception in
a clean interface for Sim broadcasts. Added SimBroadcast support to
Removing all code from IRCBridgeModule dealing with agent/client directly.
Cleaning up ChatModule.
Polishing IRC messages, adding support for "/me" (both directions).